Pop, Pop, Poppity-Pop! A November 2014 trip report

Thanks for the well wishes! I think we need um. I'm fighting it off so far but not sure if that is going to last. :rotfl:

Strange that the Photopass person would give the go for the meet and greet to start before she turns the camera on. Seems like she would at least tell you that the camera wasn't on.:confused3
Awesome getting to be first in line to meet Sofia! Cute interaction photos, bummer about not getting the posed one though!
I hope everyone is feeling better at your house. Hannah has 10 out of 21 kids sick/out at school. Well, I guess 11 now because she was sick today. These germs are crazy this year!

Love the ToT and RnR pics. We haven't done either of those with our girls yet. I can't wait until we do!

Cute Sophia and jake pics! I can't believe the photographer didn't get any pics for you. That's a bummer!
Thanks for the well wishes! I think we need um. I'm fighting it off so far but not sure if that is going to last. :rotfl:

Strange that the Photopass person would give the go for the meet and greet to start before she turns the camera on. Seems like she would at least tell you that the camera wasn't on.:confused3
I know. I thought that too. Couldn't you have told me you were not taking any pictures and just fiddling with your camera.

Awesome getting to be first in line to meet Sofia! Cute interaction photos, bummer about not getting the posed one though!

It was perfect. Worked out perfectly. Abi was so excited!
I hope everyone is feeling better at your house. Hannah has 10 out of 21 kids sick/out at school. Well, I guess 11 now because she was sick today. These germs are crazy this year!

Love the ToT and RnR pics. We haven't done either of those with our girls yet. I can't wait until we do!

Cute Sophia and jake pics! I can't believe the photographer didn't get any pics for you. That's a bummer!

It really has been a crazy year for sickness. Seems like everyone I know has been getting sick more often than usual.


OKay everyone! Sorry for my very long absence! December got away with me. After being sick for a week I was so far behind.
Then we had Abigail's 9th birthday, our 11th anniversary, Maddy's first dance recital, all the family and work Christmas get togethers, trying to finish prep for Christmas, then the holidays.. It has been so CRAZY.
I can't wait to catch up on everyone's blogs. And I am going to try to get an update up here in the next few minutes.
So I left off after we had just met Jake.
We went straight to get into the first Disney Jr. Live on stage show. But just as we got there they were closing the doors and putting up the rope.
I felt bad that my plan hadn't quite worked out... but then a CM said, hey guys follow me.

So we followed her.
She led us past the meet areas and into the building through a different door. Then she took us into a CM only area and through some back doors and into the show! It was awesome! We sat at the back on the right side of the stage except for my dad who has a hard time sitting on the floor. He stood by the wall a little ways behind us.

Not the best view in the world. But it was still great. And the kids loved it.


Most of my pictures ended up like this one: blurry.

They loved all of the interactive elements.





They were freaking out about the gold dublooms falling from the ceiling.


I loved the host of the show. She was really cute and energetic and she kept coming back by us to talk to and give lots of attention to the girl in the wheelchair you can see behind Maddy in that picture. It was really sweet.

After the show was over we went straight into the Animation building to do the animation class.
There was a little bit of a wait for the previous class to get out but we only sat there for probably about 15 minutes if that.
I brought along a Spot It princess game and between that, some play packs, the gold dublooms, and some stickers the CM gave us while waiting, the girls were happy as could be.


It was at some point during this time that I handed everyone some snacks. This is where I am mad at myself. I didn't write down what they were and for the life of me I don't remember. I think it was some kind of fruit snacks.
My mom was eating hers and Maddy yelled, "Grandma you ate a TED!"
We were all so confused.
She ate a what? Who's Ted?
Sometimes Maddy pronounces her words differently and is hard to understand (like crayon sounds like crown)
and she got frustrated with us.
" She ate a ted! She ate a Ted!"
Finally touches her head. And then all of a sudden we all understand what she is saying. "Oh. She ate it's head."
"YES!" She laughs.
It was pretty funny.

Then we were finally let into the animation room and claimed our spots toward the back as it was a pretty full class and we wanted to get six spots all next to each other.


