RE: Carousel of Progress – a crazy idea …


Earning My Ears
Aug 27, 1999
I had a crazy idea about Carousel of Progress on my way to work this morning. Before I detail it, let me give you a brief background:

I am probably in the majority on this board in that I truly love Carousel of Progress. I laugh at the corny jokes and sign along as we move from scene to scene. In the past couple of years, I’ve gotten my wife, my brother and his girlfriend, and many other friends to join me in the chorus. I’ve often looked forward to enjoying this attraction with my future children – I think it paints an image of such hope, such wonder, that it’s just not to be missed.

I, like everyone else here, have been quite upset by the recent cutbacks at WDW. Of all of them, however, I think the closing of the Carousel of Progress is one that bothers me most. Although there are some here that won’t miss this attraction as much as myself, I think we all agree that the closing of this ride in the first weeks of the heavily marketed yearlong celebration of Walt’s 100th birthday is simply a slap in Walt's face.

Most of us realize that e-mail, letters, and even phone calls are most often met with canned responses and petitions are generally ignored. We need to approach this in an innovative manner. This brings me to my idea: Let’s all go out and buy Birthday cards for Walt - and leave them on the steps of the Carousel of Progress. I think this would really show our love for Disney, but our displeasure at the current state of things. We could each enclose some sort of form letter that first praises Disney for the wonderful memories they have given all of us, but finishes by expressing our disappointment the most recent budget cuts. On this letter, we could have a Web address (I’d be happy to set up a site) that explains what we’re doing and why we’re doing it (we could even link to a petition). I could even setup a guest book type thing where you could upload scanns of the card you’re leaving and/or a picture of it sitting on the steps. This way if most cards get tossed out, even if a couple make it to the desks of some of the executives, they’ll be able to see the support.

Perhaps people who can’t get there on their own could send cards to some of the locals (I’m close, but still a few hours away) and they could take them to the steps for them. Additionally, we could all sign our cards indicating our status with the resort (2nd year Seasonal Pass Holders for my wife and I)

These are just some rough ideas I had this morning. If there’s any interest, I’d be happy to put together the site I mentioned above. Maybe others have some ideas and could really take this thing and run with it. Just let me know if I can be of any help.

Jason Poirrier
But how would you keep Disney from picking them up and tossing them? I can see it now, we leave cards and a CM comes by with his or her broom once in a while.

Interesting idea though and reminds of me of when I and another person were discussing the feasibility of chaining ourselves to Horizons when it was under the gun. Disney probably would have dusted us off and tore up everything behind us. :rolleyes:
Jason...that is such a cool idea! I'm just not sure they'd be happy to see envelopes sitting there for them to open in light of all the awful things going on right now with the mail...
Waaaaaaaaaaaah!!! NO CofP!!! Makes me want to cry!

I was just there last week with my DH and 5yo DS. We all loved the Carousel of Progress. My son had alot of great questions about it when we got off the ride. It may be corney, but it showed my son a bit of the past and let's you dream about the future. I can't make it down there again, but if someone wants a birthday card from me, just let me know who to send it to.
You could make the idea work...

I think that first it needs to be a one day event...December 5...think of what a mass of cards on December 5 there...we could even set a time. then it would be just too much for anyone to clean up right away. Just a thought
...since it's not only Walt's birthday but also the date of the big "Press Event" at the Disney-MGM Studios Theme Park!! With all the media types gathered at WDW then, perhaps a big demonstration at Carousel of Progress would attract the attention of some of the "News" types!!

We fans of Carousel of Progress must do SOMETHING to prevent this travesty!!! Let's plan a big BLOW-OUT on December 5!! It will be best if done early in the day so that the media will be able to drop by for a look. Of course, someone will also have to tip them off that it's going down...

Although I enjoy the tradition of COP and saw it in the NY World's Fair it is dated and the motors are reported to be on the verge of failing. Given the present state of Disney's buget I don't think it really makes a lot of sense to spend limited resources on COP.
Cop is something of the past and today.. it was one fo the best though not very much attended by the audience.Personally, i loved it when it changes scenes and " There's a great big beautiful tommorrow" came on.It should come back because it is a classic.
1. Skyway
2. Timekeeper
3. COP

3 Tomm. attractions that are gone now.. :mad:
The Carousel of Progress is a piece of history. It should be kept if for those reasons alone. Should we tear down the Golden Gate Bridge because its a bit out dated and if we built a new one with todays technology it would be cheaper to upkeep? You know, those houses in Savannah, GA...they are so outdated, why pump money into some old house? Jeeze, that Statue of Liberty is sucking up some money, I mean to keep the rust cleaned and all...and there is not even an elevator, you have to use the stairs. I say we save the money and instead open a merchandise shop. Then we could make money on that same plot of land.

CoP represents a major point in the history of the WDCompany, and was instrumental in pointing the theme parks in the direction that they took. Do a little research into the GE Progressland Pavillion from the 1964 Worlds Fair! Then decide if you could let something so wonderful, that we CAN save go to the waste because the company can't be bothered with it.

I say we return it to its original show...have it declared a national monument, then they CAN'T touch it! It would have to stay forever. Amen. Have I gone too far?


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