Princess Power - September 2016 Weight Loss and Lifestyle Change Challenge

Adding my woohoo here (forgot it was woohoo Wednesday!).... WOOHOO.... I leave for California in about 24 hours!! And I weighed in for my WW job last night (and I was below goal ;) ), so I am good for the month!!!!!

You have the best woohoo of all!!! :jumping1:So completely jealous - I knew it was getting close but 24 hours - have a safe trip and enjoy enjoy enjoy! Good luck to your DD with her presentation.

Probably most excited to go inline skating at the local rink tonight. They were closed last week for renovations, and after a month of running, my legs are much stronger and I really missed it. We'll have a blast tonight! Funny, skating at a rink sounds so juvenile and yet, if you saw the eclectic bunch out there you would change your mind. Oddly enough lots of older men - one looks like a member of ZZ Top, and he's really good. Another is a woman in a wheelchair and her significant other skates her around the rink... There is even a guy in his 70s = he's there every Wednesday - even has a bowling shirt that says "Old Geezer". He skates the rink with a wheeled 'walker' made of PVC piping. Apparently, he used to be a professional skater!! Now if that doesn't make you realize age is just a number, I don't know what will!

That sounds like fun - I never really mastered inline skates but I was a demon on rollerskates when I was younger - I haven't done it in years and years. I love the sound of all those people getting out and doing something even if it is in a modified way - but that is so a part of my job - helping people find alternate ways to do something they want to do.

Woohoo Wednesday! I'm focusing on celebrating the tiniest of victories this week because that's where I'm at in this season of life. I spent the entire day Monday on plan in spite of being home for a holiday. Yesterday, things fell apart but it's a new day today. Yesterday, I didn't veg on my couch and watch TV all night. Instead, I listened to music, meditated for a little bit, and even got up and connected my laptop to the monitor. Unfortunately, that's as far as I got but the victory is that I got started. This morning I brought my gym bag to work. I had great success in going straight to the gym but stopped when my ex wanted to go to the gym with me. And then I never got back into going immediately after work and instead was going after I got home. But it's starting to get easy to waver again. So back to the grind!

Yeah for the successes you had :banana: - does your ex work with you? That would make things hard for you.

1. My daughter had her 9 week check for her eyes to see how she is improving. Good news is she has really improved and is on track to be done at the end of October.
2. I got to see my cousin from San Deigo last night. I have not seen her for 3 years. My Aunt (her mom) lives in Michigan so she does get to Ohio often and I don't get to Michigan much at all.She just had a baby so it was nice to hold a baby again.
3. I have gotten at least 40 squats a day and my 10,000 steps each day this week.

Great news about your daughters vision therapy. There is nothing like holding a baby :cloud9: - especially one you can hand back lol. Way to go on getting your squats and steps in :banana:

My not so Woohoo 's
1. Work has been giving me a lot of stress. I found out today that I was supposed to doing something a different way then I have been for the last 7 years. it is not a huge deal but the change is going to add time to the process and time is not what I have right now. There are a few there stuff but I am trying to let go of what I can not control and not doing the work my co-worker is supposed to do. It is time to let her sink or swim. She was brought on to help me because we have expanded so much put she has not done that. I am still doing the majority of the work.
2. My grandfather took a picture of me last night with my cousins and I look bigger then I have. I do not like the way I looked in the picture. I need to really get to work on this. I was almost in tears seeing this. I have decided that I am going to use this picture as a reminded of what I do not want to look like and when I start to fall of the wagon I will just at the picture.

Yep you definitely need to stop doing her work - she is taking advantage I think - and from memory kind of has since she started - look after yourself :-) Sorry to hear to are feeling down about the pic - maybe it was the angle you were standing on :confused3 great way to turn it around and use it for motivation.

Over the weekend of purging and reorganizing I spent quite a bit of time in my craft room, so I can transition it to a proper sewing room. There's still work to be done, but yesterday my new dress form came and the room was cleared out enough that I had a nice space to set her up. Later this week a sewing table is coming, the kind that folds up when not in use which is perfect for the space. I am so excited, no more crawling around on the floor or having fabric drape over the edges of the table while trying to cut things out. And I'll be able to fit patterns instead of just guessing.

