Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

@tazdev3225 So sorry for what you are going through. It is hard on caregivers of loved ones. I hope he can get the surgery soon. You do live it every day and you are caring, loving wife wanting the best for your DH. The pastor was wrong in what he told your DGD. He is not living it so he does not have a say unless your DGD asks him to help. :grouphug:

@flyingdumbo127 Glad your Dad's appts went well. I hope he likes his new laptop.

Good morning. Cold again this morning. I have a therapist appt this afternoon. I am dropping off some things at Kenny's house to declutter here a bit. I have been getting anxious about getting everything done for the pictures and open house. But, I have decided that what gets done gets done and what doesn't, doesn't. Period.

Have a good day.
Yawn…the pups had a bee in their bonnets early this morning, one was up at 230, then by the time he settled another one was up at 315! After that everyone was up! There have been a skunk or two & foxes up by the house this week so maybe that was it. Husband already at work for a 630 meeting, I should probably get my butt in gear as well.
Good morning.

Thanks for the input on the cataract experience. He was scheduled for tomorrow for the first surgery and of course that one has been postponed. I’m glad everyone has had positive results but I don’t believe this will be true for Jim. The doctor said their hope is to help give him some sight. He has had diabetic retinopathy for at least 10 years. There was a vision loss in both eyes from that alone. The left eye has additional issues from the strokes. The cataracts are a new complication. He saw an eye specialist every month after the strokes even into the pandemic. We stopped going regularly because the injections at times left him completely blind and I wasn't allowed in the office with him. Within that year the cataracts formed and impaired the ability to see his retinas. Both specialists hope to give him some vision but this is more to control the retinopathy.

I think part of my issue is that I am tired of being spoken to as if I am not important. When we set the surgery up and met with the coordinator, she actually rolled her eyes at me. I had questions and she totally ignored me talking to him. She emphasized this is a bloodless surgery but there can be bleeding. I questioned how it goes both ways and stated he is on blood thinners, is this going to be an issue. She ignored me. I just am not happy on so many levels and I really dislike the hospital it will be done at. I'm also afraid he is setting himself up for a huge let down thinking this will cure all his issues and he can go buy his truck. That is not happening.

Thanks for being a sounding board because my family and friends all tell me to suck it up. Now I get why he sends me to Disney alone when I can get the dates to work. It's the only time I am totally away from it all. Of course, I worry and call him constantly, but I can take the time for just me.

He has his breakfast with his friends from work today and thankfully one of them will pick him up and take him. I know he likes me going but I think he needs the time alone with his friends and honestly while he is gone, I take the opportunity to do a deep clean of the house. By time he is home the house is clean and I am happy.

Have a good day everyone and thank you for just being here. The support we give each other is amazing and very welcome.
Yawn…the pups had a bee in their bonnets early this morning, one was up at 230, then by the time he settled another one was up at 315! After that everyone was up! There have been a skunk or two & foxes up by the house this week so maybe that was it. Husband already at work for a 630 meeting, I should probably get my butt in gear as well.
I've had some mornings like that. Wishing you an early, and long, night tonight!
I am dropping off some things at Kenny's house to declutter here a bit. I have been getting anxious about getting everything done for the pictures and open house. But, I have decided that what gets done gets done and what doesn't, doesn't.

That is all you can do!

I have a feeling the open house will go well. :hug: It isn't the right place for you, but it's just right for somebody - maybe it's their ideal location, or one of the neighbors is someone they are supposed to meet, or something...but they're out there looking for it right now.
Good morning --cloudy and 32 now, going to 40's later today.

@Kirby and @dazedx3 --prayers and hugs for both of you

Sister in law called me yesterday afternoon. She had just gotten a call from the dealership. They had traded something off of their lot for a 2023 Santa Fe extended cab, and she was first on the list. She was there at 4, drove it for 5 minutes and told them yes. I had to laugh out loud, guess what they told her--they prefer a certified cashiers check. So all of that money she's been keeping in the house has to go back to the bank this morning and changed into a check. I told her so!
She will be taking the truck home this morning, and they will let her know when all of the extra package stuff she wants will be in so it can be put on. Knowing her driving record, I reminded her to put full coverage on it when she calls her insurance agent this morning.

