Official~ Having a Dole Whip in honor of Bob "Bawb" Varley

miss missy

Is this the Dis Board Desperate Housewives?!
Jan 31, 2005
In memory of our Beloved Bob "Bawb" Varley


If you would like to honor Bob's memory how about having a Dole Whip anywhere in WDW and post a picture of you with it here. :goodvibes **special thanks to sconnell and WebmasterJohn for coming up with this wonderful idea**

Bob loved everything about WDW. There was not one inch he didn't find magical.

How about just a picture anywhere holding a Dole Whip? It doesn't have to be a specific spot that embodies Bob's love of Disney - more the whimsy and magic of it all.
A Dole Whip can represent your spending time with Bob around the park.

He would love knowing he was able to spend time with you enjoying a Dole Whip anywhere.


Bob having a Dole Whip



Dole Whip show: go to the date of MAY 1st 2007 ----->

Bawb sure loved them Dole Whips. This ones for YOU BAWB!!!!!

Let me start by saying I really enjoyed doing this. It just felt right and I can't say this will be the last time I do this. Like I said before, I 've never had me a Dole Whip so yet again Bawb has introduced me to something else I will enjoy for years to come.

So me and Brian are sitting there enjoying our drinks talking stories about Bawb when I look over and see a small souviner booth right next to us, not even 30ft away. It took me a second to realize it said "Bwana Bob's". I knew just then that Bawb was looking over us and was happy for that moment. I nudged Brian and did a head nod, he looked over and back and you could tell he felt the same. I think this is definately something that Bawb would love, so please continue this if you think it would help you to connect with our friend.
Note taken for my November trip. It will be my first Dole Whip, and I'll have it with Bawb in mind! :goodvibes
I love that Will. He will always be there, you know?

Bawb sure loved them Dole Whips. This ones for YOU BAWB!!!!!

Let me start by saying I really enjoyed doing this. It just felt right and I can't say this will be the last time I do this. Like I said before, I 've never had me a Dole Whip so yet again Bawb has introduced me to something else I will enjoy for years to come.

So me and Brian are sitting there enjoying our drinks talking stories about Bawb when I look over and see a small souviner booth right next to us, not even 30ft away. It took me a second to realize it said "Bwana Bob's". I knew just then that Bawb was looking over us and was happy for that moment. I nudged Brian and did a head nod, he looked over and back and you could tell he felt the same. I think this is definately something that Bawb would love, so please continue this if you think it would help you to connect with our friend.

very nice Will:thumbsup2You're a good friend and Brian needs that now more than ever. Bawb is smiling down on you.:hug:

I'm having my first Dole Whip too(18yrs of park visits!) Sunday, for Bawb:angel:
Even though I don't like Dole-whips, I will have one in September and toast the master.:sad1:
I'm in, I'm subbed (to the thread!) and I can't wait for October.

(unless we move to Orlando, which seems to be becoming a distinct possibility! -tiny cheer-)

Thank you for starting this, maybe it will become a sticky, and we'll have a small permanent memorial for "Bob, that funny, quirky guy with the Jersey accent that used to be on the podcast". (because there will be new generations of podcast listeners who may never venture to hear the goofy wonderfulness of it all, unless we nudge them along...)

:flower3: :hug:
Hmmm.... I just ate some homemade Dole Whip which I made in honour of Bawb. I will be sure to get one in september. It's such a shame that you can only get them 3 different locations in the world. I wonder if Bawb's come up with a hevenly dole whip yet?
I just wanted to say a few things quick.

I just got back from florda not 2 days ago. Was there 20th, to 29th. Spent alot of time around the parks looking for bob and his cart cam with no luck. I knew I most likely would not find him, but was on the lookout no less.

I had my first dole whip because only because of how much bob liked them and what do you know I love them to.

I must say even though I have only been on dis for a few months, it really upset me to learn the bad news when I got home. knowing I was in florda when it happen just got to me.

just wanted to say I wish everyone well. I hope time will heal all.

Mike Fair
I just wanted to say a few things quick.

I just got back from florda not 2 days ago. Was there 20th, to 29th. Spent alot of time around the parks looking for bob and his cart cam with no luck. I knew I most likely would not find him, but was on the lookout no less.

I had my first dole whip because only because of how much bob liked them and what do you know I love them to.

I must say even though I have only been on dis for a few months, it really upset me to learn the bad news when I got home. knowing I was in florda when it happen just got to me.

just wanted to say I wish everyone well. I hope time will heal all.

Mike Fair

Sorry you didn't get to meet him, Mike. He was a wonderful man. He would have welcomed you, as he did everyone, with his gentle good humor.
I've decided when I am at Disneyland next week, I am going to have a Dole Whip for Bawb. I asked my mother and she said for sure, and I will tell her about our Bawb.
I've never had a DOle Whip, but I will do so this on our next trip in memory of Bawb. My sincere sympathy to the Podcast crew for their loss, as well as Bawb's family and friends. He will be missed.
Me and DH will be at MK later this month and we will definitely have one for Bawb.. will post picture when we come back..
I will be having a Dole Whip, in Bawb's honor in November! Even if I have to pay for it myself, if my snack credit won't cover it!
It will be awhile before I get back to WDW, so today I went out and had a vanilla shake with a double order of pineapple swirled in--not exactly a Dole Whip, but the best I could do on short notice!


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