My other woohoo is that yesterday after all my complaining about getting old I finally remembered to call the hair salon to see how long it would be till I could get in to see the gal who used to do my color 3 years ago... She had just had a cancelation and I was able to take a long lunch and get some low lights put in yesterday! I'm really happy with it, and to not be glow in the dark white any longer.

My juice cleanse will be there when I get home tonight. I've decided to start on Friday so that the worst days fall on the weekend and I can avoid people as much as possible during the "kill all the things" phase. It'll be better for everyone...

Oooo sounds like you are going to have your spare time filled with sewing - I can't really sew - so I always think people who just whip something up are so clever! A good hair colour always makes me feel better ;) and good luck with your juice cleanse!

Woohoo Wednesday items worth celebrating:
- No weekly check-in with my boss this morning. WOOHOO.
- I can finally walk again. The muscle soreness from this weekend has subsided. WOOHOO.
- Club 33 this weekend (SATURDAY OMG). WOOHOO.
- My project at work just reached the 75% completed threshold. WOOHOO.

I was wondering how you were recovering! All great woohoo's for you :banana::banana: - Club 33 this weekend - does that put you and @pjlla in the park at the same time as she will be there in 24hrs??

Oooo! Oooo! One more WOOT moment for today - a BIG one. This marks exactly ONE MONTH to Disney and Universal!!! YAY!!!!

How could you forget that ? !!!!

My woo hoo for the day is that my hair looks great! So glad I had it colored last night! My other woo hoo is that tonight is paint nite with the girls at my work! I can't wait to destress with them a bit and get some girl time in! The painting we're doing is of the Golden Gate bridge. Im sure it will look terrible but its still going to be fun!

I always feel like I have bounce in my step when my hair is looking good just after I first have it done lol - some times its the little things. Paint night sounds fun.

I've been trying to think of something to celebrate all day and can't think of anything woohoo worthy... not that anything is bad right now, but just can't think of a good woohoo.

As lame as it sounds, we got some new football equipment in today that I'm excited to use in practice. That's about all I got right now... well, that and we are making hamburgers tonight for dinner. WOOHOO!

I know, I live a wild and crazy life!

I've been there some days struggling to thing of something - I totally get that you would be excited by new football equipment - it sounds like such a big part of your life - keep living on the edge :rotfl::banana:

Okay well I better think of some woohoos now myself.

Work is super busy but this week so far has been really productive for me (not all weeks are o_O)
I have taken my lunch to work each day this week :banana:
Now that we don't have hockey training Tuesday night - I haven't had takeout for dinner any night this week either!:banana:
I very nervously stepped on the scale for the first time in a while yesterday - and while not really anything to get that excited about number wise - It was not as bad as I though it could be and had maintained the same weight since my last check - so no loss but considering how badly I had fallen off the wagon last month I am happy with that :-)
I REALLY need to color my hair!! I was trying to wait until closer to our trip, but I've got a halo of white that just makes my hair look even thinner, I don't think I can wait. I LOVE paint nites!!! We're doing one in October - I got in early because I know the Halloween themed ones fill up fast. We're doing this crow one, it'll make for great Halloween decor!!

I love that one!!!!! I do like paint nites. This is only my 3rd but they're fun!
does that put you and @pjlla in the park at the same time as she will be there in 24hrs??

She'll be there late evening on Sunday and I may go back to Disney to meet up with her and treat her to a cake pop. My schedule is fairly open this weekend - crazy flight free-for-all for fall doesn't start until 9/23.

Speaking of... @Dr Gunnie - we've booked our STL plane tickets. I'm ready to rock that half marathon with you! :)
  • I taught MY first class in 7 years today. My kids were adorable and sweet and it went well. Need to work a bit more on the hand-holding as they are 6th graders not 9th graders (one is very panicky about writing stuff down in the "right" place in her notebook, so I'll have to work on that with her as I have one small white board at the front of the room and I can't really write everything all out to show her) but it's not a bad thing, just an adjustment.
  • DS came home from MS saying I was right and it was way more fun than elementary.
  • DD says her teacher is very nice.
  • I was able to get to TJs after work quick so we're continuing on our 3 week stretch of not eating out!
  • I hit my 10k steps without even trying today.
  • Tomorrow morning I have time to get my run in after DD gets on the bus, before I have to get to work!
I'm feeling very Polyanna today :D (my weight is oddly high the past 4-5 days and I've been eating well and exercising plenty... so I'm not sure what's going on. Going to keep making good choices for another couple days and try not to stress)
Everyone is having awesome woohoo's today - it really made me happy to read all of them. :)


Nice! Hopefully I'll be able to hang with you and won't fall too far behind!!!

