Prayers Needed for Kevin's Brother Brian...UPDATE 12/21 EVEN BETTER NEWS!!!


Dec 17, 1999
Hey Gang

We need some prayers, pixie dust and good thoughts for Kevin's brother Brian.

He was admitted to the hospital yesterday with a very high fever and swelling in his leg. They were able to get his fever down but the doctors suspect an infection in the bone. He is diabetic and this could be very bad if they cannot get rid of the infection.

He is in good spirits but will need to be in the hospital through Christmas and is worried about what the course of treatment could mean.

I know we've asked for more than our fair share of good wishes this year and I thank you all for taking a moment out of your day to think of Brian.

Hugs, good wishes, and pixie dust sent to the entire family. Please let us know how he is doing.
This has been a hard year for you, Kevin and his family. I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.
:grouphug: good thoughts, prayers and the best wishes to Brian, Kevin and all his family! keep us update please
Kevin, John, Brian and Mrs. Klose you are in my thoughts and prayers. Also lifting up the doctors to take the best course of treatment. Here's some extra hugs too.:grouphug:
Thank you John for letting us know.

You are all in our prayers.....
John... For all you do for us you can never ask for to many prayers and pixie dust.. It is the least we can do and send lots the way of the Klose family
Oh my, thank you for letting us know. Again, you can never ask us for too many prayers and pixie dust :hug:! The Klose family has certainly been through enough for one year. I will keep Kevin's brother Brian and the family in my thoughts and prayers :grouphug:.
Oh man! Enough is enough for your family this year!!! Huge hugs and best wished to Brian and I'm sending lots of prayers up for all of you. :grouphug:
Thinking of Brian and hoping for the best.
I'm so sorry to hear this. Thanks for sharing, so we can include him in our prayers. The Klose/Magi family has definitely been through enough this year.

Is this the brother that was at the Toy Story Mania event?
Prayers for Brian. We'll be hoping for the best.


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