Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

@dazedx3 I understand your feelings. I am glad you find a group helps you. I still go to my therapist. There really aren't many grief groups in my area. The ones around here are usually attached with a church or a therapist with a charge to go. Also I really don't see myself talking in a group of people. I do look at some widow blogs online. I am not a group person. Is the trip to Panama a cruise or land trip?

Judique Your trip planning skills are awesome. I know with DVC it is alot of strategy in using points. I have stayed at both Port Orleans resorts. French Quarter is my favorite. Chris and I and the kids stayed there many times.

Ethan's party was a success. Once the kids got into the truck with the video games we did not see most of them for 2 hours. I went into the truck once and it was so quiet. They were all concentrating on the games. Then they came into the house for cake and it was pandemonium. Alot of parents stayed. I think they consider it a social time for them too.

Today I am going back to the condo to work a bit and get ready for year end. I want to hit the ground running on Tuesday. Kenny is taking the kids to the Museum of Science. I am just not up to going today. Also it will be good for Kenny to have a guys day with the kids. I am sad and feeling out of sorts today. I really miss Chris and these holidays have been the hardest so far. All the changes in my life have been hard and have been so life altering that sometimes I don't even recognize me or my life. I drive around the area I live in now and ask Chris, How did I get here and why am I living here. I never thought I would leave the area we lived in but I know it was what I had to do for now. I do see going back in a few years as I want to spend my final years where Chris and I lived. I will be spending New Year's Eve and day with Kenny and the kids. It will probably be my last time doing so as his GF will be here from now on. I am sure there will not be any more overnights with Kenny and the kids. The whole GF scenario has me baffled and concerned.

Have a good Sunday.

Girlfriends come and go. This one is the rebound or maybe inbetween? If you are not feeling it (welcome, warm, wanting to get to know her) just give it some more time. She's got a lot to live up to right now and the old wife is the one who decided to leave? Your son needs someone and he's probably in flux, no matter how well it seems they are getting on. If she turns out to be the 'right' person for your son, you'll probably feel better about this.

And, you've got so much on your plate, it's difficult to deal with a newer person in the middle of your family no matter whether it works through or not.
Hi all! Tom is doing well, and we have no plans for tonight. We will put Gus in the kennel because people in the neighborhood often set off fireworks and firecrackers at midnight. Our tradition has been to be at WDW for NYE, so, we only know about the noise because of the Covid years ‘20, ‘21, when we stayed home. Gus was a mess in ‘20 with the noise.

The family that rented our Theme Park view studio are happy with the view and sent me a picture of the grandad who is in the studio with the two grandchildren.

I spend yesterday late afternoon/early evening in ER where a CT scan showed that I have had another small stroke in the last three years. It could be a reason why I have been lightheaded/dizzy over a long stretch of time. I need to have an open MRI soon to learn if there’s anything that can be done to prevent more. The local hospital doesn’t have an open MRI.

I am hoping in 2024 I can get some help and understanding of the health problems I have. I am grateful that Tom is with me, because I don’t think I could manage living alone.
Poor Gus! My animals don't like the noise either but even though we have neighbors that feel the need to make noise on these holidays, somehow I don't get as much bang inside as outside.

Hugs for all the medical. I have the lightheaded/dizzy also and have for a long time. Sometimes is better than others, but yesterday I told DD I couldn't do the driving (very close by but felt unsafe) for an errand and she went. Today I feel great.
@Judique , thank you for sharing your dizzying experiences! The good thing I got out of yesterday in the ER is that it’s not coming from my heart.
Mine is more than likely a sinus issue. Usually I take a Zyrtec and I probably didn't yesterday. (just took my pill box out to take todays and saw I hadn't filled the spots with everything yet, so that was probably it. I have a chronic sinus issue.

Off to make sure I have all the meds correctly in their spots and ready to go!
Happy New Years Eve Day!

Good morning. Welcome to the last day of the year. Just like the last 4 Sundays, it's gray and cloudy and they are predicting rain.

My newest cat decided to start undecorating the tree again this morning, so I broke yet another tradition. I always take my tree down on New Year's Day , while watching the Rose Parade. I'm tired of picking up ornaments, so I took the garland and ornaments off and put them all back in their containers. I folded the tree skirt and put everything in a big clear tote. I'll leave the tree up until tomorrow, just so I can still enjoy the lights tonight. I'll take it down tomorrow, along with all of the outside decorations and the lights. This is been such a strange holiday season.