So the CM in charge starts asking for suggestions. my girls were saying Olaf... but not very loud.
Someone yelled Stitch and a bunch of people said, yes!
My girls did not.
You see, we are not Stitch fans. Yikes. I know. There are so many Stitch fans out there. Alas, we are not among them.
Oh well.
Now comes another funny Maddy moment.
When we were there when Maddy was baby, she was making the weirdest noises during the animation class. I have no idea how to even explain them. She had these tween aged boys next to us falling out of their chairs laughing. The boy that was teaching the class noticed and said I hope someone is getting this on film for Funniest Home Videos. Darn it. We didn't.
Anyway, back to this day, Maddy talks A LOT. She kept talking and talking and even though we were all the way in the back, the CM heard her say she couldn't do Stitch. She said you can draw whatever you want if it's hard for you. Maddy was thrilled and was so excitedly talking about what she was going to draw the animator laughed and said please come show me your work after class!
I looked at Doug and said it looks like Maddy is going to make a scene every time we come to this class.

Well, we all got to drawing. These are our finished products:
Mine and Maddy's:


Abi (you can see she drew whatever she wanted as well) and Doug's:


My parents- we all laughed at my dad's. He is actually a pretty good artist. But he could not figure Stitch out and we decided he looked a little like a Stitch/Yoda hybrid.


Oh and here is a picture of the girls going up to show the CM their drawings.

It was a lot of fun.

We were going to go to the Little Mermaid after this but the line was really long so instead we decided to head to lunch as it was now 11 and the girls were saying they were hungry. We thought we might as well eat early and beat the rush.
We beat the rush all right. We got over to the restaurant and realized they didn't open for another 20 minutes. But that was okay. We decided to sit down and just enjoy hanging out together.
Where were we for lunch?

We ended up being really glad we waited and got there early because as soon as they opened they got PACKED! By the time we left it was hard to walk anywhere there were so many people in there.
About that food:
Doug had a cheeseburger and fries, I had the buffalo chicken bites and fries, the girls both had chicken strips and fries. They got cookies and we got chocolate mousse. It was all really good. I was surprised by my buffalo chicken bites. I did not think they would be as good as they were. But they really did taste like eating buffalo wings. They were good and spicy. Loved them.

My parents both got burgers and fries as well and got cupcakes for dessert. They both enjoyed their food too. Definitely a win for lunch.

Up next: Fire! I don't like Fire! Deja vu.
So great that you were able to get into the show- pixie dust for sure!

Love the Ted story, too cute :)

I'm glad you guys made the most of the drawing class and had fun, despite not being thrilled about the character drawn!
Joining in! I've really enjoyed reading your TR so far! We were at Disney World Nov 6th- 14th, so it will be fun following along with your trip to see if our family was anywhere at the same time as yours those first few days. :cool1:
Sneaking in a secret way for Disney jr! What a fun way to get in! Isn't it so fun when the things magically fall down? Our girls loved that so much. We even kept some of the "gold". I was going to put it on a scrapbook, but haven't started that project yet....

We've never eaten back there before, but it sure looks and sounds good!

Glad you had fun in the animation class. We didn't get to draw something I was hoping for either. Glad the girls drew what made them happy! Love their art!
So great that you were able to get into the show- pixie dust for sure!

Love the Ted story, too cute :)

I'm glad you guys made the most of the drawing class and had fun, despite not being thrilled about the character drawn!

It was so great!

Yay for pixie dust getting you into the show pixiedust:
It is really fun when you don't expect something and then it happens like that. Definitely grateful!
Joining in! I've really enjoyed reading your TR so far! We were at Disney World Nov 6th- 14th, so it will be fun following along with your trip to see if our family was anywhere at the same time as yours those first few days. :cool1:
:wave2:Welcome! It looks like you have a trip report going too so I will have to go check it out!
Sneaking in a secret way for Disney jr! What a fun way to get in! Isn't it so fun when the things magically fall down? Our girls loved that so much. We even kept some of the "gold". I was going to put it on a scrapbook, but haven't started that project yet....

