Oh It's A Jolly Holiday With Katie! - Beach Club / Grand Floridian

Love the trip report, but am sad it is coming to an end! My fiance and I are about you and your bf's age - it is his first to go in a long time so I'm hoping he loves it!
Does anyone know about the semi-secret entrance to Animal Kingdom?! We didn’t use it today, but I think it would come in handy during busy times! Let me know if you want to hear about it, and I’ll show you on the map!

I have no idea where that is! Show me show me!! :jumping3::jumping3::jumping3:

Ugh, I really wanted to just include the following photo:


But I’ll be honest with you all..

In reality, THIS is what we were looking at:


:sad: Why??!?!?!!?!?! All that for Avatarland?? :sad2:


Soooo much constructionnn :crazy2:

I wonder if there will ever be a time where they just leave EVERYTHING in Disney alone for a year or so..?!

I'm going to go with........no.

Jamie and I were laughing at Simba’s resting b**** face.. :laughing:
Or maybe he's just totally judging Timon for stealing the lime light.


Totally b****face! :lmao:

Of course, you can guess what happened next.



Are you sure its raining? :laughing:


Say hi to socially awkward dino-fish.



:wave: Hi socially awkward dino-fish!

In line I was laughing at Jamie because he hadn’t held his flimsy poncho together under his chin, so it had let the rain in to look like he’d drooled all down his shirt :laughing:



can wear it a lot here in England because it’s cold for 95% of the year!

I think you mean 99.99% of the year ::yes::

The people next to us had made a hilarious car that looked like a stroller..!! They were funny.


That is brilliant! When I have kids I want that stroller/car!! :laughing:

But I find this clip pretty funny, because I massively underestimated the jerkiness of the ride, and you can see the moment I realise, "This was a terrible idea.." :laughing:

That is the BEST thing ever! :rotfl:

I did silly, but tried to make sure it would still be a nice photo.

Jamie, on the other hand, did this.


:rotfl: :rotfl2::lmao:That Jamie!

Sunsets at Disney are 100 times better than sunsets at home.


So true and so pretty!

A Disney film set in a fictional place has NO business whatsoever in World Showcase!!!
I’m not a huge fan of Maelstrom, but in my opinion, having Frozen as Norway’s main attraction is ABHORRENT (one of my favourite words :rotfl:)
It feels like the big guys are focussing solely on $$$. The authenticity of World Showcase is being disregarded - I think it defeats the whole point of it!

PREACH!!! This is a rant I have had all too often! I'm glad you get all ranty about it too!

(Who else is creeped out by that face?)



He is one creepy, creepy fish gutting kid...:scared1:


And, it wouldn’t be a water-based ride if THIS didn’t happen to Jamie…


Seriously, HOW does this happen on Maelstrom!?!? :rotfl:

I really hope that family from Peoplemover hadn't just "been" on Maelstrom before you :rolleyes1

You cannot complain when your only wait involves a video of Patrick Warburton :thumbsup2
(Katie’s weird crush #428.)

I sometimes picture this when he is talking in Soarin'


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

As far as the crush goes...


GURL....I 100% get it!



He's on my list too! Besides I'm pretty sure I have a longer and weirder weird crush list so you are cool! :thumbsup2

Here’s one the best things about Epcot at night, and if you disagree, you’re wrong:


I am OBSESSED with these! I want them everywhere in my house! ::yes::

love the décor at the Grand Floridian, but when I look at these two framed pictures I feel like I’m in a dream… Maybe even a nightmare…:




I was starting to get a little sad though…

Only 3 more full days left!

WHAT???? NOOOOOOOOOOO!! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

(I know its really not long till your next trip and thus next TR but still....)

WHAT???? NOOOOOOOOOOO!! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
DID YOU MAKE THIS?!?! :faint: I love both of those movies so much!


:laughing: I wish! I didn't make it, I have zero skillz when it comes to stuff like that! But I appreciate that you thought I could have made it!:rotfl:
I agree that both of these things are so perfecto!
However, I do like the idea of only colourising the inside of the frame, and having the outside black and white – but I have no idea how to do it… Any tips would be appreciated!! :goodvibes

I've read the update(s) and will be back in a bit to comment, but...


Easy peasy. If you want one suitable for framing, just send me a bigger file.
Takes less than two minutes to do.
Also, taking the drink out of Jamie's side would be easy, too.
Today I’d pencilled in a day at either Typhoon Lagoon or Blizzard Beach, but Jamie had a feeling his contact lenses were going to cause him some trouble in the water, so we went back to Animal Kingdom instead!

