Poppy Ran Me Over With His Scooter - A PHM Trip Report UPDATE!! 7/23 Pg. 21

As we waited in line for our meal, I couldn't resist getting this picture of baby Troy. He was snug as a bug in a rug, which was good since it was so cold out that day.

That is the most adorable photo ever!

She saw the girls there so she came over and gives Madison a kiss on the head, and then she kisses the head of the child sitting next to Madison that wasn't Brigid! She was horrified when she realized it! She didn't even realize it until she was standing back observing. Whoops.
:rotfl2: I do similar things All.The.Time. Seriously I should pay much more attention! Once I was walking through Ikea with my boyfriend at the time and we got split up, when I found him I ran over grabbed his hand and started walking off...I only realised it wasn't him when I looked up to ask him some thing and AHH! Stranger!! The worst...and funniest part was this guy didn't say ANYTHING just held my hand and kept walking right along :lmao:

He is totally giving Minnie the eye! I'm watching you Minnie.... :rotfl:

After we met the characters we headed out to meet Jason, Jeni, and Joaquin. When we met them, boy did they have a story for us.

From Jason:

'Well we headed over to the bathroom as fast as we could, because Joaquin clearly and to go. We head into the bathroom and I send him in the stall to go. I'm standing outside of the stall, and Joaquin goes "oh, oh........oh no. oh no that's not good". I asked him what was wrong. He goes "I didn't make it in time.......I pooped in my pants". I go "you pooped your pants?" So I tell him to open the door, and I go to pick him up and there's poop. There is poop running everywhere! So I'm standing in the bathroom trying to hold him far away from me and yelling hoping Jeni hears me. She hears me and has to run to buy him some pants from somewhere.'

The whole time he's telling us this story, he's trying not to crack up the whole time. I mean, it's funny but it's not. The poor kid. At that point, we had a poopy pair of pants in a bag. I told Jason to throw the pants away, and he's like "we just got them!" Okay. Different solution then I would have.

At that point, everyone was ready to head back. I think poopgate kind of put a damper on the night. While the kids were upset about missing Test Track, we figured it would be prudent for Joaquin to head back. He clearly had something going on with his tummy that we were not privy to.

Oh poor Joaquin! Really shouldn't laugh....but you cant not...It's a Catch Twenty-Poo! :rotfl:
Oh my goodness you crack me up...and those kids are all just too funny! I am with you...I would have just thrown those pants away!
I feel like we're all running out of people to trick into drinking the Beverley now that they spoiled it in the dang Magical Express video! How dare they. At least you had one volunteer. :lmao:

I'm glad Akershus was such a hit! That really is a great restaurant. And ya know, princesses.

Omg... poor Joaquin! Sounds like he was such a great sport about it though. Aww.
Haha I love that Spaceship Earth picture, you guys are all so awesome! :thumbsup2

Akershus (no idea if I spelled that right :confused3) looked like fun, those princesses are all so pretty! Gotta love sassy Ariel. Her winged eyeliner looked really good too, although, I don't recall her having that much makeup in the movie...

Haha, I had to laugh at the poopy pants, especially carrying them around after...pretty sure I would have just thrown them away, but you know, I guess if they're new, you have to save them! :rotfl:
I got the car magnets, but now I've heard of people getting them stolen and I'm totally afraid to put it on my car!

I have the magnets but someone stole my DVC magnet off my car AT KIDANI!!!! crazy. I did call member services and they scoured the back closets for another for me. :love:

I go "you pooped your pants?" So I tell him to open the door, and I go to pick him up and there's poop. There is poop running everywhere! So I'm standing in the bathroom trying to hold him far away from me and yelling hoping Jeni hears me. She hears me and has to run to buy him some pants from somewhere.'

Oh NO!!!! - Funny and tragic at the same time. Something at Akerhaus did not agree with Joaquin at all. :scared:

Still cannot believe Popadon was only 4 weeks post surgery- He really was doing well.
I'm clearly losing my Distouch -- how in the world was I totally unaware you were writing 3 TRs at the same time?!? I think I'm following all of them now! :) Also, are you still loving your A5000? I'm the market for a new camera for our trip in November/December and wanted something that wasn't super bulky and heavy because I know I'd get tired of lugging it around super quickly!
I don't know how people plan a trip for a large group but you manage! One thing is for sure if I did go with a large group I would have to be in charge :rolleyes1
Couple observations:

Joaquin's Duffy has Peter Gallagher eyebrows, no lie ... :rotfl2:

Poopgate...we've ALMOST been there at Disney. I would have tossed the pants, personally :)

I've seen that Cindy before..... :rolleyes1

:rotfl2: I just keep watching this over and over. I'm mesmerized :lmao:

Good shot!