We've never eaten back there before, but it sure looks and sounds good!

Glad you had fun in the animation class. We didn't get to draw something I was hoping for either. Glad the girls drew what made them happy! Love their art!
IT really is such a fun show how they do that with every act. It kept the girls excited to see what would fall next.
Just found your TR and I'm loving it! You arrived at Pop the day I left! We were there the 7th-11th for the Wine and Dine and had a great time. Can't wait to read more!
Ah! Don't know how I missed that you had started this, but I'm here now and all caught up!
Bummer about having to deal with getting meds at a pharmacy out of town, that's such a stressful thing. Glad there is one that will deliver!

So far it looks like y'all had a great trip - I can't believe that photographer didn't tell you she wasn't shooting the meet and greet, I would not have been happy. So weird :confused3

Can't wait to read more!
I kept laughing reading about your reveal because I did a big scavenger hunt to tell my kids we were going on our first family trip to WDW and they didn't really believe me for about an hour either.

I love the idea of Tinkerbell rewarding kids who follow the rules!

I'm so glad you told us about the animation class so many TR's mention it, but I've never done it and now that I know what to expect and I know I will.

I wish I had read this before my DD's 5th bday trip in Sept:
"My biggest piece of advice is to make sure you go buy something or try to pick up your mugs as soon as possible on your trip to make sure your pin is working. It was much easier to have it happen in the pop cafeteria when I could quickly get it fixed that if it had happened at one of the parks."
Ours didn't work and we couldn't get food in the park all day. It was awful.
Just found your TR and I'm loving it! You arrived at Pop the day I left! We were there the 7th-11th for the Wine and Dine and had a great time. Can't wait to read more!

:welcome: Glad to have you along!

Ah! Don't know how I missed that you had started this, but I'm here now and all caught up!
Bummer about having to deal with getting meds at a pharmacy out of town, that's such a stressful thing. Glad there is one that will deliver!

So far it looks like y'all had a great trip - I can't believe that photographer didn't tell you she wasn't shooting the meet and greet, I would not have been happy. So weird :confused3

Can't wait to read more!

I think a lot of people haven't noticed. :confused3
It was super stressful but now I am so glad to know about that pharmacy just in case we ever need it again. It made it so convenient. Even if it was expensive.

I kept laughing reading about your reveal because I did a big scavenger hunt to tell my kids we were going on our first family trip to WDW and they didn't really believe me for about an hour either.

I love the idea of Tinkerbell rewarding kids who follow the rules!

I'm so glad you told us about the animation class so many TR's mention it, but I've never done it and now that I know what to expect and I know I will.

I wish I had read this before my DD's 5th bday trip in Sept:
"My biggest piece of advice is to make sure you go buy something or try to pick up your mugs as soon as possible on your trip to make sure your pin is working. It was much easier to have it happen in the pop cafeteria when I could quickly get it fixed that if it had happened at one of the parks."
Ours didn't work and we couldn't get food in the park all day. It was awful.

That is such a bummer. That must have been so stressful to not be able to use it at the park.
Yeah. we really enjoy the animation class. It is a nice little break from all the noise and crowds and a fun free souvenir.

As we were eating lunch we got out our schedule and map so I could refresh everyone on what we would be doing next. At this point I realized there was just no way to do everything on the list.
I had us going to the Beauty and The Beast stage show next but I knew that if we did that we would most likely not have time to get to our Star Tours FP and then we would have to do Indiana Jones and maybe miss other things that were my high on other people's list.
I love Beauty and the Beast and I was excited to see the show again but I decided I would take one for the team and skip it since we had seen it before and we knew that Indiana Jones show wasn't going to be here for much longer.
So, as soon as we were done eating we went straight to the Indiana Jones Stunt Show.

