Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Add me in to those who are sorry about the baby, @footballmouse. :flower3: Sad for them.

How are you doing, Lynn? Thinking about you. :hug: (ETA we were posting at the same time.)

Very busy work weekend. Recovering. DS is a little ill this morning, looks like he has an abcess brewing. He’s off to urgent care.

I have a few things to do around the house but otherwise I’ll be taking it easy today.

Have a good Monday. 🐥
❤️ 🙏to all my cherished Quacker family. Footballmouse, extra hug on the baby. Lynn, you know you have all of my extra care and prayers right now! To each of you, my sincere thanks forever. Quieter morning here except for, as usual, hurting feet :( This is so old! I am supposed to by tomorrow be getting a phone call to set up a consultation. I sure pray I do and that offers relief! Thank you all for all your care and extra XO.
Good Monday morning.

lynxstch - I am so very sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to have to make all the arrangements and get paperwork together so quickly, it's very stressful and not something you feel up to doing. Hopefully you have someone that can help you with things. I'm glad you accepted the offer for the luncheon, not something you need to be dealing with. Half-pint does know what is going on and she is grieving for the loss of her person. I'm glad you two have each other.

Bailey has a dr's appointment later this morning for another scan. She had a scan last Tuesday and they found a heartbeat but no growth, it's considered a missed miscarriage. She didn't want to know before the weekend since Mia's party was this past Saturday so they go today. Sounds like she may have to have a D&C scheduled.

I worked Saturday night and stayed over and extra 2 hours for a co-worker who was running late. I already told Evan that I would watch Mia at noon. When I found out I was working until 9 am, I texted Evan about dropping her off a little later, so she came over at 1:30. Problem is I didn't sleep when I got home in the morning because I needed to call the cable company since I didn't have sound from the cable box all weekend. Got that fixed, cleaned up the house a bit, ran to the grocery store and then dozed off for about 10 minutes. I finally went to bed for the night at 7 pm, hopefully I won't be tired at work today.

Mia's party was fun Saturday. She was in a good mood and showing off to everyone how she waves. She enjoyed her cake and liked her presents. I ended up getting her clothes, her big carseat and a babydoll. She had a good crowd that showed up.

The girls at work Saturday night had a little birthday party for me. They brought in food for a potluck and one of the girls got me a big, soft blanket.

That's about it, need to get back to work. Have a great day.
Sorry about the baby. So much going on.
Add me in to those who are sorry about the baby, @footballmouse. :flower3: Sad for them.

How are you doing, Lynn? Thinking about you. :hug: (ETA we were posting at the same time.)

Very busy work weekend. Recovering. DS is a little ill this morning, looks like he has an abcess brewing. He’s off to urgent care.

I have a few things to do around the house but otherwise I’ll be taking it easy today.

Have a good Monday. 🐥
I'd be doing a lot better if UPS hadn't lost my heart medication and I haven't had to be on hold for almost 3 hours between the drug company and their pharmacy. They keep disconnecting me. It's aggravating, and I'm not getting anything else done.
I would sure appreciate extra Quacker prayers. Frustrating morning. I'm waiting God willing to receive a phone call this afternoon from one of two orthopedist's assistants to schedule my appointment. I was told on Friday that indeed I could make a virtual consult. I was to hear by tomorrow evening. I called this morning to try and expedite the process for the new week. After being disconnected among other things, I was told that new patients generally are not able to do telehealth visits! I made it very clear that I am in a lot of pain. I was promised a virtual appointment. The woman I spoke to finally said she would make a note that this was urgent and that I sincerely need an exception to be made for a virtual consult. I'll keep all of you posted. Thank you always for listening and all your love and prayers.
Anybody else think its a tad too early for Christmas.
I would appreciate some extra Quacker family🙏I am feeling frustrated by run-a-around.
Hope you find some help soon!

So sorry to hear about your DIL and her baby footballmouse.