I managed to dust and vacuum the bedrooms yesterday, but that was all the energy I could muster. It's just been one thing after the other around here, and now Don seems to have cellulitis in his leg again. He's calling his PCP shortly and having her prescribe an antibiotic.

Our $29 HP printer that we bought 5 years ago on Black Friday, finally bit the dust yesterday. Thankfully we had found a great deal one this past Black Friday and I brought it up from the basement to install it. Their '5' minute installation, proved to be 30, and I was even more aggravated by the time I got it working. Then my keyboard stopped working, again, I had bought a new one, so got that working. Figured I may as well change the mouse too, as long as I have had 2 new ones sitting in the desk for a year, lol. It just wasn't my day.

Off to gather all the trash and make a grocery list. Then to see if I can get myself moving and get something else done.

Have a good one

Good morning --cloudy and 32 now, going to 40's later today.

@Kirby and @dazedx3 --prayers and hugs for both of you

Sister in law called me yesterday afternoon. She had just gotten a call from the dealership. They had traded something off of their lot for a 2023 Santa Fe extended cab, and she was first on the list. She was there at 4, drove it for 5 minutes and told them yes. I had to laugh out loud, guess what they told her--they prefer a certified cashiers check. So all of that money she's been keeping in the house has to go back to the bank this morning and changed into a check. I told her so!
She will be taking the truck home this morning, and they will let her know when all of the extra package stuff she wants will be in so it can be put on. Knowing her driving record, I reminded her to put full coverage on it when she calls her insurance agent this morning.

I managed to dust and vacuum the bedrooms yesterday, but that was all the energy I could muster. It's just been one thing after the other around here, and now Don seems to have cellulitis in his leg again. He's calling his PCP shortly and having her prescribe an antibiotic.

Our $29 HP printer that we bought 5 years ago on Black Friday, finally bit the dust yesterday. Thankfully we had found a great deal one this past Black Friday and I brought it up from the basement to install it. Their '5' minute installation, proved to be 30, and I was even more aggravated by the time I got it working. Then my keyboard stopped working, again, I had bought a new one, so got that working. Figured I may as well change the mouse too, as long as I have had 2 new ones sitting in the desk for a year, lol. It just wasn't my day.

Off to gather all the trash and make a grocery list. Then to see if I can get myself moving and get something else done.

Have a good one


Lol, despite the fact that I have had a recent problem with mine, I'm going to say, 'get a laptop'! You will find it very freeing. You can still hook your printer up when needed. And if you prefer to sit at a table or desk, you can still plug in a mouse and keyboard if it makes you more comfortable. But most of all, you can pick it up and sit anywhere to use it, including probably sitting in a shady spot on your porch when it's nicer out.

I'm still amazed at the $40K sister in law but it's great that she found a vehicle she likes. Not sure about the aftermarket stuff though.
Thanks everyone.

Pea…. Thank you for what you shared. I do believe so much of what you said. But grief makes you doubt everything, at least it does for me. I do believe that Kris came to sit with me two nights, I felt a real presence.

I sometimes wish I had a more active faith. I truly believe in a higher power, my problem is with religion. I talked with my sister last night who has a very strong faith, which has helped her with the loss of her DH a month before Kris. We cried together. She is making some very big changes in her life, I can’t even think about that now. Everyone is different..

Easyas…..you are right and I’m going to try to remind myself of this when I get into those thought patterns.

Snowysmom…. Your words are very helpful…. Especially as I know you are still going through this journey, I think we always will, hopefully it gets easier to deal with.

I have been reading everyone’s shares and wishing you all nothing but the best.
Good morning all! First my sympathies to all having sadness, trials and tribulations.

Sorry to @Breezy_Carol that she wasn't feeling well.
Hugs for @tazdev3225 dealing with the medical issues.
Prayers for @dazedx3 to give her the strength to manage her grief.
And @Kirby - too much on your plate.
@frog3101 - you are getting stronger
@Snowysmom - cheers on the decision making. I hope you find exactly what you want

Wishing a midday nap for @easyas123 - my cat was crawling on me after I slept late this morning, but surprisingly he did let me sleep almost an hour longer. But once he woke me up he play bit my hand as in come on, I'm hungry! (No puncture or scratch - just a light pinch.)

