Poppy Ran Me Over With His Scooter - A PHM Trip Report UPDATE!! 7/23 Pg. 21

Oh - I almost forgot to add - don't be upset about being behind on a TR your writing for this year. I am still working on one from a year ago.....:faint:
Sorry about all the stuff you've had to deal with with your house :/ But no worries, update when you can.

I feel ya on people not texting when they say they will. Oh families.

Those WPE workers are on point with their photobombing.

Also, with all the waiting you did I was surprised you managed two pictures. If I was that hungry I'd have just chowed down and wrote a sorry note in my TR.
I'm so sorry about your water problems, it sounds like it was nightmare!

I'm glad everyone arrived safely and good call being in charge of the Magic bands :rotfl2:
Welcome back, but yikes on what you all have been dealing with. Hope its getting better.

No wonder you took charge of everyone's magic bands, 3 1/2 hours late and then a walmart stop. I would have killed them.

Love the drinking crown. I seriously need this. A crown while drinking, pure and utter perfection.

Poor Pop all by himself at the table. All by myself, don't wanna be all by myself anymore :charac2:

That photobomb is ingenious. Did you all even know they were doing it?
So sorry about the flooding. Those were bad storms that rolled through Illinois. I'm thankful the tornadoes weren't near us. I hope things look up and get better for you and your family!

HA HA, LOVE the Drinking Crown!!! I think I need one!

AWESOME photobomb!!!!
So I've been absent for the last month, but with some reason. The day after I posted my last update, we had huge storms come through the Midwest and hit Illinois. There were tornadoes that hit pretty close to us, but thankfully we were okay and it passed us. But some mega rain came through. Well, this mega rain backed up the sump pump in the middle of the night, causing it to basically flood the entire finished lower level.

Pretty much every spare moment since then has been spent restoring the damage that happened. Yes, there is insurance, but the undertaking of being in this situation is just insane! All of the carpet had to be removed because it was destroyed. We lost some doors too, so those had to be replaced. The entire lower level was in disarray, almost like it was before it was finished. So we've been slowly rebuilding it back to normal, repainting, replacing furniture, you name it, we have to do it.

It's been exhausting both mentally and physically. Working my normal job throughout the week, 45+ hours most times, to come home and do some work on the house, to the entire weekends being spent restoring things. Let's just say I truthfully did not have the energy or the motivation to get on the DIS. By the time I would even have a minute to think about it, honestly I just wanted to go to bed.

So I'm not going to make a stupid promise like "I'm going to update every three days!" or anything like that, but I am going to be able to make more of an effort now. The family room is complete and one of the spare bedrooms is done. We have the hallway left and the last back bedroom, and slowly we're moving things back into the house from the shed and garage. I'll respond to prior posts later, but I really felt like I honestly owed all of my readers an update. Thank you so much for sticking in there. I'm telling you truthfully, this 2015 has felt terrible so far, what with my Pop's heart attack and surgery, and now this. I don't know how much more I can take! :lmao:I'll be getting caught up on other threads too, so no worries there!

Oh my gosh, i'm so sorry about your house, I can't even imagine all the work you guys had to do to repair all the damage. You still have 7 months left for 2015 to turn around so i'm hopefully some good things will come your way! :goodvibes



I also modeled my drinking crown. For real. This is my drinking crown. I purchased it at Mouse Gear just for that reason.

How in the world does it stay up there?! Cause once I start drinking, I don't think that will be on my head for much longer :lmao:

I love these in the lobby. So pretty!

Yup, we are those people. Leave the four kids at a separate table away from the grown ups. Teaches them good life lessons. :scratchin


The server at WPE offered to take a picture for us. And the best thing happened. We were photobombed by the other WPE staff. This is why Disney is amazing!

:rotfl: :worship: That is just awesome!

Everyone liked their food, except for Bananas (that's Brigid's nickname by the way), who thought the mac and cheese was icky. But she's a super picky girl and I think she didn't like it mainly because it wasn't atomic orange.

:lmao: Is it bad that I like atomic orange too?! Sometimes a box of Velveeta just hits the spot.

We have a lot of mega Star Wars fans on our hands.

And there's nothing wrong with that!

Was the dragon wearing your drinking crown too long!? :rotfl2:
All caught up and Oh My- so sorry about the water damage. I have a lot of house and yard work that just needs to get done. Major updating inside and soil reclamation in the backyard. Every waking moment I tell you.

Hope the second half of 2015 is better for you than he first half.
Funny it seems after every time I go on a trip and come back to the DIS, yours is the first update I see and respond to. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

It's been a rough start to the year for you and your family. I am ordering that the rest of the year be awesome!

