"Newest" Moms Hangout... take 2!

All of mine liked sweet potatoes too. Now, dd10 won't touch them, but ds12 still eats them with me. I throw mine in a crockpot and cook all day-nothing easier!

Great idea!! Emma loves her sweet potatoes, too (not too crazy about avocados at the moment...)! I baked my potatoes in the oven then let them cool completely. Then I peeled it and mashed it! Do you take the peel off before putting it in the crockpot?
We had to head to the doc yesterday. Emma had a fever of 101.3 via underarm. I am such a worry-wart, we called and made an appointment. They did a rectal temp (that was fun) and it read 103.4!! :scared1::scared1::scared1: After a few more tests, it was decided she has a viral infection (still waiting on the lab results). I think this has been the hardest part so far, seeing her in pain and uncomfortable, knowing there's nothing I can do. :guilty:
Hi I am a long time lurker but have not posted(used to be on the mom's to be thread from time to time!)I saw your post and just wanted to say that I had the same problem with my ds(6 months tomorrow).He would be up 10 or more times a night and not really crying just fussing.He was always lifting up his legs and putting his hands up on his head and rubbing his forehead.I started swaddling him again around 4 1/2 months and he did great for the first 3 nights and then figured out how to get out of it and that was the end of that.I asked my doctor and he said to let him cry it out but he wasn't crying-and he had no trouble go down for the night but a few hours later he would start waking up.I would give him the pacifier and that would be good for a few minutes but then he would start again.Finally around 3 weeks ago he started rolling onto his belly to sleep and now he sleeps great-little butt in the air and he doesn't kick the feet or rub his face.The last 2 nights he was up a few times for his pacifier though but he is teething really bad right now-you can see them right at the surface.So I don't have any advice for you but I wanted to say that I know your pain!I thought I would go crazy from only getting like 20 minutes of sleep at a time!I am hoping he is done with those nights but I also know things can change.Good luck I hope she sleeps better

Thanks for this! It's nice (? :laughing:) to know that someone else has gone through it. Carys doesn't get swaddled for naps and she is always rubbing her face and her ears because she is tired. She naps in a bassinette thing so she doesn't do the leg lifting when she is in there. I guess I will just wait it out and see she gets better. I'm thinking that she doesn't want to be swaddled to sleep, but it seems like she is so little in her big crib and she won't be able to feel cozy like she does when she is swaddled. She has busted out of the swaddle before, an arm here, legs there. I can't imagine how she does it. That thing is like a strait jacket! One morning I walked in to this... :confused3 :laughing:

My basic rule is that if they're not crying, let them be. Scarlett does that too, the leg kicking, and it usually wakes me up because she sleeps next to me. In an attempt to get sleep, I do sometimes take her into my bed, feed her, and let her sleep with me after that, but if I am slightly less groggy I can remind myself to leave her alone and she'll go back to sleep. Sometimes she starts talking to herself which definitely wakes me up, but as long she's not crying I figure she's fine.

That's what DH said. He said that if she is like that again tonight not to go in and check on her every time. If she is crying that is one thing, but if she is just fussing, she's still ok.
We had to head to the doc yesterday. Emma had a fever of 101.3 via underarm. I am such a worry-wart, we called and made an appointment. They did a rectal temp (that was fun) and it read 103.4!! :scared1::scared1::scared1: After a few more tests, it was decided she has a viral infection (still waiting on the lab results). I think this has been the hardest part so far, seeing her in pain and uncomfortable, knowing there's nothing I can do. :guilty:

Good instincts mama! Sometimes being a worry wart pays off!

(Unlike the only time we've gone to the Dr. for a sick check...I was afraid she had an ear infection and maybe a ruptured eardrum because her ear was bleeding...she had scratched her ear. lol)
Yes, I always go if one of my kids cries, but if they just fuss, they often go back to sleep on their own. Of course, it took me quite awhile to figure that out with my first one....

And that picture is flipping adorable! I love that not only is her arm free, but straight up in the air! So cute!

Oh, and I have started putting Scarlett in a sleep bag rather than the swaddle. She seems to be sleeping the same overnight, and her legs still have a bag sorta like the swaddle, but her arms are free to move. Maybe that would work?
Great idea!! Emma loves her sweet potatoes, too (not too crazy about avocados at the moment...)! I baked my potatoes in the oven then let them cool completely. Then I peeled it and mashed it! Do you take the peel off before putting it in the crockpot?
We had to head to the doc yesterday. Emma had a fever of 101.3 via underarm. I am such a worry-wart, we called and made an appointment. They did a rectal temp (that was fun) and it read 103.4!! :scared1::scared1::scared1: After a few more tests, it was decided she has a viral infection (still waiting on the lab results). I think this has been the hardest part so far, seeing her in pain and uncomfortable, knowing there's nothing I can do. :guilty:

I hope she is better!

