New DVC Rent/Trade Board option - 4/18/11

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The DVC R/T board

Earning My Ears
Mar 28, 2006
In response to comments and suggestions regarding the February 1, 2011 changes on the Rent/Trade Board there is now another option available.

For those who have not been able to actively participate by posting on the DIS over the past 6 months, we have added another option allowing purchase of the ability to have a thread post on the DVC Rent/Trade Board. Details may be found at .

Existing DISboard members already registered for at least 6 months may purchase the ability to submit threads. Those registered less than 6 months may also purchase the same ability at a higher cost. A special logo will be added in your board profile identifying you as having purchased this option.
Also a reminder that you may still submit a new thread to the Rent/Trade board without cost if you meet the requirement of 50 non-Rent/Trade posts evenly distributed over the previous 6 months.

Those seeking a rental are welcome to respond in any thread offering a rental or reservation without regard to their number of posts. There is still no cost to reply to an existing thread and no cost to submit a thread for those meeting the posting requirements.
I think this is a great compromise.

But shouldnt the Contributors have a logo? Like DIS Over 50 Contributor.

It just seems those that paid are getting an endorsement and those that contribute are not. That could be confusing to renters. Especially since most of them will not know the rules or backstory.
Thank you for this great option. As a reader that visits more in spurts surrounding my trips, the posting requirement was a significant hurdle.

I do not like to just post for posting's sake or the 'worthless' two word postings. When I do post, I like to actually add value. 50 postings of content-grade material requires an investment in time that I would much rather spend supporting the board financially. Again, thank you for this option!
an interesting option...the price seems a bit steep, but that will also help to ensure that those who have less-than-stellar motives may move on to other places...

And it will be easy enough for those who don't have the posts here to pass along the cost of this special option as part of the rental fee.

I do like the fact that the points now seem to be worth more (supply and demand)
...It just seems those that paid are getting an endorsement and those that contribute are not. That could be confusing to renters. Especially since most of them will not know the rules or backstory.

Good point, but the DIS is not endorsing anyone whether they have 50 posts or not. I would hope that ANYONE wanting to rent would exercise due diligence before sending money to any poster.

These have always been and will remain transactions between individuals. I would certainly emphasize to anyone that they need to be comfortable with anyone they deal with regardless how many posts they have. I'd even go so far as to suggest that those paying to post could be at a disadvantage from those who have invested their time in contirbuting to the DIS through their posts over at least the last 6 months.
It just seems those that paid are getting an endorsement and those that contribute are not. That could be confusing to renters. Especially since most of them will not know the rules or backstory.
I agree, and I'm sure that was NOT the intent. But I can certainly see a newbie looking at a poster with hundreds (or thousands) of worthwhile posts and asking, "I wonder what's wrong with them that they're not GOLD?"

I think providing a path for everyone to use the R/T Board is good. But I think the details need a bit of work.

I fully understand that approval to post is NOT an endorsement by the DIS. But it sure LOOKS LIKE ONE.

If anyone is going to be designated "Gold" or "Premier," it should be folks who contribute consistently.

Better yet, just let all authorized folks post rentals with no logos or "Premier" designations, and let the consumer sort them out.
Good point, but the DIS is not endorsing anyone whether they have 50 posts or not. I would hope that ANYONE wanting to rent would exercise due diligence before sending money to any poster.

These have always been and will remain transactions between individuals. I would certainly emphasize to anyone that they need to be comfortable with anyone they deal with regardless how many posts they have. I'd even go so far as to suggest that those paying to post could be at a disadvantage from those who have invested their time in contirbuting to the DIS through their posts over at least the last 6 months.

I agree wholeheartedly this is the case for those that know. Others will see the Gold or Platinum and Nothing.
By endorsement, I mean those that paid will have a DIS provided logo in their name.
Those that contribute the 50 posts will not.
For the person that is here looking only for points, they may not understand or really care. They see the the emblem and think it's got to be better than no emblem.
I truly understand, I just think there is lots of room for misunderstandings also.
As we can see from the lack of activity on the RTB, many using the board were not actively contributing or actively lurking. They rented their points and that was it.
In our society, Gold or Platinum is construed as better than nothing.
I'd even go so far as to suggest that those paying to post could be at a disadvantage from those who have invested their time in contirbuting to the DIS through their posts over at least the last 6 months.
Sure, if you put a logo that says "Authorized R/T Poster Who Paid for the Privilege."

But not if the button says "Gold" or "Premier," and posters who qualified by sweat equity have nothing.