Huh. I usually only wear my contacts when I'm going to go swimming.
Otherwise I like the simplicity (and inexpensiveness) of glasses.

I woke up at 7am, but fell back to sleep until 9:15am.
We were getting pretty lazy!


Although I'm assuming our upcoming trip will be similar.

But we’d done pretty much everything we wanted to do at Animal Kingdom, so I didn’t feel guilty.

Then why go back??????


Side note: Does anyone know about the semi-secret entrance to Animal Kingdom?!


Then we moved on, and got a cute photopass picture in front of the Tree of Life!


OMG! So terrifying!

Soooo much constructionnn :crazy2:

::yes:: Most of it was still up in February, although they'd taken down the ones around the tree and revealed the new roots.

I wonder if there will ever be a time where they just leave EVERYTHING in Disney alone for a year or so..?!

Probably not.
But if they do, it'll be a year when we're not there.

Jamie and I were laughing at Simba’s resting b**** face.. :laughing:

:lmao: He does! He really does!

I’ve always had trouble deciding whether I prefer Festival of the Lion King or Finding Nemo the Musical, but right now I think the Lion King just edges out.

I'd have to agree that Lion King is the better of the two.
But I did enjoy Nemo when I finally got to see it.

(But when I watch Finding Nemo again in September, I’m sure I’ll claim THAT is my favourite… I’M FICKLE.)

:laughing: Well, then you rhyme with pickle and who doesn't love pickles?

We left the show with big smiles on our faces. :teeth: :teeth:

:goodvibes It'll do that to you, won't it.

Great shot, Katie!

:rotfl: Those "upset, pouting Katie" shots crack me up!

I was wearing sandals and Jamie had on some silly fabric shoes that completely saturate in about 3 seconds, so we tried hard to avoid the flooding, but we couldn’t escape, IT FOLLOWED US.

It's alive! ALIVE!!!

Only in Disney would you still be able to smile with squelching feet. :thumbsup2


Say hi to socially awkward dino-fish.

:lmao: That's hysterical. And clever.

In line I was laughing at Jamie because he hadn’t held his flimsy poncho together under his chin, so it had let the rain in to look like he’d drooled all down his shirt :laughing:


Nah. You can totally tell it's from the rain and a leaky poncho.
No way anyone would think it's drool or drink spill.

However, that's definitely pee on his shorts.



Well, at least WE think we’re funny... :laughing:

I do too!

Jamie ordered the Chicken Cordon Bleu Sandwich.

Looks really good. Mmmmmm....

Thankfully we had a little time, so we spent it sat on the floor together blow-drying our wet shoes.

Of course. When in Disney. Sit around blow drying shoes. It's what all the cool kids are doing.

Look! Dry shoes!

And last, but definitely not least, was my girl Minnie.

I have no idea what this conversation was about, but we both seem very invested in it!

Shoes. You were definitely talking about shoes.

But first I stopped in Mouse Gear and bought my jumper!

Now you have to model it for us! ::yes::

(Wait. A jumper is what we'd call a hoodie? Or a sweatshirt? I think? It's not pajamas or something right?)

The people next to us had made a hilarious car that looked like a stroller..!! They were funny.

I like it.

But I find this clip pretty funny, because I massively underestimated the jerkiness of the ride, and you can see the moment I realise, "This was a terrible idea.." :laughing:

Darn. At work. I'll have to check out the vid later.

Jamie, on the other hand, did this.

When you gotta go. You gotta go.
Groundhogging was he?

Also, I don’t know why they always hand you these frames?!

I'm betting because most people like them.
I'm one of them... if done right.


A Disney film set in a fictional place has NO business whatsoever in World Showcase!!!

Um... The Three Caballeros?

I’m not a huge fan of Maelstrom, but in my opinion, having Frozen as Norway’s main attraction is ABHORRENT (one of my favourite words :rotfl:)

It's a good word. Very descriptive.

(Who else is creeped out by that face?)


You mean budding serial killer kid's face?

And, it wouldn’t be a water-based ride if THIS didn’t happen to Jamie…


Sure. Water.

We all saw him groundhogging earlier, you know.

I had really wanted to do Sum Of All Thrills on this trip since I’d never done it before, but Innoventions was already closed.
So that’s something to check off the list this year :thumbsup2

I'm hoping to try it for the first time with Kay.

Even after my 1.5 hour nap, the planetarium in Spaceship Earth still makes me sleepy!
That, and Dame Judy’s lovely soothing voice :cloud9:

So did you fall asleep?

15 minute wait!


