MR BACK'S & CO home for repeat offenders Part 2

For those of you who've already played our game, and those that still plan to, I was just looking over the information on expectnet to see how it determines a winner. This is what it says.

Once the baby is born, those guesses are compared to the birth stats to determine an overall winner and a winner in each category. Penalty points are assigned depending on how far the guess is from the actual value. To calculate a player's overall rank, the points from each category are totalled. Points are assigned as follows, in approximate order of importance:

  • incorrect gender: 400 points
  • birth date & time: 5 points/hour
  • weight: 5 points/ounce or 0.2 points/gram
  • length: 10 points/inch or 4 points/centimeter
The winner is the person with the fewest points.
I see the guesses have [color=3399FF]T[/color][color=0066CC]a[/color][color=3399FF]g[/color] [color=0066CC]B[/color][color=3399FF]a[/color][color=0066CC]b[/color][color=3399FF]y[/color] [color=0066CC]T[/color][color=3399FF]i[/color][color=0066CC]g[/color][color=3399FF]g[/color][color=0066CC]e[/color][color=3399FF]r[/color]
being born anywhere from November 25 to December 24, weighing something between 6 lbs. 2 oz. and 9 lbs. 14 oz., and being between 17 in. and 23 in. long. Wow, what a wide range...

So, does anyone else want to play???
Link to game:
Game name: TiggersBounce
Originally posted by geffric
[color=FF00FF]Tigger Fans![/color] great to see you.. How are things at your end of the world..How are you and DS holding up?/ We have been worried about you??
Getting excited about the Xmas trip???
are you still going now that things are a bit different??

Our Turkey Day is up in the air since my Dad is still in the hospital.. IF his white blood cell count comes down , the may let him go to the rehab place on Monday..
I doubt that he will be well enough for a family day on Thursday.. so we have various versions of the plan depending upon how he is doing... How that for being definitely uncertain...:teeth:

geffric :hug:
I didn't know your dad was in the hospital. Hope you're doing alright and he'll be feeling better soon!

I'm still headed to Hawaii for Christmas. The trip is with my family and will be a MUCH needed break. Maybe I'll learn to surf while we're there? WOW! I didn't notice that my countdown clock is down to 27 days! <img src=''>
HI Tigger Fans!!!!!! You have been missed!!!!!

Danauk, WOW, you do have a complex problem.... I just found out that in Texas we can spank our children. One of my clients had his daughter call the police on him. The policeperson told him that spanking was permitted to your own children, and if he wanted to spank his daughter in front of him he wouldn't get thrown in jail.

oh well, I guess I had better get back to work... 35 minutes to go...

Tigger Fans!

Wow, we've sure been thinking about you! Good to see your colorful self back and know the Hawaii trip is still a go!

[COLOR=990066]DHSsenior007[/COLOR] nice work on the LeCellier Cheese Soup. It's a to do for the trip after this trip. I have all of our PS already for the trip coming in almost less than 30 days.

[COLOR=339900]ibouncetoo[/COLOR] have funn with nativtxn. She's a nice lady. ::yes::

for you, Jordan and Cadbury. I got this for her/him
Today I ran to the post office, did some grocery shopping, watched "What A Girl Wants" and am making a turkey breast for din din. Sides will include potatoes and broccoli. :)

Thanksgiving Question
We will go to MIL's on Thanksgiving. 30-40 people will attend.
Saturday or Sunday following we will go to my moms. Just us 4, mom and dad. I'll need to drink before going to both so everything that happens won't matter. ;) My MIL has a wicked tongue and can be very hurtful. She was dropped on her head a few thousand times as a baby, I think.
Hey everyone!

Why is it that whenever you go shopping for other people, you can't help but get something for yourself?? Lol! :p :rolleyes:

Anywho... I'm finishing a Pumpkin Spice Frappachino from Starbucks and fries from Whataburger so I am extremely hyper... I love being able to drive!! Woohoo!! I'm proud of myself, though, from my shopping expedition, I started with 60 dollars, and I came back with 35!! That's a big deal for me! Haha!

But yeah... for Thanksgiving, my grandparents are coming up for the week and we'll have Thanksgiving dinner here at home. Pretty boring... oh well... I also only get 3 days off of school for Thanksgiving!! No fair! lol Okay... this is too boring, sorry! Byes! :wave2: :wave:
Have not talked with any of you guys in a while. RRBB good luck on the baby! Lewski hit the martini bar before MIL gets to you. IBOUNCE a 7mile walk??!!?? I here ya! Geffric my prayers are with you for your father to get better.
I have to admit I was just skimming. Really did not know where I was. Came looking for Tagliarchians and found Mr. Backs by accident...........Glad I did.

Hey Lewski!!
Originally posted by Lewski709
Tigger Fans!

Wow, we've sure been thinking about you! Good to see your colorful self back and know the Hawaii trip is still a go!

