Warning - Late October Peeps

Looking at the 10 Day forecast in Orlando it looks pretty chilly at night on October 25 & 26 and could go into the remaining month. I realize the weather can/will change so keep an eye on it and plan and dress accordingly.
64°/63° temps are nothing to scoff at especially for children and the elderly so bring a sweater or get in line to purchase an overpriced sweatshirt at the parks! :flower3:

Link: https://weather.com/weather/tenday/l/USFL0372:1:US
Yes, brrrrr!!! That was my second complaint about when we had to move our trip from Sept to late October. First complaint was increased crowds, second was the cooler weather. I'm always cold, so I was planning on enjoying the scorching heat of September. We have been in late October before and I hate packing around the jacket all day. We froze in the evening, especially on those air conditioned buses. And the breeze off that water at night can be extremely cold. Epcot was the worst for that.
There was one MK bus I think, early morning. It was like sitting in a fridge. Everyone was cold.

I did DLR (Jan) where in the mornings and evenings were coat and scraf and maybe gloves weather and then during the day I could almost be in shorts.
There was one MK bus I think, early morning. It was like sitting in a fridge. Everyone was cold.

I did DLR (Jan) where in the mornings and evenings were coat and scraf and maybe gloves weather and then during the day I could almost be in shorts.

Yep, it's the same at WDW in late October. Cool in the mornings enough to wear long pants and a sweatshirt then as it gets warmer you wish you had shorts on as your peeling off layers. During the early hours of the party it's warm but around 10pm you start to feel the temps drop, mainly while waiting in long lines or camped out for fireworks or a parade, The ride back on the boat is freezing! That's why I make our costumes with long sleeves and heavier fabrics. I hope I have time to make a least a caplet for my QoH's costume. :crazy2:
UPdate while waiting in line
4pm. Got wristbands at tortilla and got in line for moana
5:45 met Moana
6:00 dinner at pecos bill
6:30 line up for Ariel and Eric
7:00-7:10 A +e meet and greet
7:15-7:20 meet Alice and mad hatter
730- 7:35 meet Jane and terk
7:40-7:55 photoshot hitch hikers and tot at pirates and tiki bird
8 now waiting for jasmine and genie.

Will keep posted. Hoping the rain stays away as it drizzles on and off
Thanks!:goodvibes That is awesome! And just to be sure, this was after party start time? (I'm guessing it was since you had the OB Popcorn bucket) We are going to stay for the last Hocus Pocus show, so would they still be open at 12:30am-1am? We'd want to pick our stuff up too...I might have an Oogie Boogie if I get lucky :thumbsup2
Yes, you guessed correctly, this was after the start of the party. My husband says he was told that they stay open until midnight but... they also told him that they stay open as long as the park stays open. I’d double check when you get there just to be sure.
Thanks!:goodvibes That is awesome! And just to be sure, this was after party start time? (I'm guessing it was since you had the OB Popcorn bucket) We are going to stay for the last Hocus Pocus show, so would they still be open at 12:30am-1am? We'd want to pick our stuff up too...I might have an Oogie Boogie if I get lucky :thumbsup2
Oh and good luck getting the Oogie Boogie popcorn bucket!
I saw on a Facebook group from a Cast Member that Oogie boogie popcorn buckets are sold out for the season :(
Hoping it isn't true!
Nov. 1st Party. 3 adults , 2 kids - DD9 & DS5. Staying at the Poly.

That morning MK has EMH hour so we plan to go to MK from about 8-11am. Back to resort for lunch/a little swimming/rest.

Main priorities...
  • For the kids, #1 is trick or treating. We don't do a lot for Halloween at home, so this is a big deal to them.
  • Hallowishes and Parade (while we REALLY want to see the parade. However, we do not have to be front row on Main Street...we value our time over a perfect view)
  • Haunted Mansion & Madame Carlotta/Lady Renata (we all really enjoyed whichever one we saw last year!)
  • Meet Jack Sparrow
So last year we planned on doing 2nd Parade (but we didn't make it, some of us were sick and DS and niece fell asleep). I'm nervous to commit to the 2nd again, it's top priority. So We did make it through last's years Christmas Party with no issues but just in case, I've made 2 plans. Will most likely decide that day or even during early part of party once I see what DS5s energy is like.

