"Newest" Moms Hangout... take 2!

Does someone want to proof read something for me? :-) I just want someone to make sure my sentences, puncuation and flow sounds ok. It is Disney related... :-) PM me your email and I can send it to you!
Hey, ladies!!

Do I need to PM a moderator to close the other thread, or do you think they'll do it automatically?? I know they like to close the longer ones down.

...oh, and we have a name! Owen. :)
This one was more difficult. We really couldn't make up our minds! Then last night we went to babynamewizard.com and clicked on "Lucas".. it brought up a box of "sibling names" and DH goes "I like Owen."

Which I SWEAR on my soul he veto'ed when I suggested a few weeks ago. But I said "Really? I do too." and he goes "I'm happy with Owen. So, is it Owen?" I was like YES IT'S OWEN and then I did a happy dance. :rotfl:

This is the book I got to put in his Easter basket... http://www.amazon.com/Show-Me-Your-...=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1270221137&sr=8-1
Hi! I was on the moms to be thread. My little girl Penelope is 2 weeks and 1 day old today and still in the NICU. Are there any NICU moms here?

Piecey-I love love love the name Owen. It was our top choice for boys names.
Hey, Lindsay! Welcome over here! :)

DannysMom and TiggerStac are NICU moms. There might be someone else, sorry if I forgot someone else. :flower3:

How is Penelope doing?
This one was more difficult. We really couldn't make up our minds! Then last night we went to babynamewizard.com and clicked on "Lucas".. it brought up a box of "sibling names" and DH goes "I like Owen."

Which I SWEAR on my soul he veto'ed when I suggested a few weeks ago. But I said "Really? I do too." and he goes "I'm happy with Owen. So, is it Owen?" I was like YES IT'S OWEN and then I did a happy dance. :rotfl:

I think Owen is a great name choice. :) Gotta love DH's & their selective memory. :rotfl:

Hi! I was on the moms to be thread. My little girl Penelope is 2 weeks and 1 day old today and still in the NICU. Are there any NICU moms here?

Veteran NICU mom here. My 6 1/2 year old was born at 26 1/2 weeks & spent over 3 months in the NICU. My twins were born at 30w 5d & spent 5 weeks & 2 months in the NICU. I also learned how to be a PITA to make sure that my kids were being treated appropiately & that I understood what was going on & why. If there's anything I can do / help you with/ etc Let me know

HOw's your little girl doing? Was she born early?

I like Owen, too.:thumbsup2

I got Barney and Baby Bop in the mail today, so Katie's basket is ready. The books I ordered the older kids didn't come in, so I'm heading to Walmart in a little while to add something to theirs. The books will probably be in next week, but I don't want them disappointed on Easter!
Signing in. And needing to vent. I am having one of those days!!! Everything is going wrong. We started the day with my first poop blowout. Through her diaper, outfit and into the car seat! (yeah, any tips on how to get that out?) then we had a snot blowout. Literally all over her face. She is sounding a little better now though :lmao: Hopefully that got rid of some of her phlegm issues! Then I was clipping her nails, don't ask me why I thought that would be a good idea... and I nipped her thumb. She started screaming!!! And I couldn't get the blood to stop! Finally did and she has a bandaid on it now (really, putting a bandaid on an infant finger is not so easy!) and she has little mittens on so that she doesn't eat the bandaid. Plus her baby acne seems to be getting worse.(anyone else dealing with this?) It is going around the back of her neck and a little down her back. Add to that the fact that it is over 80 degrees here and she is grumpy and hot and she doesn't want me to put her down. sigh!!!!

Thanks for letting me vent!!!! :goodvibes
Found it!

Congrats, Lindsay and welcome.

Hulagirl, we dealt with the same issue with the carseat getting covered. You can remove most covers and wash them either by hand or in the washer. I always just threw it in a pillow case just in case. A few rinses with spray-n-wash helped a lot too. I hope your LO is on the way to feeling better.

I know 2 Owens, very cute!
Today has been a "Clean out the wardrobe" day. We are getting Jake into 6-9 months now (Hes 7 months) and gotta get him some cooler outfits! Im excited about the change!

It's so warm and sunny here. We are in the process of opening up our pool and I cannot wait. We are wrapping up all the backyard projects we started earlier in the year and things are grand.

Any advice for a crawling baby who wants to get down so bad outside? I have a big picnic blanket i have put down but he crawls off of that in seconds. Do they make big yard blankets (When i say big , i mean giant?).