It was about to start so we went straight in. We got pretty good seats toward the back on the right side.
And the show started.
Side story: On our last trip when Abi was 5 we were able to go on the Back lot tour (it wasn't open anymore on this trip) and Abi was really frightened at the part that had explosions and fire. Right after we went to the Indiana Jones show and there was also fire. She yelled out "I don't like fire!!!" It was so loud that no one else heard her.
Now back to this trip....
The show started


Abi found it to be extremely exciting and loved every minute of it. I was able to capture one of my favorite pictures of the whole trip because this was the look on her face during almost the whole show. Pure Disney magic.


But Maddy... not so much. As soon as the explosions and fire started happening she started hiding her face.
And then she yelled out, "Fire! I don't like fire!"

It made me laugh so hard because of it being exactly what her sister had said at the same age 4 years ago.

The rest of us loved the show and were really glad we took the time for it.

Next we headed straight to Star Tours for our FP. Doug was really excited to go on this since it wasn't available last time. All of us adults like Star Wars (the kids haven't actually seen it yet) but Doug and my Mom are the biggest fans.
My dad stayed off the ride as he knew he wouldn't enjoy it and the rest of us headed on.

But Maddy was getting progressively "creeped out" ( a phrase that would stick around this entire trip) by everything in the queue. We got up to board really fast and she started crying. I was not taking her on this and ruining everyone else's ride if she didn't calm down so I got out of line with her and took the back exit. I wanted to ride it but wasn't heartbroken about it. It made sense for me to take her out since I wasn't as excited as the others.
Maddy and I went out and found my dad and waited by the exit with him.
He gave Maddy some quarters and she was so happy!


Soon my Mom, Doug, and Abi came out with huge smiles on their faces. Abi LOVED the ride.

We had FP for the Frozen sing along next.
It was pretty packed by the time we got in there. We got seats off to the left of the stage about halfway back.


My opinion on the sing along. Eh. It wasn't quite what I expected. I thought Anna and Elsa would be there the whole time. If you haven't experienced it yet there are two storytellers that tell a condensed version of the entire movie stopping on each song to sing and Anna and Elsa are only out for part of it.
It was fun but not something I would race to do again.

After the show we went back to see if Phineas and Ferb were out. They weren't so we decided to go do the Muppets. But by the time we got to the theater it was still 15 minutes until a show started.
We realized that with the wait for the show to start and then the show length we would be hard pressed to get to meet P&F, go back to play in Wandering Oaken's Trading post (which the girls really wanted to do) and still get to our Toy Story Mania Fp on time, plus everyone was extremely thirsty. We decided to skip out on the Muppets this time (even though we love them) and get some soda and ice cream snacks for a little break. This turned out to be a good idea because the kids were wilting a little and it perked them right up.



We went to Wandering Oaken's next.

We got in line for the snow area.






The girls really enjoyed this.
Next up we would try again to meet Phineas and Ferb.

Up next: Hidden Mickey
After playing at Wandering Oaken's my parents wanted to do some shopping. We wanted to head back over to Phineas and Ferb so we made a plan to meet at Toy Story Mania.
We didn't stop to meet them but noticed these guys on our way past and waved to them.

We got in line for Phineas and Ferb. It was about a 15 minute wait and pretty hot. We were starting to get worried that we wouldn't be able to meet them and still get over to meet my parents in time.. as we got closer we could hear CM's talking about them needing to take a break soon.
We were so worried.
then they said okay P&F will be taking a short break after this family and pointed to us. PHEW!!
We made it!

The girls were SO excited. We love Phineas and Ferb.








It was such a fun meet. The girls were all smiles as we left.
We raced over to Toy Story to meet my parents and barely made it in time.

The FP line was actually pretty long but it moved fast. We were in line for probably about 15-20 minutes.
And soon we were boarding. Maddy rode with me, Abi with my mom, and Doug and my dad together.




It was a little bit of a learning curve for Maddy but once she got it, she loved it.

I can't remember scores and I didn't write them down but I am pretty sure Doug won, then my dad, Abi and my mom, me and then Maddy.

When we got out we went straight back to what my Dad had been looking forward to: the Car Stunt show.
My parents saw it on our last trip but we didn't.

