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Earning My Ears
May 17, 2003
Hello Everyone. I thought I would say hello since I am new to this board. I am planning my very first trip to Disneyworld in July for 9 days and I am going alone of all things. :) My husband doesn't want to go adn my Teenagers tell me that they are way to old for Disney. I think they are wrong though. Anyway, I am going by myself and plan on having a wonderful time.
Hubby and I had planned to go last year but plans fell thru.:(

I have one question though. I am a big Eeyore fan and I want to have breakfast at the Crystal Palace to meet him. I know it's silly me being 40 and all.:rolleyes: Anyways, my question is, do single people go to the sit down restraunts or do they just do counter service? There are 2 or three sit down places I would like to go but am unsure about since I am alone.
Thanks for any input.


First, let me welcome you to the boards!!! This is an amazing place to find information, so enjoy!!

Having been solo many times (with another trip coming up in November), I may be able to help you with whatever questions you may have. Just drop me an e-mail and let me know and I'll shoot some answers right back to you.

Dining alone at WDW is like dining anywhere else, well sort of. One of the best parts of heading to WDW solo, is that you get to choose where you want to dine and when. Character meals are great and the Crystal Palace is the best!! I've dined here both with family & solo and have never been disappointed. I typically make PS (even in slower times of the year). This way I know I have a ressie. Most of the CM's at the restaurants are nice and don't make you feel out of place because you are dining solo, especially character meals. The characters usually stop to say hi. If I don't want a picture taken or just want to enjoy the atmosphere of the restaurant, I usually wave, then go back to what I was doing. This way the characters know I'm not interested and move on to the next table.

The character meals at the 1900 Park Fare and Garden Grill are also very good. Some other dining suggestions would be at Cindy's (ask for a window table) either for lunch or dinner, Liberty Tree Tavern (L or D), Concourse Steakhouse, O'Hana's, Yachtsman Steakhouse, Beaches & Cream, Le Cellier, Rose & Crown, Tusker House, 50's Primetime & Sci-Fi Theater. Oh, and definitely dine at Spoodle's. This was the best meal I had during my last visit!!

Don't be afraid to get pictures with the characters in the parks. There is always a CM with the character, so they can take the picture for you. I did this during my last trip and got loads of shots.

The only ride (for now) that has a designated "singles" line is Test Track. Mission Space will also have one, once it opens. Don't forget to utilize Fast Pass too. If Carousel of Progress is open during your trip, make sure to see it.

I could go on with suggestions!!!
Lori, welcome to the DIS. I have done lots of solo sit down meals at WDW. The Crystal Palace is a great one. I was just there a little over a week ago and Eyore gave me a big hug. The CM's there or a person near by will always be willing to take your pic with each character. The one of things my DW and I love to do solo or together is also enjoy whatching everyone else interacting with the characters also. We have also done the autograph book thing too. My best advice is be willing to try any attraction and try anything else you may want to. The one thing you think you may not like is the one thing you will love. Have a safe and Magical trip. Feel free to ask anything you want. There is always someone here with an opinion and will try to help.
Just a comment about your teenagers. We went through the same thing-once they became teenagers, they felt they were too "old" for WDW. But some day it will change! DH and I went just the 2 of us for several years. But this year they're 23 and 20, oldest DS graduated from college last week, and we're taking a family trip to WDW to celebrate. Not only am I excited, but so are they!
Hi! Wow going to WDW alone! I don't know what I would run to first!! We had to drag our youngest everywhere!

We went in Dec with DH, myself and our kids. They were 5,8, and 17!

My DD can hardly wait to go until next year.
I think she sees in me, that you are never too old to go to WDW.

And by the way, I am 40 and a big Eeyore fan, too!
I just found a pez dispenser with him on it!!

Good luck on your trip, you will have a fabulous time!

Hi, Lori40

I'm a 50-something grandma heading to WDW solo in December and it can't come fast enough! I plan to do at least one character meal but havn't gotten my itinerary down yet. I'm waiting to find out when EE mornings and E-ride nights are scheduled for December - I want to try it all!

I'm sure you'll have a great time! After all, you will be in Disney!
Welcome to the DIS, Lori. As a matter of fact, I had a solo character breakfast at Crystal Palace this past December.

My server took my photo using my camera when the characters came to my table. It was great. I think you will enjoy a character meal, the characters are attentive to everyone, even a lone adult, perhaps even <i>especially</i> a lone adult. I seemed to catch their fancy :)
Lori -

Welcome. I will be taking a solo trip starting July 13th. I keep changing the for how many nights part. When will you be there. I have taken solo trips before but never to Disney. It is usually to a spa where alone is the theme. I am excited but nervous about being solo. I plan to take a full day tour (which is the main reason for my trip, my DD7 isn't old enough to go backstage). I also made all my PS's for 2 in case I meet someone else solo. I figure table for 1 or 2 is the same ressie. If I don't end up with company I'll probably be the dork reading my 50th Disney tour book in a restuarant. ;)

Good Luck,
hi lori and welcome,
i just got back from my 1st solo trip and had a wonderful time. my 1st day i had a character meal at LTT and was very self-consious but i ended up having a great time. dale started out by squirting water at me:D the server took pictures of me with the characters and dale and goofy even ended up sitting down in the empty chair and sharing my meal:D goofy would not leave the table until the server took a picture of me kissing him LOL when a grandmother at a close table got up to leave with her extended family she leaned over to me first to tell me how jealous she was of all the attention i got:p this meal really put me at ease for the rest of the trip, i did mostly sit down meals and really enjoyed my experience and i'm sure you will too. have fun planning:D
Enjoy your Charactor Breakfast.
Eyeore came and sat when me on my solo trip at Crystal Palace and Goofy also sat with me at Liberty Tree.
I've always had a good time at the Charactor meals so have fun.
Hi Lori and welcome,

I am planning my first solo trip as well but it will be in Dec., my fave time of year to go. Your never too old to go to Disney (trust me, I'm early thirties, have no children but will act like one there). Out of my various times there and eating at various sit down rest. I don't ever recall seeing one person eating alone. I've seen many singles in the parks riding by themselves but not eating alone. I was glad to read Katypop's and Moosysmom's replies as I am beginning to schedule out my December trip. I was thinking before of doing an occasional sit down meal every so many days but I think that I will make a lunch date everyday. At least I won't have to eat fast food everyday. Make as many ressie's as you can and enjoy every minute. Even if the rest of us aren't there, we're thinking of you in spirit so enjoy it for us all.
Hi Lori,

Welcome to the boards! I found that dining alone at WDW is really quite enjoyable. Do niot hesitate to do sit down meals. As everyone else has stated, Character meals are great for solos as well. I walked into the Breakfastasaurus with out a PS on my last trip and all of the characters came and spent time with me. It seems that singles are easier to seat than bigger groups, but I would still make PS's if possible. The people at the next table were very friendly and took pictures for me with my camera. Big Eeyore fan here too so I got my picture with him at the CP and the English Pavilion at Epcot and even at the 100 acres woods character spot in Animal Kingdom! I hope that you have a blast!!!


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