Once Upon A Dream Come True: Disneyland and the Walt Disney Studios February 2008

Sleepless Knight

Jedi Knight Seeking His Jedi Princess
May 15, 2008
Ladies and gentlemen, Knights and Princesses, once again the time has come for you to gather round the warming glow of your computer, or maybe even your cell phone, settle in with a refreshing dessert of your choice and prepare to be amazed (or not) by yet another harrowing tale of my adventures in Los Angeles traffic as I regale you with the tales of my once in a lifetime trip. Now anybody who has read my prior trip report is probably asking themselves (and rightly so I might add) how yet another trip to Disneyland, especially considering that I was just there a little over six weeks ago can be a once in a lifetime trip. Should you choose to venture on with me dear reader, I will tell you why.

Inasmuch as this trip literally features a cast of thousands(or at least 28 by one count), I'll introduce you here to the key players.

:chewy: That's me. Mild mannered accountant/tax preparer by day, Jedi Knight looking for his Princess Aurora by night.

My friend Doug. I know him from the store that you'll hear more about as the report progresses. A huge Donald Duck fan and my roommate for this trip.

My friend Alec. I also know him from the store. A huge Stitch fan who is very well versed in the parks, especially Disneyland.

Cindy: The owner of the store. In many ways the story of her life is similar to Cinderella. Her passion for Disney is unrivaled and her knowledge of her customers taste is matched only by her kindness. An amazing woman who has battled cancer for years.

Rick: Cindy's husband. Has a great sense of humor. Because of Cindy's health struggles, Rick doesn't get to go on very many rides when he visits Disneyland.

Marty and Linda: An older couple who I also know through the store. Very fun people who have made friends with a few of the cast members at Disneyland. I must try doing that as often as I'm down here.

Prologue: A Cinderella Wedding

Having made it this far, you're now probably asking yourself why I'm talking about Cinderella wedding. Have I betrayed my beloved Princess Aurora? Never. But it is Cinderella that helped make this dream come true. Some of you may know that I am a Disney fine art collector, and I have acquired almost every piece in my fine art collection through my friend Cindy. She owns a Disneyana store near me called Where The Magic Begins. Cindy credits her faith in God for helping her make it through the incredible trials she faces with a small assist from her love of Disney. Well, Cindy has always had one dream. She wanted a Cinderella wedding. So, this past October, she and her husband renewed their wedding vows in grand Disney style. The backdrop was a humongous banner of Cinderella Castle at Walt Disney World and Cindy and her husband were dressed as Cinderella and Prince Charming. One of the guests at Cindy's wedding was none other than Disney artist Harrison Ellenshaw(the son of long time Disney artist Peter Ellenshaw) who did an event at her store earlier that day in connection with the wedding. As it turns out, one of Cindy's friends who could not make to the wedding that day is a former bigwig at the Walt Disney Company who now works for the fine art company that does most of the Disney fine art, including the pieces you see in the park art galleries. Unable to make it to the wedding, he promised Cindy to make it up to her. And so a few weeks later, he came to town and asked Cindy to invite some of her friends because he was going to take us all out to dinner. Little did any of us know what would take place that night.

Imagine if you will a gathering of about 20 Disney fans. We come from various walks of life, some young at heart, some still in high school, some married, some still looking for their true love, but all united by our love of Disney and our propensity to spend money on fine art and other assorted items of Disneyana. On this night as we all sat around enjoying a hearty meal and one another's company, the former Disney bigwig had an announcement to make. After toasting our friend Cindy, he informed us that he would like all of us to come down to Southern California to tour the facilities of the fine art company he now works for, and get a special tour of Disneyland. But that's not all. As part of this trip, we would not only get a special tour of Disneyland, but he would talk to some of former colleagues at the Walt Disney Company and get us a tour of a very special place, where legends walked the grounds, where the rooftops of London came to life, and the place where dreams are born. The Walt Disney Studios.

At about this time, I dropped my fork. I also had to pick my jaw up off the floor. I could not believe what I was hearing. I would get to tour the Walt Disney Studios?!!? Walk the same grounds that Walt Disney himself walked. See the very place where some of my all time favorite films have been made. Forget a golden fastpass or even a night in the Walt Disney Dream Suite. Visiting the Walt Disney Studios was safely filed away under lock and key in my wildest dreams. It wasn't going to happen, not in my lifetime, and yet I am hearing that I've been invited to see the Walt Disney Studios.