Hope everyone is doing well :o)
I was wondering the same thing, Maggie. Lucas and I sat on the back porch and I wanted to let him crawl in the grass but didn't...


Lisa, I saw that you got the box! Congrats!
Hey, ladies!!

Do I need to PM a moderator to close the other thread, or do you think they'll do it automatically?? I know they like to close the longer ones down.

...oh, and we have a name! Owen. :)

Love the name Owen!!

Hi! I was on the moms to be thread. My little girl Penelope is 2 weeks and 1 day old today and still in the NICU. Are there any NICU moms here?

Piecey-I love love love the name Owen. It was our top choice for boys names.


As Patsy (Piecey) mentioned, I'm an NICU mom. My youngest will be 1 2 weeks from today, he was a sick little dude. He was born at 36.5 weeks and was 9 lbs 14.8 oz. His lungs weren't quite ready and being such a big boy, he ended up w/a partially collapsed right lung and pneumothorax. He had chest tube place and he was put on a vent. He was born at 5:40 pm and team from Mass General was at my hospital before midnight to transport him. We tried the hood, etc, but it didn't help. MGH team came in and diagnosed everything, the also did the intubation and chest tube. Wasn't expecting chest tube, as it was the collapsed lung at first, then the pneumothorax was diagnosed. He ended up having feeding issues and lost a good % of weight. He was on feeding tube and oxygen for a good amount of his stay. I believe o2 came out a day or 2 before he could go home, but he was on feeding tube for a weekish.

Anyways...he had 10 nights between the 2 NICU's 4 in boston 6 in concord ma. I didn't get to hold him until the night before he came back to me in concord. they gave me a cinderella pass to see him. I could leave for I believe 3 hours, which gave me about an hour with him. He was 4 days old at this point. My hubby spent days in boston with him, as I was recouping from csection. You would never know now he was a nicu baby. They told me he'd probalby be about a month or so behind devolopmentally cuz he was a month early, nope. He's kept up his pace and is over 25 lbs! He has some other medical issues, but I have been reassured by his specialist that they have nothing to do with what happened at his birth.
Today has been a "Clean out the wardrobe" day. We are getting Jake into 6-9 months now (Hes 7 months) and gotta get him some cooler outfits! Im excited about the change!

It's so warm and sunny here. We are in the process of opening up our pool and I cannot wait. We are wrapping up all the backyard projects we started earlier in the year and things are grand.

Any advice for a crawling baby who wants to get down so bad outside? I have a big picnic blanket i have put down but he crawls off of that in seconds. Do they make big yard blankets (When i say big , i mean giant?).

Hope everyone is doing well :o)

I'm sooo jealous. I was suppose to clean out some closests today, but I had too many errands to do!

CJ update: We went to allergist yesterday. We believe he has a milk & or banana allergy. He seems to have trouble w/both. We don't want to poke him, so next time he has labs to check his mastocytosis levels, he'll draw extra to check for bananas, for now...I'm cutting them out of his diet. We are doing a "milk challenge" in about a month. They will have him drink milk in his office and see if he pukes or if his hives swell up. He seems to have trouble w/milk based products, but milk protein came back fine from last labs. I got the ok to slowly introduce soy to him. He did vomit when he had so when he was in the nicu, but he, also, was just starting to eat on his own after having feeding tube removed. And he was losing so much weight, we changed to premie formula. so he wants me to introduce slowly and see what happens. Looks like I'll keep him on his alimentum until we see the allergist next month. Until I get work him up to a good level on the soy.

I can start to introduce eggs slowly, too. He already has some in eggos, pancakes, etc. He wants me to bake some things and give those to him. This poor kid hasn't even had one of my cookies! If he does well, give him a little more. See how he tolerates and I can give him a small piece of egg in a few weeks if he does well. Nuts...those are a no no at this point. I just need to keep that epipen nearby! Which of course it always is.
I took Katie to daycare today and got a ton of work done one my portfolio for school. A few more weeks and I get my life back!:banana: I got groceries before I picked her up, so it was 4:30 or so before I got there. She had not had a nap all day! The girl said when she laid her down, she would sit up and yell at her! Not cry, just yell! She is so bad. Anyway, I got her home thinking she would nurse to sleep like always. She started coughing, then vomiting, so I had to get her up and strip my bed and put her in the tub. She was wide awake then. We went for a long walk, then came home and ate. She is nursing now, but just about asleep. This may be the earliest I've ever gotten her to bed!


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