Rise of the Resistance BOARDING GROUPS Superthread Part 1 *No Ride Spoilers Please* *PLEASE READ POSTS 1-4*

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With regards to the parties, you need to make sure that you have everyone in your party linked to a single account ahead of time. I think you should also ensure that everyone in the party has passed through the gates. I'm not sure what happens if someone in your party hasn't entered the park, but even a slight delay could hurt.
From prior posts, I think it will work the same as if trying to secure a FP for someone not scanned in - it would delay the process to remove the person not yet scanned in as a message comes up something like not everyone in the party has entered the park. The pause to remove the person before being able to join a BG might make the difference between getting a BG or not.
Due to the fact that i think ill only have wi-fi when i get to DL (im coming over from Australia next week) i have asked my brother to log into my DL app and try to help me get a boarding group when its my day - lol it will be 3am in the morning for him in Sydney time when its 8am in Anaheim - i wonder if it will work? At least he will be far away from the crowds at the park and using a different cell network lol :)
Due to the fact that i think ill only have wi-fi when i get to DL (im coming over from Australia next week) i have asked my brother to log into my DL app and try to help me get a boarding group when its my day - lol it will be 3am in the morning for him in Sydney time when its 8am in Anaheim - i wonder if it will work? At least he will be far away from the crowds at the park and using a different cell network lol :)

Im still wondering how much of an issue we will have next week. If you look at WDW on the less crowded days it can take up to an hour to sell out. The last 3 days has basically been comparing it to the worst it can be. If today sells out in 2 minutes then we have to worry. If it takes 5-10 minutes than it shouldn't be to big of an issue next week.
Today is 'magic morning' my understanding is the boarding groups will still not open up until 9 when the park opens. Am i correct? If this is the case sounds like magic mornings might be an easier way to get in with less waiting and lines.
Today is 'magic morning' my understanding is the boarding groups will still not open up until 9 when the park opens. Am i correct? If this is the case sounds like magic mornings might be an easier way to get in with less waiting and lines.
Yes, boarding groups will start at 9. It was like that Saturday with MM/EMH.
we were given two hours yesterday (bg 35) and went over right when we got called. We ended up having to wait for the other half of our group to go (rider swap) because of a fairly long two hour or so breakdown.
Heading to DL mon-fri next week. Coming from canada so will just be running off 4G our carrier here uses ATT down there im not fusing with the wifi. It will be me and my 5 year old trying for BG. Gonna try 1st day to see how it goes. We have 4 mornings to try so best to try and get it out of the way then can relax rest of the trip.

We purposly picked this week to go as it has historically showed the lowest crowds.
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So explain the exact process to me so i dont have to read 100 pages lol.

App open to (find out more)
Then click on that right at 8:00
Then (My status) or (join boarding group) which one will turn red?
Do you then select party of 2? (thats my case is just 2 of us) I will have my girls ticket linked into my account as she is under 5.
I'm curious to see how fast the BG are gone today. I might squeeze a trip next Tuesday with oldest son if we have a better shot at it than we did this weekend.
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