Ponchos instead of raincoats?

We use dollar store ones...use them and then toss when the rains all done I hate having to carry them around after when they are wet.

I also like the baseball cap idea but usually wear one under the poncho.

All we do is take them off inside out and stuff them in a zip lock bag so then there is no wetness to be concerned about.
If you have a raincoat, pack it, you own it. I personally dont like them, they arent reusable and often make you feel icky afterwards and smell of cheap plastic.
If you are driving, find a Walgreens or CVS near Disney. They often have Mickey and Minnie ponchos for less.
Now that I don't need to carry a backpack since my kids are older, I like my raincoat better because I can tie it around my waste and fill the pockets with my stuff so I don't have to go through bag check when the lines are long. :thumbsup2
I use a wide brim boonie style hat instead of a baseball cap. I find it works better, because I don't have to put the hood up and it keeps rain off my face and neck.

All we do is take them off inside out and stuff them in a zip lock bag so then there is no wetness to be concerned about.

We do the same thing. We use disposable ponchos and I put the poncho, still in its original bag, in a Ziploc sandwich bag. If we have to use them, we can fold them and stuff them in the larger bag.
I usually just walk in the rain with no protection. If it's really bad I'll go inside and see a show or something. In December a big rainstorm hit as we were eating dinner at Pecos Bills, and it was still going on when we finished eating, so we went to see Country Bears. Rain was down to a drizzle after that and the park had cleared out substantially, it was awesome!

But that's for the standard Florida rainstorm that pops up and is gone within an hour. I haven't experienced all-day rain yet!

I do have a nice Underarmour raincoat I bought on clearance at an outdoors store, best purchase ever. Easily wraps around my waist when I'm done with it and folds up pretty small.
IDK..... we always bring our own raingear..... plus some cheap ponchos for water rides etc. Our rain jackets also double as windbreakers for cool evenings,and my DH likes his umbrella when it's pouring. a decent windbreaker/rainproof jacket costs about $30,and we use it at home in rainy weather too..... I always found ponchos awful,with plastic blowing everywhere and impossible to keep on your head...... just my own opinion of course.....
I like the baseball cap idea! I normally wear a baseball cap in the parks anyway to keep the sun out of my eyes.

We keep the cheap Dollar Store ponchos in our park bag. On our last big trip we found some Totes's rain ponchos at Publix that fold into a pouch. They worked well, too!
I love using WDW ponchos because I use an ECV and the WDW are strong enough to cover the front. I also use a shower cap for double protection.
Of course, we hummed and hawed about whether to buy ponchos before we left for Disney, but in the end it never rained once. We figured we'd buy ponchos in the parks if needed but are glad the weather was lovely instead. There were days when a little rain might have been a nice reprieve from the sun, but certainly won't complain about the heat (especially seeing that a nor'easter is headed our way at the moment, haha)
We own rain coats, but bring our Disney ponchos in the backpack if rain is expected. One of the biggest benefits of poncho vs raincoat is the coverage- it protects you from head to about your knees. With the Florida downpour, we'd be pretty drenched in regular rain coats. Also- we toss ours in the dryer at home before packing them to remove all the wrinkles. It only takes about 1 minute and it's nice to not have to wear something that's completely crumpled.
We take ponchos and raincoats. Since we go in summer, we carry ponchos in our backpack for the midday rain. If we see that heavier rain is expected we take our raincoats.
personally i hate the ponchos they feel like a bin bag and are sweaty. I always take a waterproof jacket in my bag, very thin and breathable. Best bet is a cheap golf waterproof jacket they work really well and can handle the heat too while folding into a small space.
Just remember that the concept of 'breathable' and 'waterproof' is somewhat of an advertising myth. All materials that are breathable will saturate and soak through, its just a matter of how long. If North face, Marmot and the like were so breathable, why do they design 'pit zips' into them? lol.... Science is science, if you want purely 100% waterproof, you cannot have it be breathable. Professional climbers and the like understand this well, they will have a layer to 'wick' the moisture away from the body so that it doesn't saturate them or feel 'sweaty'. If you are looking for a quick water proof covering, the poncho's cannot be beat. However, they have their drawbacks as people have mentioned.
As mentioned we also pack the $1 store ones on those (slight chance of rain) days and dispose of them after (I always have a few for the trip) and the sturdy non-Disney (Walmart camping) type in a gallon zip lock on a (probably will storm heavy rain) days.

Make sure to put them in a ziploc so you have it after without getting everything in your backpack/bag soaked. Probably never take rain coats, too bulky in the back pack. During colder months it's also easier to wear a poncho on top of a jacket or heavier clothing.
We decided to go without on our first trip and just purchase ponchos at the park if it rained. First trip, we didn't need any. Second trip, we ended up buying some during a long rainstorm at Epcot. We take them with us now if there is a chance of rain, and all of ours have been replaced at least once for free due to rips. We always have a stroller though, so carrying them isn't an issue.

I like the ponchos more than a raincoat because they cover more and keep basically everything but your feet/calves dry. Men's raincoats are usually waist length, and do nothing to keep your lower half dry if you are out in the rain for very long.
If you live near an IKEA they have really good ponchos. We found the WDW ones were a pain to deal with when wet, even with a ziplock they are kind of bulky. The IKEA ones are nylon and are dry with just a couple of shakes and they fold up into their own pouch easily. Still have a couple of WDWs for guests though :)
Last year I brought my raincoat instead of my poncho thinking they were essentially the same thing, I was so wrong. The one day I needed it the bottom part of my dress (that came above my knees) got soaked as we tried to run to our dining reservation in Epcot. So there I am eating a nice steak meal at Chefs de France with the bottom half of my dress wet and because of the AC I'm freezing even more then normal (I use to live in Florida and I never understood why ever one there tries to make the indoors feel like the North in the middle of a snow storm!) anyway what I learned is that a poncho covers more of you then a rain jacket; at least the one I own. I guess it depends on what type of rain jacket you have and it's length; if it stops at the waist like mine (I have one from REI for hiking, so that may be part of the problem) then a poncho is probably better. This year I plan to bring my poncho instead of the rain jacket; and a small camping towel to dry off my legs in case of rain.


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