Ms. Shuttergirl's dreaming of a White Christmas...Days 28-32 done, Boston & Washingto

Day Four

I decided to take pity on the family and let them sleep in a little today. It had been a massive few days and rather have them collapse in a pile of tears, theirs and mine, sleep was the answer. We were still up early compared to normal families though hahaha.:rotfl2:

Off to Epcot our favourite park today. I hate arriving late to the parks. The lines for all the rides were already out of control and it was seriously only 10.15. Soarin was already at 1 hr and Test Track similar, insane. We jumped onto Mission Space and began our astronaut training. Needless to say DH was a big fail but I was awesome. I’m expecting a call from Nasa any day now. Jumped into Club Cool to sample all of the cokes from around the world. It’s always a bit of fun to taste all the different flavours and to see everyone’s faces when they try Italy’s “Beverly” flavour. Gosh it’s awful. The subsequent “screwed up face” photos always give me a giggle.


Next we headed into the World Showcase which is our favourite part. Mexico was the first country we came to so in we went, did the cute but lame water ride and then wandered around the shops with the kids trying on amazing sombreros and DH and I drooling over the Tequila Bar nearby and dreaming of all of the tequilas we would like to taste if we weren’t having to be responsible parents lol.

We then checked out Norway which is always so interesting, beautiful architecture, unusual viking paraphernalia and lots of fairytale stuff. Alot of Hans Christian Andersen stuff of course since he wrote many of the fairytales the Disney movies are based on. DS10 had fun trying on viking helmets and hitting his sister with swords. She of course was less than impressed with that.

We had to stop exploring because it was then time for lunch in Germany at Biergarten, a German beer hall type place where they serve a massive buffet of traditional German food, you order your beers in massive big steins, half litre or litre, you choose your level of drunkenness, they have a traditional polka type band playing and the theming and atmosphere are insanely festive and fun. The food was out of this world delicious and screamed “comfort food”. It may surprise you all to know that DH and I went with the half litre of beer each, very mature of us to be a bit reserved although if we didn’t have to be somewhere not long after lunch I’m fairly sure we would’ve liked to settle in for music and fun times.

Alas, we had a very important date and we didn’t want to be late as the Mad Hatter would say. We rushed back to our resort, spruced ourselves up (I could’ve used some quick lipo and plastic surgery but there wasn’t the time) and we cabbed it over to the Boardwalk resort and headed straight out to the boardwalk area overlooking the water to meet the lovely Amy Smith who I had hired to do a family photo shoot for us. I was so anxious about having photos taken which of course is ironic. I definitely have a greater understanding of how my mummy clients feel now lol. DH had to pull me aside from the kids and tell me to calm down because I was insane with stress haha. Finally Amy arrived, put us all at ease and we were on with the show. She actually said her husband had to do the same with her when they had family photos earlier this year so that made me feel a whole lot better. The fact that lots of people were walking past us on the Boardwalk staring didn’t phase us, we just followed along, did what she asked and had lots of fun. I’ve got my fingers crossed the images all turn out okay. Let’s face it, if we are all in it, everyone’s looking at the camera, if no one is picking their nose or picking undies out of their bum or punching someone – we are all good hahaha. Of course embarrassingly, the word “fart” was used far too many times during the session. He who shall remain nameless used it as a tool to make “mini he who shall remain nameless” laugh. I’m sure Amy went away with quite a sad opinion of the ocker aussies she had just met hehe.

Afterwards we headed to the ESPN Zone sports bar for a few nerve settlers for the mumma after such a stressful afternoon hehe. The boys were riveted to the basketball/football/soccer/200million other sports that were playing on the 200 million tv screens throughout the bar. And of course you wouldn’t want to miss a second of the action so you head to the toilets and there are tvs in there above the urinals and the cubicles and the girls weren’t to be outdone, we had tv’s in our toilies too. God bless America and their love of sports.