There was just one tiny problem. The tour was going to take place in February and I'm a tax preparer. Talk about the worst time of the year to have an opportunity like this come up. You don't just leave work for 4 days in the middle of tax season to visit Disneyland, especially when you hold an annual pass. Fortunately for me, my boss is also very much responsible for my Disney obsession. You see, I work for my father, and it was he and my mother who put that fateful Mickey Mouse poster in my nursery before I was even born. It was they who bought me a plush Mickey Mouse that I would toss out of my crib and cry forlornly before my friend was returned to me, at which point, I would toss him out again. It was they who took me to Mickey's 50th Birthday party when I was but two years old. And it was these same loving parents who took me and the siblings who later joined me to Disneyland on a regular basis, and almost every single Disney movie, both classic Walt Disney re-releases and the newest Disney film in theaters(and aside from Star Wars, these were the only films they took us to see). Knowing that this trip could not be taken in May, he let me take the time off, both of us knowing full well that I would be chained to my desk in the office upon my return. It was a tradeoff I would happily make again.

Chapter 1: On the Road Again

And so, on the morning of February 12, I hit the road at 7:45 am, a whole fifteen minutes earlier than my last visit down. I'm trying to determine the best time to leave my home in northern California so I can minimize the time spent in Los Angeles rush hour and obviously get to Disneyland earlier. On this visit, I will learn the true genius of Walt Disney's accomplishment and why no matter what Walt Disney World has to offer, in many ways, Disneyland is still the best park Disney has ever built.

The irony of this visit is that the more things change, the more they stay the same. On my visit in December, the sports radio station I listen to was abuzz with the pending release that day of the Mitchell Report on steroids in baseball. And on this morning, the same sports radio station is abuzz with the pending testimony of Roger Clemens in front of the U.S. Congress about steroid use in baseball. All in all, I make really good time. For whatever reason, the extra fifteen minutes actually saved me about an hour as I arrive the Tropicana Hotel right across the street from Disneyland around 1:45 pm. I get the key to my room, drop my stuff off, and then head right across the street, where it will be my joy to stand in line for about half an hour. While the park is still semi-crowded from crowds associated with Abraham Lincoln's birthday, I really have to wait in line to buy my annual pass. My old had expired, and since I knew this trip may be coming, I had opted to wait and renew my pass instead of letting it run unused for six weeks or so. Only this time I have learned my lesson. When buying an annual pass to Disneyland, there is only way to go, and that's premium. With all the discounts you get on food and merchandise, not to mention the complete lack of blackout dates, the premium pass more than pays for itself. And now, in order to pick up my pass, they send me to the one place where there's sure to be no one for miles around(at least until they open Toy Story Midway Mania and the other mega attractions following as part of the 1.2 billion dollar makeover), Disney's California Adventure.


Since the line for Tower of Terror is longer than I would like, I decide to hit Muppet Vision 3-D. Opting not to repeat my childhood feat of tearing an entire book of little rainbow construction paper into confetti to celebrate going to see the Muppet Movie, I head over to meet the muppets. One of my favorite parts about the DCA queue for this venerable attraction is the plethora of muppet parody posters. I really think that this attraction would have much higher attendance numbers if people knew who the muppets were.

Only a true genius like the Great Gonzo could survive a stunt like this



Insert theme music from The Godfather here


Protecting the Old From the Young of the Universe


After hearing Statler and Wahldorf heckle their way through yet another performance(it must be difficult being bolted to the floor), I head out only to hear the Muppet Show Theme in stereo. After a moment's hesitation I realize that in addition to the music playing as I leave the theater, my cell phone is ringing(gotta love that Muppets ringtone). Doug is returning my call and he's going to meet up with me.

Frumpy Old Men


I'm not so sure about a pig as a Bond girl(guess I'd better duck after that comment)


L.A. Traffic can sure drive me crazy


This is punderful (get it?) on so many levels


After heading over to Monsters, Inc I head back to Off the Page, where I've decided to meet Doug. While waiting for my sketch to finish up, Doug and I admire the wonderful art located in Off the Page. As art collectors, we discuss which ones we like, but don't have the room to display.

