PTR-Cheating on Mickey w/Harry!...OMG! Only a month to go!

Wow 450 boxes!? Make sure you're taking care of yourself too through all that's going on. You're probably one of the busiest ladies I know.:goodvibes
That sounds to me like neither good news nor bad news. Guess the wound doctor is leaving the more specialist rhuematologist make the call.

Hope it goes well on Monday.

You're not the only one!

Whoa nelly!!! Let's hold off on the leg removal! What a scary idea.

I hope the rheumatologist will help her find a positive outcome.

I remember you telling us about the music store, I guess I had no idea how much music you had in stock. I'm sorry about your employees, I know you said they were quite close to you.

I think he will have something to offer her. This Doctor is always in on clinical trials and she has been seeing him since 1997. He knows her really well and can hopefully figure something out. Besides, maybe the wound Doctor got out all the ickies in the surgeries.

The music store was in a very large two bedroom apartment in our building. There are about 30-35 bookcases (five shelves each) which were all full of music. We just boxed up six bankers boxes of Christmas Stuff and brought it downstairs to our apartments. Previously we have boxed up another 10 boxes of Christmas stuff. Fran spends most of her waking hours listing music on eBay. We packed up about 15 packages this morning and took that to the post office. Probably the equivalent of a whole bankers box, maybe even a little more.

Well the upside of the employees is that I'm not taking $1000 out of my checking account every other week to meet payroll! We couldn't just keep shelling out money even if they are friends.

You are my hero!

Seriously.... :hug:

And seriously, this is a lot less stressful than that time when we couldn't even think of leaving town. At least I have a couple trips in the planning stages. Back then we just prayed that phone didn't ring, because it was her mother asking for Hotcakes and Sausage to be delivered to the nursing home at 7AM because they brought her eggs for breakfast. Or when she was home, at 10PM when they pressed the "input" button on the remote they would call and say, "the TV doesn't work any more". And those were just the daily nuisances! Never mind the many many many 911 calls and visits from the paramedics that came at all hours of the night.

450 boxes.... That is a lot of music...

Praying for good news.

Yeah, now that the Christmas stuff is done, I get to start boxing up all the rest of the music. I have to check it off in a document as we do it. That will be fun! NOT.

Oh Alison, I so wish I was there to help you.....

Is there anything I can from here? You know I would.

Prayers and Pixie Dust are coming y'all's way. I hope the Arthritis Dr can help and I am sure she is in pain and that makes her short and more of the Black and White person right now....

Hugs my friend and call em if you need to talk.

Thanks, I just wish someone would cook dinner for me! :rotfl:

Wow 450 boxes!? Make sure you're taking care of yourself too through all that's going on. You're probably one of the busiest ladies I know.:goodvibes

We'll see when we get done. Right now we have already brought down over two dozen boxes and we haven't even started taking stuff off the shelves other than Christmas. The other boxes were just stuff that we had sitting in boxes and never got around to cataloguing and putting it on the shelves.

I need to find time for those two days off she promised me. So that I work on my TR! :rotfl2:




She always tries to tell me that I am a black and white person and she is a gray area person, but I also find that she projects onto me the issues that she has. Clearly she is being the Black and white, leg or no leg, and I am the gray area, "let's wait and see what the rhuematologist has to say."

Well it even really has nothing to do with antibiotics. Her arthritis drugs inhibit the il6 (interlaken6) which is something you need to fight wounds. She hasn't had the drugs since June, so the wound doctor told us to show him the wounds (basically do a dressing change in his office) and see what he says about when she can have her drugs. He did NOT say that her wounds would get worse FOR SURE. and he did not say SHE CAN NEVER HAVE ANY ARTHRITIS DRUGS AGAIN. He said that the Arthritis Doctor needs to make the call, and that's all he really said.

I wish she had a little more optimism, but I guess that's my job.

The joys of relationships. :goodvibes I'm the Pollyana here too. It can get daunting, that's for sure. M is very black and white, all or nothing. Hate it! ;)
The joys of relationships. :goodvibes I'm the Pollyana here too. It can get daunting, that's for sure. M is very black and white, all or nothing. Hate it! ;)

Yeah, the worst part is that she tries to portay ME as the black and white person, and I don't think I"m that way, but as I said she portrays on me what she is. I'm sure you see that a lot in your practice. The thing is when we are discussing screw ups, like the one now (where I hired these people to "clean up" our computers and all they did was mess up Fran's) because they deleted things and programs not knowing they were imperitive to her because they just assumed we were dumb computer users and didn't need certain files. Her computer became useless. We may just have to buy another computer because of these idiots.

But the way she tried to talk to me about the screw up made me feel like I was a complete and total idiot. When I told her I would NEVER do thu at again she got upset, because "Never" and "Always" are her buttons. We had to spend a couple hours resolving that tonight. I wish she wouldn't push me into the saying, "I'm sorry, I will NEVER" becuase as soon as those words come out of my mouth she gets hysterical. I can't help it because she is constantly saying, "why did you....." and my response is "I don't know, I didn't know I was supposed to ask...."

