Other Canadian Cancer Story

Standing with you @excited family :flower3: and all of us here are rooting for your mutation. I especially understand the added strain of living a distance away from the specialized health care services you need. The travelling isn't just inconvenient - it can be so very physically taxing for the patient and the care giver.
I read your journey on Rodeo’s thread and glad that you started one of your own. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. You have incredible strength and seem to be holding it together. Yes, going through the motions, day by day and at times, minute to minute. it’s okay to lose it at times and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

I am so sorry. Keep us updated if you can. I will ask you what I asked Rodeo, and that is: If you are comfortable, could you pm me your husbands name? i like to use real names when I pray, it makes me feel more connected. If you are not comfortable, it is totally fine, I will pray anyway. :hug:

As I said to Rodeo, we are here for you, feel free to vent, to ramble, to ask for advice, for prayers etc.
I'm sorry to hear that Tuesday's appointment was frustrating excited family. You are all in my thoughts.

Excited - I'm so glad you started your thread. Not that I didn't want you posting to mine in any way at all! I told you from the start I felt that we were living parallel lives and I still feel a kinship due to circumstance none of us would ever want, but as others have said, cancer casts a wide net. I'm glad because now you will get all the support, prayers and advice as I did and it will be directed to you! Mine are added, as they were when you first posted.

I said it several times before, this community came together and lifted me on my worst days (which continue and so does the DIS to care and let me know they're here). I honestly have relied as much on this family as I have on the support of RL family and friends.

Definitely ask for and accept all the help you are offered. It truly does help those offering as well as taking some of your burden. I understand all too well not wanting to put too much on parents and you'll know best how much they can handle but mine have been absolutely amazing (even down to mom trying to keep me Emily Post proud by telling me not to have bare shoulders at DH's celebration - I asked why and she said in case I offended anyone. Bwahahahaha - um who exactly is going to be offended by my shoulders?)

Please feel free to PM me anytime you need or want, if you need or want. I know all these emotions you're dealing with and it's all so clear and recent for me. I know also how difficult these coming weeks and months will be and completely understand taking on the tasks of your spouse and having to manage it all. You do sound so strong and on top of everything that is happening. I get the denial thing and just head down ploughing through because what other option is there?
God bless ...such sad times. As has been said, there’s always a shoulder here for you to lean on and lighten your load. Hugs xx
I was following your story in the other thread and will continue to read here. Please know you are all in my prayers.
You got some good advice. When my DH died suddenly and I was badly injured for so long, no one really knew what to do and it was very difficult. I suggest writing things down so that you can reference it all later.

My heart goes out to you and your family. Please do let us know. :hug:
Bolded, is what I experienced with losing my Mom. So much is "fight, fight, be positive, fight." But you can't will cancer to go away. The day my Mom died, my Dad admitted he didn't believe she would die. That there would be a miracle. So there were conversations that didn't happen, that should have.

A friend of mine whose son died of cancer. She has talked about how difficult it is when people talk about “winning the fight” against cancer etc because it makes it sound like he lost it.
Sending hugs and prayers. Cancer sucks, indeed. I hope you find some peace and good memories during this difficult time.
Bolded, is what I experienced with losing my Mom. So much is "fight, fight, be positive, fight." But you can't will cancer to go away. The day my Mom died, my Dad admitted he didn't believe she would die. That there would be a miracle. So there were conversations that didn't happen, that should have. So that's why my posts on Rodeo's thread were always along the lines of "prepare for the worst." If he is that 1 in a small number, that makes it, the preparation didn't hurt anything. But if it doesn't go the way everyone wants, at least there is the tiniest bit of still having a sense of control to hold onto.

My first post to Rodeo I said to record his voice, because it's not always that simple to get voicemails transferred and safely saved. Then I saw her post, after, about having a single voicemail. So I'll tell you the same. Use a computer, tablet, audio recording on the phone, have him record something..stories, jokes, stupid comments that have meaning to your family, whatever. Even if you never listen to it, because it's very hard to keep back the tears...you know it's there.

I suppose the silver lining, if there can be any, to Rodeo's story is that you know how fast things can completely go downhill. Even when time is running out, you think there will be just a little more. And sometimes that's not what happens. But both you and Rodeo know that you are not alone.

Virtual hugs and positive energy coming your way.
With my mom, she was the fighter. She did meet with her attorney, gave me POA, cleaned out a safe deposit box, but we followed her lead. After she died, we were all scratching our heads regarding her burial, and the first year didn’t think to get the sprinkler system turned on. I didn’t know what dentist my dad went to, I didn’t know about their a/c service plan and just found one when it broke. She passed in November, she was planning on taking my daughters to Scotland in March, we were still talking about that trip in October, even though I knew it wouldn’t happen. She was always so logical and realistic, but not then.
@excited family I am glad you decided to post. I have been following rodeo's thread and have been thinking about your family too. (It's as close as I come to praying).


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