I'm revamping my downstairs. Mostly rearranging furniture right now. That's one of my cleaning strategies. It's amazing how much cat and dog hair manages to escape!
Anyway, I've moved everything around and I think it looks really nice and fresher. Off course, last time I did this I felt the same way! Stuff moves fairly easily because I have pads on all the feet and hardwood floors.

I'm in full 'change mode'! I want to bring in a cleaner but don't want to do it until things are manageable. Meaning destash a lot of stuff. It's so much easier when I move things around to create a pile that has to be donated. Once the cleaning gets done it will be painting time. (I refuse to have someone paint over dust.) I'm just not strong enough to tackle high places and have the 'get dizzy' feeling, fall and ruin my next trip in 12 days!

Sometimes I want to bust out the back wall and create a larger space. Right now it's almost all windows and that's lovely. I'd still want the windows, about 12 feet further out. Then I would have to rebuild my deck. Umm, probably best to leave it alone, maybe screen in the deck. I have lots of ideas.

Anyway back to sorting and moving stuff. Next is a cabinet I need to unload before I push it. It won't push easily with all its contents.
Praying for the best possible outcome to improve vision for Mr T (taz) with no complications. 🙏🏻 Taz it sounds like you care for everybody and you’ve had an awful lot to deal with with your husband over the years. :hug: It’s hard when people don’t listen. You know your husband best and have had things happen when people didn’t listen.

I had to deal with two cataract surgeries with my Mom (at 93 w the last one) and one with my husband so far, all done at Mass Eye and Ear and all went unbelievably smoothly. (Mom also had a pacemaker at 93 and that went off without a hitch, too.) The biggest pain was that it took seven appts for each. :faint: And of course, the eye drops. 😬 But vision was improved tremendously, especially for Mom. Mom was so disturbed about her impaired vision from the cataract that she insisted we do the cataracts first despite also being in the midst of a biopsy for cancer. It was her decision to make, but I think it did delay things for a few months. But she needed to have it done because she couldn’t see the TV and she couldn’t read her prayer cards and it was driving her crazy; it’s all she talked about. I guess it feels like something is blocking your vision. I was told at one eye exam I had the beginnings of one 😳 so I guess I have that to look forward to, too. Fortunately my vision is fine.

Well yesterday I did get some final legal work done to finish out the estate. The was a delay that took months that I finally just said forget that. (And I fired off a letter about it which should be interesting to see if anything comes of it.) Hopefully I can cross that off my list soon. It’s been hanging over my head. I then got cold and tired and decided that a nap was in order. (That’s what vacations are for, right? :lmao: ) So I didn’t get work done on my room but I have other days this week I can do it. Tonight I am meeting my friend for dinner (who has the newly diagnosed cancer). Looking forward to it as I haven’t seen her in a while. DD and I might take the dogs out, too, and I probably need to take Toto to the vet, he seems to have some skin thing going on, maybe from the kennel? I might try a medicated bath first, but I don’t want anything to happen to my little boy. Grady needs heartworm pills too so I have to go by anyway.

Any bites on the pup @easyas123? He is a cutie!

Lynn too funny on the cashier’s check! Legs up for Mr L! And reclining position if possible to keep that blood flowing down to legs.

Oh, and I also have to call the car rental company, or maybe I might call AAA first. They socked me with a bigger bill than expected and looks like they screwed a few things up, too. I really don’t feel like dealing w that but I’m going to have to.

Have a good day, everyone. 🐥
Happy Tuesday!

Just a quick "hi" this morning, I'm actually busy at work today.

Worked all weekend (day shift) so didn't do anything fun. Yesterday I worked from home in the morning and then went to my friend's dad's funeral. I was going to clock back in when I got home but I decided an hour wasn't worth it so I just took PTO for the afternoon.

Something is going on with my car so I scheduled that to go into the shop on Friday. I swear, I am really considering leasing my next car. I hate paying for car repairs, they are just so expensive. Fingers crossed this won't be an expensive repair.

NCIS had a crossover last night between the 3 shows, I recorded that and watched the college football championship game. I'll watch the NCIS episodes tomorrow or Thursday after work.

That's about it. Have a great day!
This place is on my 'list' so -to-speak, I hope we get a chance to get there something in the next few months.

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!

Thank you!

I feel you on this, we are feeling a bit out of sorts as well. I hope you can come to a centered place soon.

It does! On our trip in November we had cocktails a few times with some ladies who had traveled over from Hawaii They were trying to get us to come over there! I think we have been tempted!

