OT: ChaCha

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I just took my test and I think I took too long with a couple of them. Do you think that will hurt my chances? I think I did well with the answers it just seemed like forever before I submitted the answer.:confused3
I hope no one minds me asking, but do you take the tests at the same time you register to become a guide? Or do you fill in the info and then they contact you? I want to be sure that when I register that I have enough time to do it.
For the experience ChaChaers.....you know how you can click "wow" or "bad" on the last guides response. Well for two of my questions today someone must have clicked "bad" because under my quality rating it says next to them "0% accuate" Will those hurt me or my chances of getting questions? I know they are both right as I just double checked them. They were both easy sports questions.

It might not be from someone clicking the bad button, but from the QC. With sports questions you are supposed to put the date, time remaining in game (if applicable), score. And some fact about the game. (This is example if someone asked about score of one of the March Madness basketball games.)

"The score for the March 23 game with 8:14 remaining in the 2nd is Wisconsin 42 vs Penn 39. Smith scored 12 points! ChaCha on!"

I didn't count characters, but just to give you an idea.

They email you & tell you to take the test. You can work at anytime 24 hours a day, whenever you want. I am a guide. I work during the early morning hours & all evening, off & on when my kids don't need homework help or attention.
As long as it is busy, 10 questions is easy to get for the test. Try to average less than 3-5 minutes a question & you should be fine. It is the kind of thing that the more you do it the better you get.
DH took the readiness test yesterday. He is worried about passing. He said the questions took him awhile to answer. He agrees with pps that answering questions before the test as a hands on training would be very helpful.
Thanks -
Just got my letter stating I passed!! I can't believe it. I was sure I failed. I thought I took too long to answer each question. I am logged on now, but not getting any questions.

Is there anything else I need to do now? Or do I just login and wait for questions to come up? Can I be doing something else online while I wait, or does that page have to be up?

Since I am new, maybe I will not get many questions....
I sign on when I am reading the DISBOARDS!! although it is a pain to have to go answer some question when I am trying to keep up to date on the Dis:lmao: Congrates and good luck
Just got my letter stating I passed!! I can't believe it. I was sure I failed. I thought I took too long to answer each question. I am logged on now, but not getting any questions.

Is there anything else I need to do now? Or do I just login and wait for questions to come up? Can I be doing something else online while I wait, or does that page have to be up?

Since I am new, maybe I will not get many questions....

If you don't mind me asking, how long on average did you take?
I took my test yesterday and I thought I might have taken too long for some questions.
Is there anything else I need to do now? Or do I just login and wait for questions to come up? Can I be doing something else online while I wait, or does that page have to be up?

Since I am new, maybe I will not get many questions....

If you haven't already, you need to set up your categories on the profile tab. Check the ChaCha forum for help with that. You need to be really specific and it will quite awhile to set them up.
If you don't mind me asking, how long on average did you take?
I took my test yesterday and I thought I might have taken too long for some questions.

I took up to 4-5 minutes on some and still passed!! I think the questions on the test were easier than the real life questions...I got some poor kid trying to figure out who his daddy was last night...sniffle sniffle
That's about what I did on most of them. There was one I took 8 minutes on. I think I was just psyching myself out though. I know I can do alot better when it is for real.
I took the test today for Expediter, I feel like I did bad. There were some I just could not decide what category to put them in. Then to make it worse I was taking like 2 minutes to expedite a lot of the questions. One question I totally did not understand so I sent it back to the fake customer. Anyways wish me luck I will need it.
Ok, I registered tonight to be a Guide. I got the email to confirm my account and went in to take the test. I must have missed one, not sure which one but it sent me on to Search U. So I have to go thru the videos now to be an official Guide, correct?
Ok, I registered tonight to be a Guide. I got the email to confirm my account and went in to take the test. I must have missed one, not sure which one but it sent me on to Search U. So I have to go thru the videos now to be an official Guide, correct?

you take the first test, if you passed they invite you to become a guide, then you go through the big test after you have completed all the courses at search u. Good luck, my goals 1. make enough this week for 4 refillable mugs, next week 3 mugs. after that I hope to pay for a TIW card, kinda fun really. Take care now-Alex
I just finished taking the test, I have no idea how I did though. I think I averaged about 4 minutes per question, although one took me 8! I also got the same question twice, so I tried to answer it slightly different the second time.

I guess now its just wait and see.
I originally signed up in Jan 2007, but never finished my training. So after reading about it here I decided to give it a go. I took my test tonight and am waiting for my results, I'm really hoping I get hired!

I know some people say it is a waste of time, or they don't make much money but the way I see it is, I'm already on the computer a lot, so if I can make a little extra $$ while online then what can it hurt!? I would love any extra $ to pay off some debt!
If you don't mind me asking, how long on average did you take?
I took my test yesterday and I thought I might have taken too long for some questions.

I don't know. At least 2-3 minutes. I was sure I failed. I thought I took too longs, and some I forgot to put a ChaCha at the end. I am super excited I passed though. I took the test Sunday and got my results today! Good luck!
If you haven't already, you need to set up your categories on the profile tab. Check the ChaCha forum for help with that. You need to be really specific and it will quite awhile to set them up.

I have to do this before I can answer questions?
I have to vent to people who would understand... A friend posted on FB about needing a new job, I sent her a feeler about ChaCha and she was interested, so I wrote her a whole long email about ChaCha including my referral email. She failed the test. Okay, no big deal...this happens to more than half my friends I refer. But then she gave her boyfriend all the info I gave her, who signed up, passed, and already made $15 yesterday. Of course didn't share about using me as a referral. Ugh. Normally I wouldn't care, and I don't know why this is bothering me. Its not like I'm losing money, and I helped a poor college student. I guess I'm feeling particularly greedy this morning.
I have to do this before I can answer questions?

No, but I seem to get more specific questions about things I know about. Rather than just random questions. They sent me an email that had a short video about how and what to pick.

Also...I thought that I took to long to answer some questions on my final test also. I think they take into consideration the type of question when looking at how long it takes to answer. I have only been with ChaCha for almost a week and have gotten some really difficult questions. Hope everyone did well on their tests.
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