I'm just hoping for a finish at this point.

You're totally going to finish! And you can have my beer ticket at the finish since I don't drink beer. There's a big WOOHOO for you :D

Feeling a little nervous? Let me know what I can do to help alleviate concerns.
I am in Aussie in Queensland - known as the Sunshine State - and I now live at the beach - growing up worshipping the sun in summer - back in my day (oh see way to sound old) having a fantastic tan was the goal - remember those coconut oil suntan lotions lol - hell some days we would just lather on some baby oil and bake our selves! I do have pretty good skin though but have some brown spots on my face - and you know I still am not fantastic at remembering to slip, slop slap (that's an Aussie slogan - not sure if your familiar with it) slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen and slap on a hat lol - well I do put the shirt on as I have gotten bigger, and I am getting better with slapping on a hat (especially by DL cap) but I still struggle with sunscreen! I feel far from the fairest in the land most days and just wish I had appreciated the days I was so much more.

I still tan a little. I am also from a beach town, although not remotely as famous and unfortunately have few years of use of suntanning oils. We go away few times every year, and get at least week at sunny beach destination and I could be using higher spf but I like tiny bit of color. Hope the fact that it's only a week helps a little

I do sit mostly in the shade (ok, it makes sense to me, I am still somewhere warm enjoying the fab weather, book, scenery) but do few walks, swim etc so still spend little time at the sun.

I also smoked for good 7 years as young, this doesn't help either!
ETA: Adding my woohoo here (forgot it was woohoo Wednesday!).... WOOHOO.... I leave for California in about 24 hours!! And I weighed in for my WW job last night (and I was below goal ;) ), so I am good for the month!!!!!

Have fun and report back! We will be off to California next June/July
I've been trying to think of something to celebrate all day and can't think of anything woohoo worthy... not that anything is bad right now, but just can't think of a good woohoo.
I know, I live a wild and crazy life!

kind of felt like this last few days. Everything is fine, but I just don't feel Whoo Hoo that much lately
I carried my Monday bag with food for the week to work. 5.5 kg. Hard to imagine I carried double that around with me last year this time!

DS is settling back to school well
I managed to returned my garmin vivosmart for refund, feeling better with the fitbit and will aim for consistent 500 calorie deficit until holiday
I have birthday this weekend
Meeting a really cool friend today. She is a new friend, mum of 5, career woman, good looking, fit, busy and signed herself up to do MBA! Need more people like her in my life, no sulking, roll up your sleeves and go after what you want!
Mini heat wave
Mini beer fest next to work will open in next few days. Most of the stands staff are German and you can get some really yummy goodies but even if don't it has cool vibe and you could enjoy glass of beer or reisling and chat with friends. Looking forward checking it out.
Everyone is having awesome woohoo's today - it really made me happy to read all of them. :)

I agree completely - so glad to hear we are all having a great week!

@courtneybeth - I am feeling very far away when I get to hear about all your meetups with our Dis friends - so we will all have to keep chatting on this thread for the next several years and hope that I can get back over for some meetups myself lol - or you could holiday in Australia sometime :D
Cinderella as we know ran from the ball and stepped right out of one of her glass slippers….

Cinderella Glass Slipper Disney 1950.JPG


Wow that's a huge pic - sorry bout that didn't realise :rotfl:

Let’s talk about the importance of well-fitting supportive shoes for exercising. Wearing poorly fitting shoes can not only make your feet hurt, but also affect the rest of your body giving you aches, pains and even injuries. Definitely not what we want when we are trying to improve our bodies. This is especially important for the runners amongst us. We learn from Cinderella that we need to wear the right shoes for the type of exercise we are doing - can you imagine how uncomfortable running in glass slippers must be lol!

Do you put all your trust in the store salesperson? Or do you have a bit of shoe knowledge before you go? Here is a link to Web MD that talks about knowing your feet and a few things about shoes before you buy your next pair of shoes

QOTD: What shoes are you wearing to exercise in now and why did you choose them?

