Pete's Rant Today: Political Correctness


Mar 19, 2015
I agree with everything Pete said today, but I have found myself disappointed in Disney in merchandise for boys. I have an almost 3 year old boy who LOVES princess movies and shows! There are no products for boys from Sophia the First. NO costumes of the boy characters. Same with the princess movies. We went in the Beauty and the Beast shop after Enchanted Tales with Belle and I almost spent my life's savings because they actual had Beauty and the Beast stuff for boys! Beast shirts! Gaston swords! It was awesome! Where is that merchandise in Disney Stores and department stores? There are girly toys for every Disney Junior show, but that is not the case for boys. It is a little frustrating. I have no problem buying my son a princess shirt, but they are even cut different and I don't want anyone to make him feel ashamed for liking what he likes.
I have to say well done Pete! The way you articulate yourself when discussing delicate topics is really admirable. I share you views with the self gratification that comes from extreme political correctness, and how it acts as a detriment to that which it allegedly seeks to protect. It saddens me that so many people are lucky enough to experience places like Disney and are waisting the experience by looking through ironically bigoted eyes. Sorry if this is overkill but it just feels so refreshing to hear such a frank and earnest response to the self gratifying ignorance born from extreme political correctness.
Great show guys!
I only caught bits and pieces of today's rant due to work issues during the show, but what I heard was spot on. It's sad because this matter extends well beyond the Disney bubble. People have grown so accustomed to this culturally homogenized world we've come to live in that they've forgotten how to look at things from a cultural or historical perspective. And the ironic twist- these easily offended overly PC people are often so ignorant of other cultures that they use their American PC protocol and wind up offending people from other cultures. I'd love to hear these people try and apologize face to face to people 'they feel' would be offended by the Jungle Cruise and have them learn the hard way that accurate cultural or historical representations aren't offensive...people too stupid to understand the difference is where the offense lies.
I'm white, I'm male, I'm religious. The other day I attended a local play where nuances of my chosen religion were used humorously. That's the part of the play where I laughed the hardest. Why? Because I chose not to take offense. Unless someone is clearly doing or saying something with the intent of offending me, I'm just not going to be offended. It's a choice...that's why it's called 'taking' offense...we either take it, or we don't. The choice is ours. I hope Pete continues to express his views and opinions openly. He's not going to offend me on accident. I've listened to him enough to know that he would never set out with the intention of offending anyone.
Yes great show. As someone of the younger generation I have grown up in all of the changes. Acceptance is much better than it used to be.
Yep, with his comments on political correctness taken a bit too far, once again I find more common ground with Pete and how he views the world.

I also agree with what he said about SeaWorld's future. After hearing last week's news about SeaWorld, I was thinking something along the lines of they are probably going to have to figure out something to do about the killer whales...they can't keep them and stay open. And Pete is right, the new executives are NOT in enviable positions right now!

Right on Pete!
Great take on a tough topic... It seems society is being hijacked by this ridiculous need to just overthink everything.. it just seems like there are way to many "Injustice Seekers" trying to take issue with anything and everything they can possibly point a finger at. Also liked Pete's take on Politics,in the sense that the extremes on both sides are just impossible to deal with anymore.....Center Moderate sounds pretty good to me
I didn't think it was a rant (it was close). I think he comes across a lot better when he makes s point in a somewhat controlled way, he came across very well on the episode and I liked that.
Pete did a great job. Much better than the conversation about the confederate flag. There is no way that letter was written by two kids.
I agree with pete especially when it comes to historically accurate depictions.
How offended would people from the Congo be if they saw that there were white natives?
Is that something the white people are then taking away from them as well?

This is coming from a white female who isn't even american so I have so little to do with the issue, however, it's becoming ridiculous how offended people become and how sheltered also.