"I want to ride with Tee-Tee!" "NO I WANT TO RIDE WITH TEE-TEE!"

I mean, who doesn't want to ride with Tee-Tee! :confused3

I'm a terrible videographer by the way, so pardon me.

Such a fun video! I couldn't see the second one though. Only cool peeps with special invite links get to watch it I guess......:sad1:


Dang! Royalty shows up and everyone actually smiles for the camera?! Not one goofy face out of the whole bunch.

Such a ham :thumbsup2


Oooh, is that like Salisbury Steak Meatballs?

She asked him how many he had. Jason goes "86". She says "Wow, that's amazing!!.....Eric has 87."


Cinderella wasn't too memorable. I also wasn't a fan of her makeup, but that's just me. ;) Needed a bit more blending around the edges.....


and then she kisses the head of the child sitting next to Madison that wasn't Brigid! She was horrified when she realized it! She didn't even realize it until she was standing back observing. Whoops.

:scared1: but also :rotfl: I would have been mortified!

He is just so stinkin' cute.

'Well we headed over to the bathroom as fast as we could, because Joaquin clearly and to go. We head into the bathroom and I send him in the stall to go. I'm standing outside of the stall, and Joaquin goes "oh, oh........oh no. oh no that's not good". I asked him what was wrong. He goes "I didn't make it in time.......I pooped in my pants". I go "you pooped your pants?" So I tell him to open the door, and I go to pick him up and there's poop. There is poop running everywhere! So I'm standing in the bathroom trying to hold him far away from me and yelling hoping Jeni hears me. She hears me and has to run to buy him some pants from somewhere.'

:rotfl:Lesson learned. If DS needs to use the restroom, we're going ASAP! Ugh, that actually does suck though for Jason to try and clean it up. :scared:

Privy. Hahahahaha! I crack myself up.


I love this so much because at first glance, I thought "aww what a lovely family photo," but when I looked a bit harder... Well, you know. :laughing: Still a great picture! Shows what a fun family you guys are :thumbsup2

We get in line, and for some reason, I was the popular person this evening. All the kids (except Joaquin. Never Joaquin), were like "I want to ride with Tee-Tee!" "NO I WANT TO RIDE WITH TEE-TEE!"

Because Madison had asked me earlier that day, her first ride was with me, so she won out. And that made Bananas REALLY upset, so I had to promise to ride the next ride with her.

Aww they adore you!!! I love when that happens. I'm like yeahhh guys I'm just great with kids ok. But REALLY, I'm like,


I enjoyed hearing about Akershus, it looks like a fun way to meat the princesses, and those meatballs do look delish! But I don't really understand the meal? Is it both a buffet AND a table service meal?!

'Well we headed over to the bathroom as fast as we could, because Joaquin clearly and to go. We head into the bathroom and I send him in the stall to go. I'm standing outside of the stall, and Joaquin goes "oh, oh........oh no. oh no that's not good". I asked him what was wrong. He goes "I didn't make it in time.......I pooped in my pants". I go "you pooped your pants?" So I tell him to open the door, and I go to pick him up and there's poop. There is poop running everywhere! So I'm standing in the bathroom trying to hold him far away from me and yelling hoping Jeni hears me. She hears me and has to run to buy him some pants from somewhere.'

Noooo! :rotfl2: Poor kid!!! Hopefully he can look back and laugh about it now?!
Every since returning from Disney World on the 8th, I've been trying to get caught up. I'm getting there...slowly but surely. I've always wanted to read a dinner review of Akershus so thanks for the pictures. We have some picky eaters in the group so I've always been a little bit leery of booking an ADR there.

Poor Joaquin! That's one of those stories that will follow him forever.
Phew, I'm finally caught up too! Love that you are the popular one! I love your family's group photo. Your brother, Jason, looks just like Papadon!

We love Akershus! I'm so glad you had a good experience there. I can't wait to go back in August!