Bonus Question: What is your favourite shoe to wear in the Disney Parks?

Quote of the Day


I don't really pay that much attention to my shoes for exercising in the past it has been whatever I could afford - I have some Nike's that I still wear that I bought on our US trip in 2014. So I am due for a new pair - or really probably overdue! But it will have to wait a little longer as I have a few other expenses that take priority at the moment.

As I don't go regularly enough I don't have a preferred shoe!

I love a good pair of shoes! When younger I wore lots of stiletto heels but I have mostly given that up these days - they don't go with my job lol.
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Now that we don't have hockey training Tuesday night - I haven't had takeout for dinner any night this week either!:banana:

That's a great woohoo - I am terrible with the eating out - I so envy people who have their shopping down pat and their meals planned in advance. Mostly I'm just terrible at maintenance (again!) and getting to grocery shopping is never in my schedule. Again this is where the BF shines, as you could set your watch by his CostCo runs! I'm really looking forward to combining households - I tend to be a chameleon and take on the traits of people I'm around. So I may pick up a few of his good habits - because while for myself a lot of this stuff isn't important - I am a people pleaser, and sometimes that trumps!

I also smoked for good 7 years as young, this doesn't help either!

It's amazing how the body bounces back from smoking. My mom is the oldest of four sisters. They all smoked - my mom got lung cancer at 55 and died from some seriously aggressive metastasized tumors. The next oldest quit almost immediately, cold turkey - this is an aunt with serious COPD and I didn't think anything would make her quit - but she's been smoke-free for ten years now. The third sister quit years ago, like you, and has never had any long term issues. The youngest has such a stressful life - she always said she'd quit when things calmed down but with her dysfunctional adult children, that never happened. Like clockwork she was diagnosed with the same 4th stage lung cancer this year - at age 55... therapy has come a long way with immunotherapy and what not. The doctors still only give her 2 to 5 years battling it.

QOTD: What shoes are you wearing to exercise in now and why did you choose them?

Bonus Question: What is your favourite shoe to wear in the Disney Parks?

I have different shoes for different sports. Adidas running shoes for outdoor runs and Nike Free TR Fit for Zumba and strength training and while not shoes, K2 inline skates provide the most support for skating... I choose these because I got them all on sale. In actuality there are better shoes by the same manufacturers especially for my plantars fasciitis - but I'm not willing to pay $100+ for a pair of sneakers. Inevitably I get Adidas because we have an outlet store right across the street - and I usually find a decent pair in the clearance section. I just throw them out the minute the tread is worn, and if they don't have enough interior support I buy Dr. Scholls inserts. I do the My Coke Rewards and they always have Nike gift cards for purchase with rewards, so when those go on sale (usually around the holidays) I buy the gift cards with reward points, find a decent pair of Nikes at the Nike clearance page and voila, Nikes for about $35 out of pocket! If my feet still act up from too much activity, while I'm at work I run a tennis ball under the arch and that seems to help stretch out the ligament. Hopefully i'm not doing too much damage because I know feet are important, but I just don't have the funds to get any shoe over $100 - especially with how fast tread wears out.

My favorite shoe to wear in the Disney Parks... that's an interesting one that could lead to some debate here - as it just did in a Universal facebook page!! I LOVE my Teva sandals. I also have a pair of Nike sandals that were equally supportive and comfortable. But the Tevas provide a very solid sandal, with a great firm arch, and they're water proof! Best shoe I've ever found. But a lot of people will say the only shoe for days on end in Disney are sneakers and to bring flip flops along for water rides. Thoughts here?
Cinderella as we know ran from the ball and stepped right out of one of her glass slippers….

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View attachment 193074

Wow that's a huge pic - sorry bout that didn't realise :rotfl:

Let’s talk about the importance of well-fitting supportive shoes for exercising. Wearing poorly fitting shoes can not only make your feet hurt, but also affect the rest of your body giving you aches, pains and even injuries. Definitely not what we want when we are trying to improve our bodies. This is especially important for the runners amongst us. We learn from Cinderella that we need to wear the right shoes for the type of exercise we are doing - can you imagine how uncomfortable running in glass slippers must be lol!

