

Mar 9, 2001
I live in England.
I share your fears
I share your hate for those that did it
But I hope the USA whilst extracting revenge, takes the lead &
removes the source of trouble from the world ,without making matters worse. The rest of the West live in fear that the USA will kick *** without thinking first...I hope for all our sakes your Government keeps the higher moral ground you deserve.

I find it hard to be normal, do normal things, after the 11th, but we all must.
My country has faced this(on a minor scale) since the the 70,s
I grew up with being alert.
You will be too.
But all our lives must go on. Show the world you won,t stop your everyday life ,even though it,s hard.
So go to the parks,go to the mall,don,t let whoever did it get the better of you.
This comes from the heart.I,m sure my post won,t reach the board but I feel better for sending it.
I love your country, I love Orlando, I will go to WDW & USF.
None of us must give in.
"But I hope the USA whilst extracting revenge, takes the lead & removes the source of trouble from the world ,without making matters worse. The rest of the West live in fear that the USA will kick
*** without thinking first...I hope for all our sakes your Government keeps the higher moral ground you deserve."
I couldn't agree more, and we thank all persons in your country (and so many other countries around the earth) for the wonderful expressions of support, in particular, the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace yesterday: Singing of the Unites States National Anthem. This horific tradegy has brought our nation together as no one could have ever imagined, and no other event could have done.
We have to proceed cautiously, but with firm resolve, and yet not repeat mistakes of the past.
A Vietnam Vet.. Seacook
(with ressies at HRH in March!)
Just my opinion, which isn't worth much, but I think if the USA government wasn't thinking carefully about it's response, it (we) would have done something by now already.

It is comforting to see so many countries showing their support.
"Just my opinion, which isn't worth much, but I think if the USA governmet wasn't thinking carefully about it's response, it (we) would have done something by now already."

Mark my words... There will be a response. It will be sooner, rather than later, thoughtful, massive, sustained and decisive. It will not be quick and as clean as Desert Storm, but it is necessary if we and our families want to continue enjoying liberty & freedoms such as visiting & enjoying USF/IOA.

I am not cancelling, and definitely expect to enjoy, my HRH ressies for next March.
Seacook... a "lifer" & Vietnam vet
Many thanks for the kind words. I also want to visit Universal again, but I won't be getting on a plane for quite some time. It's going to take awhile...
Yes, I don't want to keep doing things and not change our whole life in fear, but how far do we go? We have plans to come out in 2 months and now this happened and my mom called tonight really wanting me to cancel (since we are flying). I have had this planned for 9 months, but just don't know. The airlines said I could only get a voucher to fly at a later time in a years time, but not my money back.
It is so good to know that we have the support of most of the countries in the world. This act was not just committed against the US, it was committed against all of us who value life and freedom.


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