NEED Help ASAP please!


Mommy the Magic Maker
Aug 21, 2003
Our trip is in 11 days and I have been searching for some of the images from our last trip to add to the new ones....Several of the DISigners are no longer making images so I can't re-request :worried:

Here is a link to shirts from my last trip

The one I really really really want is the WILD CHILD one.....does anyone make something like this? I already have pants made to match!!!:guilty:

The other ones I would like are the Princess crown in pink and the family one, with the boy no longer wearing glasses and the year changed. Any you can make would be great!!! I will continue my search!

Any help would be SO appreciated!:worship:
Do you have the original disigns saved? It is way quicker if I have the disigns to adjust, otherwise it will take time to recreate the disign from scratch and with only 11 days left that might be a problem. I can definitely redo the tebi73 disign, I have already redone that one for others. You can send me a PM if you do and then I can send you my email if you still have them. Let me know:thumbsup2

Here is the one........:)

Do you have the original disigns saved? It is way quicker if I have the disigns to adjust, otherwise it will take time to recreate the disign from scratch and with only 11 days left that might be a problem. I can definitely redo the tebi73 disign, I have already redone that one for others. You can send me a PM if you do and then I can send you my email if you still have them. Let me know:thumbsup2

Here is the one........:)


OMG thank you so much!!!

I can't find my original designs or I would just reprint, this is the only one that had a date on it....It does not even have to look exactly like that....If I could get a leopard print Mickey Head with the name Emma under it and Wild Child over it, that would be perfect....same with the Name and the crown.. These are the only two that I really need:

Thank you so much for this....If you have photobucket files I will check!
Picture didn't come thru.......I was able to do these for you....not exact but close........:thumbsup2


I didn't want to hi-jack your thread iluvtinkerbelle. So I sent you a PM.
OMG!!! Thank you SO much! I like that one even more and it will look super with her pants!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I PMd you back WDW88! :)
Could you make a design similar to the one above for me? I would love to have in this order: pic of lady w/ Mickey Mouse hat w/ brown hair that says Mimi under it, same as first one that says Mom, boy w/ blonde hair that says Trent, and one w/ blonde hair that says Sydney. All with Mouse ears. Maybe at the bottom 2013.

Thank you so much. I love this idea.


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