Do you put all your trust in the store salesperson? Or do you have a bit of shoe knowledge before you go? Here is a link to Web MD that talks about knowing your feet and a few things about shoes before you buy your next pair of shoes

QOTD: What shoes are you wearing to exercise in now and why did you choose them?

Bonus Question: What is your favourite shoe to wear in the Disney Parks?

Quote of the Day

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When I bought my first pair of running shoes last Spring I went to a local running store and tried on about 10 different pairs. I ended up getting the Mizuno Wave Inspire and I really like them. I have flat feet and needed shoes with motion control, so I didn't have very many options to choose from. Another pair that I bought that are strictly for football practice are the Nike Lunerglides. Wearing properly fitted shoes at practice has made a big difference this year. Nike just came out with the new Lunerglide 8's and I really like these:

Once my running shoes give out, I might give these a try. I've always been a fan of flashy shoes and bright colors. Most of the motion control shoes for men are pretty dull.

As for the parks, I normally wear a running shoe... but this March will be the first time I wear one that is actually designed for my feet. Between that and being over 100 lbs lighter, it should be interesting to see how much better I feel after a couple days of walking at the parks.
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Cinderella as we know ran from the ball and stepped right out of one of her glass slippers….

View attachment 193072

View attachment 193074

Wow that's a huge pic - sorry bout that didn't realise :rotfl:

Let’s talk about the importance of well-fitting supportive shoes for exercising. Wearing poorly fitting shoes can not only make your feet hurt, but also affect the rest of your body giving you aches, pains and even injuries. Definitely not what we want when we are trying to improve our bodies. This is especially important for the runners amongst us. We learn from Cinderella that we need to wear the right shoes for the type of exercise we are doing - can you imagine how uncomfortable running in glass slippers must be lol!

Do you put all your trust in the store salesperson? Or do you have a bit of shoe knowledge before you go? Here is a link to Web MD that talks about knowing your feet and a few things about shoes before you buy your next pair of shoes

QOTD: What shoes are you wearing to exercise in now and why did you choose them?

Bonus Question: What is your favourite shoe to wear in the Disney Parks?

Quote of the Day

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I wear New Balance's with a special insert for them. My right foot is horrible and I am constantly in pain from it. My foot doctor even gives me an anti inflammatory medicine for when I am Disney because my foot is so bad by the time I get home. Last year I can back with tendinitis in that foot/ankle and couldn't walk for a month. I ended up in a brace for a few weeks.

We only wear tennis shoes to the park. I argue with my daughter about this every time we go. She wants to wear flip flops or sandals.
You're totally going to finish! And you can have my beer ticket at the finish since I don't drink beer. There's a big WOOHOO for you :D

Feeling a little nervous? Let me know what I can do to help alleviate concerns.

A little nervous, but it's more like I don't feel like I'm doing enough to prepare myself - especially to get a "good" time. I feel like I'm going to be disappointed with how I do, but maybe that will motivate me to do another in the spring... who knows.

Added to the pressure now is that the following week my football team will be the feature TV game for the week. The local news will do stories on the teams that week leading up to the game Friday night. Since we were just featured last week, I guess the school was looking for additional interesting stories that the news might be interested in and my dropping 115 lbs was brought up (and the head coach knew that I was running the half the Sunday before), so I guess they might be doing a story about me that week. I can't back out now!!!

We'll see what happens.
does your ex work with you? That would make things hard for you.

Heck no! But both of my brother in laws and my mother in law work for the same company. Not in the same department or building but we're all downtown. So that's a little uncomfortable.

QOTD: What shoes are you wearing to exercise in now and why did you choose them?

I have a pair of Brooks Glycerin running shoes. These are my second pair and I'm in LOVE with them. I have never really been a fan of Nike's. They always hurt my feet. My Brooks are like running on clouds. They're a bit pricey ($150) but all running shoes are pricey and they're so worth it.

Bonus Question: What is your favourite shoe to wear in the Disney Parks?

I usually wear my running shoes but I've also worn a pair of really comfortable Teva Mandalyn sandals that are the most comfortable pair of flip flop type sandals I've ever worn. I've not worn them in the parks but around the resort and at DS to give my feet a little break.