I gave the girls a little snack pack that I had put together before the trip that said, 'Do you want to build a Snowman?' It consisted of marshmallows, pretzel sticks, and orange jelly belly's.
They were eating for a few minutes when Maddy said, "Hidden Mickey!!"
She found this in her snack bag.

They thought I did it on purpose. I was like, nope. didn't even notice that. Pretty cool.


The car show was interesting.
Then there was more fire.

Maddy started freaking out and so I took her out and we waited out by the front. There didn't end up being much of the show left so we were only waiting about 5-10 minutes for everyone to come out.

Then we headed straight to the Little Mermaid.
Along the way, Abi was so excited to be able to run in the Coke bottle mist. It was HOT and very humid. So it felt really good.

It was so nice to get in to the Little Mermaid to cool off.

Always a fun show.

Originally my plan for the rest of the night was to go to dinner, then Fantasmic, then see the Osborne lights but I knew at this point that I was going to have to change it up.
We wanted to go up to Fantasmic right away as it was getting close to show time.
So we went straight there.
While waiting I realized how much pain my dad was in with his bad knee. I knew he was really tired. And so were the kids. I thought about how we would have to walk all the way to the back again to see the lights. And I asked everyone how important they were to them. Turns out I was the only one that really cared too much since we got a glimpse of them on the last trip.
So, unfortunately I decided that we should just skip that. I ran the idea by everyone to just go to the buses after Fantasmic and eat dinner at POP and go to bed. They all wanted to do that.

Up next (because I have too many pictures already) Fantasmic!

Back to Fantasmic:
After our last trip and the success of the bubble gun during Fantasmic, I knew we would want to get one again.
Then awhile back I was in Cracker Barrel and saw them for only a couple dollars each. So I bought them and we brought them along on the trip.
We broke them out while we were waiting.
I didn't realize I would have to have a screwdriver to open them up to put batteries in so we had a moment of panic but then I realized I had a little sewing kit in my backpack and I was able to use the tiny tweezers that were in it to unscrew it!:cool1:
The girls had a blast with these and so did all the kids around us.
There were some crabby older people behind us that were really annoyed by it and I tried to keep the bubbles from going their direction but at some point I had to just realize that all the kids were entertained as were a lot of adults and just try to forget about the stink eyes we were getting from them and try not to listen to their negative comments.


Soon it was time for the show to start. As usual Fantasmic didn't dissapoint. it was so much fun!






As soon as the show ended we joined the other sardines in inching our way back out. It took a while to get back to the front of the park.
We grabbed a PP picture on our way out.
I am glad we got a last picture with the hat in it.

We rode our bus back to Pop and went straight to the cafeteria for dinner.
Doug and I both had the build a chicken sandwich with fries. He had a monster drink I think and a Mickey bar. I had a water and a chocolate cake that I ended up sharing with the girls.

Maddy sat at a table with Doug and I and had a hot dog, fries, grapes, and chocolate milk.

Abi sat with my parents at the next table over.
She also had a hot dog, fries, grapes, and chocolate milk.
My mom and dad both had the sesame chicken meal. my mom had chocolate milk and my dad had a soda.

After dinner we were all exhausted but we took the girls swimming for about 30 minutes and then gave them baths. Then we watched Duffy Bears bedtime stories and fell asleep.
It was a very tiring day but so much fun!

Up next: Went to sleep as 4 year old, woke up as a 5 year old.​
Bummer that you ended up having to skip so many things that you wanted but glad to hear that you were able to have fun!
Abi's face during Indiana Jones is so priceless- adorable!

I'm sorry Maddy couldn't make it through Star Tours or Lights Motor Action :-/

Cute pics playing in the snow!

YAY for getting to meet Phineas and Ferb!

Sorry you didn't get to see the lights :( But seems like it was a great day for you all!
We have the same problem with HS. There's too many things to do there that all happen at the same time. We can never get to it all either, even if we get there early and stay late.

I'm so excited you saw fantasmic! We haven't seen it for quite some time. I'm glad you didn't let the crabs behind you spoil the kids fun!

Even though you had to skip some things, it sounds like a great day!


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