I'm going make a small finger food buffet for myself again tonight, at least I'm keeping one tradition. Devilled eggs, garlic bologna, shrimp, egg rolls, mozzarella sticks, and if I feel like it TGIF loaded potato skins. I'm not sure if I'm cooking the ham I got a couple of weeks ago tomorrow or ribs. Usually it's pork and sauerkraut, but I don't want to cook that for just me.

I hope everyone finds a new memory to make for the last day of the year. Hugs to all

Sorry to hear of health issues and worries. Bobbi, I’m happy to do some medical research for you if I can help.

I went out yesterday for my haircut and we ran some errands afterward. A couple of times I had to stay in the car as I was just too exhausted to go in, which really sucks. (I think it’s post-Covid fatigue.) I had a little more energy when I got home and we straightened out a little, vacuumed, did laundry, fed the dogs, etc. My sleep is off, too, which doesn’t help. Nor does the grayness and cold and rain for the past few days. We’ll see how today goes. So far it’s seeming like a bit of a lazy day. I haven’t even had coffee yet.

Oh, I did manage to go into one second hand store which we like to browse, and I found a commemorative plate from Diana and Charles’ wedding for just $3, which sort of made my day. (Big Diana fan.) I put it on display at home next to my Queen Elizabeth II commemorative plate which I bought last year after she passed. (She and my mother were the same age/era, Mom was a few months older. But their hair and dress styles were similar - no crown jewels for Mom but everyday clothes, lol. I enjoy watching film of the queen during the war years as that was such a significant time for them and although I’ve heard many stories about those days from Mom, I have very few if any pictures of her from then - I have more of Dad from the Army.)

Last night we watched some more shows about the royal family and their castles which we had started last week (and have watched before, but we are newly subscribed to a different BBC channel that has some good ones), then we ended with watching the movie The Madness of King George, as we’d figured out from some of the other shows what he probably had in today’s terms of illnesses. We enjoyed it. We’d eaten out for lunch and weren’t too hungry for dinner so we just had some tortilla chips with mango salsa in the evening. We’re going to watch some more tonight that DH fell asleep during the other night. And DH will be making the Greek Lemon Chicken with roasted potatoes and string beans, which has become a favorite. We were craving a turkey dinner but it seemed like too much work. (DH had been sick, too, and is also fatigued. Ugh.) We’ll probably have the shrimp for lunch today as we have to use it up.

DD had a ‘breakfast‘ first date this morning. The guy she went out with had originally suggested drinks, but seemed relieved when she said she really doesn’t drink and didn’t want to drive after drinking, etc., and he said he doesn’t either, but it seems like that’s what people usually do. I’m amazed at how different dating is today than it was in our day. I think the online format has both pros and cons. It’s kind of funny how many people she knows on the dating app she’s using. So far there are several people who have liked her profile who she’s not interested in dating (including a previous boyfriend), and one person she’d like to date who didn’t like her back (despite her just seeing him at a Christmas party and his running over to talk to her, etc.). So weird! I would love for her to just meet someone the old fashioned way. That generation doesn’t seem to talk to people as much, they’re more comfortable with social media. I mean, she talks to people, she’s a nurse! But making small talk in a social setting is sort of difficult for them.

I can’t remember if I told you she had a date with a different guy a week or so ago and he pulled out his phone about ten times during their meal and would barely make eye contact. Also showed up on a bicycle because he didn’t have a car! (She was looking for him in a car and didn’t realize he’d pulled up on a bike! :lmao:) He wanted to go out again but she didn’t. He seemed sort of surprised. As I said, weird!

DS is working at the hospital tonight, I’m sure it will be hopping and crazy in the ER! He left late last night because so many people were sundowning he had to stay to help get them settled. Just praying he stays safe. 🙏

Enjoy this Sunday, and Happy New Year, everyone! 🐥 ❤️
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Hi all! Tom is doing well, and we have no plans for tonight. We will put Gus in the kennel because people in the neighborhood often set off fireworks and firecrackers at midnight. Our tradition has been to be at WDW for NYE, so, we only know about the noise because of the Covid years ‘20, ‘21, when we stayed home. Gus was a mess in ‘20 with the noise.

The family that rented our Theme Park view studio are happy with the view and sent me a picture of the grandad who is in the studio with the two grandchildren.

I spend yesterday late afternoon/early evening in ER where a CT scan showed that I have had another small stroke in the last three years. It could be a reason why I have been lightheaded/dizzy over a long stretch of time. I need to have an open MRI soon to learn if there’s anything that can be done to prevent more. The local hospital doesn’t have an open MRI.