You cannot complain when your only wait involves a video of Patrick Warburton :thumbsup2
(Katie’s weird crush #428.)

:laughing: It's the voice, isn't it?

Here’s one the best things about Epcot at night, and if you disagree, you’re wrong:


::yes:: ::yes:: Absolutely! I love that!
I'd totally forgotten about it and when I saw it again, I was like "Ooooooh! Right!"

I love the décor at the Grand Floridian, but when I look at these two framed pictures I feel like I’m in a dream… Maybe even a nightmare…:


That decor was from the budding serial kid from Maelstrom's room.

It was delish!

Looks like!

Only 3 more full days left!

Can't wait for the update. Dreading the end.
First things first - THANK YOU for telling me about how to highlight stuff to quote. Now that I know how to do it, it seems so easy. And I feel like a dunce! hahaha

In line I was laughing at Jamie because he hadn’t held his flimsy poncho together under his chin, so it had let the rain in to look like he’d drooled all down his shirt :laughing:

LOL Oh Jamie...he's always good for a giggle :rotfl:

I love it!

I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be men’s or not, it's quite a large fit, but I really didn’t care, I had my eye on it from the start of the trip!

I can wear it a lot here in England because it’s cold for 95% of the year!

I LOVE THAT...and that you called it a jumper. So adorbs! That looks super cozy. But here in Texas we have the opposite problem, it's hot 95% of the year so I'd hardly ever get to wear it. Obviously I should move to jolly old England :thumbsup2

But I find this clip pretty funny, because I massively underestimated the jerkiness of the ride, and you can see the moment I realise, "This was a terrible idea.." :laughing:

So cute! You guys are too funny!
Also...is it weird that on your upcoming trip I would like to request videos of you guys talking? Mostly because British accents = amazing :flower3:

Note to self: Filming yourself on a fast ride turns out very unattractive :rotfl:

Also very entertaining! :rotfl2:

I did silly, but tried to make sure it would still be a nice photo.

Jamie, on the other hand, did this.


It looks like he has to go to the bathroom! :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Sunsets at Disney are 100 times better than sunsets at home.

Agreed ::yes::

For the last time EVER!

So jealous! I am going to miss it :sad: Frozen as a replacement is just...no.

(Who else is creeped out by that face?)



Oh hello creepy serial killer kid. He I will NOT miss :laughing:

Seriously, HOW does this happen on Maelstrom!?!? :rotfl:

Classic Jamie ::yes:: hahaha

I was starting to get a little sad though…

Only 3 more full days left!

I can't believe it's almost over!! But thank goodness your trip is coming up soon! How else will I survive until my next trip which is over a year away ;)
Oh no your surgery? I guess it is pretty pricey if you weren't able to eat much, but oh my life it's delicious. Maybe when we go to Disney at the same time I'll smuggle you out some free food :thumbsup2:laughing: I've never eaten at Kona before, I will be next month though! I'm so excited :hyper:

Yes I had weight loss surgery last year so my stomach doesn't hold much food now. The portions at Ohana would be a waste for me. So yes, when you're there please smuggle me out some pot stickers and dessert. Might get your purse a bit messy but sometimes a bit of purse mess is necessary in the grand scheme of things ::yes::

Hahaha I know, they were probably a bit freaked out!! But everyone's done that before, right?! RIGHT GUYS?! I know I have several times :rotfl: When I started at my new University I had no idea where to go so I just followed a random student-looking guy....into a big business park :rotfl2: FAIL!

We've all been there! Sure! (At least that's what I'll tell you to make you feel better :cool:)
That guy was probably thinking the same thing...STOP FOLLOWING ME :laughing:

It's so funny isn't it!!! I crack up every time I see it :rotfl2: Hahah aw I love that :goodvibes we could have a lot of fun making Jamie do dumb things..!!! Aww haha he'd probably keep slightly quiet to begin with to leave the Disney nuts to chat and catch up, but he definitely doesn't clam up :goodvibes ...that doesn't mean you can't torment him though :thumbsup2:laughing:

I so look forward to the day this can happen :rotfl:And all the silly pictures you could make him take for the DIS boards entertainment :rotfl2:
Hey @Leshaface and @BibbitybobityLu - Here's the not-so-secret entry into Animal Kingdom!
It's not really that impressive, but those tapstiles can get pretty backed up when it's busy, so I bet this could come in handy on a morning in July/August/Christmas/Spring Break :goodvibes

You just go into the Rainforest Cafe, and go straight through the gift shop. Exit at the back entrance and you come to a small courtyard, and at the back of the courtyard, there are some tapstiles. Once you've tapped your bands, you come right out at the Oasis! :thumbsup2

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We STILL have never seen festival of the lion king. I want to see it!! Love the pics!