I planned on putting my new discount to use in Off the Page anyways since I'd had my eye on one of those custom sketches that the artists do. These sketches are kind of fun. Disneyland, unlike it's Florida counterpart offers not one color, but two colors in the sketches in addition to any custom text that you desire. After some deliberation, I finally decide on the sketch I want. As I'm buying this sketch with birthday money from my mother, I want this to have some meaning to me. For the text I've chosen a scriptural reference to putting on the armor of God, a passage that reminds me of the climax of Sleeping Beauty where Prince Phillip, armed with the sword of truth and the shield of virtue, must battle Maleficent and all the powers of hell.

And then I encounter a disappointment. They're completely out of the frame I want, but not wanting to wait, I decide on another frame, until that old Disney magic strikes again. The sketch artist overhears the conversation and informs the cast member assisting me that the very frame I want is sitting on her artist's desk for display purposes and that I can have it if I want after they swap the display sketch out. I readily accept, especially since the frame has Mickey Mouse drawing in the corner, so now I have something with both Mickey and Sleeping Beauty on it. In the end, it's little touches like these that make Disney special. The sketch artist didn't have to tell the cast member that the very frame I wanted was on her desk. She could have kept it there to show other guests. And in order to give the frame to me, they had to swap out the sketch in there already and put it in a new frame. It's little things like this that keep me (and my money) coming back to Disney.

The finished sketch that now hangs on my wall


With the sketch taken care of(boy do I love that Premium AP discount), Doug and I head off to hit some more attractions. Single rider line reduces our wait time for Soarin' substantially. After that we decide to attempt Mulholland Madness. With the rumors that this will become Goofy's Sky Skool, I have but one request. They need to make the ride vehicles friendlier. In short, I'm wookie sized and I have a hard time getting in and out of this ride. I feel sorry for guests who are larger as I can't imagine how hard it is for them.

With that we head over to California Screamin' and I once again admire the wonderful facade being built for Toy Story Midway Mania. I think this has substantially improved the look and feel of Paradise Pier. It's beginning to feel a whole lot less cheap than it used to.

After picking up my sketch, we decide to head over to Disneyland and finish off the day there. Plus, I have work to do. You see, tomorrow is my birthday. That's right, I'm going to be in Disneyland on my birthday. I couldn't quite believe it back in January when Cindy told me that we would be touring Disneyland on my birthday with Harrison Ellenshaw. So, once in the park, I head to City Hall and pick up my birthday button for tomorrow, at which point they tell me something about a phone call that I need to receive tomorrow. Sounds cool.

Seeing as how I'm a Disney art collector, there is another piece of art I need to get. I recently discovered a piece by Disney Imagineer Larry Nikolai. I had the privilege of meeting Larry last June when I bought a giclee of a painting he did called Aurora. It's beautiful and I recently discovered a new piece Larry did. Flying to Fantasyland is beautiful. It depicts the characters from the opening day Fantasyland attractions flying around the top spire of Sleeping Beauty Castle. What seals this piece for me is that if features a sweet scene of Dopey giving Princess Aurora a rose. No word yet on how Snow White feels about this. Fortunately for me, Disney has released this piece in deluxe print form, so this isn't very expensive, and we're on our way.

Seeing as how it's not May and I went on this trip in February, I can't remember what we did for the remainder of the day. I know we hit a few rides and visited a few of the shops, but that's about it. Tomorrow is a big and exciting day. Up next a tour of Disneyland with artist Harrison Ellenshaw, the son of one of the 3 original artists who helped Walt build the park, Peter Ellenshaw.
Ok...I am in.

I absolutely cannot wait to read your Studios tour report!! Keep em coming!

:banana: :banana:
Because I knew that visiting the Walt Disney Studios is a once in a lifetime opportunity, I preserved my camera memory and battery power(since I don't trust my camera batteries) to make sure I had plenty of room and battery power for the studios, which I did.
Thanks. I want to get going on my most recent report, so hopefully I can finish this one up fairly quickly.
Wow!! You are so lucky! I would love an opportunity to see inside the Walt Disney Studios.:goodvibes
I am loving this report! I love the movie posters at the Muppet 3d show.:lmao: They are hilarous!
That is a lovely sketch. I still haven't checked out Off the Page. I passed it at least 5 times on my last trip too. Oh, well. There is always next time.

I am looking forward to more!popcorn::
I'm a Disneyana collector(as you may have guessed) so I love Off the Page and Disneyana on Main Street. Both places are worth checking out just to see the artwork and big figures in each store.
If you don't mind me asking, where abouts in Nor Cal do you live?