Poor Joaquin and the poop. Because I am a 40 year old woman in a 12 year old boys body, that story had me laughing uncontrollably. I'm still laughing, actually. Poor guy. It will probably be talked about for the rest of his life.
All caught up after a 3-week (non-Disney) vacation. Glad I'm not too far behind ;)

Great family pic in Epcot!

Gotta comment on the potty story...I think it's a little-boy issue, they like to wait until the last possible moment, then it becomes an emergency. Totally would've tossed the pants!

Heading over to check out your new TR :)
Haha, I love the "Troy ordered formula" tidbit. You always make me laugh so much when I read your reports! And as much as I cringed and felt so bad for Joaquin and poopgate, it's so funny how you can still find the humor in these situations!

Last Friday I was with my mom babysitting my niece when she had a poop explosion, the kind that goes up the back! Thankfully, we caught it before it went ALL the way up her back, but the onesie was ruined. My dad didn't really mind washing it out a bit in a basin and dumping the dirty water down the toilet, but I was like, "I'd just throw it away ..." I don't care how new the onesie is, it's still just a onesie! And it was REALLY full of poop! I don't know that I want to be the parent cleaning poop from clothes unless it was a complete necessity!
Hey Danielle! It's been awhile....I was away from the DIS for awhile, very busy with life. But now I'm back!

I am all caught up with your TR so far. I am loving it as always!!! Your Tangled inspired make up is so pretty! I always love seeing your daily make up inspirations.

I think it is so much fun that you went away with so many people from your family. It looks like a blast. Only a few posts in and you already have many stories!!!! I can't wait to read more!!!:goodvibes
I think the PP pictures came out great!

Cutie! Staying warm and a trooper!
HAHHA:rotfl2:I love when the interactions are good, and this one seemed fun!

We really enjoyed our meal at Akershus this past trip too! We had good interactions as well, and thought the food was pretty good!

Total First world problems, but this DRIVES ME CRAZY too! I want to go in and put them in the right order, it kills me that they aren't in the actual order we took them!
Poogate! poor kid, but honestly, at least he made it to the bathroom and not at character spot, now THAT would be poogate! :rotfl: ok this isnt funny, but it kinda is... you know next trip i am going to get pay back for laughing at this.... i should watch out...

Thanks! I think the PP pictures turned out pretty well too.

He was so adorable the entire trip.

I also love it when character interactions are good. It just makes it all worthwhile.

Ugh, right? That's my one main issue with Disney's PP download systems. I want them to stay in order dangit!

Yup, poopgate. Thankfully he made it to the bathroom. Would have been a total disaster if he didn't make it!

Love your TR's!!!! I usually lurk and never comment. But had to tell you how much I enjoy reading about your adventures! And your family is just wonderful. looking forward to more!

Thanks so much! I haven't been the greatest with being around lately, and I apologize about that.

You have the greatest family! So much fun. I'll admit I laughed at the poopy pants but feel bad for him!

Jill in CO

How can you not laugh! I felt bad for him too, but I also laughed at the moment it happened too.
Thanks for the tip when using them wet. I am not that brave yet. I did do Dinosaur themed make-up (greens) to see Jurrasic World this weekend...fun. I will not be sharing any pics as I could not take a selfie to save my life.

Thanks for the reassurance about getting a spot if I am on right away. We will see tomorrow.

Poor Joaquin...and I concur....throw the pants out. Your mom really is Super Ommi

Believe me, I'm a terrible selfie taker. I just do my best and press on. LOL. Have fun with them! That's half the excitement of getting those things!

My Mom definitely is Super Ommi. She always has been.

Love the mega-update! Fun to see dinner at Akershus, as we just did breakfast there. Looks like you guys had a blast!

Great Character Spot photos!

Oh no, poor Joaquin! :eek: That may just top any potty stories I have for the TR. :rotfl:

Dinner was great! I hadn't been there in so long, I was glad we ended up going.

Hahahaha, well at least you can feel better about your potty stories then. Leave it to my nephew to always be the one that takes the cake.

"I think sleeping beauty has extensions" :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: OMG - that cracked me up!

Great update - right to the very end and the poopy pants. At least he had a spare (I'm assuming from the post picture).

Super cute family pictures (well, for the most part.....)