You MUST see it!!! You'll all be singing it for a week :laughing: :thumbsup2

These are some pictures I have of my new baubles. They are a mixture of Disney and Universal.

I also took a picture of my Carl and Ellie buy from the art shop as I love Up!

I wasn't too sure if you saw these in the same shop but we also bought Beauty and the Beast and the 7 dwarves in the shadow boxes. They light up and just look magical.


Thanks so much for sharing! I love the Mickey ears decorations based on the different characters. I'd love to get all of those, and have a tree entirely dedicated to them :goodvibes so pretty! Also, I have the same Mickey decoration - the flat silver one between the Ariel ears and the Minion! I bought it in Disneyland Paris last christmas :goodvibes

The Up picture is beautiful, and I LOVE the shadow boxes! I don't think I've ever seen those before?! You made some fantastic purchases! :lovestruc

And I am sad, as that means this TR will also come to an end :(

Me too!!! I've really enjoyed writing it and getting to know all of you on the Dis, and reading all the wonderful comments :goodvibes

But I'll be back in WDW next month (36 days and counting!) So once I'm back I'll be starting a brand new report :goodvibes

Man, I jumped the gun replying earlier! Sorry to split your updates.

We love those light up sidewalks in Epcot too! You could have some light up fun now if you have a balcony or anywhere you put potted plants or outdoor furniture. There is glow in the dark spray paint you can use to paint pots or stones. You can find it at craft stores or home improvement stores (Michael's or Home Depot type places--not sure what your equivalent would be). They "charge" in the sunlight during the day and glow at night for supposedly a few hours. I haven't tried it yet, but it's on one of my Pinterest boards so you know I'll get to it eventually :rolleyes:

No worries my love, I don't mind the updates being split up! :goodvibes This is such a good idea, I'm definitely going to turn my home into a Disney home :thumbsup2 I already have subtle (and not-so-subtle) Disney features all over the place :lovestruc Glow in the dark floors are a MUST! We have a kind of "boarder" around the balcony thats made up of stones, I bet it would look so cute to paint some of those in glow paint!?!

I love it that you have a weird crush on Patrick Warburton -- I rather have one too. It's his voice, I think, for me? I met him back in May at Denver Comic Con. He's so funny. I'd have liked to post a photo for you but they were charging something like $100 for photo ops so... no.

Why are late night turkey sandwiches so delightful?

The voice definitely adds to it! Whenever I hear him speaking in Rules of Engagement it takes me straight back to Disney, and I imagine myself about to ride Soarin.. So I think his association with Disney makes me enjoy him even more :goodvibes I can't believe you met him!! Lucky! :lovestruc But wow, $100 for photos! That's so cruel. :sad2:

Hahah late night turkey sandwiches are ALWAYS delightful, not even just at Disney :laughing:

I just read your TR in a few days and am all caught up... You two are adorable and your trip sounds amazing!

As a side note, I enjoyed your sense of humor all throughout your trip reports but you definitely had me at the usage of the term "food baby". My boyfriend is overly obsessed with saying this and everytime it makes me laugh. Good to know it's internationally appreciated:rotfl2:

Can't wait to read the rest of your TR! Getting me super excited for my trip in October, wooooo.

Hey, thanks so much for reading!! I'm really glad you enjoyed it :goodvibes Haha, we use food baby all the time!! But that night at Ohana it was more like food triplets :laughing:

And yay for going in October, it's so soon now :hyper: We'll be back through the first week of October, from your ticker I think you might be there later than us. But YAY Halloween, YAY Food and Wine! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

I can't believe you're nearly at the end of your TR! :(

I know!! I've loved writing it, and getting to know all of you! I'll be back at WDW next month though, so as soon as I'm back I'll get started on a new TR :goodvibes

Yes, if they would stay open through the whole afternoon and evening, they would get a lot more customers! I do already have it on my list for April next year, at least for dessert if I can't fit it in for a meal.

It is strange because I believe that's one of the few places you can get that cupcake, and I think a lot of people go looking for it? I hope you can get to it while it's open! I think it's supposed to close at 4pm, but this was more like 2pm... So maybe try to get there before 2! :goodvibes

If you're not weirded out by this creeper, you're a total sociopath. Not only is he creepily trying to make eye contact, he's doing it whilst creepily gutting a fish. NO THANK YOU, CREEPY MAN CHILD! (Also, how many more times do you think I could use a derivation of the word "creep" in that sentence?)

