OT - on your marks, get set..... CHAT!

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Morning all :wave2:

Should have the new place sorted by Friday...then just got to wait until the 1st July to move in :sad2:
We've not going to be moving in for a month or two as we're putting a new kitchen,bathroom and doing it up abit first... but it should be fun... can't wait hehe....

well its great you are getting it all sorted. when we bought a new house i told my mam and dad to get this one sorted first but they wanted to move straight away and nearly three years later we are still trying to get stuff done :rotfl:
well its great you are getting it all sorted. when we bought a new house i told my mam and dad to get this one sorted first but they wanted to move straight away and nearly three years later we are still trying to get stuff done :rotfl:

Yeah when we moved here (my mums house) we lived in one room for a few months whilst the builders were here puting stuff in:laughing: it'll def be nice to have move in once it all finished, plus it'll be lot of fun along the way.... can't wait to pull the kitchen out :rotfl:
Yeah, just waiting to sign everything and then I can relax...until the nightmare of moving!!
Use Pickfords removals!!!

Last time we moved we used a local independent company and it was such a hassle, but Pickfords are amazing and totally deserve their reputation! Our move to our flat was sooo easy. :)
Where abouts you moving to John?

Gardiner Street in Gillingham...I did look at a few places really close to you as well but Gillingham is better for Ellie's work

Use Pickfords removals!!!

Last time we moved we used a local independent company and it was such a hassle, but Pickfords are amazing and totally deserve their reputation! Our move to our flat was sooo easy. :)

Unfortunatly I can't afford a removal company...I'll be flying solo!
Glad you got somewhere sorted John!

OMG.... the amount of rain that is coming down here is scary :(

I'm just about to go on EA Active... hoping it doesnt make me start and finish with a long run again today.... Good new is i've lost 3lbs this week tho :)
Glad you got somewhere sorted John!

OMG.... the amount of rain that is coming down here is scary :(

I'm just about to go on EA Active... hoping it doesnt make me start and finish with a long run again today.... Good new is i've lost 3lbs this week tho :)

Thanks...it really hasn't been easy! We had a few differences of opinions but the one that we have gone for the LL is replacing the carpets throughout and the bathroom (as we asked him to) before we move in. The new one has a cellar and a conservatory so it's much larger than the one we liked in Strood that was being totally gutted and re-built.
Glad you got somewhere sorted John!

OMG.... the amount of rain that is coming down here is scary :(

I'm just about to go on EA Active... hoping it doesnt make me start and finish with a long run again today.... Good new is i've lost 3lbs this week tho :)
I had a long run yesterday to start and end. I hate when they call it (run & Walk) but then the only walkign you do it for the like last 1/8th of a lap!

Wow! 3 pound! That's awesome, well done!

:banana: Why am I dancing? Because I forgot to bring in a new pack of ryvitas for lunch so I got to have bread with my soup!! Mean's I wont lose weight today, but man was it yummy!
3lbs thats well good Fay! I have probably lost nothing but i do think my arms are a little less flabby :lmao:
Thanks...it really hasn't been easy! We had a few differences of opinions but the one that we have gone for the LL is replacing the carpets throughout and the bathroom (as we asked him to) before we move in. The new one has a cellar and a conservatory so it's much larger than the one we liked in Strood that was being totally gutted and re-built.

Thats sound good then and good of the LL to be going tho things for you.

I had a long run yesterday to start and end. I hate when they call it (run & Walk) but then the only walkign you do it for the like last 1/8th of a lap!

Wow! 3 pound! That's awesome, well done!

:banana: Why am I dancing? Because I forgot to bring in a new pack of ryvitas for lunch so I got to have bread with my soup!! Mean's I wont lose weight today, but man was it yummy!

:laughing: I know I've just had one of them.

I'm pleased... it's my first week of doing WW properly I'd lost my way with the heallthy eating so I thought I'd give it a go so hopefully I can keep it up. Only another 33lbs to go :rotfl:
Glad you got somewhere sorted John!

OMG.... the amount of rain that is coming down here is scary :(

I'm just about to go on EA Active... hoping it doesnt make me start and finish with a long run again today.... Good new is i've lost 3lbs this week tho :)

thats great. i really need to work harder at losing weight lol. i didnt even meet all my goals for the first five days. i i hate the long run but i hate the kick ups and high knees more :rotfl:
You can do it!! I have another 26 to go by October :scared: But then I'd like to lose another 40 by my wedding....

I looove being back on WW properly, it's good to know everything that's in your body is healthy and there for a reason rather than just to please your mouth and put weight on your body.
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