Opinions on motion sickness

Alison S

Apr 5, 2018
On our first trip I avoided FoP and Soarin' because I was worried they would trigger my motion sickness. I did go on Mission Space: Green. I felt fine the entire time until the end, when it started getting bumpy and we were bouncing around. I was mildly sick and was happy that it was a short part to the ride.

My question is- I wonder if I am fine on "simulator" type rides if they are smooth? Would FoP and Soarin' be an option for me in the future, or should I continue to avoid?
It varies.
There is a previous thread about motion sickness on rides.
Most felt Soarin' wasn't too bad for most, but some did need meds for it. FoP seemed to cause more motion sickness as I recall, but many still did just fine on it.
About the only thing you can do, is take your meds if you need them and try the ride.
What causes motion sickness for one, doesn't necessarily cause it for others.
I have relatively mild issues with motion sickness. For example, I am good on most road trips as long as I don't ride on an empty stomach, and I don't have many issues at all with rides at the parks. I have never had an issue on Soarin', but even though they are similar, I have had some nausea from FoP, not enough to get legitimately ill afterward, but enough to feel a little queasy for maybe 15 or 20 minutes after. My advice would be to try Soarin' first and see how it goes since it is less intense than FoP, and if you handle it well, then maybe try FoP.
Only you can know. Any motion simulator ride will effect people different I don’t experience issues. Only ride I ever got slightly sick on was at universal on the forbidden journey.

I’m bringing my mom next month. Her doctor is prescribing her a patch that goes behind her ears. She hasn’t been on rides in years
What causes motion sickness for one, doesn't necessarily cause it for others.

True. All you can get is anecdotal responses & therefore you won't know until you try.

For DH, he's more bothered by spinning. He's found through trial & error that even non-drowsy meds make him sleepy, so he's found taking them in the evening, then sleeping all night, then riding the next day, works better for him.

I can only suggest that if you think something has potential to ruin a day that you ride it at the end of the day or even trip, when you know you're leaving anyway. This is how I introduced tea cups to the kids. I didn't know if they got dad's spinning issues or mom's iron stomach.

Happy planning!
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Do you take anything for it? Nothing used to bother me. I could be dropping straight down 100ft and spinning around at 100rpm and be ready to do it again at the end. As I've gotten older, the old vestibular machinery in my head isn't what it used to be. Oddly enough, spinning still does not bother me one iota. However, steep drops (ToT) for example, kick me right in the... well, you know. My ENT doctor had me try Dramamine and Bonine, and they worked. Not 100%, but way better. Enough that I can ride EE over and over with my kids and not be like a hairball cat when I get done. I like Bonine the best since it is less drowsy inducing than Dramamine for me.
I have issues as well and rode Soarin multiple times with my eyes closed before I could fully experience it, now I love it! Not brave enough to do FOP yet though. So, as others have mentioned, try Soarin first. If you have issues, close your eyes. If you don't have any issues with it, then you may feel like trying FOP.
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I don't normally experience motion sickness but Mission Space: Green got me. Star Tours is iffy for me but it's been a number of years since I've been on it.

I've done perfectly fine every time I ride Soarin' so I think that one is a safe bet.

I haven't been on FOP yet.
On our first trip I avoided FoP and Soarin' because I was worried they would trigger my motion sickness. I did go on Mission Space: Green. I felt fine the entire time until the end, when it started getting bumpy and we were bouncing around. I was mildly sick and was happy that it was a short part to the ride.

My question is- I wonder if I am fine on "simulator" type rides if they are smooth? Would FoP and Soarin' be an option for me in the future, or should I continue to avoid?
I can't ride Mission Space or the Tea Cups without getting nauseous and feeling off-kilter for awhile afterwards, but I have no problem with Flight of Passage, Star Tours, or Soarin'. It's spinning that I can't handle. Non-spinning simulators are fine for me.

I never take medicine for motion sickness.
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I have mild motion sickness on simulator rides. Soarin' gives me no issues. FoP was a great ride, I felt a little off once or twice (closing eyes briefly helped) but totally worth it. Mission Space Green was ok, but I was glad when it ended (won't do orange). Star Tours is the worst for me- I'm nearly always queasy by the end.
I get mild motion sickness . Never a problem on Soarin . Unfortunately FOP was a bad trigger for me . I didn’t actually see most of the ride as I was trying not to puke . I was dizzy with a headache for hours afterwards . I was really surprised.
Star Tours is the worst for me- I'm nearly always queasy by the end

This! I can ride Soarin' and FOP with no problem, but Star Tours always makes me feel queasy. I also have slight issues if I ride Mission Space Green, so I avoid it.
I get slight motion sickness every now and then. But FOP nearly got me good. I had to close my eyes. Never had a problem with Mission Space Green or Soarin.
Soarin' I'm fine with, Star Tours, I can do maybe once then I'm done. Mission Space: Green, I'm fine. TOT/GOTG I can do multiple times. Never tried FoP but will brave it this trip. I plan to ride it toward the end of the day like others have said in case it does hit me. One thing my husband said, and he has no issues on rides, is that his experience at RD made him feel a little off balance/nauseous but then he rerode it later in the afternoon and was fine.
I have pretty significant motion sickness. I always prep for the parks by taking something. Here are the rides ranked from MOST sickness inducing to LEAST for me and this is while medicated:

Space Mountain- threw up afterwards and I will never ride it again
Star Tours- felt sick for an hour afterwards
Mission Space Green- felt sick for 45 minutes after
Expedition Everest- was ok until it went backwards- then I felt sick and stayed sick for a while afterwards
FOP- Had to close eyes midway through but was fine afterwards
Soarin'- very mildly dizzy at one point but lasted a few seconds

Can't do anything that spins

I am fine on all the coasters except EE as noted above
FOP, Soarin, Star Tours, Mission Space all make me nauseous. As well as EE (I think its the backwards part). The worst for me is FOP and Star Tours. Horrible! Soarin is the midlest for me. I only get a tiny tiny bit nauseous. Everyone is different though.
Never had any issues with Soarin'. But I hate FoP and feel like I am going to throw up every time. I skip Mission Space and Star Tours (and almost everything at Universal).
I have severe motion sick issues. I can't ride in the back seat of a car going down a straight freeway without getting nauseated. That being said, I have done all the major rides at WDW and DL (with the exception of Mission Space) with no issue. Star Tours is the worst for me but that really only means I can only do one ride before I start feeling a little sick. FOP was fine for me and that was a big concern.

Motion sickness issues are all so personal so what one person experiences won't necessarily be what others experience. When in doubt, take some meclizine (non-drowsy) or bonine and give it a try!
Does anyone know if they sell bonamine in the disney gift shops? I can't buy it in my country.


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