Excellent to hear, your words read like someone who is very satisfied with the decision they've made.

I think you will! I feel like you are on the right path, for what it's worth!

Oh - I like that one, let us know how it turns out!

I have my fingers & toes crossed for her that she finds out soon!

Ugh - busy day after all. First off and most important, we caught up w/ some close family members for a meal and hanging out today. So good to see them. Then we went to the mall and had excellent luck in finding a decent new suit for my husband - he needed one, for "in case" and our sons wedding. Glad that worked out easily enough.

Home now, had a cocktail and a soak in the hot tub to help my back - I tweaked it somehow yesterday - it's in my lower shoulder and it I keep aggravating it. Got some Aleve and some SalonPas roll on on the way home. Hope it helps.

Dinner tonight was whatever - husband made himself a chef salad and I am grazing among the leftovers.

Lol, despite the fact that I have had a recent problem with mine, I'm going to say, 'get a laptop'! You will find it very freeing. You can still hook your printer up when needed. And if you prefer to sit at a table or desk, you can still plug in a mouse and keyboard if it makes you more comfortable. But most of all, you can pick it up and sit anywhere to use it, including probably sitting in a shady spot on your porch when it's nicer out.

I do have a laptop, that I use outside when I am sitting on the porch swing. But in the house I rather sit here in the computer room and use the PC. It's much easier on my old eyes, lol!
Music makes work go by more pleasantly. I've got youtube playing over the s sound using DD's computer. The mix included some a cappella by Home Free. Some xmas and holiday/christian music was mixed in and they performed 'O Holy Night'. They gave me chills and brought me back to another time. If anyone likes a cappella check out this version of an old favorite from Home Free.
Good Morning everyone,

For a little while, I sure pray, while dad is out doing laundry followed by Ralph's the rain has stopped. Wow was it pouring overnight and earlier. Dad got up this morning he discovered we had a few feet in length NOT in height thank God, of water inside our living room that had come in through the transom at the bottom of our front door! His big beach towel that we have used in the past to fold laundry on at home, sure came in handy for that. It's currently in front of the door right now just as a precaution. While at Ralph's, he will be looking at sponge mops just so we have one. We had a very surprising late night Amazon delivery of one of our three expected packages last night around 8pm in the downpour. I felt terrible for whoever brought that. We are expecting the other two packages today.

I attached the winning birthday plate. I decided the green border looks nice after all. The white on white just was too plain even for simple me. I'm waiting now for Tracie to apply a coupon and will go ahead and order it. Truly she has provided me wonderfully kind customer service. I would recommend this site just, of course, keeping well in mind that they do not pay for return shipping. I really do love the toast image on a plate even though he may not enjoy toast on it, he will a muffin sometime! The plate is microwave safe so that makes it more useable too. Thanks everyone for your plate suggestions.

Thank you, Snowysmom. I pray you remember your own wise words of earlier today of what gets done gets done. A recent Jesus Calling message reminded me of the importance of trying my best to choose what truly matters and needs to be done. Anything else can wait indeed. God absolutely has this and forever dear you, my friend. May you also always know we are here and care!

Easyas, your pups are certainly much more raring to get out of a cozy bed than I was! Warm bed sure was an extra blessing last night and earlier today during the pouring rain. I sure hope all of you get some extra rest later and for sure tonight!

Taz, an extra morning big hug with much love. This is not at all the same, but I do remember, especially as a child, being told that others had it worse or that because I was so strong that whatever was going on I should easily be able to deal with. Neither of those offerings from others are of course of much help or bringers of comfort! Keeping you in much extra prayer along with Jim.

PollyannaMom, I absolutely love how you put that! A place or book or anything for one person may not be right or a good fit but for someone else, it may very well be just what they need. Great outlook!

Lynn, I’m just glad your SIL finally did a get a new car. May she drive safely in it! I truly also hope all of your devices cooperate!

Judique, sitting on a porch sounds so lovely. Prayers in warmer weather to come that you truly get to enjoy doing that. Dad likes to sometimes watch some news or TV while relaxing on his bed with the laptop which is where it comes in handy. I enjoy sitting on the couch with our Kindle. I do hope you are able to find a new laptop that will work well for your needs. I admire your rerarranging ambition! ITA that sometimes a change of scene or space inside your home or on a trip can be most refreshing indeed! Just don’t overdo it, please!