I'm green with envy about your once in a lifetime chance.

I was on the Disney movie rewards page and saw they put this up: The Walt Disney Studios: Deluxe Private Tour for 2 - 20,000 Points. I'm only 16,975 points away! :rotfl2: I only have to buy about 230 more movies :lmao:

I'm really enjoying your report, I can't wait to hear more!
I'm in Pleasanton. My friend Doug was also saving up for the tour, but then this opportunity came up, so he now has those points to use for other things.

Adventures by Disney also has an option up where you get a backstage visit to Disneyland, a tour of the Walt Disney Studios, a tour of Imagineering, and some visits and dinners in assorted parts of Hollywood. I think it was around $2500 per person. If you're a big enough Disney fan and can afford it, it's worth saving up for. Being on the backlot was incredible, and I took lots and lots of pictures, which you'll see sometime in the future.
My wife found you back a year ago under the disneyworld part of these pages when you were sleepingjedibeauty and she absolutely loves your writing. I just found you again and was looking through all your posts. My wife and I love to read your trip reports. Now all we look at our Disneyland posts.

We have been to Disneyworld seven times. We went to disneyland for the first time back in Oct. of 07 and just went back last week in the first week of June. Disneyland is now our favorite park by Disney. Disneyworld was our first and probably our home park because it was our first and where we first saw our first parade (Mainstreet Electrical Parade) and then Spectromagic. We are now totally in love with Disneyland. The detail, the rides, the magic. There is something so special about it all. Remember dreams comes true is my favorite fireworks show as well. Fantasmic is by far better at the land too. I could go on....

So anyways where is the report on the Disney studios? The pics?

Can't wait to hear how this report is so magical! So bring it on SleepingBeauty!!!
Thanks for your kind words about my writing style. Maybe someday I'll finish my WDW 2006 report that got sidetracked because of a move. I honestly still remember quite a few details about it.

I think you raise some interesting points about Disneyland vs. WDW. I honestly love both places immensely, but I think that in park to park comparison, Disneyland is the best they've ever done.

As for the Studios the bad news is that I still have to get to it, but the good news is that a new update is coming later tonight.
Before we begin the next installment of this report, Mr. Peabody is going to instruct Sherman to set the Wayback Machine to June 16, 2007, the day after my little sister's 20th birthday. She had gone to San Francisco for to celebrate her birthday with one of her dearest friends from high school, while I was heading to Cindy's store where I would meet none other than Bill Farmer, the voice of Goofy and Pluto. Let me tell you that's it's incredibly fun to just be talking with Bill and all of the sudden, you're having a conversation with Goofy. It's almost unreal. Well, as I was talking with Bill I had an idea. Since Goofy is my sister's favorite character I asked Bill if he wouldn't mind calling her and wishing her a happy birthday. So I called my sister and when answered I handed the phone to Bill. He called her by name and started talking to her about her birthday. How I wish I could have seen the look on her face. Apparently she started jumping up and down in the middle of San Francisco and proclaimed that she was talking to Goofy. Her friend gave her a confused look wondering what in the world my sister was talking about. When I got the phone back, my sister couldn't quite believe that she had talked to Goofy.

Now what does this story have to do with this Disneyland visit? Well, today's date is February 13, 2008, or in other words, my birthday. Now, I've never been a huge birthday person, but I must say that being in Disneyland on your birthday is awesome. Inside City Hall, they tell me there's a phone call for me. So as I pick up the phone, who should I hear singing happy birthday to me, but the one and only Goofy. Never did I dream last June that as Goofy wished happy birthday to my sister that on my next birthday I would be in Disneyland hearing Goofy sing happy birthday to me. :yay:

In the Emporium looking for an autograph book in anticipation of meeting some artists and possibly some Disney celebrities on this visit, another CM sang some sort of Spanish birthday song to me and handed me the phone where I got to hear Goofy again. It's just as great the second time. Having eventually settled on a cheap book and a nice Disneyland pen with Mickey and friends on it, we headed to the area near the flag pole on Main Street. At 10:30, we're supposed to meet up with the rest of our group for a very special tour of Disneyland. Our guide for this tour will be none other than Harrison Ellenshaw.

