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Ours passed early March after having one taken at 40 days. We just closed on it last week. Went really fast. Price was a little high but factoring in 2019 points it was similar total cost as the one they took so go figure. ‍:confused3 Didn’t realize direct waitlist is closed. Guess that’s because Riviera sales opened...

DvcMomof2---$142-$22949-150-BCV-Feb-0/18, 150/19, 150/20- sent 2/28, passed 3/12

Sorry to hear they took that one. That was a great price!!!
Good luck on the next one! Some are getting through!

Thanks and congrats on your pass!!!! So glad you got yours through! Hoping our third try will be good luck....details coming soon.

Sorry it was taken. Good luck with the next one! I can't believe it's time for a new thread already!

Thank you!

Booooo.. Good luck with take 3! Maybe you can celebrate that one passing with us poolside this September

Thanks!! That sounds great!!!!
So in case anyone is wondering how your odds look once you reach that 30+ day wait point... I grabbed some data from page 1 and did a quick analysis.

I only grabbed a few of the higher volume resorts (AKV, BLT, BWV, SSR) for this.

For those resorts, Disney took more than 30 days to make a decision 34 times.

25 of those contracts were taken. Only 9 passed.

So once you hit day 30, you're barely above a 25% pass rate. The odds are stacked against you, but it could be worse!

The most common day to pass in this range was Day 34. The most common day to be taken was day 36 (and one outlier taken on day 45! ouch).

Just to add another note that was somewhat interesting.

The most common day to pass, BY FAR, was day 27. Day 27 saw 15 passes, Day 28 saw 8, and Day 29 saw 6. No other day had more than 5 (Day 8 and 9 had 5 passes each).

So when you find yourself biting your fingernails while waiting, just remember to bite them extra hard between Days 27-29! That's when about 36% of the passes take place. And as we saw in the previous post, your odds dip dramatically once Day 30 comes and goes.

Thanks for analyzing the data and sharing!

32 days was our unlucky number...2 out of 2 taken on our 32nd day in ROFR. Optimistic that we will get good news on the next one before day 32!

Best of look with yours, too!! Looks like you found some nice contracts!
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Just got notified this morning Disney took the contract we were waiting on, OKW Dec uy, 150pts for90$. Not sure how many days, I'd have to look back, but our offer was accepted last week of Jan. Back on the hunt. Nice thing is we don't need the points but wanted to add to our current points anticipating retirement at the end of the year.
Just got notified this morning Disney took the contract we were waiting on, OKW Dec uy, 150pts for90$. Not sure how many days, I'd have to look back, but our offer was accepted last week of Jan. Back on the hunt. Nice thing is we don't need the points but wanted to add to our current points anticipating retirement at the end of the year.
Last week of January? Yikes! I'm glad you weren't sweating it out for all that time.
Day 35. I just emailed my broker. I know there's nothing she can really do but I just felt like I needed to do something.
Day 35. I just emailed my broker. I know there's nothing she can really do but I just felt like I needed to do something.

I felt the same and did the same too! I’m 36 days in, starting to lose it a little too! :crazy:
Day 35. I just emailed my broker. I know there's nothing she can really do but I just felt like I needed to do something.
My broker would probably be feeling a lot less annoyed by me if he ever actually followed up.

The two times I've reached out, he's said "I'll check with the contracts department and get back to you" and then it's total radio silence from there. What does he expect me to do when he's promised me something and not delivered it, just kick back and not follow up? His poor communication starts making me feel like maybe they HAVE just dropped the ball in some way.
My broker would probably be feeling a lot less annoyed by me if he ever actually followed up.

The two times I've reached out, he's said "I'll check with the contracts department and get back to you" and then it's total radio silence from there. What does he expect me to do when he's promised me something and not delivered it, just kick back and not follow up? His poor communication starts making me feel like maybe they HAVE just dropped the ball in some way.

Could I enquire as to which broker you’re using please?

I’ll ensure to avoid those then!

You're really only hurting yourself by limiting the resale brokers you work with. Besides, when your contract is caught up in the ROFR process, there really is nothing your broker can do to make the process go faster, let alone help or hurt your chances at a deal in any way. I wouldn't let a single anecdote limit your options.

Sorry to hear this. We also are using Fidelity, and have the same experience. Apparently this is normal for them. Everything is very slow, and minimal communication. It took a week to get my contract submitted to Disney for ROFR, and I kept following up with no response or very cryptic responses. We passed ROFR 2 weeks ago today, and I'm still waiting for closing documents. I was essentially told not to even follow up on the status of my closing documents until it's pas the three week mark from passing ROFR. I just keep having to remind myself that the cheap price of the contract is definitely worth this headache in the end. We have worked with 2 other brokers over the years, and never had anything close to this type of experience. Fidelity definitely tests the patience. Do you have the name of the person in contracts that is handling your contract? If not I can give you the person in contracts that I contacted about mine, to see when mine would be sent for ROFR. Maybe they will also be the ones receiving the information on pass/take.

Good luck to you, I'm here with you!
Those of you who are waiting for Fidelity/First American Title to send closing documents or to return your messages, don't hold your breath :mad: It took 7 WEEKS for me to get my closing documents and my e-mails were for the most part ignored :furious:
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