Not the same but in terms of political correctness and wrapping society in cotton wool, Pete mentioned on the show a couple of weeks ago about how Id posted on the community board asking for help, and long story short, one DISer got to the point that she found it necessary to "warn" everyone to investigate what I was asking of them because I may be in collusion with an employee from MAC cosmetics to plan a terrorist plot... Really?! Have we become so jaded and suspicious that police officers are targeting unarmed black men, the Congo scene should be "less offensive to black people" and someone asking for help to get items posted internationally is plotting to off some innocent person with a fake package of makeup?!

People need to calm down.
I'm 29 years old (in a month) so I'm a Gen Y, who has grown up in this acceptance era. I think our generation are potentially less religious en mass, (at least in australia my generation are far less religious than our parents generation) and therefore things like same sex marriage/marriage equality is a no brainer for many of us, love is love etc. Pete is right, we don't see colour as much as our parents did, again, they were born in the late 40's, 50's and early 60's presumably, when racism was still quite prevalent.
We have grown up in a time where females are allowed to vote and have the same rights as men, something some countries still don't have today.
We are an equal generation, so my hope is that will continue and sad as it is, as the older generations thin out, that hate will too. There will always be people who are racist, sexist, and homophobic, but I hope that my generation can control that, and not let it swing the other way as these so called 3rd graders have demonstrated.
My generation are those having kids now, let's not teach them this idiocy, but also, let's not teach them the hate either.
I don't disagree with his rant in general, but I do think some of the alternate suggestions the "kids" gave were cute. I think if they were the product of brainstorming between the kids and their parents or teachers, as a lesson in problem solving and constructive criticism, rather than PC-ness, they were pretty good. I mean, they didn't just complain without offering alternatives. I'd love to see Disney's response, if they got one.
Not the same but in terms of political correctness and wrapping society in cotton wool, Pete mentioned on the show a couple of weeks ago about how Id posted on the community board asking for help, and long story short, one DISer got to the point that she found it necessary to "warn" everyone to investigate what I was asking of them because I may be in collusion with an employee from MAC cosmetics to plan a terrorist plot... Really?!

Jes: I haven't been in the community boards so only heard 2nd hand about this on the podcasts. You've been a wonderfully interesting, stand-up, go-to great Dis'r on other threads I've been involved with, so please let me know if something like this ever pops up again. Simply put, what you dealt with was nuts. Since you know that the Cdn $ and the Aus $ are hovering around the same mark currently, higher end cosmetics aren't something I can help you with. Goodness only knows what Cdns are paying for this stuff. Personally, I'm stuck in a Maybelline rut because I refuse to pay more for less. But definitely PM me if you run into this kind of silliness on the boards again. There is strength in numbers and you've made such a significant contribution to others on the board with your numerous, consistent, incredibly helpful posts, that I know I'm not the only one to give you a boost with this. Best wishes and soldier on, girl! You have global friends that you have earned on the DIS because of your integrity and hard work. Cheers!
Pete was wrong in one aspect of his statement, when it was over he didn't drop the mic
Jes: I haven't been in the community boards so only heard 2nd hand about this on the podcasts. You've been a wonderfully interesting, stand-up, go-to great Dis'r on other threads I've been involved with, so please let me know if something like this ever pops up again. Simply put, what you dealt with was nuts. Since you know that the Cdn $ and the Aus $ are hovering around the same mark currently, higher end cosmetics aren't something I can help you with. Goodness only knows what Cdns are paying for this stuff. Personally, I'm stuck in a Maybelline rut because I refuse to pay more for less. But definitely PM me if you run into this kind of silliness on the boards again. There is strength in numbers and you've made such a significant contribution to others on the board with your numerous, consistent, incredibly helpful posts, that I know I'm not the only one to give you a boost with this. Best wishes and soldier on, girl! You have global friends that you have earned on the DIS because of your integrity and hard work. Cheers!

@Princess Jes that was you who needed the Australian help!? You should have known better to know I would have help you with my eyes closed...
Thanks for your support you gorgeous humans!! It means a lot to me, please know that!

The reason I posted it there and not here is because it didn't have anything to do with the podcast, so I figured it would be breaking the rules to post here where my friends are.

Maybe we need a community sub-forum here?


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