I am hoping in 2024 I can get some help and understanding of the health problems I have. I am grateful that Tom is with me, because I don’t think I could manage living alone.
Couldn't pick an emoji to click for this one. So cute that the renters sent you a pic! Glad you are able to work out a comfy situation for Gus. Sorry about the mini-strokes :hug: Family members have had those and it was scary, but both ended up OK, so I'm hopeful things will turn out well for you too.

My sleep is off, too, which doesn’t help. Nor does the grayness and cold and rain for the past few days.
I so agree about our weather lately! I have that February feeling, and it's only December.

So weird! I would love for her to just meet someone the old fashioned way. That generation doesn’t seem to talk to people as much, they’re more comfortable with social media.
I feel the same way about my DS! He's so worried he won't meet the right person, but I feel like it's lack of opportunity, not lack of good matches.
❤️ :grouphug:extra to all of you extra this last day of 2023. Healing prayers Bobbi and to all in need both physically and of the heart or both--I think in some way each of us fit into both. I thank God daily for His blessing of connecting us all as His Quacker family and keeping us close. I am so thankful for each of you. I was thinking earlier, that I just believe in my heart God willing somehow this coming 2024 I will get to meet at least of you! AuntieMe3 and LuckyRabbit are local. I would of course love to meet either or both those lovely ladies along with any of the rest of you. What an extra blessing that would be. Good thought :)
Here comes the rain they promised. I baked the ham I had in the fridge, just so it would be cooked. Don was the ham eater, I just like to make ham and pickle salad. I had all the cats sitting there staring at me while I was cutting it. I found something I'm not good at, cutting up a spiral sliced ham. That was Don's job and it made me sad. I did the best I could, and the cats (including outdoor ones) , got a few chopped up pieces on top of their canned food and treats. I'm going to freeze one bag of the slices, keep a small one out for breakfasts, and make ham salad another day with the rest. I didn't buy a huge one, so there wasn't much waste to throw out. Don would have saved it all and make ham and bean soup, but that wasn't on my list of foods I like, so I never touched it.

I hope you all have a lovely New Years Eve.
Bobbiwoz Prayers to you that you can get your health issues sorted out. I hope Tom is doing well. Poor Gus and the noise. I had a westie who would get scared with the fireworks and pee on the floor. I also had a standard poodle who would hide under the bed.

Lynn, Your New Year's Eve dinner sounds good. I would love to do a dinner of appetizers and finger foods. Maybe Friday night. Kenny is getting Chinese food. The kids love chicken on a stick.

Pea It is hard to meet people the old fashioned way these days. Even seniors use online dating these days. I think it is nicer to meet in person. but, I am from the old days. LOL! Prayers that your DS has a quiet evening at the hospital. I would guess that New Year's Eve is a tough one.

Kenny met his GF on Match. They are living together now. I am again old fashioned and not a big fan of this. I think considering the circumstances they should have dated longer. But not my business. She has decorated the house with her stuff and it sure is different. She seems nice but something keeps nagging at me and I am not sure what it is. Jeff tells me to just stop worrying about everyone else and think about myself but as a Mom, it is too hard to do that.

Happy New Year's Eve!
Happy New Years to each of you🎉🎉🎉

Got a fair bit of clutter cleared out yesterday - cleared out some cabinets and got rid of a lot of junk. Today I should address the spare bedroom. Don't know if I will or not :laughing:but I should !

Other than that, no plans today. No special NY meal here either, so I better figure something out for dinner!

Ready to get back in the office tomorrow. We realized that while we really enjoy this time off, we find ourselves getting bored being home doing 'nothing' for the better part of 10 days. We already have plans to travel over the 2025 holidays and I think we may look into going somewhere next year as well.

Welp, time to get my fat **** up and moving. Dishwasher won't unload itself.

Best wishes to everyone in 2024, may it be a happy, healthy, fruitful, prosperous year for you & your families.
Good morning. I was up late last night. My friend and I talked on the phone until it was New Year for her, which was 2 am my time. But it was a good way to pass the evening. I finished up the last season (so far), of Virgin River. I took the tree down last night and put it away. The newest cat decided that since there were no ornaments on it anymore, it was a tree to climb on. This morning I went outside early and took down the garland and lights and the timer and put everything away for the year.
It's only going to be in the 30's today and at the moment it's snowing. It better not amount to anything.
I decided I'm going to make ribs for dinner tonight with a baked potato and salad.
I'm not in the mood to do anything today, so I'm just going to take the day and relax and get my head on straight. I'm tired of feeling sad and sorry for myself, and I'm going to make an effort to stop doing it if possible.

I wish all of you a kinder, gentler 2024 with peace, love and happiness.



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