It's not the intent that is the problem -- it's the visual. "Gold" and "Premier" are perceived as BETTER...even though the intent may be exactly the opposite.

I feel bad for the mods in this situation. They do a great job, and provide a great service. They're trying to please everybody and come up with a reasonable compromise, but no matter what they do they're going to be criticized from all sides.
Just for the record, I have never rented points and don't intend to, so I have no dog in this fight.
I wonder if it would help if the banner's said something like
"paid advertiser-new" or "paid advertiser-veteran" to differentiate between those of 6months (more or less) of site membership, and disclose the fact that access was obtained by a financial transaction.
Better yet, just let all authorized folks post rentals with no logos or "Premier" designations, and let the consumer sort them out.

I agree, charge them and let their RTB posts go through without the DIS provided designations.
That levels the field back to where we started # of posts and content and the consumer can sort it out.

I also agree that with all the hard work the mods do, I definitely dont want to criticize or minimize their contributions. I know it's not an easy job.:wizard:
Hum, I am not sure how I feel about this. I do understand that this is a hard thing for you mods to figure out.

I have rented my points out twice on the dis before the new rules with no problems.

I think the dis might be getting itself into a bit of deep water here.

What happens if a person rents points from someone who has paid to post on the R/T board and the owner takes the money and runs. Now the DIS has the owners info including payment information, is this information going to be passed on to the member that was wronged?

If not, could the renter take action against the dis? ]

Lots to think about here.
I agree, charge them and let their RTB posts go through without the DIS provided designations.
That levels the field back to where we started # of posts and content and the consumer can sort it out.

I also agree that with all the hard work the mods do, I definitely dont want to criticize or minimize their contributions. I know it's not an easy job.:wizard:

Without some sort of designation that is readily visible, the moderators would have no idea who has paid or not, and at what level, as the thread must be manually approved.
Without some sort of designation that is readily visible, the moderators would have no idea who has paid or not, and at what level, as the thread must be manually approved.

Is there something stopping the DIS from giving another designation to anyone who has the required 50 posts over the last 6 months?
What happens if a person rents points from someone who has paid to post on the R/T board and the owner takes the money and runs. Now the DIS has the owners info including payment information, is this information going to be passed on to the member that was wronged?

If not, could the renter take action against the dis?
The position the DIS has always taken is that they provide a service for people to use, but they are not involved in any way in the transaction. You could make the argument that accepting payment changes the equation a little, but I think it would still require some sort of court action to force the DIS to disclose anything. I see this situation as similar to a credit card clearing house who charges to use their services -- you still have to subpoena the records.

The tricky part is the concept of "wronged." "Wrong" is a very subjective term, and in any dispute both parties usually feel they've been "wronged."

Problems with rentals are very rare, and when they do occur, the DIS does a remarkable job of walking that fine line between doing the right thing and keeping out of the dispute. If you research some old threads, you'll see what I mean.
Is there something stopping the DIS from giving another designation to anyone who has the required 50 posts over the last 6 months?

We believe that anyone wanting to rent has the responsibility to make sure they are very comfortble with whomever they choose to work with before sending any money to an internet stranger.

The 50 posts over the last 6 months requirement can change daily depending on activity and there is no practical way to assign acknowledgement based on daily changes.

This has always been and remains a "Buyer Beware" situation where the ultimate responsibility lies with the parties involved in the transaction.
Without some sort of designation that is readily visible, the moderators would have no idea who has paid or not, and at what level, as the thread must be manually approved.
So make it "Approved R/T Poster" for everyone who is approved by whatever method, and "R/T Speculator" for those renting spec ressies.

(Sorry, Chuck, couldn't resist!) :rotfl2:
Is there something stopping the DIS from giving another designation to anyone who has the required 50 posts over the last 6 months?

So make it "Approved R/T Poster" for everyone who is approved by whatever method, and "R/T Speculator" for those renting spec ressies.

(Sorry, Chuck, couldn't resist!) :rotfl2:

The problem with assigning an icon to someone who has met the 50 post requirement is 1)time, as it would need to be assigned by a moderator at the time the post is approved 2)moderators do not have access to individual user files. Moderators can not add/delete icons to users. It is my understanding that those users opting for the paid method of posting receive the icon automatically by the payment system when payment is made.
An interesting solution. I admit I am surprised. I expected DIS to continue to eschew the more commercial aspects, but the Premium membership allowing up to three confirmed reservations without needing to be distressed is a complete 180.

For the record, I think that's a good idea. And, in the interests of full disclosure, I've never been party to a DVC rental, and I don't expect to be anytime soon.
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