Obama 'to reverse stem cell ban'

Mormons are wrong, they don't really follow the bible.

And I'm not Baptist, I'm SOUTHERN baptist, there is a huge difference, they dont go door-to-door.

its the JW that do and mormons. i see tem all the time here.

SERIOUSLY?! How can you POSSIBLY say if one religion is WRONG!!!!!
That is such a bigot thing to say!!!!!!
There are SO many religions in this world, and instead of discriminating (which IS what you are doing, no matter how you try and phrase it) you should just learn to be more tolerant and accept that not everyone shares your views.

Maybe you think that your religion is in some way more divinely connected to God than every other religion out there, but that is YOUR opinion. It is in no way, shape or form a fact, religion is SUBJECTIVE.
There is no right or WRONG.
And it is completely bigoted for anyone to try and say another religion is wrong.
No the word came from these people who went insane and thought they were the sons of God.

We ARE sons of God.
Whoever isn't Christian, is a creature of God, according to the bible.
Which what I believe in.
God didn't create diseases. Satan did. It's our punishment for the original sin.

No. He created Adam and Eve perfect. They became unperfect, when they ate the forbidden fruit.

Now, I may have been sleeping through 8 years of religion classes, but I was pretty sure that God cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden as punishment for the "original sin" and that the only thing Satan had to do with it was tempting Eve.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
You can't pick and choose yo. You're either holier than thou or you're like the rest of us heathens who believe in saving lives and letting people love one another.

I've been saying this forever now...never manages to stick. I hope you have better luck.
yes he did.

so God sat with a paper and pencil and wrote that whole thing out?

I'm slightly agnostic, but I believe in God....but there is no way, in this Earth that I will ever believe that God himself wrote the Bible and sent it in a post marked package to Earth. Impossible.

As you say, it may be the word of God (not that I believe that) but it's the word of God INTERPRETED by MAN.
Now, I may have been sleeping through 8 years of religion classes, but I was pretty sure that God cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden as punishment for the "original sin" and that the only thing Satan had to do with it was tempting Eve.

I've been saying this forever now...never manages to stick. I hope you have better luck.

No. Our punishment is living in this awful world. He wanted us to live in the Garde of Eden forever. Satan was also punished, that's why he became a snake that had to crawl on its belly. Punishment: diseases, periods, pain at giving birth. etc.
were insulting your religion
yet you have been insulting us all night

something doesnt belong....
Y'know, the whole 'It's the word of God' thing isn't a good argument unless you're speaking within a congregation.
I mean, there's a quote from House 'You talk to God, you're religious. God talks to you, you're psychotic.'

I don't actually believe that. I don't see anything wrong with praying. I think it as wishing. I wish all the time. I ask for help all the time, to no one in particular.
But I think sometimes people think that God spoke back to them, and get some idea. When I really think they had an epiphany or a reallllly good thought.

So as far as the guys who wrote the Bible, I don't believe it was God's word. I believe it's what they thought God was trying to tell them. They were being only human, and trying to put down on paper their beliefs.

If that makes ANY sense.


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