Need prayers and good thoughts for Kevin's Mom today * Update 5/8/11*

The decision to bring my Mom home was difficult at first, but we've come to realize that it was the best decision we made. She rests better and seems content. There is regular house noise and the two dogs bark......but those are "home" noises and I think she's finding comfort in them.

As my Mom helped choose this new house and was involved in all of the planning and decision making, it seems right that she should get to live here for whatever time she has left.

I'm blessed with the very best partner I could ever wish for. John has been strong and supportive through all of this and I told him today that my love and gratitude dont seem adequate. He tells me they are and that I'm being silly.

I'd like to thank everyone that has posted, sent PMs, emailed, called, said prayers...and kept all of the other positive thinking going on. It's amazing to come here and read these words of encouragement, love and support. gratitude seems inadequate. Thank you so much.

At this point, I am resigned to the fact that the most I can hope for is a quiet peaceful passing. We have done everything we could.

From the deepest part of my heart, thank you for keeping me, my Mom and my family in your thoughts and prayers.


Kevin this is such a heart felt post and as happens I am not sure I have the words in print that I feel in my heart for you all as you cope with this.

John is right that you are being silly but in truth how many of us really tell our loved one that they are the rock which allows us to deal with the world.
I know I do not say it enough times in a day to my loved ones but I have resolved to get better at not feeling silly.

I am sure your mum will cherish every moment she has in her new house :grouphug:
Val & I are glad you are able to have a chance to share your new home with your Mom. We're sending :grouphug: to all the Klose/Magi household.
My father kept my grandmother in her house until the end. He had been living with her before my grandfather died. He had a day nurse for when he worked and he took over when he came home. Hospice finally was called after the last trip to the hospital. Pop insisted on bringing her home. It was the right choice. Hospice was fantastic, to both my Nana and my Pop. It wasn't easy for him - we spoke everyday. But it was the right thing and he has no regrets. I only hope that I'm as strong when I'm in his shoes. You've been in my prayers, and will continue to be. It's amazing the strength that is found when needed. I wish you peace, patience, and strength.

Kevin, I'm glad that you could bring your Mom home to your new house. I'm sure it gives you some peace that you could provide that for her. Take whatever help and support you can from hospice. It's great to have a strong support system when you go through trying times and I'm glad that you have that in John. Part of loving someone is to be there for them when they are going through a rough time. I continue to pray for you and your family.

Cathy and I continue to keep all of your family in our prayers.

Hospice is a blessing, true angels doing amazing work.

You and John have made a difficult decision, but having been in the same situation, I also realized it was the last thing we could do for Mom.

Take care.

Cathy and Frank
I was glad to hear that your mom is able to be in your new home and with loved ones around. I'm sure it is a more comfortable atmosphere for her than the coldness of the hospital with all its interruptions etc. You are doing the right things for her and she knows it. Even with the chaos of moving, it is still filled with love with familiar family and friends and pets etc.

Warm thoughts coming your way from MN.

When I finally accepted nothing else could be done for my mother and hospice was brought in to her home, just being there when she passed was unbelievably comforting. It was something I didn't think I would be able to handle [and even considered "running and hiding" from it], but I was shocked by my own strength at the time and how emotionally 'rewarding' it has been knowing she knew I was right there by her side, holding her hand . . .

Stay strong Kevin. You have been in my thoughts daily and I truly enjoyed just hearing your voice on the recent Podcast.

Continued prayers and thoughts for you and your loved ones.
There is nothing I can say to make this time easier or better. Thankfully you are surrounded by love and support and have a wonderful partner. I have listened to your "Mom" stories over the years as my Mom (who is 84) sounds like your mom in a lot of ways. My Mom asks about your mom (she doesn't do the computer, she just knows about her from my stories.) and told me to post that she was adding your Mom to her prayer list at church. She also said that your Mom was lucky to have so many people in her life that love her. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. :grouphug: Penny
Kevin and John, I am so sorry for what you are going through. It seems very little to say that you are in my thoughts and my prayers, but you are. You both bring such smiles to my face each week, I pray only the best for your mom Kevin and for the two of you. :grouphug:
Kevin, I tend to keep quiet on these issues as I don't want to say the wrong thing and put someone in an even worse mood, but I must say - you are the perfect example of what a son should be. I have been a fan of your Mom's from the hilarious remarks to the cm's during your dining reviews, and was struck by the close relationship the two of you have. She has done a wonderful job raising you. I think you are a wonderful reflection for her parenting skills and who she is.

We love you, Kevin and John, and as always, you are in our prayers.


You and your Mom are in my thoughts and prayers....

My Dad was in home Hospice too. It was a comfort to have him home at the end.

I'm so very sorry you are going through this difficult time.

This is indeed a good decision. I love you, my friend. My family is thinking of you and your family every day.
As always, I admire the relationship you and John have with your mom, and I appreciate how open and sharing you are being with all of us. By being so open, I am sure many here will find the strength to face similar heart wrenching situations in the future.

I have been through several similar life changing events of my own, and as hard as it was, being with different loved ones at their passing actually turned out to heartwarming (sad, yes, but so much more than that). In each case, several family members were standing around their bed, holding hands and just telling them that it was okay to let go...that we would be okay. I can't begin to tell you the peace that came over their faces as they passed, it was truly a beginning of healing for all of us that were there.

I'm sorry if this is to much information, but I wanted to share that even though it was very difficult to lose these wonderful people, it was time for them to go and I think they needed us there to say, "It's okay, we love you but you can let go now".

Hugs to you, John, and your mom.
Kevin - you are such a thoughtful person and wonderful son. I'm sure John and your mom both appreciate you so much. I'm so glad you've found peace in having your mother home with you. It sounds like it was certainly the right decision to make. I remember you telling stories about your mom and everything she did for the community - she was a hero back then and you are her hero right now. You are a good person, Kevin. I know that must make your Mom so proud. She sure did good.

You are a strong and miraculous person. I will continue to keep your Mom in my prayers.

I wish you peace {hug}
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know if I could choose how I would want my last days to be it would be at home surrounded by those who love me. Thanks for taking such great care of your mom.


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