Rack Up Your Posts With Random Stuff

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No chart thing yet so I'll just post it here for later...

Sunday: Awake all day.

Monday: Awake 12AM-1:15AM

Asleep 1:15AM-5PM

Awake 5PM-next day 4:30PM

1:13AM and 4:57PM...lol rounding...I don't remember anything after that. It's Wednesday right?


Asleep 4:30PM-8PM

Awake 8PM-8:30PM

Asleep 8:30PM-9PM

Awake 9PM-9:05PM Lol.

Asleep 9:05PM-11:30PM

Awake 11:30PM-next day 1:30AM


Asleep 1:30AM-2:30AM

Awake 2:30AM-2:35AM

Asleep 2:35AM-4:30AM

Awake 4:30AM-4:35AM

Asleep 4:35AM-7:30AM

Awake 7:30AM-7:35AM

Asleep 7:35AM-10AM

Awake 10AM-now

It's 11:36AM...I probably kept waking up since I went to bed right after waking up...
I usually go back to bed like I did on Tuesday if I want to be awake during the day...like today. Fall Ball with cousins! I found out at like 1:30AM then I couldn't sleep lol.
Heyyaaaa. Nothing much. Majorely excited for the next few months coming up. Disney in 18 days. Jonas brothers in november. And Fil is coming before x-mas :p How's things going with you?

awesommee :O
oh nothing really.
studying for french test tommorow.
and basically im screwed because spelling counts.
that's your sister, right? everytime you mention her i keep thinking it's me ahah xD

Yup. She went on it and changed the password & secret answer. If there are any more updates on it, then I know it's her who's still using it... It was updated a day ago with a recent picture of her & Mitzi (and a swear which is why I told her about it)

She wasn't worried, which is why I don't think someone's using it. I know i'd be freaked if someone was using an old email address of mine, even going so far as to putting recent pictures on it!
Yup. She went on it and changed the password & secret answer. If there are any more updates on it, then I know it's her who's still using it... It was updated a day ago with a recent picture of her & Mitzi (and a swear which is why I told her about it)

She wasn't worried, which is why I don't think someone's using it. I know i'd be freaked if someone was using an old email address of mine, even going so far as to putting recent pictures on it!
yeah, i'd be worried to ahah
Some old guy just asked skibar "have I seen you before?" his response- "well, I was on an episode of To Catch A Predator once"

:faint: I love The Bled. I think that's their drummer...he gave me a shirt for free!
Looking at the Disney Look. The hairstyle for guys part confused me... Hair shouldn't be tucked behind the ear? I don't get it...
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