Great princess pictures, even if Snow Whites eyes were a little too blue from that makeup.

Baby Troy is so cute.

How fun to have all the kids fight over sitting with you (well, except Master J).

I snorted when she actually said it at the table!

That spare pair of pants was purchased while Jason was in the bathroom with Joaquin. LOL, no choice!

Master J. will never fight over sitting with me. Kid just won't have any of it. Go figure. Haha.
We had dinner at Akershus on our last trip and my husband and I both loved it! The entrees were great, but the cold buffet was my favorite part!

Oh poor Joaquin! I guess when you gotta go you gotta go! I'm sure he will love reading his Tee-Tee's trip reports when hes older about that time he pooped his pants in Disney World lol

Can't wait to see how everyone does in the races!

Before it was a character meal, Akershus was always one of our favorites. I think I stayed away from it after it became a character meal because I was afraid of the changes that were made. But the cold buffet has always been one of the best parts!

Hahaha, I'm sure he will absolutely LOVE reading these later in life.

LOL I love the family pic!

So cute that the kids were fighting over you! :goodvibes

The group pic with Belle came out nice! Love your we-sies with the princesses!

All the character spot pics are sooo cute!

Aww poor Joaquin! It's definitely one of those stories that's not funny but you have to laugh.

Thanks! You actually inspired me to take we-sies with the princesses when I would see yours on IG and on your TR's.

You just have to laugh about it. No way around it.

The PP pictures at the front of Epcot are hilarious! So totally your family.

I got a good chuckle out of the Beverly video but I wasn't able to watch the second one because it said I needed to log in.

Akershus is one of the few restaurants that I haven't made it to yet. Well at least of the ones I would eat at. It's on my list to try someday.

Sleeping Beauty and her extensions! :rotfl: :rotfl2:

Cute pictures from the Character spot!

Aww, poor Joaquin! That had to be so embarrassing for him. Although he doesn't look all that embarrassed in the last picture. :)

Aren't they though? Our family definitely tends to take interesting pictures, that's for sure.

Weird! Ugh, YouTube!

Definitely give it a try someday. The food is very good.

He got over it pretty quickly. He's not easily embarrassed. Which works in his favor, because he's always the one that does embarrassing things.
Aww, poor Joaquin! It is funny in retrospect though. I'm just picturing him being held at arms length while covered in poop. :rotfl:As a nurse and also being immature poop stories are always funny. ;)

That's what I was envisioning too! When Jason was telling me the story, I couldn't help but imagine it.

Poop stories are always hysterical!

I think it's sweet that everyone wanted to ride with you. Clearly, you are the cool one in the group that everyone wants to hang with.

Glad dinner was a success. Your plates actually look really good. I've never paid much attention to Akershus simply because nobody in my party is a princess meal fan. But the food looks like it would be worth it.
And I totally laughed at Ariel's, "Eric has 87," comeback. Princess was on her game that night.

Oh man....the poor Poopgate debacle. I did laugh a little a the story, but I also felt bad for Mom and Dad; nothing ever goes smoothly with kids. I'm sure 90% of parents have had to make a mad dash to the Emporium or MouseGears to buy some new clothes due to a malfunction.

It was sweet! But apparently I'm not cool enough for Joaquin.

The food definitely makes it worth it. I would go there for the meatballs alone. And the dessert. The dessert was goooooooood.

Princess was totally on her game!

The funny thing about poopgate is that it's not the first time Joaquin has had a poop incident in WDW! It appears to be his lot in life

I love Akershus! Is steak new to the menu? I don't remember it being on it the last time I was there (Oct. '13). I do remember the seared beef tenderloins being delish. Do they still give like four different desserts to share?

Your mom is a gem. How sweet of her to get the girls autograph books.

Poor Joaquin! Kind of personal, but did he get new underwear also or just go commando the rest of the evening? It is a funny story, though.

It looks downright frigid the way you're all bundled. The one time we were there in late January, we had weather in the 40's and 50's all week. The last day, deparature day, was in the 80's of course.

Not sure if it's new to the menu. I hadn't eaten there in forever! They do still give several desserts to share. We ordered multiple times, we couldn't get enough of the desserts.

She really is a gem of a woman. She would do anything for those kiddos, even when they're not related by any blood.

I believe he went commando. Dear lord I would hope he went commando.


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