new pins

Those pins which are the same ones that are available at WDW only without the inscription on the back are sold out all around WDW and have been since the tragedy. I was very lucky on Oct 5th and walked by the Pin station at Epcot in America and they had just received a batch of 200 of them. I bought 4 of them, one for each member of my family. I was then standing watching the parade and 20 people asked me where I got it, one of them went right over to the pin station and came back and told me they were sold out. That was 15 minutes later. So apparantly everyone does not have the same opinion on the pins.
I don't think the DVC pin is the same pin as those sold at Epcot. The DVC one has more stripes and stars on them.


Epcot Pin



In my totally unbiased opinion:rolleyes: the DVC pin is purttier.
I stand corrected, they are completely different pins. LOL!
We just got home yesterday from a week on the Magic and 3 days at OKW. We looked all over for the American Mickey pin and were disappointed to find they were all sold out. Then one of the CM's told me that DVC was mailing out pins commemerating the tragedy to all it's members. We were delighted to arrive home yesterday to find not one, but 2 pins. They are wonderful and I plan on wearing one on my uniform at work and the other on my lanyard.
I will be sure to send an e-mail to MS thanking them for the pin.
I think (and hope) that MS has gotten lots of thank you e-mails for the pins.

I sent a thank you note detailing how nice they were to do this without having to and assuring them that we would continue to come to WDW on a regular basis.

I received their two word response...."thank you". Literally, that was the total response. I figured they are so busy with e-mails that they didn't have time to put in any flowery, corporate language.

I wasn't really asking for or expecting any response anyway. It was just kind of weird to open my e-mail and see only those two words.

I also thought it was a touch of class to send two pins (and told them so). I think everyone would have been thrilled to get one, but getting two was even better.

Beautiful pin....we are framing them in the card.
We got our pins. At first I did not think much about their collectability. Upon further reflection, I think they will be collectors items, especially with the card and the quote from Walt Disney. Given the magnitude of the event they signify in remembrance, their historical value alone can not compare to other limited edition run-of-the-mill Disney pins. I agree with the sentiment about the whiners who ruin it for us all. I learned from the cruise discussion board that due to complaints about gifts of alcohol, we will not be receiving the usual bottle of Moet Chandon when we do the Disney cruise on points on 11/10. It was nice to have offer to our tablemates the last cruise. I guess there are DVCers out there who elect to look a gift mouse in the mouth.
and thought they were wonderful gestures. As was the quote from Walt. I'm sorry to hear that all DVC'ers will not be getting them.
** I emailed MS yesterday about the information floating around on the board. I asked if all members would be receiving the pins and if not, why. I told them we had not received ours yet and this is the reply I got today..

The pin was originally designed as a onetime gift for DVC Members in the United
States and Puerto Rico. We ask that you please be patient with the mail. If
you do not receive your pin by December 1, 2001, then contact Member Services.

The Disney Vacation Club
Still no pins here for me. :( I was wondering though, if I wait until Dec. as the post above says and call MS. Do they have some kind of check list to see who has and has not received their pins??? I would hate to see more pins being sold on Ebay.
I emailed MS to thank them for the pins (one of which I have worn everday since they arrived.

Here is their response to me along with my original email to MS:


You're Welcome. We am glad to see you are enjoying the pin so much.

The Disney Vacation Club

Original Message Follows:

Dear DVC Cast Members:

Thank you so much for the wonderfully patriotic Mickey Mouse pins. Ours arrived yesterday and I proudly replaced the American Flag and ribbon that I have been wearing since Sept. 12 with my pin.

Walt would be so proud of the thought that went behind this gesture.

Many people at work have commented on what a wonderful pin. When I explain the reasoning behind the pin and show them the wonderful card they have a better understanding of what America and Disney mean to me.

I have read that DVC has received some complaints from some members about the appropriateness of this gesture. As a Disney stockholder, Disney Vacation Club member (member number XXXX), a former and soon-to-be-again Annual Passholder, and a 30 plus time visitor to Walt Disney World, I say thank you and well done.

Thank you for giving me a daily reminder that family and memories and freedom are the American way.

Thank you for giving me a daily reminder to pause and reflect, in these most hectic and unsure of times, on what it was like to be an American before Sept.11 and more importantly after Sept. 11.

Thank you for giving me a daily reminder that my family (my husband, my daughter, my parents and my siblings) and I will come celebrate my 40th birthday in May 2002 at my real "home" ...

the place where I am happiest,
the place where I find great joy,
the place where incredible memories have been made ....
and will continue to be made,
the place where magic happens everyday.

I share this quote with you since I know how hard it must be to be a cast member with all the changes that are happening (the shortening of your hours and the impact this tragic event is having on your livelihood) ...

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could actually have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs
and comes short again and again. Because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best, knows in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know
neither victory nor defeat."

Theodore Roosevelt

Thank you for upholding Walt's dream,
Thank you for creating the magic
Your Thank You letter is so beautiful that it brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing it with us! :)
Thanks for the kind words Wendy...

I really meant every word that I wrote and I am sure that there are many DVCers who feel the same way.

Let's all keep thanking those cast members who help to keep Walt's dream alive.

Your beautiful words are inspirational to all. I wrote a thank you as well, but not nearly so eloquently as yours.

I have only had the opportunity to take the family to WDW a couple of times. Now as a DVC member that will change. I can only hope we are able to capture the magic as well as you have.

Thanks for sharing your feelings so well.
Granny I am sure that you will find, like many of your fellow DVCers, that the magical memories are much easier to make because there is no place like "home!"

Even with all the changes that have taken place and are yet to come ... both worlds ... the Real world and WDW ... are magical:D


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