I just wash them and put them in whole, with a thawed whole chicken and two whole baking potatoes, too. It makes a full meal for all of us. Dh and dd10 eat the white potatoes, and Katie, me and ds12 eat the sweet potatoes.
Do any of you cloth diaper? If so, what are your favorites? Since we are expecting baby #2 and I really don't want to pay for 2 kids in disposable diapers, I have decided to make the switch. I got my first dipes in the mail today! I have been busy prepping them:laundy: Tomorrow, will be the first day that I put Myers in them (fingers crossed that it goes well)!
Okay if I join in?
I have been over on the mom's-to-be thread, but we welcomed our little peanut into the world on June 8, so the new mom's thread seems to make more sense now.
Welcome Lauren and Kristin!

Lauren - Brynn is beautiful! Congrats!

Kristin - I don't cloth diaper, but my friend does and uses GroBaby. I think that's the name. I'll double check with her cause she loves them and says they are super easy to use. She has 2 boys and the older one is in disposables, baby is in cloth, and if the older one weren't potty training she would have bought them for him too cause she likes them that much.
Do any of you cloth diaper? If so, what are your favorites? Since we are expecting baby #2 and I really don't want to pay for 2 kids in disposable diapers, I have decided to make the switch. I got my first dipes in the mail today! I have been busy prepping them:laundy: Tomorrow, will be the first day that I put Myers in them (fingers crossed that it goes well)!

I cloth diaper, though I haven't been doing it very long, maybe a month. I am currently using BumGenius AIO's and some FuzziBunz too. I think I'm going to try Flip next. The BG are SO easy to use, they just take a longtime to dry (overnight) but the FB dry fast and are great. I haven't had leaks with any of them.

Okay if I join in?
I have been over on the mom's-to-be thread, but we welcomed our little peanut into the world on June 8, so the new mom's thread seems to make more sense now.

Congratulations on your new sweet one!
We had a problem with swaddling once Jake got bigger. Once he could roll on his side we started putting him on his stomach to sleep. He slept like a dream from then on. I know it isnt recommended due to SIDS (and we did watch him very closely at first). Even now when he takes his bottle and is ready for a nap, he will roll on over and climb up our shoulder because his belly is more comfortable to him, and he will tuck his own arms under his body. He's 9 months old and still does this.
Welcome Lauren- Brynn is so beautiful! Congrats!

I started with prefolds today, which worked well (no leaks). I only ordered 6 prefolds and 2 covers, and I have a few pockets coming in the mail (next week hopefully). I want to try FuzziBunz, BGs, and Happy Heinies, but I ordered NuBunz first because they were such a steal at $8 a piece! My mom is all excited that I am switching to cloth diapers since my brother and I wore cloth that she said she would buy me some different ones to try out.
We had a problem with swaddling once Jake got bigger. Once he could roll on his side we started putting him on his stomach to sleep. He slept like a dream from then on. I know it isnt recommended due to SIDS (and we did watch him very closely at first). Even now when he takes his bottle and is ready for a nap, he will roll on over and climb up our shoulder because his belly is more comfortable to him, and he will tuck his own arms under his body. He's 9 months old and still does this.

OMG, you just reminded me of my son. He did that arm tuck on our shoulder thing till he was 3yo. Sometimes we still ask him to do it when he's sleepy just cause we miss him being that little and cuddling up like that. Enjoy it!
Hope everyone had a great weekend. We were super busy this weekend. My older DS played in a soccer tournament this weekend. Boy, was Elliott getting loved up by the sisters of the team. At Saturday morning's game, they were sitting in a circle (there are 4 of them, ages probably 5 - 8) just passing him around, playing with him, kissing him, so cute! The other parents kept talking about Elliott and his harem of women!
Good Morning all, we had Natalie's first birthday party on Saturday. It was great!!!! I was very happy that the grandparents did not go overboard. This is the 1st and only grandchild on both sides of the family. My mom got her a splash table for outside. She loves it!!!!! I think she likes it better that her play pool. We are heading today to the doctor for our 1 year check up. I wish it didn't involve shots. Hope everyone has a great week.

Welcome to all the new Mom's:yay:
We had a great weekend. Spend the day at a private beach for a birthday party, then drove up to the North Shore and Hale'iwa (where Dole Whips are LOL) and had garlic shrimp then went and watched the sunset over the ocean. So pretty!