Leftover woohoo from yesterday: I got to the gym after work and pushed through a very hard 3 mile run. I was just really stiff and had a hard time breathing. But I made it through! And instead of going to get fast food like I had originally wanted I went to the grocery store and got a salad for dinner and didn't do any binge eating. It was a very successful night for me!
It's amazing how the body bounces back from smoking. My mom is the oldest of four sisters. They all smoked - my mom got lung cancer at 55 and died from some seriously aggressive metastasized tumors. The next oldest quit almost immediately, cold turkey - this is an aunt with serious COPD and I didn't think anything would make her quit - but she's been smoke-free for ten years now. The third sister quit years ago, like you, and has never had any long term issues. The youngest has such a stressful life - she always said she'd quit when things calmed down but with her dysfunctional adult children, that never happened. Like clockwork she was diagnosed with the same 4th stage lung cancer this year - at age 55... therapy has come a long way with immunotherapy and what not. The doctors still only give her 2 to 5 years battling it.
it's horrible habit. I gave up January 2013 and I actually hate the smell of them now. Its not unlike the current obesity crisis either. We developed poor habits, meal to serve a family of 5 for a day is viewed as challenge for one for one meal fun entertainment on tv in programs like Man vs Food. Milk shakes with 2000 calories are served with meals of 2000 and is as acceptable as smoking in offices was back in the 90's. UK health services is struggling with with the amount of weight loss surgeries needed and created a good bit o noise in the media but there is simply not enough money to treat all that need treatment. Terrible situation
Cinderella as we know ran from the ball and stepped right out of one of her glass slippers….

View attachment 193072

View attachment 193074

Wow that's a huge pic - sorry bout that didn't realise :rotfl:

Let’s talk about the importance of well-fitting supportive shoes for exercising. Wearing poorly fitting shoes can not only make your feet hurt, but also affect the rest of your body giving you aches, pains and even injuries. Definitely not what we want when we are trying to improve our bodies. This is especially important for the runners amongst us. We learn from Cinderella that we need to wear the right shoes for the type of exercise we are doing - can you imagine how uncomfortable running in glass slippers must be lol!

Do you put all your trust in the store salesperson? Or do you have a bit of shoe knowledge before you go? Here is a link to Web MD that talks about knowing your feet and a few things about shoes before you buy your next pair of shoes

QOTD: What shoes are you wearing to exercise in now and why did you choose them?

Bonus Question: What is your favourite shoe to wear in the Disney Parks?

Quote of the Day

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Umm, I might have a sneaker problem.


I absolutely love my running shoes! I usually have a minimum of 3 pairs in active rotation, but right now I'm at a silly point of 6. That's because I replace them every 300 miles approximately. I replenished just before my injury, so I'm still finishing out some and breaking in others. I buy new pairs when my current ones get to around 250, so I have time to break new ones in before I retire the old. The shoe companies update their models each year and sometimes I don't like the updates, so one pair in the picture (Brooks Ghost) I only use for the gym or walking, because they bother me on runs. They had been my favorite model for years, so it was disappointing. I have shoes for long runs, every day runs and speed work. I also still have all my old shoes - not pictured, that would be embarrassing;) I can't bear to part with them. They represent races and training I loved.

Good fitting shoes are essential to me. When I first started running I needed a motion control cushioned shoe because I overpronated. After about a year of running I was no longer over pronating so I switched to to neutral shoes. I need a minimum of 2 pairs, because I wear cushioned shoes and that cushioning takes over 24 hours to recover, so if I run consecutive days I need to wear different shoes. Used to be I'd buy various colors of the same model, but since the Ghost was changed I have not found one model I truly love.

I let the running store make recommendations and watch me run in every pair I try, to make sure I'm staying neutral, but in the end I go on feel. I like to feel solid and yet cushioned, so I just know it when I feel it.

I currently wear: Brooks Defyance (2 navy pairs in photo), Mizuno Waverider (all turquoise), Brooks Ghost (blue, purple and teal) Saucony Triumph (Royal and turquoise) and New Balance 680 (purple, blue and fluorescent yellow).

Bonus: To the parks, I wear sneakers if appropriate to my outfit. Race weekends I only wear sneakers until the challenge is done, too keep my feet well supported. Non race days I will wear sneakers or Spenco flip flops, which are an flip flop with great arch support.


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