We then headed over to Magic Kingdom to attend the special ticketed event, Mickeys Very Merry Christmas Party, MVMCP for short. This event was expensive but the selling point is less crowds, free hot chocolate and cookies, a special Christmas parade, special Christmas fireworks and unique characters out for meet and greets with short lines etc. Something must have gone awry in the “sales pitch” because the crowds were ENORMOUS!!!! I thought DH was going to have a meltdown because he hates crowds-strike 1, and he hates lining up- strike 2. I was very disappointed with this turn of events but we got on with things, rode Splash and Pirates of the Carribean and then went in to watch the Monsters Inc Laugh Floor show which is very funny, DS finds it hilarious. We managed to see the Lighting of the Castle ceremony, it was truly beautiful. Even DH said it was amazing to see so I guess it must be pretty bloody awesome because he isn’t big on Disney praise hahaha. We grabbed some burgers and fries from Cosmic Rays for a quick dinner and then I went and found us a spot for the parade – no easy feat I tell ya. I had to body slam 2 nuns, a princess and pinch several small children to find us a spot along the parade route. It was worth all the bodily harm I inflicted – the parade was wonderful. And in true Disney style they had smells piping out of the floats, like lollies, gingerbread, caramel, etc so it was a true sensory experience. All of the usual characters were out in full “holiday” garb – Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, the ducks, the princesses and then there were the 7 dwarves who you rarely see, dancing gingerbread men and reindeers and the nutcracker soldiers were amazing. The whole thing was lots of fun but over too quick and the crowds, did I mention the crowds. he boys decided they were done after about 3 hours but DD and I, in true Disney style, chose to soldier on. It was actually lots of fun once the boys left (shhhh don’t tell them I said that). DD and I raced around getting hundreds of photos taken by the Photopass photographers, we ate some sweet stuff, looked in shops, experienced “snow” on Main Street which was fun for like 1 second and then became annoying but it was fun. We watched the extraordinary fireworks show – wow, no one does it like Disney. Stunning!!!! I was so excited and hyper that there of course needed to be some dancing, Christmas carol singing and general waving at perfect strangers as we walked up and down Main Street. DD was mortified which only made me do it more. I was having fun, I don’t know any of these people, it’s Christmas time and I can if I want hehehe. We finally made it onto a bus and home by 11ish. Other than the crowds and not really being able to ride anything, it was fun.







The day was overcast all day, even for the photo shoot and during the morning it was spitting rain for quite some time. Very dreary but not very cold until the afternoon when it took a cool turn.

Highs – Photo shoot, the Christmas parade and fireworks, Biergarten food and atmosphere, hanging out with my girlie at Magic Kingdom

Lows – late start and long lines for rides at Epcot, stressing about the photo shoot, crowds at party, rain

Weather – high of 18, low of 13, scattered very light rain​
thank you so much for this update - sounds like a very eventful day.

i also stress to the point of anxiety attacks sometimes when i have something like a photo shoot or important family gathering and do the whole 'lipo & surgery thing' too, so thank you for sharing that thought -- it certainly made your experience very relatable :) i think you are lovely though, and all of your candid shots are pretty so i am quite sure your family shots will be amazing!!

i cannot wait to experience photopass this time around, and get to ride some of the rides...

thanks for sharing day 4. can't wait to hear about day 3. i'm taking notes for my 2014 trip :)
Loving your TR! Thanks for doing while you are at Disney :thumbsup2 you made me laugh out loud about embarrassing your DD.....I love to do the same to mine;) it's a mothers right. Sorry to hear about the crowds when we went in November it wasn't too bad although we watched the second parade and rode rides while the first was on....can't say I liked the cookies though snickles I think they call them yuckie the choc chip were nice!
God bless America and their big TVs. Even in the restrooms????

Sounds like an awesome day!
PrincessInOz said:
Sounds like a fantastic first couple of days, Shuttergirl. And yes, I was the drowned rat on Kali when we went on it. Fortunately, I came prepared.....I made sure that we all had a spare set of clothes....even underwear. So, I just headed into the ladies and changed. Next time, I will bring ponchos.

