research paper


Earning My Ears
Sep 7, 2007
My email was read on today's email show asking what the Pod Squad thought Walt would be most proud of or disappointed about his company.

For another section of my paper I was hoping to get some comments about what Walt Disney World means to you.
it a way it is a sense of community, between the people that get it, you don't have to explain a lot and can strike up a conversation about most anything with the people that get it.

it is the sense of whimsy. for Walt it was never about the cost to make something better, it was just about making it better... and a better product attracts people no matter what.

and it is about parades and ice cream... very difficult to be upset or unhappy watching a parade with ice cream.
My email was read on today's email show asking what the Pod Squad thought Walt would be most proud of or disappointed about his company.

For another section of my paper I was hoping to get some comments about what Walt Disney World means to you.

Wanna know something funny? I'm actually writing my Sr. Paper in Psychology on vacations and their roll in reducing stress and improving the general well-being of students, professionals, and even cancer patients.

I'm so excited, in 3 weeks I'm finally going to graduate after 9 years out of high school! (I took time off when my second child was born.) I could not figure out what to do it on and I've been so stressed and the main thing that has given me relief is Disney and vacation planning... So, there's my divine inspiration, the DIS and the podcast crew! lol.
For me Disney World is my disconnect from reality (although my reality really isn't bad). It is the freedom to wear a Minnie ears headband for a week straight, to be a kid again (just like those Orlando ads that run constantly lately), to indulge the kids and ourselves in a clean, bright, happy environment away from the woes of the outside world, and it is nostalgia (my DD4 wears my 30-something year old WDW T shirt as PJs now. Maybe her daughter will do the same some day?)

I live for vacations of any type, but WDW is our favorite destination.
For me Disney World is my disconnect from reality (although my reality really isn't bad). It is the freedom to wear a Minnie ears headband for a week straight, to be a kid again (just like those Orlando ads that run constantly lately), to indulge the kids and ourselves in a clean, bright, happy environment away from the woes of the outside world, and it is nostalgia (my DD4 wears my 30-something year old WDW T shirt as PJs now. Maybe her daughter will do the same some day?)

I live for vacations of any type, but WDW is our favorite destination.

I LOVE those commercials! It's exactly why Walt created the parks! So parents could play WITH their kids, not just watch them! It's a great bonding time with the kids and when DH and I get to go without the kids, the playtime is great bonding for us!
I'll also throw in, I don't think Walt would be as budget conscious... he would ahve built the monorail system... cost prohibitive yeah, but wasn't draining a lake and moving millions of tons of dirt cost prohibitive too? I don't think he would have a sense of "we have to build it because the competition is building it" if you build a superior product, people will come.
I've tried a bunch of times to put into words what a trip to Disney means to me, but I don't think I've ever quite got it, but I'll try again.

As soon as I'm on Disney property it seems like something just literally lifts my stress away. It's almost like a entering a different alternate universe. I love getting out of the car and having someone say "Welcome Home." (I usually stay at Old Key West) but entering a park, especially MK, just about takes my breath away. Every. time. I have to stop and just look and pinch myself. I'm really here. I'm really here. I experience pure joy at being in the parks. I revel in the details. The sparkling sidewalks in Epcot, the incredible landscaping and flowers, the Street Performers at DHS, the hidden Mickeys, CM's squeeging off the sidewalks, benches and even the tops of trashcans after a rainstorm! The detailing of even the dust in HM and TOT, it all amazes me. I love their "Where Magic Lives" theme, because I believe it's really true. :goodvibes
I think Walt has so many quotes that hit home with me but I think the one that gets me most is

"Crowded classrooms and half-day sessions are a tragic waste of our greatest national resource - the minds of our children. "

I have to say after hearing this from my father when I was a young child I have believed I can do anything! this always helps me when I am feeling down

some extra quotes for ya
I've been a Disney fan since as long as I can remember. I always looked forward to Sunday evenings to watch Walt introduce another Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color. I think I was 9 our first trip to Disneyland. It was incredible. There were so many really cool things to see and do. We went to Disneyland again when I was 12 and I went alone as a side trip on a business trip to LA when I was 22. I wasn't able to make my first trip to WDW until I was 38 and had 3 kids. Walt Disney World does an incredible job of keeping so many of those early memories alive, yet adds new and innovative attractions to keep you yearning for more. Just like the TV show years ago when you could lose yourself for an hour in Walt's world, the parks have the same ability to keep your inner child alive. It's also a wonderful place to go with your own kids to see the wonderment in their eyes on every trip.
Walking under the train station at either Disneyland or The Magic Kingdom is like stepping through a magic mirror that envelopes me in the "Magic". It is a feeling that only Disney can provide.:cloud9:
anyone else? Having a lot of testimonals to choose from would be fantastic! :)

Walt Disney World is my Hakuna Matata. Me and my family went down there for the first time in Dec 2003. I was only exposed to the Jersey Theme Park i.e. Great Adventures, and Dorney Park. What I witnessed when I first went thru the gates of the Magic Kingdom on that Monday was Jaw Dropping. I mean I just felt so warm inside. I really gave the WOW Look. Then what got me the most was during WISHES.....Oh my lord. I was holding my son so that he would have a better view of the fireworks since it was pretty crowded. He was just in awh.......oh you heard was wow....come out of his mouth.........he was 2 at the time and does not remember that trip but for me just the fact that I know he experienced it made me feel like a great father. I mean he lost his connection with it because we went again in may 04 and he still remember but then we did not go again until just this past year. We live in Kearny NJ and we were driving by the Cathedral in Newark one day shortly after our 2003 trip and my son looked at the cathedral and said....look Mickey. It just took me right back to that moment when I was holding him and heard his reactions to WISHES for the first time. WALT DISNEY WORLD is ONE MAN'S DREAM WORLD........and we are just people living his DREAM.
I think the prevailing theme is that Disney is an escape from "reality", whatever that reality may be - even if it is generally good. That is definitely what it is for me. The minute we drive onto Disney property something in me eases and yet I get excited at the same time. I am so happy to be able to let go and feed my inner child. Until I get there I don't realize how much effort I put into making sure my best face is forward to the world and how much my coworkers drive me nuts! Finally I don't have to pretend to care about anyone elses problems or issues; I can do whatever I want whenever I want and just please myself.

Disney to me represents freedom of self. I need that to recharge my batteries so I can make it through the next year. I don't go with children (though I would love the opportunity) so I can just become an anonymous part of the crowd with no demands, no responsibilities and the most I have to worry about is making my FP window.


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