I laughed at this comment! :laughing: He freaks me out so much!! But I find it so funny, he may actually be the part of Maelstrom that I miss the most!!! Maybe they'll keep him as a cut out and place him in dark corners during the Halloween party :laughing: :scared1:

Yeah, I like the cropped picture better. So tired of seeing construction walls at BOTH WDW and DLR. Will it ever stop?!

Tell me about it! And with all the announcements that were made at D23 it's only going to get worse... I can't wait for it all to be done though! And speaking of D23, did you hear about the Magic Kingdoms mobile app that they're developing, where you can design your own Disney Park... :scared1: RIP social life..!!!!!

I kinda wish that AK offered tours just to jump on the trampoline and do acrobatic stuff. I'd sign up!

How cool would this be?!?! "A day in the life of a Tumble Monkey" or something?! I would totes sign up for that.

I know it's pouring, but it looks gorgeous!

Although I resent the rain, I do really like the photos too! There's not much to do, but I think Animal Kingdom is the best park to get caught in a rain storm :goodvibes

Yes! I truly want to know what the others in your car thought when they saw this picture. Like, "did we miss something on the other side?!" :laughing:

Hahaha, sometimes I never even consider the fact that we're not the only people in the parks with the Memory Maker package :rotfl: people must think we're so weird sometimes :laughing:

So you woke up late AND you were still able to take a nap?! You're pretty amazing.

I can sleep so good at Disney! I just need a Disney bed, and Stacey playing in the background, and I'm out like a light :goodvibes

Gah, you even in your spare time, you two are still so romantic!:cloud9:

Haha this probably wasn't as romantic as it sounded, just imagine the smell from heating up wet shoes... :sick:

I love these 2 pictures!

Thank you! Me too :goodvibes If Jamie doesn't feel like meeting the characters I don't try to force him, because I like the candid pictures he snaps :goodvibes

FOR REAL. :rotfl2: Mickey has some serious commitment issues.

I'm seriously jealous. I love cold weather!

As much as I complain about it, I actually do too :goodvibes Autumn and Winter are my favourite seasons, and I feel so content wrapped up in a big hat and scarf :lovestruc

Ah the good ol' constipation look. Always a winner!

Like your photo at Be Our Guest with the horns growing out of you head, I will never look at this photo the same.. :rotfl: Our friendship is becoming based on ruining the perceptions of each others photos :thumbsup2 :laughing:

I think Photobucket allows you to do that?

Did it work?!

ETA: it's showing up on my computer as splashed in the middle, but when I post the PB link, it shows the original picture..

Totally worked! This is so perfect thank you!!!! That's exactly what I wanted to do :lovestruc I'll have to check out the photobucket tools :goodvibes

Exactly! I don't mind the 'hints' of Disney that they place into the pavilions, like the character meets. This is a full blown attraction.

Yeah me neither, the meet and greets are completely fine, but this is just over the top. I'm hoping they surprise us... Hopefully it could be real Norway, with the Frozen characters built in? But right now I'm just imaging snow and ice palaces and Olaf, and that is not ok by me :sad2:

So glad I'm not alone! His voice makes me swooooon.

Also, see the post above for the Animal Kingdom entrance!
Hey @Leshaface and @BibbitybobityLu - Here's the not-so-secret entry into Animal Kingdom!
It's not really that impressive, but those tapstiles can get pretty backed up when it's busy, so I bet this could come in handy on a morning in July/August/Christmas/Spring Break :goodvibes

You just go into the Rainforest Cafe, and go straight through the gift shop. Exit at the back entrance and you come to a small courtyard, and at the back of the courtyard, there are some tapstiles. Once you've tapped your bands, you come right out at the Oasis! :thumbsup2


Oh wow I had no idea! And I didn't know that Rainforest Cafe opened up that early. Thanks for this!! :goodvibes:
Here ya go! If you want it in higher quality you can send me the original file =)

Thank you so much for this! It's perfect :goodvibes :lovestruc

Love the trip report, but am sad it is coming to an end! My fiance and I are about you and your bf's age - it is his first to go in a long time so I'm hoping he loves it!

Thank you! And I'm sad too, I've had so much fun writing it! But I'll be back there in a month, so I'll have a new TR going as soon as I'm back :goodvibes And I'm sure he will love it, there's so much to do that appeals to everyone :goodvibes

I have no idea where that is! Show me show me!! :jumping3::jumping3::jumping3:

See the post above!