I've got a half dozen free Westpac ponchos just for that ride :)
sounds like your having a blast...but how do you fit in so much stuff ????? I'm lucky to do...bfast, pool then 3 rides......:rotfl:
Another great report Ms. Shuttergirl. Really like how you've done a summary of highs and lows.
I wonder if a video of you body slamming nuns is going to pop up. Would be the talk of the boards!!,

But it sounds like you a re having a fabulous time - I am thinking you are feeling the Christmas spirit, but I can see the eye rolling from here!!
Glad you didn't freeze like we did in 2008! I couldn't get over the crowds then either-I think I would have had more fun if I had sent both DH and DD home (shh!) - they weren't psyched up for it being so cold and quite so crowded. Your role as a good mother is to embarrass your DD or DS as often as possible. Did you see the Pantomine-type show? Looking forward also to the pics on your return.
Loving your TR and I can't wait to see your snaps.

Hope you're having the most amazing trip!
Shuttergirl, sorry I haven't had time to post earlier. You sound like you're having the most fantabulous time. Pity about the crowds...

Please tell me more your kid pinching technique. It appears to be highly efficient. Might need it to keep my own child under control! Can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip and what you thought of the processional!

Oh and please do share the photos from the photoshoot if possible. Would LOVE to see them!!!
Thanks again for a great TR. I'm loving the fact that you're eating at many of the restaurants I'm interested in (Biergarten, 50's diner, and Ohanas) as it's great to hear feedback about whether or not they're worth it.
I hope that rain clears up and you start getting some beautiful weather.
Hi everyone, sorry my updates have been slow in coming, it's been a hectic few days. So much to tell you all. I can't wait to share everything. I will hopefully get something up tonight and will try to reply to all of your lovely comments and questions, you are all very sweet.
Day 5

We had to get up super duper early this morning to have breakfast inside Magic Kingdom at Crystal Palace. With an 8.10am reservation it meant getting moving super quickly. I was really excited about this reservation because it meant we were going to be able to enter the park before the general public and I was really keen for pictures of Main Street and the Castle without millions of people in it. They had already let some people in a little before we got there so I didn’t quite get a deserted street in the photos but it’s pretty close. It was a very overcast day so I’m not sure how wonderful the photos will be but I’m sure I’ll still love them. The best thing about eating at the Crystal Palace is of course you get to meet Pooh Bear, Tigger, Piglet and Eeyore. DH loves Eeyore because he is just sooooo cute. The food is a breakfast buffet, large platters overflowing with every type of breakfast item you could possibly want. The big problem is we’ve been eating so many lovely meals that we are constantly full and never feel like really pigging out, which is what a breakfast buffet calls for really. They had something called puffed French toast which I had to try. Ummmm, it’s not French toast people. It’s a funny shaped cinnamon donut but whatever you want to call it, it’s all kinds of right in my books. Yum.




After that we hit our favourite ride a few times, Big Thunder and then DH talked me into taking the kids on Splash Mountain. I don’t really love this ride. I’m not big on the massive drop into the water at the end. It just doesn’t seem like fun to me :rotfl:. Anyway, always keen to have the children love me more than their father, I set off to brave the drop. Of course DS doesn’t really like the drop either so I’m not sure why he went on this ride. He wasn’t too stressed the first time but then he said he wanted to ride it again so we did and as we were coming up to the big drop he started virtually hyperventilating. It’s hard to get over your own fear of death and tell your child “it’s okay baby, this is fun and easy, yay” :lmao:.

With that over we went and jumped on Haunted Mansion. This ride would have to be the one with the most amazing details. I love all of the quirky spooky things they have in the line to get into the ride, so many fun interactive things. And just all of the cool spookiness they are able to create throughout the ride makes it a real favourite. It’s not thrill ride but it’s fun.

All the rides were walk on in the morning but as time ticked away along came the crowds.

We finally found the new Fantasyland Expansion and wow they have done a wonderful job. The Beasts Castle off in the distance looks amazing, can’t wait to dine at the Be Our Guest Restaurant on our last night. We walked into the main square of the “village” and there was Gaston’s Tavern and the character Gaston was out the front meeting people. DH and I were gobsmacked at how like the cartoon character he was. I mean, this was a pure piece of magical casting genius. We stood there staring at him for ages, and he was really vain like the character in Beauty and the Beast. A girl walked up to him for a photo and he said “yes, come over here and adore me”, stuff like that just had us giggling. They have done a fabulous job in this new area. It will be great once everything is finished. We also saw the beginnings of a Tangled tower as well that is going to be gorgeous.

