Package delivery to hotels

No, and they are losing business because of it, I don't know why they haven't brought it back.
But are they really losing money or are we just assuming this? The cost to provide delivery to hotels costs labor, vehicles, gas, shipping supplies, and so on.
Can I assume this to mean that you set up the shipping while in the park, at the register, so you don't carry anything out?
Yes, at participating stores - a few stores won’t do it, like Mitsukoshi in Epcot since it’s not Disney owned.
Thanks for this information. I'll certainly ask about it this year. Lots of nice things during the Festival of the Arts.
I always ship stuff home directly from the Festival of the Arts booths, and one year (maybe every, but I only qualified one year), if your purchases in one booth total $200 or more, they sent them to either the IG or the front for pick up when you left. That was either 2020 or 2021; I can’t remember if I was wearing a mask or not!


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