Official 2013 Disney Princess Half Marathon Thread - Take 2

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Is anyone else mildly freaking out at every minor twinge of body pain at this point?! I'm 40+ and a former dancer/soccer player/skier... some amount of body pain is my daily normal, but this race is making me all sorts of paranoid. :rolleyes: :rotfl:

I sure am. Had some random knee pain at the gym this morning, now I'm thinking about canceling my last long-ish run tomorrow morning. It's not even injury-like pain, just some twinges of something. Any other time, I'd still be lacing up my shoes and running, now I'm thinking about waiting until Sunday or so and then doing one last short run mid-week.
Is anyone else mildly freaking out at every minor twinge of body pain at this point?! I'm 40+ and a former dancer/soccer player/skier... some amount of body pain is my daily normal, but this race is making me all sorts of paranoid. :rolleyes: :rotfl:

YES !!!!!

Sciatic Nerve on my left side. I am stretching, icing, praying everything for it to quiet down.

I'm just getting really nervous about the flight. One week from now we will be in the air headed east. I really really really am not a relaxed flyer. And trying to have enough stuff to keep a 6 yr old quiet will be interesting. Oh I hope we are not the only kid family on board. :rotfl:

Here it is Fantasy Princess Minnie outfit. Just wonder how I'm going to fly to FL. without messing up the hat or something.

I LOVE your costume! SO CUTE! I'm worried about how I'm going to pack my costume, too -- my tutu is quite large and the whole thing has turned out to be rather...elaborate, haha.
Mommy to Two Princes said:
So, how does everyone actually "pack" a tutu? :confused3 I could see it taking up the entire suitcase. DH isn't going to be happy about that! :rotfl2:

Haha my friend wants to put ours in ziplock bags. Not sure how that'll turn out.

So I'm curious about the answer to this as well!
Super nice guy! :goodvibes

So jealous you got a photo with him!! SO cute! I saw him for a second at Tink, but I didn't want to bug him because he was with his fam. I'm hoping to catch him at Princess though :thumbsup2

Here it is Fantasy Princess Minnie outfit. Just wonder how I'm going to fly to FL. without messing up the hat or something.
Absolutely LOVE your outfit, you look great!! Best of luck :goodvibes


I was hoping that the princess tech t would be long sleeved but I just checked and it's not. I LOVE the one they had for tink this year, so poooo. But I'm hoping for a pink shirt because it'll match the rhinestones in the medal :thumbsup2

I leave in a week! It's so surreal. Can't wait!! Hope everyones last long runs are good ones. We are ALL gettin' that medal, princesses, even if we have to drag a few of you over the finish line :).
Joan, that costume is AWESOME!! Great job, you are very creative.

:thumbsup2 I was just about to say, "wear it!". Love the costume!

I say wear the hat too.:)


So, I've been battling a sore throat yesterday and today :( That's usually how colds will start for me, so I'm loading myself up with Vitamin C and Zinc and hoping that does the trick. One week from today I'll be flying to Florida and I will NOT be sick!

Good luck on those last runs this weekend.

We could all just wear our tutu etc on the airplane and it would be very easy for to see who is traveling for the PHM. BUT how do you sit down in these thing? I put it on and started thinking how will I sit down ride the bus to Epcot on race morning.
Finally have the last piece of my Izzy running's complete! (Izzy from Jake & the Neverland Pirates)


I know, I know - the shoes don't match - don't care! Wouldn't trade my beloved neon blue & yellow Mizuno's for anything in the world :lmao:
So, how does everyone actually "pack" a tutu? :confused3 I could see it taking up the entire suitcase. DH isn't going to be happy about that! :rotfl2:

We could all just wear our tutu etc on the airplane and it would be very easy for to see who is traveling for the PHM. BUT how do you sit down in these thing? I put it on and started thinking how will I sit down ride the bus to Epcot on race morning.

Also trying to figure out how to pack my tutu into my carry-on. Was thinking about trying to roll it up in plastic and squeeze the extra space out -- like one of those vacuum bags. It sheds glitter *everywhere* -- made it back in October and still finding glitter all over the apartment. :)

Sitting comfortably in a tutu should be part of all Princess training, I think. And what's everyone planning to do with their tutus *after* the run? Bring it home, throw it out, give it to the first non-runner who says 'hey that's a cool tutu'?

Just for fun, here's a picture of me after a Run for the Cure 5K, getting a post-run massage still in the tutu:


I am seriously loving all the costumes/outfits! Is it bad I still am not sure what I am wearing?

I have a confession of sorts though... and kinda need absolution. ;)

I think it was princessV who recommended the brooks pure flow to me...even mentioned that they were on sale? I have been noticing a bit more aches and pains in my feet and joints... but truly that could just be the added miles over the last month. However, after putting on so many miles on my "new" shoes I could see that they were showing wear... and I was sure I would need a new pair for after the phm.... so I figured why not give them a shot?

The price online was awesome AND I found a code for free express shipping. Bought them sunday night and they arrived here late tuesday morning. :cool1:

I decided it couldn't hurt to take them for a 5 mile run today, right?

Tell me how it is that without a lot more effort I shaved 30 or 40 seconds off of my pace???!!! I didn't feel that I was killing myself at all. Now, In honesty I did have to cut my run by about 3/4 mile short. Nature called a little too loudly :rolleyes1 I think I could have even had a better pace had it not been for trying to get through that... urge, as well as the fact that the elevation changes for me come during the first 3 miles in my route... and the last couple is where I pick back up my pace.