We then unbelievably walked up to the Tea Cups and there was a 5 minute wait. I was stunned but didn’t look a gift horse in the mouth and we jumped in the line. It’s such a fun ride although the kids spun that cup so much even I was feeling dizzy by the end. DH got dizzy just watching us on the ride hahaha.

We then lined up to meet some characters as we have been a bit slack in that area on this trip, I guess because the kids are older and aren’t so desperate. We met Goofy, Donald, Daisy and my favourite Minnie. Minnie was a complete sweetheart and so cute with all of the little kids. She “had me at hello” and I even got my own personal photo taken with her without the kids. We had a little cuddle and rubbed noses, and now we are BFF’s. I bet you are all jealous now, well you’re only human.:)

We had fastpassed Dumbo because I love that ride, I know I know, it’s not a thrill ride but it makes me smile and remember my long lost (very long lost) youth. I’m glad we fastpassed it because there was a 50 minute wait. I love Dumbo but who is lining up for 50 minutes to ride this 2 minute bubba ride. We also went and watched Mickey’s Philharmagic 3d show, I just always think this is a fun, sweet movie.

By now we had decided to head back to the resort for lunch, more washing and a rest. We happened to catch the Move It Shake It Parade. Can you believe the family didn’t want to stop to watch it. They said it’s the same as last time mum. I said “sooooo” and proceeded to stop following them and watch it. Eventually they stopped and came back. I wasn’t missing that parade and since it only lasts for like 2 minutes why would we skip past it. I always feel like dancing when I see that parade, it’s so upbeat and fun

So after a quick lunch in the food court at the resort the boys decided to nap and DD decided to Facebook (what a shock haha) and I headed off to do the washing. Hardly seems fair right. The one thing Disney get so so right is they always have the laundry near the pool but more importantly, near the pool bar. I like the way they think hahaha. So I put the washing in, grabbed a cocktail and sat down to people watch and play on my laptop. I got a frozen pina colava, funny because I always thought they were pina colada’s but on all the menus here they are colava’s. Now I’m confused, have I been singing that song wrong for all these years? Sing it with me – do you like pina coladas/colavas, getting caught in the rain....... I don’t know what’s right now. What I do know is this was a seriously yummy cocktail. So much so that when I went back to the laundry to put the washing into the dryer, I thought, hey I’m on holidays, the family is snoozing – don’t mind if I do have a second cocktail hehe. So I did. What a nice way to do the washing. I think I’ve been doing it wrong all these years. Just save it up and do it every few days with a cocktail in your hand. Feels much less like work that way. That’s a little tip from me to you people.

Then DD and I decided to hop a bus over to the very fancy Grand Floridian Resort to check out their legendary Christmas decorations. It took forever because we had to catch a bus to Magic Kingdom and then a boat over to the GF, if I was to do it again I would catch a cab and save an hour of my life hehehe. Anyway as expected the decorations were beautiful. The best thing was the life size gingerbread house. This place was beautiful, and edible, who could ask for more than that. The tree there was rather fancy and magnificent and it was worth a visit.

Meanwhile the boys had headed to Downtown Disney, found the House of Blues Bar and had positioned themselves in front of a basketball game. DH had beer, DS had soft drink and they were in stinky boy heaven. DH kept texting me that he was in heaven. Then a guy on a guitar started playing and singing and he really was in heaven. I didn’t think I’d be able to drag him out of there to meet us for dinner :lmao:.