Lynn, continued prayers. :hug:

I'm all packed up and ready to spend a couple of days with Lou Lou. She has strep and can't go back to school till Thursday. I am subbing for Bunco tonight and then I'll head over there.

Our church is having a coat drive for kids over the next couple of weeks and a toy drive for a little longer. I went up to Walmart to pick up a couple coats and found out that girls coats are twice as much as boys, same brand, same coat. They had some boys puffer coats in a real pretty blue so I picked up two of them. The color was good for boys or girls.

Last week Lou Lou was wanting to go to the cemetary to see Grandma Lou. She was very adamant about it. So Carol asked her why she wanted to go and she said "It's day of the dead mom!". I think that she thought she was going to actually be able to see her great grandma. Lil Joe was having nothing to do with it. So Carol and I took her and Lil Joe, we told him that he could stay in the car. But when we got there he saw that it was so peaceful with all the trees that he got out with us. We went over to my mom and dad's headstone and explained what day of the dead was. She was satisfied with that. I have two sets of grandparents buried nearby and we walked over to them also. We read names on headstones and talked about the people buried there. Lil Joe said he remembers grandma in a rectangle box. We talked about one day seeing them again in heaven. We had a nice visit there under the oak trees and left for home.
All turned out okay in the end. I finally, after 3 1/2 hours, got the guy at the drug company pharmacy. It turns out that UPS returned the package to them as lost and found. It's being sent out to me tomorrow 2'nd day air, I should have it Wednesday. Then the cable company called and said they were finally sending out a replacement remote after telling me twice it was already sent, but no tracking number provided. I returned Don's heart monitor that transmitted device info every day to the medical bldg. Stopped at UPS and returned a sweater to Amazon and stopped at Martins and got coke on sale b2g2 and some cat food. Then I went to Gabes and found myself 5 shirts and a long sweater for $30. Splurged and stopped at CF for dinner. I haven't had it in probably 2 years. It was good, and the cats shared 2 of my nuggets.

I am tired and will be calling it a night very early tonight. I have to start cleaning out the roll top desk tonight too.

Mona, sorry you are still getting the runaround

Have a nice evening all
All turned out okay in the end. I finally, after 3 1/2 hours, got the guy at the drug company pharmacy. It turns out that UPS returned the package to them as lost and found. It's being sent out to me tomorrow 2'nd day air, I should have it Wednesday. Then the cable company called and said they were finally sending out a replacement remote after telling me twice it was already sent, but no tracking number provided. I returned Don's heart monitor that transmitted device info every day to the medical bldg. Stopped at UPS and returned a sweater to Amazon and stopped at Martins and got coke on sale b2g2 and some cat food. Then I went to Gabes and found myself 5 shirts and a long sweater for $30. Splurged and stopped at CF for dinner. I haven't had it in probably 2 years. It was good, and the cats shared 2 of my nuggets.

I am tired and will be calling it a night very early tonight. I have to start cleaning out the roll top desk tonight too.

Mona, sorry you are still getting the runaround

Have a nice evening all

What is it about cats and Chik-Fil-A? If I get a sandwich, they expect to share it.

I deep cleaned my kitchen and downstairs bathroom today. I don't even want to go in the upstairs bathroom that DD uses.
Thank you dear Kirby so much. No call as of yet and it is going on 4:30 :( God Bless Lou Lou! Prayers, also, of course, that she feels better! You please take care of yourself!

Lynn, I am thrilled you treated yourself to some clothing and food. YAY!

Do any of you know anyone who lives in NJ? I was sent three blank NJ postcards that are really nice. I am hoping to find at least one NJ resident to write a message for my dad on one of them. Thank you friends.
I would sure appreciate extra Quacker prayers. Frustrating morning. I'm waiting God willing to receive a phone call this afternoon from one of two orthopedist's assistants to schedule my appointment. I was told on Friday that indeed I could make a virtual consult. I was to hear by tomorrow evening. I called this morning to try and expedite the process for the new week. After being disconnected among other things, I was told that new patients generally are not able to do telehealth visits! I made it very clear that I am in a lot of pain. I was promised a virtual appointment. The woman I spoke to finally said she would make a note that this was urgent and that I sincerely need an exception to be made for a virtual consult. I'll keep all of you posted. Thank you always for listening and all your love and prayers.
Mona. I’m sorry you’re still in such pain (which seems to have increased over the past week or two?) and I’m sorry you’re still experiencing these ongoing frustrations.