For those who don't know, Harrison Ellenshaw is an accomplished artist in his own right. He's worked on such films as Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back among others. He's also done some remarkable paintings of nature, Star Wars, and of course, Disney. Harrison's father Peter Ellenshaw was a very prominent artist who worked with Walt Disney on many projects including 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Along with John Hench and Herb Ryman, Peter Ellenshaw was one of the 3 main artists responsible for the design of Disneyland.

This is actually the second time I've met Harrison Ellenshaw. The first time was last October when he came to Cindy's store for an art event and her Cinderella wedding. I was able to spend quite a while talking with him about working on Star Wars and about the process he goes through when he paints a painting. On this day, he was also hand enhancing one of his giclees called Once Upon A Dream from Sleeping Beauty that he painted with his father Peter before Peter's passing. It was cool when Harrison recognized me from that day. At the same time it was quite mind boggling that here I was in Disneyland with Harrison Ellenshaw, the son of one of the 3 artists who designed the park.

Harrison Ellenshaw embellishing my painting of Once Upon A Dream.


Me and Harrison Ellenshaw with the final version of my painting


When you really stop to think about it, that's what makes Disney different. Most parks are built by engineers, but Disneyland was designed and built by artists. It's why the park is so elaborate. It's why the park has this incredible and magical ability to transport you from the middle of southern California and the snarling traffic of Los Angeles into a fantasy world. When you look down Main Street towards Sleeping Beauty Castle, you really feel like you're in an entirely different place, where time seems to stand still. One of the big differences between Disneyland and the Magic Kingdom in WDW is Main Street itself. In Disneyland's Main Street, the buildings are much smaller and the street itself is more narrow, thus more accurately capturing the feel of turn of the century America. Furthermore, because of the sheer size of the castle in Florida, Main Street has to be a little bit bigger so as to not be completely dwarfed by the castle. The end result is that Main Street USA in Disneyland has a bit more charm to it. As a side note, I love how one of the windows in the Emporium is actually decorated like a real turn of the 20th century storefront window. And I absolutely love the elaborate window displays that have been a part of so many visits to Disneyland as a child.

The detail on these window displays is simply wonderful. :love: They even got the dress color right.;)

As we wander down Main Street, Harrison tells about some of the names on the buildings and their contribution to Disneyland. For anyone who may not know, the proprietors of the assorted business names on the windows of Main Street contributed in a unique and special way to Disneyland and it's history. At the very end of Main Street, right next to Photo Supply is a very special window. It's the Plaza School of Art and it's directors are John Hench, Herb Ryman, and Peter Ellenshaw.

Harrison Ellenshaw, a fine artist in his own right, and the son of one of the directors of the Plaza School of Art


From there we head over into Adventureland and learn about the different stories and architectural style that Disney was hoping to achieve. After that we wander over to the Rivers of America where Harrison tells us stories about what this all used to look like back in the days when Disneyland first opened. Harrison vividly remembers walking through the park with his father and suddenly running into Walt Disney himself. Walt spent a lot of time in Disneyland even after the park was open. I've often said that while some parks may be built on a much larger and grander scale, Disney has yet to even equal Disneyland because it's the only park in the world where Walt Disney himself actually walked and it has his personal touch all over the place. I wonder what Walt Disney World and Epcot would have been like had Walt Disney lived to build them.

At the Rivers of America


Next it's over to Fantasyland where Harrison tells us stories about working as a cast member in his late teens on assorted Fantasyland rides like the skyway and some humorous stories involving scaring the living daylights out of teenagers who liked to spit out the buckets on the skyways since Disneyland employees can see many things. They would quite often have the kids get out of the bucket and then have them stand against the wall for a few minutes, doing and saying nothing to them, which had the effect of making these kids fear what was going to happen. Then with a very stern warning about what would happen if they dared try some stunt like that again, they let them go.

Fantasyland is one area that really sets Disneyland apart from the Magic Kingdom in WDW. Where the MK has highly decorated boxes with paint on them separate from each other, Disneyland has elaborate show buildings that somehow blend in with the feel of Sleeping Beauty Castle, while also being uniquely themed to the locale where the attraction itself takes place. Snow White's Scary Adventure blends masterfully in with Sleeping Beauty Castle, while also being in the style of the architecture seen in the film. And then it subtly transitions into the Italian feel of Pinocchio. Across the way, you see the rooftops of London for Peter Pan's Flight transition into Toad Hall. If you've never been to Disneyland before, take the time to appreciate the marvel of Fantasyland. Each show building is almost an attraction in and of itself, and that's especially true of the currently closed It's a Small World.

