
daughter of amid chaos- yeah, i've been to a lot of concerts... *NSYNC, Christina Aguilera (Destiny's Child was there too and Soul Decison!), 98 degrees (w/ Monica)and even though i hate to say it... yes... i've been to a... spice girls concert <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_redface.gif" alt="red face"> haha i was like 10 but its kinda embarassing to be going on 14 and you can say 'yeah i've been to a spice girl concert' haha well talk to you guys later! :D

<marquee direction="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate"><font color=red><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size=4> Por favor montegan se alejardo de las puertas!!!!!</marquee></font>- <font size=4 color="blue"><font face="Comic Sans MS">the monorail at WDW- the BEST saying!</font>

<font size=4 color="#FF0066"><font face="Comic Sans MS">~AFgirl</font></font>

<font size=4 color="#FF9900"><font face="Comic Sans MS">NEXT TRIP!! Spring Break 2001- BWI and 3-day Wonder</font></font></font
I like S club 7 if any one has ever heard of them. I also like britney spears, Bsb, *nsync, M2M, steps sort of,and THE BEATLES yeah I love the beatles most of the cd's in my room are beatles cd's.
none of my friends listen to them. So does anyone here listen to them? :D

<IMG src="" align="left" width="100" height="152">
CBR Dec '95
CBR Sept '97
BWV Aug '98
BWV Mar '99
BWV Oct '00
BWV Mar 01

<font face="Curlz MT" size="5">

you know what is really cool i thought me and a couple of friends were the only people who liked oldies but I guess i was wrong. Any body heard of the greatful dead?

<IMG src="" align="left" width="100" height="152">
CBR Dec '95
CBR Sept '97
BWV Aug '98
BWV Mar '99
BWV Oct '00
BWV Mar 01

<font face="Curlz MT" size="5">

I like some pop and some rap. But the only CD's you will ever find me listening to one of my 20 Disney CD's!!! They are the coolest! :-)

Disney vacations-
3/96-DxL(8 days)
9/97-WL(9 days)
9/98-FWC(9 days)
9/99-WL(9 days)
6/00-PO/CR(16 days!!!)
12/00-DL(1st time!!) Fairfield Inn(3 days)
Upcoming trips-
12/01 DL
6/02 WDW!
REMEMBER-It all started with a mouse!!!


<IMG src="" align="left" width="100" height="152">
CBR Dec '95
CBR Sept '97
BWV Aug '98
BWV Mar '99
BWV Oct '00
BWV Mar 01

<font face="Curlz MT" size="5">

i like alternative music i hate pop rap r&b .. i have been to a lot of concerts like... bush veruca salt orgy blink 182 kid rock sugar ray smash mouth deftones mxpx our lady piece powerman 5000 and a lot more. i cant think of them right now
Hi hippiechick.
i know S club 7, and i listen to them, steps, britney, n'sync, anything, but mostly pop really.

In response to an earlier post, (dont know who by LOL), i too have been to a spice girls concert, and i'm not ashamed about it!
Blink182, Muse, JJ72, Radiohead, and lots more people I'm sure you haven't heard of.

Of course, I also listen to all my Disney CDs aswell, but you guys are the only ones who know that (and don't tell ;) ).


<font size="4"><font color=#FF33FF"><font face="Comic Sans MS">
<marquee direction="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">Suzi – the Princess of the Caribbean!</marquee></font></font></font>
I like Metal, L7, neurosis, Joj, and hardcore punk like lunachicks, 7 YB, stuff like that.. I doubt anyone else share these interests, but if ya do, let me know and we should chat sometime

I've heard of S Club 7. I LOVE their new song "I Never Had a Dream Come True"

I listen to pop music. I love *NSYNC, and I also like Dream, 98 degrees, jessica Simpson, Plus One... the list goes on and on!



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