That said.

You are not going to be able to get a tele health appt for this. This warrants a hands on evaluation. You can’t expect any doctor to diagnose the problem you have in a virtual visit. It just doesn’t work that way. This is the type of thing that needs a full, in-person evaluation.

As I’ve said before, you really should be starting with a primary care physician to FIRST get a handle on your overall health, especially if you haven’t been having regular physicals for the past several years (and I don’t know if you have or haven’t). If you have, this might be easier - then they’d have your most recent health statistics on hand and that all plays into what’s going on with you. As part of an exam, an orthopedist will want to look at your general health (as well as your foot pain), and if the information’s not there, they may refer you back to a PCP before they feel comfortable proceeding. They can’t be expected to make an accurate diagnosis without a full health picture in front of them, kwim?

So honestly, again, you might have best results putting your energy into finding a PCP and booking your exam that way, first. I really think, should you get in too see an orthopod, they’re not going tio be able to do much for you if they suspect there could be a corresponding physiological component, and they’ll refer you back to a PCP to get that in order before they proceed. They might not even be the right type of doctor for you to see, idk - but a PCP can easily make that determination. I hate to see you waste your time and feel frustrated waiting for people who may not be able to do what you want them to do for you at this point. The lady was likely right when she said new patients generally aren’t able to do virtual visits.

I tried to see if there was anything that helps explain this.


Mild conditions that don't typically require an office visit:​

1. Pink eye. Doctors can diagnose this contagious infection remotely.

2. Cold and flu symptoms. There's no need to expose fellow patients in a waiting room if you're feeling sick. Doctors can review your symptoms from afar, especially if you're in otherwise good health.

3. Hair loss. Doctors can examine you for hair loss through a video call or if you send them photos.

4. Allergies. Itchy eyes and a runny nose? Yep, a doctor can give you guidance on what to do if you have allergies.

5. Erectile dysfunction. Telemedicine is usually enough to diagnosis and treat this common disorder.

6. Urinary tract infections. Many infections, including UTIs, require just a round of antibiotics to clear. Doctors can easily do that over the phone.

7. Vomiting and diarrhea. Whether it's a stomach bug or something else, you can stay home and chat with a doctor as a first step for dealing with these symptoms.

8. Skin infections and rashes. Many telemedicine services let you send photos to your doctor, which is perfect for identifying rashes, infections and other skin concerns.

9. Cold sores. Just like skin issues, the same guidance applies to cold sores.

10. Sinus infections. Like UTIs, a remote doctor's visit and some antibiotics is usually all you need to clear up a sinus infection.

Of course, not everyone can or should use telemedicine for certain medical conditions. Those who have underlying health issues or require ongoing testing will likely still need to need to head to a doctor's office or clinic. Telemedicine can be a good starting point to identify any health issues and during a video or phone appointment, the doctor might recommend you see a medical professional in person.

When not to use telemedicine​

Some non-life-threatening conditions may require more hands-on care, which is why it's best to communicate with your doctor if you are sick and are not sure what type of care you need. "Any condition that is potentially life threatening should be evaluated in person given they require immediate advanced testing and careful examination," Emdur says.

Non-life-threatening conditions that require hands-on care:​

  • Injuries like an ankle sprain or potential broken bone.
  • Conditions that require any kind of in-person testing to diagnose, like strep throat or diabetes.
  • Any other medical issue that warrants an x-ray, blood test or other test only a doctor can order in person.
For more serious conditions including those that could be life-threatening, like a heart attack or stroke, you should always go straight to the emergency room or call 911.