:sad: Why??!?!?!!?!?! All that for Avatarland?? :sad2:

Bleugh I don't even care about Avatar and haven't watched it all the way through. Hopefully it'll be amazing when it's eventually finished and I'll develop a new love for the film :goodvibes

I think you mean 99.99% of the year ::yes::

YES more like this. I just want to go to Florida not looking like a milk bottle!


PREACH!!! This is a rant I have had all too often! I'm glad you get all ranty about it too!

How I feel about Frozen Ever After...


:rotfl: PLEEEEEEASE exceed my expectations!!!

He is one creepy, creepy fish gutting kid...:scared1:


WOW haha, that eye contact!!!! Like I said to Meredith in a previous post, maybe they'll keep the cut-out and place him in dark corners during the Halloween Party :rotfl: THE ULTIMATE DISNEY VILLAIN.

I really hope that family from Peoplemover hadn't just "been" on Maelstrom before you :rolleyes1

Omg this is all I'll be able to think of when I sit on Splash, Kali rapids etc. now :sick: :sick: :sick:

I sometimes picture this when he is talking in Soarin'


I do this all the time! Sometimes when we're watching the video we will talk 'squirrel' to each other :laughing:


As far as the crush goes...


This probably makes me like him even more :rotfl2:

He's on my list too! Besides I'm pretty sure I have a longer and weirder weird crush list so you are cool! :thumbsup2

From the state of all the comments we've left on your PTR, we both seem to have a very long, weird list of crushes :lmao:


WHAT???? NOOOOOOOOOOO!! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

(I know its really not long till your next trip and thus next TR but still....)

WHAT???? NOOOOOOOOOOO!! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

I knowwww I'll be so sad when it's done! But I'm excited to write a new one :goodvibes and since this one has taken me an entire year to get through, by the time I finish the next one, YOU'LL BE GOING ON YOUR TRIP!!! :jumping1: so i'll soon be able to binge on your report!!

DID YOU MAKE THIS?!?! :faint: I love both of those movies so much!


The Emperor's New Groove is one of my absolute favourites, it's so hilarious!!!!

Whenever I hear the words "in a box" I always say this entire quote..!


Perfect, thank you so much!!!! How did you do this?

Huh. I usually only wear my contacts when I'm going to go swimming.
Otherwise I like the simplicity (and inexpensiveness) of glasses.

Yeah that makes sense! Jamie much prefers his contacts all the time, but sometimes they can irritate his eyes. Something about the water maybe, I'm not sure.


Although I'm assuming our upcoming trip will be similar.

We always get up early through the start of our trip, then gradually get more and more lazy, but we have productive evenings to make up for it :goodvibes

Meep I'm excited for your new trip report already! (assuming you're writing one?)

Then why go back??????

Festival of the Lion King! That was the only thing we had to do, but it was essential! Thankfully we'd done everything else, so the rain didn't matter too much :goodvibes

::yes:: Most of it was still up in February, although they'd taken down the ones around the tree and revealed the new roots.

Oooh I didn't know what they were actually doing. I'll be sure to check that out :thumbsup2

Great shot, Katie!

Thank you! I think Animal Kingdom is quite photogenic in the rain.

:rotfl: Those "upset, pouting Katie" shots crack me up!

Haha! Unfortunately they don't happen too often when I'm at Disney :goodvibes The entire last day is a different story though...... LOTS of pouting! I actually legitimately cried for the entire Magical Express ride back to the airport :sad: So there are no photos unfortunately! :laughing:

Nah. You can totally tell it's from the rain and a leaky poncho.
No way anyone would think it's drool or drink spill.

However, that's definitely pee on his shorts.


Now you have to model it for us! ::yes::

(Wait. A jumper is what we'd call a hoodie? Or a sweatshirt? I think? It's not pajamas or something right?)

I'm actually wearing it right now!! I also wore it on our last day, so you will see it shortly :goodvibes

Yep, a jumper is a sweatshirt :thumbsup2 and we use hoodie for .....hooded jumpers.... too :laughing:

Um... The Three Caballeros?

I don't mind the Three Caballeros in the Gran Fiesta Tour, because the ride is still basically the same as it was when it was El Rio del Tiempo, just jazzed up a bit. Like it's still... Mexican themed, with real Mexico in the video footage. If Frozen Ever After is actual Norwegian scenery with the Frozen characters built into it then i won't mind as much. But the concept art just looks like it's going to be pure Frozen, and no real Norwegian heritage... It's just taking me a while to warm up to (excuse the pun :thumbsup2)


So did you fall asleep?

I just about kept it together!
If I was a cartoon, I'd have had matchsticks in my eyes...


:laughing: It's the voice, isn't it?