I'm glad everyone finally arrived (a couple hours later than expected :faint:) and that you got rooms close together (and of course the littles ended up by you).

Love WPE...have to get back there soon.

Love the hat pictures.

Thanks Kathy .We hope the rest of the year will be better too. The lower level is looking much better already.
Just wanted to let you know that I'm enjoying your report! I finally got back into DIS and took the time to update my OLD TR. Thanks for the Disney magic today :)
So sorry you had to deal with the flooding, Dani!! A similar thing happened to us a year and a half ago, and we haven't put new carpet in because we're not sure if it'll happen again. So tough to deal with. I hope Popadon is doing well and I'm excited you're heading back to the World soon to get your mind off things!

WPE! So much love. I would've taken care of that mac and cheese...
UGH and double UGH on the storm/flood damage! Doing any kind of remodeling work is a pain but to have all the damage piled on top of the remodel has to be a royal pain!

Yay for everyone arriving safe and sound and for good room assignments. Wolfgang Puck Express is one of our very favorite counter service restaurants!
I've fallen miserably behind, but I'm all caught up now!

I'm so sorry about the sump pump backing up. We lose power rather frequently where we live, so we can't live without a battery back up sump pump.

LeCellier pretzel bread! Yummmm.....

I love your drinking crown. I think everyone should wear a crown while drinking.

Your Pop is rather adorable in his scooter! Was he able to ride rides like Soarin'?

WPE is one of my favorite restaurants. Everything I've tried there is good. The problem is my husband is not a big fan of Downtown Disney. He would much rather be in a park. I think he just equates Downtown Disney with spending money.
I am WAY more behind than you! Working on 2 TR's that were from trips more than a year ago. Sad!!! I am so sorry about the sump pump issues...I do not miss that about the midwest at all.

Love the drinking crown!
Oh, I'm so sorry about your flood damage. :( That is the absolute worst. I don't blame you for not being around the DIS. Who has time when you have that mess to deal with. I hope 2015 improves for you.

Glad your family finally all arrived and you got rooms relatively close to each other. That pic at WPE of the photo bomb by the CMs is so great. I'm laughing just looking at it. I'm sure they could tell you were a fun family, and bonus for the free creme brulee!
Hello Danielle, just caught up! Sorry I haven't been very active (school, ya know?), but I have a whole summer to make up for that now! YAY!

I'm sorry to hear about what happened with the flooding at your house. That does not sound fun. And I'm sorry your year hasn't been that great either. It will turn around though. It always does. Especially since you always have Disney right around the corner. :thumbsup2

Loving this report so far! That Zack gif in the first chapter was everything. Best thing about that season. Him and Frankie were the real OTP. :love: Oh and the Moulin Rouge one was on-point too hehe

Anyways, it's so inspiring to read about your journey with running. The ambition and determination you have is amazing. I wish I had that, I'd probably still be running competitively if I did (and you're so right, taking off six minutes is IMPRESSIVE). It honestly makes me want to get back into it so I could go run (no walking) some of the RunDisney events. I can't wait to hear how it went for you for this one. I heard it was cold, but that's about it so I'm anxious to hear how well you did. :teeth:

Haha, that photobomb at WPE is awesome! Cast Members are the actual best. And mmm, everything sounds so good. WPE is next on my list for DTD restaurants to conquer. ::yes::

Can't wait to read more! :mickeyjum
All caught up- So sorry about the flooding. I have been watching FB for your SWW escapades and it looks like you had fun.
Funny it seems after every time I go on a trip and come back to the DIS, yours is the first update I see and respond to. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

It's been a rough start to the year for you and your family. I am ordering that the rest of the year be awesome!

I'm glad everyone finally arrived (a couple hours later than expected :faint:) and that you got rooms close together (and of course the littles ended up by you).

Love WPE...have to get back there soon.

Love the hat pictures.

That is funny, but you're totally right that's how it seems to happen!

It has been a rough start. I've been waiting for it to just start to level out. Let's hope your order for the rest of the year to be awesome works.

Haha, yeah a couple hours later than expected. Not like I was surprised or anything, because that's totally Jason's thing.

I'm so sorry that you and your family had to deal with that mess. I am sure it had to be SO disruptive. I am sure it will be wonderful when you can put it all behind you once and for all.

Loved the update. Cracked up at the atomic orange comment on the mac and cheese because, really , who doesn't LOVE that mac and cheese out of the box??????