As we head off to Tomorrowland, Harrison tells us about walking through the old 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea attraction(not the subs) that was in Tomorrowland at the beginning. He also tells us stories of going of family vacations with his dad that somehow ended up filming one American location or another to see how it would work in CircleVision. He even tells some stories about working on Star Wars with George Lucas and also ironically thinking that Raiders of the Lost Ark had too much action in it when George Lucas showed him the script. Having finished up our tour, Harrison Ellenshaw politely spends a few minutes signing our assorted books(I chose one with tear out pages so I could later put them into a photo album) and chatting with us before going on his way. After managing to collect some of our group after they scattered, we did manage to get a group picture in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle.

Part of our group in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle. If you want to know who's who, just ask.

Coming soon to a trip report near you: A birthday lunch and the great sweatshirt debate.
So glad I found this.
I am fascinated by your story so far. Getting to meet Harrison Ellenshaw must have been incredible & that is so cool that he took the time to emblish your painting & that is one that he worked on with his Dad. I :love: Peter's work from Mary Poppins.
Can't wait to read more.
See my ticket below......DH & I are going on the Backstage Magic Adv. by Disney in December.......I can't wait!
P.S. Does your friends store have a website?
The neat thing about Harrison Ellenshaw is how down to earth the man is. Here's an artist who has worked on some of the most well known and popular films ever. His father is a legend who helped design Disneyland and worked on one of the most beloved films of all time in Mary Poppins. And yet, Harrison Ellenshaw is more than happy to talk with you and tell you about what he tries to capture when painting.

He once told me that his father would destroy an entire painting if it didn't look right, nevermind that Harrison thought the work was stunning. Likewise, he told me that his father was always hurt when somebody bought a painting of his and then sold it. He felt like he didn't do his job right since the person who bought it grew tired of the painting hanging on their wall. That tells me a lot about the time and effort that were put into the painting.

Now your backstage magic visit will be an exciting trip. I'd love to visit Imagineering, but after seeing the cost of that trip and since I've been to the Walt Disney Studios, I don't know that I'll ever take it. Have fun and hopefully we'll get a trip report from you as well.

Yes, my friend's store website is Where The Magic Begins. In fact I'm going there tomorrow to meet Bill Farmer, the voice of Goofy again. That is such a treat. One minute you're talking with Bill and the next minute, you're talking with Goofy. It's awesome!!
Fascinating stuff.....It is so cool to me to hear about Disney Legends like Peter Ellenshaw. Hope you had fun talking with Goofy again. :goofy: The only Disney Legend I have had the pleasure of meeting is Don "Ducky" Williams whom I met on our Disney cruise last Halloween. He has a wonderful story & is a delightful man who gave us a thumbs up on our Mary Poppins & Bert costumes that ended up winning us the Most Disney category in the costume contest.

I am very excited for the ABD trip & I will be doing a trip report as well.

Can't wait for more about your trip.
Congratulations on winning the costume contest. That must have been really fun. Talking with Goofy again was a blast. It may be a few days befor my next update. I've got a real busy week coming up, but I'll see what I can do.
I'm in Pleasanton. My friend Doug was also saving up for the tour, but then this opportunity came up, so he now has those points to use for other things.

Adventures by Disney also has an option up where you get a backstage visit to Disneyland, a tour of the Walt Disney Studios, a tour of Imagineering, and some visits and dinners in assorted parts of Hollywood. I think it was around $2500 per person. If you're a big enough Disney fan and can afford it, it's worth saving up for. Being on the backlot was incredible, and I took lots and lots of pictures, which you'll see sometime in the future.

When I first heard about the Backstage Tour I about fell off my seat. I really really REALLY want to go on it. I would love to do any of the other Adventures by Disney too...except the ones with the spider warnings. :lmao:

The painting of Aurora and Prince Phillip is beautiful. I am SO excited that Sleeping Beauty is going to be the first to come out on Blu-Ray...I got rather excited about that one too and almost jumped out of my chair in excitement.:rotfl: Aurora was always my favorite, her story is so magical and I love the songs.

Great trip report! :thumbsup2
Congratulations on winning the costume contest. That must have been really fun. Talking with Goofy again was a blast. It may be a few days befor my next update. I've got a real busy week coming up, but I'll see what I can do.

Thanks. It was very fun. Take your time. We'll still be here waiting to hear about your adventures.


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