FOR SURE! :lovestruc

That decor was from the budding serial kid from Maelstrom's room.

I actually laughed at this comment!! :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: too funny :laughing:
First things first - THANK YOU for telling me about how to highlight stuff to quote. Now that I know how to do it, it seems so easy. And I feel like a dunce! hahaha

No problem! :thumbsup2 Haha it did take you quite a while to figure it out :laughing: Glad I could help!

LOL Oh Jamie...he's always good for a giggle :rotfl:

Aww I know, bless him. Thankfully he knows how to laugh at himself, so that makes me feel less guilty for laughing at him :thumbsup2

I LOVE THAT...and that you called it a jumper. So adorbs! That looks super cozy. But here in Texas we have the opposite problem, it's hot 95% of the year so I'd hardly ever get to wear it. Obviously I should move to jolly old England :thumbsup2

Oh jeez, where's the balance?! I want to live somewhere that's hot and sunny in summer, and cold and snowy in winter :goodvibes I don't think I could cope with it being hot all year around! I like my big cozy jumpers and winter woolies!!

Also...is it weird that on your upcoming trip I would like to request videos of you guys talking? Mostly because British accents = amazing :flower3:

Haha of course! Since the forum update allows you to embed YouTube videos I'd already decided that I'll probably shoot some more video footage :thumbsup2 I don't like the sound of my voice, but that's normal right?!

It looks like he has to go to the bathroom! :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Haha Alicia pointed out the exact same thing, and this photo is now ruined for me :rotfl2:

Oh hello creepy serial killer kid. He I will NOT miss :laughing:

He's might actually be my favourite part of Maelstrom, he really makes me laugh! Like.... WHY? WHY does that fish-gutting psycho-child even exist?! LOL.

I can't believe it's almost over!! But thank goodness your trip is coming up soon! How else will I survive until my next trip which is over a year away ;)

I know! I'll be so sad to finish this trip report! I'm glad I'll have another to start soon though :goodvibes And at the rate this TR is going (almost a year in the making) - by the time you finish reading the next one your trip will be right around the corner! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Yes I had weight loss surgery last year so my stomach doesn't hold much food now. The portions at Ohana would be a waste for me. So yes, when you're there please smuggle me out some pot stickers and dessert. Might get your purse a bit messy but sometimes a bit of purse mess is necessary in the grand scheme of things ::yes::

Oh I understand now! Good for you! And the messy purse is a sacrifice I am happy to make, if the contents is Ohana food :thumbsup2 I actually think that Ohana and Kona share a kitchen or something? So some of the food you can get at Kona is the same as what you get at Ohana, you can definitely get the potstickers and sticky wings!

We've all been there! Sure! (At least that's what I'll tell you to make you feel better :cool:)
That guy was probably thinking the same thing...STOP FOLLOWING ME :laughing:

Haha thanks! :rotfl2:

I so look forward to the day this can happen :rotfl:And all the silly pictures you could make him take for the DIS boards entertainment :rotfl2:

Yay I need some Dis meets for sure!

Oh wow I had no idea! And I didn't know that Rainforest Cafe opened up that early. Thanks for this!! :goodvibes:

No problem! And yeah, I think the Rainforest Cafe opens for breakfast at 8:30am :goodvibes
I am enjoying your TR so much and it's getting me really pumped for our visit next month!! Love your sense of humor and absolute joy that just exudes from every single update! Btw - I'd love to know about the alternate AK entrance if you're still sharing! Thank you!

I love the décor at the Grand Floridian, but when I look at these two framed pictures I feel like I’m in a dream… Maybe even a nightmare…:


This made me laugh out loud, especially with the emoji! I totally agree! They make me feel crazy! :rotfl2:
I must say, I agree with you 100% about the Arendalle/Norway thing. I don't think the World Showcase is any place for fictional movie-based attractions. Keep it authentic.
Perfect, thank you so much!!!! How did you do this?

Photoshop. Been doing it for... over 20 years!!!
Holy crap! How is that possible?!?!?

Yeah that makes sense! Jamie much prefers his contacts all the time, but sometimes they can irritate his eyes. Something about the water maybe, I'm not sure.


We always get up early through the start of our trip, then gradually get more and more lazy, but we have productive evenings to make up for it :goodvibes

Oh you do, do you?

Now, Katie. This is a family board, remember.

Meep I'm excited for your new trip report already! (assuming you're writing one?)


Festival of the Lion King! That was the only thing we had to do, but it was essential! Thankfully we'd done everything else, so the rain didn't matter too much :goodvibes

Oh, okay. That 'splains it.