Thanks! :wave:

I guess I should answer my own QOTD:
For Thanksgiving my family is coming to spend the holiday with me and DS! My mom will be doing the cooking - hooray! :teeth:
Hi [color=FF00FF]Tigger Fans![/color]
:wave: we are working on the science fair project write up.. or should I say I am.. DS has disappeared.. hmm..
Thanksgiving? If [COLOR=009966]NC Belle[/COLOR] has her way we will be at the hospital, otherwise my parents have a family dinner at their country club. I wil probably be resting up for my birthday/black friday...

dawgfan, you can always find the home of the TAGLIARCHY on the Color wheel ( )

[COLOR=990066]DHSsenior007[/COLOR], freedom is wonderful...

geffric, PD and more PD...

[COLOR=CC0000]Mad4Mickey[/COLOR], Wrestling Update Please!!!!

[COLOR=FF66CC]llebrekniT[/COLOR], any kids sick today???

Tigger Fans!, What is happening in your life? we would like an update; PM me if it is too personal, we will send lots of PD.....You can also always call us!!!

Lewski709, Wanna hold the video camera??? just 3 weeks or so.....:hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Deadheadbelle, how is it going? aren't you still celebrating your birthday???

[COLOR=FF0033]cadburysmom[/COLOR], any new news??? PD...

CourtasanSatine. :wave: , I see you on line!!!

BTW, we signed up with Via Cord, anybody deal with them?

OK, I think that is more than enough for now...

Derick won 2 today and lost 2 today . We wrestle next week in OK at the OK Open . He should do well in Oklahoma.

We went to the mall tonight and I had Brennan my 4 yr old nephew with me . I think that the teenagers there were raised by animals ! I only hope my 2 teens are not rude like that . Brennan was almost run over several time tonight. They didnt even say "excuse me " or "sorry" I was horrified! My son is 16 and I have never seen him walk in a door before a woman . They just pushed past us and never knocked Brennan over trying to beat us out the door. I know for sure my days at the mall are numbered for this year. I do not go the whole month of December but I may have to shut down the trips to the mall for the rest of this month during all the breaks for school .

Cadsmom , sorry about your baby . I know it is very hard to think of them being that sick . I work at a vet clinic and I see your pain everyday . I will pray for him and you !

I will be making Thanksgiving meals for the 2 of us. I just did most of the shopping Sat. night.

We are having dinner in the late afternoon or sometime in the evening because NC Beast works until 9am-ish Thursday morning.

I will try to be up in time for the parades (okay---DVR them). I will be making a cornbread/onion/sausage dressing (baked outside of the bird), Cajun injected turkey breast (I'll be shooting the bird up myself with the marinade), biscuits, broccoli, sweet potatoes or white potato dish or maybe butternut squash, cranberry sauce--not the whole berry kind, and gravy. I am thinking of making soup out of the butternut squash for lunch. I never cooked a butternut suash before so this would be done ahead. Oh---dessert is a pumpkin custard topped with Lite Cool-whip.

We were lucky to have gone to my folks last year---Mom's makes a good holiday meal and uses fresh cornbread (no sugar) for her dressing/stuffing. We don't care for sweet cornbread for meals.

Ohana---they release mom/baby in 24 hours time usually so if you want to make it to the country club dinner...:teeth: I saw too much TMI this evening watching the Discovery Health channnel. RRBB can take her time---no more pressure.
Cadburysmom--Let us know if you need anything---NC Beast is off until he goes to his shift on tuesday night. Hugs and pd to you, Jordan, and Cadbury.
Good morning

CADSMOM, so sorry to hear about CADBURY. What an horrible decision you must make. We had to make that same decison. It was so terribly tough. I'll never forget it..... Please know I'll be saying a prayer for you and Jordan.

GEFFRIC, any new news on DAD? Poor guy, I bet he is as fed up with the docs as you all are. hang in there.

TIGGERFANS so glad you are back. You are right, you need this upcoming vacation! Well deserved!

MAD, congrats on Derek kicking some booty. Sounds like you'll be in OK over the Thnksgiving break!! Good luck girlfriend.

Off to start the day. TTFN
Originally posted by ohanafamily
Lewski709, Wanna hold the video camera??? just 3 weeks or so.....:hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
Uhhhhh, I'd rather jab forks in my eyes, alone.

I've had the extreme pleasure myself, twice, thank you very much.
I would provide the fork for Lew Lew bawwhaaaaaa.....

I think you should name the baby after someone who is going to be famous .... yes thats what I think ........ How about Derick !
Derick is a great name
Originally posted by NC Belle
Ohana---they release mom/baby in 24 hours time usually so if you want to make it to the country club dinner...:teeth: I saw too much TMI this evening watching the Discovery Health channnel. RRBB can take her time---no more pressure.
From what we've been told, I'll be there 48 hours after birth unless we have to go the C-route. Then it's 3-4 days.


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