Amelia is ALL over the place...she's nearly walking everywhere and boy, the attitude now too LOL!
Well DH and I have tried giving DS a couple spoonfuls of the rice cereal today after the pediatrican ok it for him to start trying and he isn't liking it yet. Think i'll try again next monday and every monday until he seems ready.

Can someone tell me how much I should try putting in his evening bottle to see if he may want to try it that way so he can at least feel it in his belly. Heard it may help him sleep too which I would love. Willing to give it a try and see what happens.

I was thinking a tablespoon for 4oz of formula. :confused3
I wouldn't go a week between trying cereal with your DS. When E started, he didn't like it, but we tried it every day, and after a few days he was fine with it. Make sure you are making it thin enough. We never did the cereal in the bottles with E. Are your DS's bottles normally only 4 ounces? Have you tried upping the amount of formula he is getting? Elliott was doing 6 ounces starting at about 3 months. He does 8 ounce bottle 4 - 5 times a day now, and eats solids twice a day (he will be 5 months on Saturday).
Yes, we normally make him a 4oz bottle but he usually only drinks about 3oz of it 8 times a day. Sometimes he eats the 4oz even 6oz but mainly 3oz. He is gaining weight fine and the pediatrian said his weight is perfect but would like him to eat more during the day as he wakes about twice a night to eat and be changed but goes right back to sleep without a problem. Pediatrican said he may sleep thru the night if he eats more during the day. I have tried getting him to eat more even trying a faster flow nipple but he is dead set on eating the way he has been. I figure he will let us know when he is ready and as long as he is gaining weight fine i'll just go with the flow.

The paperwork the pediatrican gave me says to wait at least a week or two before trying again. Keep it a fun experience it says. He is pushing the spoon out with his tongue which I read means he isn't ready yet as that is still a bottle sucking motion. :confused3

I wouldn't go a week between trying cereal with your DS. When E started, he didn't like it, but we tried it every day, and after a few days he was fine with it. Make sure you are making it thin enough. We never did the cereal in the bottles with E. Are your DS's bottles normally only 4 ounces? Have you tried upping the amount of formula he is getting? Elliott was doing 6 ounces starting at about 3 months. He does 8 ounce bottle 4 - 5 times a day now, and eats solids twice a day (he will be 5 months on Saturday).
Yes, we normally make him a 4oz bottle but he usually only drinks about 3oz of it 8 times a day. Sometimes he eats the 4oz even 6oz but mainly 3oz. He is gaining weight fine and the pediatrian said his weight is perfect but would like him to eat more during the day as he wakes about twice a night to eat and be changed but goes right back to sleep without a problem. Pediatrican said he may sleep thru the night if he eats more during the day. I have tried getting him to eat more even trying a faster flow nipple but he is dead set on eating the way he has been. I figure he will let us know when he is ready and as long as he is gaining weight fine i'll just go with the flow.

The paperwork the pediatrican gave me says to wait at least a week or two before trying again. Keep it a fun experience it says. He is pushing the spoon out with his tongue which I read means he isn't ready yet as that is still a bottle sucking motion. :confused3

He's only 4 months, I think I'd wait a few days/a week and try again with the cereal. I will say that I think all babies push the cereal out with their tongue initially so he might keep doing that on your next couple of attempts, but if he seems to like the taste and experience then I would continue.

We tried with my daughter around 5 months and change and she was not ready, so we waited a week, same result, so we stopped again, tried when we got back from vacation, she was 6 months and 1 week. She really enjoyed it that time so we continued from there. My son, otoh, took to the cereal immediately at 5.5 months.

Your son eats 8 times a day, including overnight, so is that something like every 3 hours all day? Or less frequently at night? Maybe try feeding him every 1.5-2 hours during the day and maybe he'll take a little more total during the day and sleep better at night? I'd probably avoid putting it in his bottle for now. Get him to like the cereal on the spoon first. It most likely will not help him sleep better at night. At least the cereal never seemed to impact my first's sleep (she was a terrible sleeper).
Carys has her first cold (she will be 4 months on Sunday). Poor baby! She is so sad looking. She is all bleary eyed and it's like all the energy has just been taken right out of her. My sister in law Stephanie was over with my niece Allison on Friday. She told me that Allison had a runny nose but it was nothing. Then starting on Sunday Carys started being really fussy and I wasn't sure why. Then slept horribly Sunday night with coughing and sounding stuffy. I ran her humidifier last night and had her sleep with her head elevated on the crib and it went pretty well. Come to find out, Allison is pretty sick herself. Oh well, the first cold of many I'm sure. I'll get used to it.


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