Haha! Unfortunately they don't happen too often when I'm at Disney :goodvibes The entire last day is a different story though...... LOTS of pouting! I actually legitimately cried for the entire Magical Express ride back to the airport :sad:

Awwww!!! Poor Katie!
pkondz does not like to see pretty little girls cry.
And he gets it a lot when little girls look at him.
And he occasionally refers to himself in the third person because he's pretentious.

So there are no photos unfortunately! :laughing:

:laughing: Well, no. I suppose not.

I'm actually wearing it right now!! I also wore it on our last day, so you will see it shortly :goodvibes

That was easy! :laughing:

Yep, a jumper is a sweatshirt :thumbsup2 and we use hoodie for .....hooded jumpers.... too :laughing:


I don't mind the Three Caballeros in the Gran Fiesta Tour, because the ride is still basically the same as it was when it was El Rio del Tiempo, just jazzed up a bit. Like it's still... Mexican themed, with real Mexico in the video footage. If Frozen Ever After is actual Norwegian scenery with the Frozen characters built into it then i won't mind as much.

Okay. I think I get it... and I agree with you! It's supposed to highlight the country and make you want to go there, isn't it?

But the concept art just looks like it's going to be pure Frozen, and no real Norwegian heritage... It's just taking me a while to warm up to (excuse the pun :thumbsup2)

Looking at that, it does look out of place in WS. Looks more like a Fantasyland attraction.

I actually laughed at this comment!! :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: too funny :laughing:

I am enjoying your TR so much and it's getting me really pumped for our visit next month!! Love your sense of humor and absolute joy that just exudes from every single update! Btw - I'd love to know about the alternate AK entrance if you're still sharing! Thank you!

Yay we'll be back next month too!! I'm really glad you're enjoying it :goodvibes And of course, here's the AK entrance! I posted it somewhere else so I'll copy and paste what I wrote there :goodvibes

Here's the not-so-secret entry into Animal Kingdom! It's not really that impressive, but those tapstiles can get pretty backed up when it's busy, so I bet this could come in handy on a morning in July/August/Christmas/Spring Break:goodvibes

You just go into the Rainforest Cafe, and go straight through the gift shop. Exit at the back entrance and you come to a small courtyard, and at the back of the courtyard, there are some tapstiles. Once you've tapped your bands, you come right out at the Oasis! :thumbsup2


This made me laugh out loud, especially with the emoji! I totally agree! They make me feel crazy! :rotfl2:

Haha I know!! It's so weird?! Surely there are a million other things you could frame in the Grand Floridian's lobby... A monkey, and a rabbit sitting on a stool?! Errrm..
Ok then?!? :rotfl:

I must say, I agree with you 100% about the Arendalle/Norway thing. I don't think the World Showcase is any place for fictional movie-based attractions. Keep it authentic.

I think the type of attraction they're building is Magic Kingdom material, it doesn't belong in Epcot at all. I would understand if the film/ride was set in a Norwegian village, but the fact that the concept art shows Elsa's ice palace just doesn't work for me :sad2:

Photoshop. Been doing it for... over 20 years!!!
Holy crap! How is that possible?!?!?

Really! Is it part of your job or something? No wonder your photos are always amazing!

Oh you do, do you?

Now, Katie. This is a family board, remember.

Oh yes. Staying out at MK until 1:30am and almost falling asleep in the hotel elevator, we're WILD. (...next update :thumbsup2)

Seriously, you and @BibbitybobityLu are a bad influence on me :sad2:

Awwww!!! Poor Katie!
pkondz does not like to see pretty little girls cry.
And he gets it a lot when little girls look at him.
And he occasionally refers to himself in the third person because he's pretentious.


Okay. I think I get it... and I agree with you! It's supposed to highlight the country and make you want to go there, isn't it?

Looking at that, it does look out of place in WS. Looks more like a Fantasyland attraction.

Exactly! I don't mind them doing a meet and greet there, but they're about to take over the whole pavilion. STOOPID. :sad2:
Really! Is it part of your job or something? No wonder your photos are always amazing!

Nope. Just a hobby.

Oh yes. Staying out at MK until 1:30am and almost falling asleep in the hotel elevator, we're WILD. (...next update :thumbsup2)


Seriously, you and @BibbitybobityLu are a bad influence on me :sad2:

Well, she rubbed off on me. So it's her fault.

(Have fun with that one, Lou.)

Exactly! I don't mind them doing a meet and greet there, but they're about to take over the whole pavilion. STOOPID. :sad2:

Stop beating around the bush! (and that one too, Lou) and tell us how you really feel!


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