So... I did the unthinkable and bought a brand new pair of shoes....but worse... I think I want to run in them for the phm :blush:

Is that horrible? Obviously there is a few more runs in my future before the phm to perhaps try them a bit more.... but :confused:
Also trying to figure out how to pack my tutu into my carry-on. Was thinking about trying to roll it up in plastic and squeeze the extra space out -- like one of those vacuum bags.

This is actually what I do for every race I travel for...whether it's a tutu or not. I lay out my complete outfit (minus the shoes ;)), just as I would if I were laying it out to run the next day, and put it all in a large freezer sized ziploc, squeeze all the air out and toss it in my carryon. I suppose getting a tutu in there might be a challenge may need it's own ziploc! Anyway, I like the idea because after the race, I let the sweaty clothes sort of dry out and then stuff them back in the bag before I pack them to go home...that way they don't stink up the luggage :crazy2: The tutu's that I've bought have all arrived in pretty small packages, rolled up inside and I've always been told to just open it up and hang immediately and the wrinkles will fall out on their own in a day or don't worry about rolling them up!
I am seriously loving all the costumes/outfits! Is it bad I still am not sure what I am wearing?

I have a confession of sorts though... and kinda need absolution. ;)

I think it was princessV who recommended the brooks pure flow to me...even mentioned that they were on sale? I have been noticing a bit more aches and pains in my feet and joints... but truly that could just be the added miles over the last month. However, after putting on so many miles on my "new" shoes I could see that they were showing wear... and I was sure I would need a new pair for after the phm.... so I figured why not give them a shot?

The price online was awesome AND I found a code for free express shipping. Bought them sunday night and they arrived here late tuesday morning. :cool1:

I decided it couldn't hurt to take them for a 5 mile run today, right?

Tell me how it is that without a lot more effort I shaved 30 or 40 seconds off of my pace???!!! I didn't feel that I was killing myself at all. Now, In honesty I did have to cut my run by about 3/4 mile short. Nature called a little too loudly :rolleyes1 I think I could have even had a better pace had it not been for trying to get through that... urge, as well as the fact that the elevation changes for me come during the first 3 miles in my route... and the last couple is where I pick back up my pace.

So... I did the unthinkable and bought a brand new pair of shoes....but worse... I think I want to run in them for the phm :blush:

Is that horrible? Obviously there is a few more runs in my future before the phm to perhaps try them a bit more.... but :confused:

Wellllll, it's not ALWAYS horrible. I think it ultimately comes down to knowing your body and how it should feel. If you continue to run in them for the next week and there is no doubt in your mind these are the loves of your feet's lives, then I say go for it. It's going to be hard to know what's going to happen at longer distances in them though. Last summer when I decided to try out a different pair, they felt ok at first, but the longer the miles got, I I started to feel like they probably weren't right. I ran the ToT in them (my longest before that in them was 7 miles)...and that was the last time I wore them. BUT, in 2012 I ran the Tink half in a brand new pair that had about 3 miles on them and was totally fine...granted they were just a new pair of what I was already running in and I knew what they should fell like, but I really believe that if it's THE shoe for you, it doesn't need any "breaking in" time. But maybe that's just just me. If I'm in the right shoe, to me, they never feel better than straight out of the box! So, while the general theory is that a newer shoe on race day isn't the best idea, I think there are exceptions. Maybe a compromise...will you have anyone on the course cheering you on say somewhere around the half way mark or after? If so, could they hold onto whatever shoes you were going to wear, just in case you decide mid-race your new ones aren't working out? You could make a quick pit stop and switch out shoes.
Wellllll, it's not ALWAYS horrible. I think it ultimately comes down to knowing your body and how it should feel. If you continue to run in them for the next week and there is no doubt in your mind these are the loves of your feet's lives, then I say go for it. It's going to be hard to know what's going to happen at longer distances in them though. Last summer when I decided to try out a different pair, they felt ok at first, but the longer the miles got, I I started to feel like they probably weren't right. I ran the ToT in them (my longest before that in them was 7 miles)...and that was the last time I wore them. BUT, in 2012 I ran the Tink half in a brand new pair that had about 3 miles on them and was totally fine...granted they were just a new pair of what I was already running in and I knew what they should fell like, but I really believe that if it's THE shoe for you, it doesn't need any "breaking in" time. But maybe that's just just me. If I'm in the right shoe, to me, they never feel better than straight out of the box! So, while the general theory is that a newer shoe on race day isn't the best idea, I think there are exceptions. Maybe a compromise...will you have anyone on the course cheering you on say somewhere around the half way mark or after? If so, could they hold onto whatever shoes you were going to wear, just in case you decide mid-race your new ones aren't working out? You could make a quick pit stop and switch out shoes.

You bring up a very valid point... 4, 5 or 6 miles is a very different mileage than 13. :scratchin If nothing else... if I run these "smaller runs" before the race I can give my feet and joints a bit of a break before I run in what I know I can do the long distance in. Maybe that is a compromise?

As for the other one you suggested... I do have my dh and dd coming... but the plan is to have them meet me at the finish...and I have my doubts that they will actually make it. (dh has medical issues and so an early morning is a challenge for him) If I finish before 8:30am it is pretty unlikely they will make it. If I finish closer to 9, they probably will. AND if I skip all the characters and just run my pace and finish by 8am, there is NO WAY they will make it to the finish. So it is a neat idea to have them at the half way.. but I have to understand that it will be early for them. :goodvibes
Maddiesmama you look just like Izzy :thumbsup2

Annmarieda if shoes are going to work for me I will know after a couple six mile runs. IMO good running shoe shouldn't need a breaking period.

The shoes I am wearing with my costume are NOT my regular shoes and I may regret it but I do have 3 six mile runs in them. Vanity o' vanity.
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