DD and I arrived and then we met up with the boys and went to Raglan Road for dinner. This is an amazing Irish pub which we ate at twice on our last visit. They have live entertainment there, irish dancers performing throughout the night and also a duo playing guitar and fiddle and flute, whatever the song required. We hadn’t seen the entertainment previously because we were there too early so this time I made sure to make a later dining reservation. I also kindly asked "aka begged}" for a good table near the entertainment when we checked in but they said they couldn’t promise. Well boy did they give us an amazing table. It was situated perfectly for both the dancers and the band and the awesome irish waiter made a joke that we must have “known someone” to get this good table. Just more proof that it pays to ask politely and with a smile. It’s really been working for me in so many instances on this trip.
The irish dancers were excellent, 2 boys and 4 girls. They performed 3 times throughout the evening, wearing different costumes each time. It was great. The band didn’t come on until 8.30 and our reservation began at 7 so I made the family drag the ordering and eating process out as much as possible so we could see everything hahaha. The food was an absolute sensation, just as it was last time. The whole family loves the joyful rowdy atmosphere here and it’s an absolute favourite. The whole night was excellent. Our waiter was excellent and he was fine with us staying to watch the entertainment even though we had finished our meal and in fact encouraged us to relax and watch.

Fraser on the far left getting his irish groove on

We then did a bit of shopping in Downtown Disney and the family caught the boat back to our resort while I did some “quiet” Christmas decoration shopping. Note to self, perhaps it’s a good idea to A. Do a mental money tally as you load the decorations into the basket you are carrying and B. Really think about how you are going to get all of those fragile decorations home in one piece when you still have another month of your trip. I’m having some buyers remorse at the moment but would rather die than tell DH :rotfl2:. I’m being all upbeat about it and saying it’s fine, not a problem hehe.

Then at about 11.30pm I caught the boat home. The boat ride to the resort is so lovely and peaceful. I did have a chuckle to myself, where in the world would I feel safe enough to be by myself in a strange place, catching a boat in the dark so late. Only at Disney.

The end to another busy but great day.

Highs – seeing Pooh Bear, Dumbo, the Gaston character, pina colava x2 hehe and the amazing Raglan Raod

Lows – DS and the annoying noises he makes (grrrrr), crowds in Fantasyland, the time it took to get to and from Grand Floridian

Weather – high of 21, low of 14

General ramblings and observations

Toilets – I know I’ve mentioned this on previous trips but for those who’ve never visited the US before I feel it is only fair to mention the toilets. They are weird and make me uncomfortable hahaha. The bowl is shaped very differently from ours and the water level is super high, like dangerously high. I don’t like that water being so close to my butt. There is a terrible splash situation you need to be careful of and yeah, the whole thing makes me nervous. And then there is the self flushing. Many of the toilets are self flushing and sometimes if you move when on the toilet, the flushing starts and you get quite the fright, yikes.

Service in restaurants – I am such a ***** for good customer service, especially in restaurants. And because the people here are often on minimum wage and rely on tips, they step it up a notch. Obviously you get the sickly sweet fake ones at times and I don’t mind that but so often we have come across truly genuine and warm people who are so keen to go out of their way to help you. Love it.

Minimum wage – we met these older American ladies and we were discussing wages and we found out the minimum wage for someone working somewhere like Target is around $7.50 per hour which is shocking isn’t it. DD could get a part time job tomorrow and earn more than that.

Weather – we have been so blessed with this weather for December in Orlando. We really couldn’t ask for more than this.

Food – it’s really hard to get vegetables with your meals here hahaha

Overweight people – now I know I’m a Pooh sized gal but I am positively teeny tiny compared to so many people we are seeing here. Some truly large people that you just don’t see all that often in Australia. I’m not sure whether that is a Disney thing? Or an across the board thing.

Christmas Decorations – no one does decorations like Disney. The whole place is decked out and dressed up in all it’s finery and I am so glad we got to come at this time of year.​
:love: your update
:rotfl2: USA toilets although I do love the auto flush and not having to touch the button ;)
Thanks shuttergirl, sounds like you are having a ball- and it's just the beginning!!

I am seriously contemplating a November 2014 trip to DLR - I hope it will be as magical is wdw seems to be with Christmas stuff.!
Day 6

Today, finally DH was going to be in heaven. Today was Outlet Shopping Day!!!! Woohoo he says. When he went earlier in the week he went to the smaller outlet mall so today we were going to the Big Outlet Mall – DS and I (the nonshoppers) were already groaning.