Dazed, huge hug and remember, the mustard seed!

Your poor mom and DH, Pea, yikes! What an ordeal and, of course for dear you for being of support to them through it all! Vacations are absolutely for extra R&R. Please enjoy some extra of both today!

Good to see you Footballmouse! Thank you for supporting your friend and truly like Pea, for all the kind, wonderful care, you give to so very many. May you also remember yo take care of yourself, too!

Wishing all of you a dry, warm, and happy Tuesday. I will check back in later.


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I think part of my issue is that I am tired of being spoken to as if I am not important.
Ironic, since you are probably the most important part of his recovery! How frustrating, is there a patient advocate at the hospital you could address this with?
've had some mornings like that. Wishing you an early, and long, night tonight!
Thanks! Fingers crossed!
She had just gotten a call from the dealership.
Must be something in the air, I just decided the hell with it and am ordering a Expedition from "our truck guy"....if I find myself being to impatient while waiting for it to arrive or we need my current car to go into the fleet of shop vehicles we keep then I'll just have to take what he's got on the lot. I'm ordering GREEN! And a moon roof and the heavy duty towing package - Because why not?!?!
Any bites on the pup @easyas123? He is a cutie!
Sadly, just 2 as of Saturday. I hope we can get a little more interest going on him. We are giving it till the end of this week and will reevaluate the 2 applications they got in if no more come in. They aren't perfect fits for him, but they are pretty ok. And hey - we aren't the perfect fit for him either and I strongly feel like he's still far and away better in a place that wants him and not to allow the search for perfection ruin the reality of just fine if that makes sense. Of course, it's not entirely up to me, but fingers crossed....I emailed the adoption coordinator to see if any more applications came in, but haven't heard from her yet.

Tomato soup for lunch for me today, I *think* shrimp or fish over salad for dinner tonight
Good morning from super windy, rainy Southern California. We are getting some crazy weather all throughout the state....seeing pics along the Northern and Central coast is pretty wild...soo much flooding. CA needs the rain but not all at once...

Yesterday the wind wasn't too bad but it started raining pretty early. It lightly rained pretty consistently all day and through the night and it's so pretty drizzly right now...the wind started last night. We live in the desert so it can get pretty windy but it's really rough right now.

We had the drywall fixed yesterday and were waiting for the guys to come back today to do the floors. Dolly was so good while they were here. We weren't sure how she'd react to having strangers here so we put her harness and leash on but she did so good. She did had a little play date in our yard with one of our neighbors dogs when she came in the yard while the gate was open for the workers. They both tired themselves out and Dolly slept alot of the time while the workers were here.

@Pea-n-Me we have a 6ft fence around the perimeter of our property, we have almost two acres. The fence in the picture is a smaller 4ft fence that seperates the front half of the property(with the house and the back yard) with the back half which is just like a natural field...Dolly loves it back there... lots of birds and bunnies to chase. LOL There is a section of fence on one side of the house that seems shorter than 6ft because of the way the wind blows dirt against it... its still probably 5ft though and she can jump that no problem. DH is going to ask about borrowing another neighbors tractor to see if he can knock down the dirt a little there but I wouldn't be surprised if this girl could jump the bigger section too... this morning she saw her "friend" in her yard but in the back section(higher fence)and looked like she was getting ready to jump before I called her back to me. Her training starts tomorrow and the trainer said it's something we can work on so hopefully we can figure it out. Her and the neighbor dog get along great but this particular dog likes to dig out of her yard EVERY DAY and I don't want Dolly learning that and taking off with her.

@easyas123 congrats on the new car and hope Henry gets more interest. I have a lot of animal lover friends on facebook so had quite a few of my friends share my post about him.

Hugs and prayers for everyone that needs them.
Must be something in the air, I just decided the hell with it and am ordering a Expedition from "our truck guy"....if I find myself being to impatient while waiting for it to arrive or we need my current car to go into the fleet of shop vehicles we keep then I'll just have to take what he's got on the lot. I'm ordering GREEN! And a moon roof and the heavy duty towing package - Because why not?!?!
They even managed to get the color she wanted. It's a pretty sage gray. Looks different depending on what kind of light it's sitting in. Their only other choices were dark gray and black, which she didn't want.


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