So cool that the family is all together finally. Adorable pics of the kids with their Star Wars themed head attire. And that was a great photobomb on the part of then wait staff at WP. Classic picture.

But perhaps my favorite picture is of you and your drinking crown. Perfection. I really want, no NEED one of them for my next trip. :thumbsup2::yes::

It has been so much more disruptive than I thought it would be. It really just emphasizes how much crap you have when you have to go through all of it!

Oh believe me, I love myself atomic mac and cheese. But she really didn't want to eat the classy mac. I don't even remember if she ate anything that night or not. LOL. Kids!

That CM photobomb was amazing! Obviously I didn't notice it until after I was looking through the pictures, and I congratulated them on their amazing photobombing skills.

Ah yes, the drinking crown is courtesy of WDW. They sell them in the stores in the kids section. LOL.

Oh - I almost forgot to add - don't be upset about being behind on a TR your writing for this year. I am still working on one from a year ago.....:faint:

I feel like such a failure this year! I feel like my readers won't want to stick with me. I'll make it through though.

Sorry about all the stuff you've had to deal with with your house :/ But no worries, update when you can.

I feel ya on people not texting when they say they will. Oh families.

Those WPE workers are on point with their photobombing.

Also, with all the waiting you did I was surprised you managed two pictures. If I was that hungry I'd have just chowed down and wrote a sorry note in my TR.

Thanks so much. It's getting better little by little, so hopefully I'll stay on top of things.

They were so awesome with their photobombing! I love stuff like that. I want a CM to take a selfie with my phone one of these days.
I'm so sorry about your water problems, it sounds like it was nightmare!

I'm glad everyone arrived safely and good call being in charge of the Magic bands :rotfl2:

It certainly has been a nightmare, but it's getting better thank goodness.

Welcome back, but yikes on what you all have been dealing with. Hope its getting better.

No wonder you took charge of everyone's magic bands, 3 1/2 hours late and then a walmart stop. I would have killed them.

Love the drinking crown. I seriously need this. A crown while drinking, pure and utter perfection.

Poor Pop all by himself at the table. All by myself, don't wanna be all by myself anymore :charac2:

That photobomb is ingenious. Did you all even know they were doing it?

It's been getting a little better thankfully. Still a bit of work to do, but a major difference from what it was a few weeks ago.

The Walmart stop got me. It was like "seriously? You've made it that far and you're going to stop at Walmart?!"

Everyone must have a drinking crown.

Hahahah! I totally sang that line.

We had no idea they were photobombing until I looked at the picture. I loved it.

So sorry about the flooding. Those were bad storms that rolled through Illinois. I'm thankful the tornadoes weren't near us. I hope things look up and get better for you and your family!

HA HA, LOVE the Drinking Crown!!! I think I need one!

AWESOME photobomb!!!!

I was thankful that we didn't get worse damage than we did! The tornadoes did get pretty close to us, but we avoided them.

Oh my gosh, i'm so sorry about your house, I can't even imagine all the work you guys had to do to repair all the damage. You still have 7 months left for 2015 to turn around so i'm hopefully some good things will come your way! :goodvibes


How in the world does it stay up there?! Cause once I start drinking, I don't think that will be on my head for much longer :lmao:

I love these in the lobby. So pretty!


:rotfl: :worship: That is just awesome!

:lmao: Is it bad that I like atomic orange too?! Sometimes a box of Velveeta just hits the spot.

And there's nothing wrong with that!

Was the dragon wearing your drinking crown too long!? :rotfl2:

It's starting to turn around a bit, so here's hoping it continues upward.

The drinking crown has a clip! Cause it's made for a little kid! Haha, leave it to me to take something that's for a child and make it something that's completely adult.

I love atomic orange too!
All caught up and Oh My- so sorry about the water damage. I have a lot of house and yard work that just needs to get done. Major updating inside and soil reclamation in the backyard. Every waking moment I tell you.

Hope the second half of 2015 is better for you than he first half.

Thanks so much. I know, it feels like that sometimes doesn't it? It's felt like the lower level damage has just taken over everything in our life right now. Every waking moment spent getting things organized. I know there's light at the end of the tunnel, but it's been a lot.

Thanks Kathy .We hope the rest of the year will be better too. The lower level is looking much better already.

It is!

I totally forgot that we got photo-bombed. Sure miss the great food from WPE. Mmmm so good

Haha, that photobomb was great.

Just wanted to let you know that I'm enjoying your report! I finally got back into DIS and took the time to update my OLD TR. Thanks for the Disney magic today :)

Thanks so much! I know, it stinks when you get away from the DIS for a while, isn't it?


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