I am always in charge of getting things done, but when I don't ask all the necessary questions that I should have before the work is done I'm in trouble becuase I didn't ask the questions that I didn't know needed to be asked. So when I get questioned on this I get in trouble because i am speechless since I didn't know I needed to know I needed to ask this.

Sound confusing? :confused3 I think so....
Yeah, the worst part is that she tries to portay ME as the black and white person, and I don't think I"m that way, but as I said she portrays on me what she is. I'm sure you see that a lot in your practice. The thing is when we are discussing screw ups, like the one now (where I hired these people to "clean up" our computers and all they did was mess up Fran's) because they deleted things and programs not knowing they were imperitive to her because they just assumed we were dumb computer users and didn't need certain files. Her computer became useless. We may just have to buy another computer because of these idiots.

But the way she tried to talk to me about the screw up made me feel like I was a complete and total idiot. When I told her I would NEVER do thu at again she got upset, because "Never" and "Always" are her buttons. We had to spend a couple hours resolving that tonight. I wish she wouldn't push me into the saying, "I'm sorry, I will NEVER" becuase as soon as those words come out of my mouth she gets hysterical. I can't help it because she is constantly saying, "why did you....." and my response is "I don't know, I didn't know I was supposed to ask...."

I am always in charge of getting things done, but when I don't ask all the necessary questions that I should have before the work is done I'm in trouble becuase I didn't ask the questions that I didn't know needed to be asked. So when I get questioned on this I get in trouble because i am speechless since I didn't know I needed to know I needed to ask this.

Sound confusing? :confused3 I think so....

Sounds like a typical relationship. :hug:
Sounds like a typical relationship. :hug:

Yeah pretty much the same thing that we all go through a some point. Now she is asleep. AGAIN. I'm not blaming her for sleeping all day. She has a terrible disease that makes her really tired. but my dilemma is do I wake her up and make her go to bed or leave her in her chair? :confused3 This is often my dilemma. Ugh;). hate it! ;)
Yeah pretty much the same thing that we all go through a some point. Now she is asleep. AGAIN. I'm not blaming her for sleeping all day. She has a terrible disease that makes her really tired. but my dilemma is do I wake her up and make her go to bed or leave her in her chair? :confused3 This is often my dilemma. Ugh;). hate it! ;)

I would wake her and get her to get into bed. She may not thank you now....but you probably don't want her to have a strained muscle or neck if she's been sleeping in an uncomfortable position.

I would wake her and get her to get into bed. She may not thank you now....but you probably don't want her to have a strained muscle or neck if she's been sleeping in an uncomfortable position.


Well she is in her "electric chair" which is the recliner activated by the controller that lifts it up and down. She is not in the office chair with her head hanging down at an angle, so she is probably pretty comfortable. I should wake her up though because it is only nice to let her know I am going to bed. She has slept from at least 7AM to 4PM and probably 4PM to now 11PM. I'm not going to worry since she overdid it yesterday, but normal people don't sleep this long. I do realize she is not normal people.
I'm sorry Alison. I hope today is a better day.

I'm not sure if it was. We saw the Dr. he saw her wounds, and her liver readings are elevated. He ordered some more tests and said to see her back in two weeks.

The normal place where we get an ultrasound can't see her until the day before her next appointment, so now we will look around for another place for the ultrasound. We're hoping that the wounds will be pretty much cleared up by the time that she is cleared on the Liver stuff so that she can get the arthritis drugs.
Alison, I know it always seems like you're taking two steps forward, then three steps back, but overall it seems like Fran is still making some forward progress on healing. The size of the wounds sound like they're shrinking. Sleeping is probably Fran's way of dealing with the frustration and she probably needs all the sleep she can get. Don't give up hope it's just taking it's sweet time. You're doing an awesome job juggling all you do, no getting down on yourself. :hug:
Alison, I know it always seems like you're taking two steps forward, then three steps back, but overall it seems like Fran is still making some forward progress on healing. The size of the wounds sound like they're shrinking. Sleeping is probably Fran's way of dealing with the frustration and she probably needs all the sleep she can get. Don't give up hope it's just taking it's sweet time. You're doing an awesome job juggling all you do, no getting down on yourself. :hug:

I know, and Jenny's post about me being the Pollyanna just sort of fortifies it. She is making progress, but I really need her to get the drugs. Unfortunately until they figure out what is going on with her liver they caN'T give her the arthritis drugs.
I know, and Jenny's post about me being the Pollyanna just sort of fortifies it. She is making progress, but I really need her to get the drugs. Unfortunately until they figure out what is going on with her liver they caN'T give her the arthritis drugs.

:hug: :goodvibes Pollyana is a good thing. The world needs us. Our loved ones benefit from us. We want to throttle them. :rotfl:


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