

DIS Veteran
Dec 27, 2000
My husband was diagnosed with pneumonia yesterday. Dr said that she couldn't hear wheezing but X-ray showed a bit in his left lung. He feels horrible. Has no energy, a horrible cough, and his head and teeth hurt so I suspect he also has a sinus infection. He has had a cold for about 2 and a half weeks but started getting worse last Tuesday. Dr put him on a z pack, Sudafed, mucinex d, and gave him a strong cough syrup for nighttime. She also told him to continue to take his Claritin and Flonase. My long does it take to feel better from pneumonia? Anyone ever had it?
I had pneumonia three years ago. I was pretty sick for almost 6 weeks. I had to do the Z-pack twice and strong cough meds. Good luck to your DH. Not fun to have it in summertime but then not fun when I had it in February-March.
Pneumonia can linger for quite awhile.

But, it can also go from miserable to life-threatening pretty quickly.

Not trying to unduly scare you- he will most likely slowly improve and be fine.

But if it appears to get noticeably worse, I'd advise getting him to the ER.

Hope it doesn't come to that; good luck Tink and good thoughts.

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Give him some time. I was really shocked at how long it was before I was back to full energy. It was a number of weeks. I needed a nap most days for a while.
It took my son about a month to really get his energy back. Fever broke and the main symptoms were gone after a few days on the meds, but he was just exhausted for weeks after. On the advice of his doctors he missed a full week of school, then went back for only 2 hours a day for the next week, then half days and then a mix of half and full days before resuming a normal schedule--and even on those shorter days he would come home and fall asleep for a couple of hours, totally wiped out. Pneumonia is a tough one to kick. I hope your husband feels better soon and is able to get lots of rest
I've had it quite a few times. It tends to linger when you have underlying lung issues (asthma, copd,etc). Since I have asthma it takes longer for me to kick it.
My kids have both had. One of them had for a week and a half once before we even knew. He did okay and healed pretty quickly. I think they called his "walking pneumonia." Other child had to have emergency room, IV meds, steroids, etc due to asthma. I really think it depends on the person and how healthy they are, whether it is viral or bacterial. Tell him to drink drink drink so all the gunk comes out.

I had a PA in Montana tell me to use boiling water, honey, lemon and a couple dashes of tobasco (let cool of.course) as a cough syrup. Mucinex probably less gross though.
I had pneumonia a few years ago. I missed a few days of work and about 2 weeks of working out. I'd say I felt really lousy for about a week and then slowly rebuilt my strength. My was also on top of a sinus infection.

My doctor heard it in my lungs. I don't know if that means it's more serious than when it isn't heard. I also had drenching night sweats. That was the worst.

I hope he feels better soon.
Unfortunately it can linger...if he feels worse..don't hesitate to take him back to ER..urgent care or primary doc. Sometimes another round of antibiotics or different meds are needed. Lots of rest..lots of fluids and TLC..
My husband was diagnosed with pneumonia yesterday. Dr said that she couldn't hear wheezing but X-ray showed a bit in his left lung. He feels horrible. Has no energy, a horrible cough, and his head and teeth hurt so I suspect he also has a sinus infection. He has had a cold for about 2 and a half weeks but started getting worse last Tuesday. Dr put him on a z pack, Sudafed, mucinex d, and gave him a strong cough syrup for nighttime. She also told him to continue to take his Claritin and Flonase. My long does it take to feel better from pneumonia? Anyone ever had it?

Aw, poor guy! I think the worst of it is over in 3-4 days once on antibiotics, but it takes a good week or two to feel 100% . Once I needed to change up antibiotics mid course because I wasn't getting better though, so keep a close watch!
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Thanks all. We were hoping it would be quicker. We work in the school system and are both out for the summer. I guess if he had to get it, this was the best time. We do have a trip planned in a little over 3 weeks. May have to look at cancelling that.
Thanks all. We were hoping it would be quicker. We work in the school system and are both out for the summer. I guess if he had to get it, this was the best time. We do have a trip planned in a little over 3 weeks. May have to look at cancelling that.
Play it by ear. He might be one of these people that feels a lot better in a week or two. I'm just saying the residual effects can last a while, mainly so people know it's not unusual for that to happen and worry something else is really wrong. Recovery time often surprises people, including myself. Last time I had pneumonia I was not my normal self for about six weeks or more. I wasn't completely out of it, I was able to go to work and all that. My reserves were just low and my heart was racing with the littlest thing I tried to do (which did worry me). Eventually everything went back to normal, but it took a while.
I have had pneumonia so many times I couldn't count them. I all depends on how bad it is and the person themselves. It does take time to get really over it and it is hard to realize this sometimes. As has been said in other posts he if he feeling worse or not getting better get back to the Dr. Pneumonia is nothing to be casual about.
Everyone is different but watch closely for a fever that does not respond to Tylenol and Motrin, if this happens try a warm bath if that doesn't drop the temperature go to the ER right away. It happened to my kid during the H1N1 mess when the pneumonia infection slid from the lungs into the blood. Drs told me it happens a lot which makes me wonder why more people aren't warned of the signs:(
I'm so sorry about that. Best wishes. I had it as a kid. I had a really bad case and almost died. I was too sick to remember anything for about four weeks. It took another two months for me to feel myself again. My parents had to call the board of ed to make sure I wasn't held back. The biggest thing to watch for is a spike in temperature. Anything over 102 should see the ER IMMEDIATELY. Watch for signs of shivering when covered or hot in front of the AC and hallucinatory ramblings. I saw spiders.
Oh wow! I haven't been taking his temp. I'll start that right now so I can keep a check on it. I do know that he is having sweats after he has a bad coughing spell. The doctor didn't say anything about that. I have read about pneumonia but I knew getting others personal experiences would be better. Thank you guys!
A good month or so.

I had it about 4 or 5 years ago (I am 44). I had a high fever that came down with Tylenol and Motrin. The night sweats, tired and the death rattle. Of course I ignored it for about 3-4 days being I am a smart nurse .

I started on ABT and felt better with in a few days but my endurance was not so great. I was easily shirt of breathe.

I thought I was better so I tried a new kick boxing place...I couldn't even breath and that was after a month of being diagnosed.

Just take it slow the first month or so and he will be fine.
Thankfully haven't ever had it but I know from my DS having it - it sucks. It took him months to get back to 100%. He had no energy and mental focus for quite a time.

ITA that if you notice a slide backwards get him to ER asap. Pneumonia is nothing to take a wait & see attitude about.

Good Luck - hope he stays on the road to complete recovery.
I had it several years ago. I was really exhausted for a solid two weeks. After that, I consistently got better over the course of another two weeks or so.
Good thoughts to your husband. Just let him take it easy.
I had it a few months ago. The sickest I have ever been. Lasted about 2 weeks. Doc gave me strong cough meds and zpac. It took a couple of weeks to get my energy back. Still had a bad cough when I moved around a lot. Doc prescribed singulair and it wiped the cough right out. Stay hydrated. I can't stress that enough!!!


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