A quick cab ride and we were off, making that credit card scream in terror. I do have to say that as much as I don’t like shopping the prices were really incredible. Probably the thing that stands out that most is the Nike and Addidas sneakers. Of course we ended up going overboard for the kids, needless to say DD has 4 new pairs of shoes and DS has 5. DH also has 1 (so far) so that is 10 pairs of shoes we somehow have to get home and we haven’t even shopped in NYC yet. Good god hahaha. The Nike and Addidas clothing is super cheap also. Vans shoes, Converse, you name it, it’s cheap.
In Addidas we were just browsing through the boys section and one of the sales staff came up and quietly whispered that when we got to the checkout we should mention that we received an email offer giving us 50% off that day but we forgot to print the email. I’m not sure why she came up and told us that, perhaps she had been watching us and took a liking to us???

Anyway, I wasn’t sure whether it would work but I thought I’d give it a try. The lady at the checkout “pushed me on it” but the guy on the next checkout said “no if they know about the offer they get the discount” so we ended up with 3 pairs of addidas sneakers for DS which included cool basketball boots and football boots, 1 long sleeve addidas top for him, 1 pair addidas trackies for him and a tshirt for DH for $79. I’m not even joking, it was unbelievable. Thank you thank you to that lovely sales assistant for telling us.

The one thing I had wanted to look for was new sunglasses. I don’t usually go overboard with expensive sunnies, unlike my darling husband but I had decided to treat myself if I found something I liked. Well DH and I both found pairs we liked within about 5 seconds flat ( I never choose things that quick :rotfl:) . The amazing sales assistant there was trying to explain all these different promos and deals etc which were completely above my head and frankly we were happy with the price anyway which I told her. She worked her magic and we ended up getting $100 off which was an incredible bonus. Again, thank you to this lovely sales girl. I think it’s the cool rockin Aussie accents they are loving about us but I can’t be sure hehe.

Five long shopping hours later saw DS and I slumped on the “sidewalk” while DH & DD did more exploring. Finally they took pity on us and we called it a day, whew. I don’t know whether the credit card could have stood anymore usage :rotfl2:.

Back to the resort for a little bit of R&R before heading to Epcot for dinner in the England Pavillion in the World Showcase. We had a reservation at Rose & Crown, an Engish pub style restaurant which overlooks the water there but the main reason was if you book a later reservation you can sit at your table and watch the wonderful Illuminations. I was really hoping for a table outside because it was a beautiful evening but mostly so we could watch the show from our table. If we were seated inside we would have had to come out to the balcony which would have been fine but not as great as an outside table. Again, I used my sweet powers of persuasion and asked for an outside table and low and behold we were shown to (and I’m not exaggerating) the best possible table there was to view the fireworks show from. I was beyond excited. Even DH was a bit impressed with the location. I was so very grateful. The food was much better than I expected it to be and we all really enjoyed it. And then it was time for Illuminations to start. I felt like we could reach out and touch the water fountains and fireworks from where we were sitting and the rumble through our chests from the fireworks was almost painful :lmao:. And when the fire started shooting out of the water we could feel the heat on our faces. It was a fantastic show, this was our first time watching it, and I’m so glad we had that amazing view.



Epcot on a Saturday night is very rowdy. People are walking the streets with drinks in hand and it all seems very unDisneylike and oh so crowded. It didn’t bother me all that much but DH was a bit concerned as the night rolled on that there were a few drunks around and he wanted the kids out of there so as soon as the fireworks finished we hightailed. When I say hightailed it, because Epcot is soooo enormous, you feel like you’ve almost run a half marathon by the time you get to the exit. It’s not for the faint hearted if you are rushing. Epcot sure does look pretty at night though, all lit up.
Another long, but great day.

Highs – outlet shopping prices for most things, my new Versace sunglasses, amazing table at Rose & Crown, Illuminations

Lows – 5 hours of shopping, trying to get out of Epcot quickly

Weather – high of 26, low of 14​


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