Symptoms of life-threatening conditions that need emergency care include:​

  • Abdominal pain
  • New onset muscle weakness
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
Good morning all. I have a ton of things to get done today. His boss went to Walmart last night and had pictures printed and framed, Summer will be coming over so we can do the picture boards. Luke and the rest will be here late this afternoon. I need to at least pass the vacuum and clean the bathrooms. I want to make a small jar of pickled eggs to put on a table at the funeral home. Don and I first met online when he asked me if I knew how to make them, and we called the night we met Pickled Egg day, and it means something to me, and I want to do that. I also need to take the trash down for tomorrow, decide what to wear tomorrow, and color my hair, so getting an early start.

Have a great Tuesday
Lynn You are sure keeping very busy. I am glad you got your medicine sorted out. I did not know cats liked chicken. CF is good for a quick meal. I hope you got some rest and are taking care of yourself. I love your pickled egg story. That is so sweet. You have so many people helping you. Don sure had alot of people who loved and cared about him.

@Kirby Like to hear from you. Lou Lou is a sweetie.

Mona I hope you hear back from the health care provider. Pea gave you some excellent advice and info as usual. Prayers that you find some relief from you issues.

Good morning. The HVAC came by yesterday and looked at the furnace. He showed me the couplings and hoses dripping water and told me the factory installed screws needed to be tightened. In fact, they should have been tightened when the furnace was installed. He told me he usually does that but he was on vacation the week they installed my furnace and the one in the unit next to me. He also told me he was checking it out to be sure everything was as it should be. He didn't want to have to come back and I told him I appreciated that. I checked this morning and no water so far, just a small spider who was probably living in the furnace. I told the spider if he comes upstairs he is toast. My last water issue was due to a factory installed screw that the installers didn't bother to check to be sure it was tight. Doesn't give me alot of confidence. The kids said at least it was an easy fix but it should not have happened in the first place. Prayers please that this is it for having to worry about this place. I so need to find some calm and peace and a place to live that gives me that. Last night was a tough night. I was missing Chris so much I kept waking up and crying. Tired today.

Off to work. Have a good day.
I want to make a small jar of pickled eggs to put on a table at the funeral home. Don and I first met online when he asked me if I knew how to make them, and we called the night we met Pickled Egg day
That is so sweet! :hug:

I checked this morning and no water so far, just a small spider who was probably living in the furnace. I told the spider if he comes upstairs he is toast.
:rotfl: Good for you! - Glad the problem is fixed and that they responded quickly. Hugs on the rough night.
Good Tuesday Morning.:cold:

It's getting colder in the mornings, I should probably start wearing a coat.😒

Finished up my hair study for P&G this morning. Payment from that study will go towards my plane ticket for Florida this summer ✈️. The payment card they send is only good for 6 months so I won't be able to use any of it for the hotel.

What is it about cats and Chik-Fil-A?
My cat comes running when I have Chipotle, she loves it. I give her a taco or she finishes a bowl when I get that 🌮. I'll eat about 3/4 of it and she gets the rest.

Snowysmom - sorry you had such a rough night last night.

Had to change out my cable boxes last night, got the updated ones. They are so small, like 2x2 compared to what I had. I managed to hook everything up on my own, it synced to the remote, and then I got the dreaded error message 😠. I had to call and it took the person and her supervisor over an hour to figure out what was wrong. Finally got both TV's working 🙂. Good news is that I elimated 1 remote! I hated having different remotes for things.

Off to get something to eat, have a great day! :wave:
We actually had a coating of snow here overnight. I did not see it until I opened the shades and curtains. It is melted now but a sign of things to come. Moving to the middle of the state means colder temps and more snow. At least they snowplow my driveway and clean off the walkways up to the door here. I have a shovel to shovel off the deck.

Lynn It is tough and I feel that the grief will never leave me. Chris and I did everything together. Friends and coworkers always said we were together all the time. They say immense grief is a sign of a great love. You shared so much with Don and your love shows through so much. Thank you for the kind words.


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