PLAN #1 - 1st Parade

3pm -
Leave Poly for MK
3:45-4p - Enter via Bypass/Wristbands
4-4:20p - Talking Mickey (FP 3:50-4:50)
- Sorcerer's card & bathroom break
4:55-5:15p - 7DMT (FP 5-6pm)
5:25-until - Dinner at Pecos Bill (may pre-order, but we have AP's and think they have discount)
6pm - 1 adult will leave for Jack Sparrow line (is this a good time if we want to be towards the front for his 1st set?) MIL and other adult will finish with kids eating/bathrooms then join line
7:00-7:30p - Jack is out/hopefully meet by 7:30pm (realistic?)
7:30-7:50p - ToT: Pirates | Tiki Room | Jungle Cruise
If we're further back in line for Jack, can let kids TOT while one of us waits
7:55-8:10p - Magic Shot: Hitchhiking ghosts (pirates adventure)
8:15-8:25p - ToT: Splash | Landing
8:25-8:45p - Ride BTMRR
8:50pm - Find spot in FL for Parade (doesn't have to be best spot)
Hopefully spot Cadaver Dans for their 8:50p set watch/listen while waiting
9:05 - 9:45p - BOO TO YOU PARADE
9:45-9:55p - ToT: Liberty Sq. Riverboat (if time)
10pm - Find spot for Hallowishes
10:15-10:30p - HALLOWISHES
10:45-11:30p - Haunted Mansion
Magic Shots: Lantern/Hitchhiking Ghosts
May skip Magic shots depending on lines
11:35-11:45p - Flex, some options: TOT Philarmagic | Philarmagic
Back to Pete's for ToT
Or maybe over to Dance Party, whatever everyone wants to do
Main street Magic Shots
Jack & Sally line, but would prob miss HP show (up to kids)
Magic shots on way out if still doing

PLAN #2 - 2nd Parade
same until finding spot for 1st parade, so after BTMRR (and ToT over there)...
8:50-8:55p ToT: Liberty Sq. Riverboat
9-9:40p - Haunted Mansion
Magic Shots: Lantern/Hitchhiking Ghosts
May skip Magic shots depending on lines
9:45-9:55p - ToT: Philarmagic | Philarmagic
10pm - Find spot for Hallowishes (on Tomorrowland side)
10:15-10:30p - HALLOWISHES
10:35-10:55p - ToT: Stitch | CoP | Space Mtn
Dance party for a few? Maybe less ToT
10:55-11p - Find spot for Parade on main st.
11:05-11:40 - BOO TO YOU PARADE
11:45p - Flex, some option: Check out J&S line - find out when they cut off?
Magic Shots on Main St.
If we're well rested, may move Talking Mickey FP to something else & do at this time so he'll be in Party attire
Magic shots on way out if still doing

Finally got our Party plan(s) together. I would really appreciate any feedback. My main concern is seeing the parade. Last year we planned on the 2nd but didn't make it (sickness and DS fell asleep). I would prefer to do the 2nd, I feel like it's probably going to be a sold out party and I *think* it will be a more pleasant experience that way, also it's cuts down on walking which is always a plus. Opinions? I did have a few questions, they are in red. TIA!
Finally got our Party plan(s) together. I would really appreciate any feedback. My main concern is seeing the parade. Last year we planned on the 2nd but didn't make it (sickness and DS fell asleep). I would prefer to do the 2nd, I feel like it's probably going to be a sold out party and I *think* it will be a more pleasant experience that way, also it's cuts down on walking which is always a plus. Opinions? I did have a few questions, they are in red. TIA!

I found on a sold out night 2nd parade was pretty quiet and you'd be able to get a spot on Main Street if you wanted.

Can't help on Jack but your timing seems good to me.

At 11:45 on a sold out I would expect Jack and Sallys line to be cut. Wether that happens I don't know but it seems like a solid 2 hour wait for most of the night - I wouldn't state that as a fact but on a sold out night it would not surprise me.

I think meeting Mickey might work then esp if you have a Town Square spot at 2nd parade as soon as it ends you can jump in before the mass crowd leaves.

I keep thinking back to one of the meets and keep being annoyed with myself.
I queued up to meet Genie and Jasmine, they left just as I got to 2nd spot. Instead of meeting Aladdin and Abu and then rejoining the queue to meet Genie and Jas I let people go ahead was first to meet when the set started...:confused3 thats what happens when I don't get enough sleep.:rotfl:
Wanted to add my post party review...

I went on 10/13 with my 7 yr old daughter
This is my third party and the best by far. It did not seem very crowded and got a lot in
4pm. Got wristbands at Tortuga tavern and got in line for moana
5:45 met Moana
6:00 dinner at pecos bill
6:30 line up for Ariel and Eric
7:00-7:10 A +e meet and greet
7:15-7:20 meet Alice and mad hatter
730- 7:35 meet Jane and terk
7:40-7:55 photopass with hitch hikers and tot at pirates and tiki bird
8-8:35 wait and then meet Genie and jasmine
8:40-8:50 met Brer Rabbit and bear. (My daughter loves Brer Rabbit and he danced with her. Highlight of night for her)
8:50 got great spot by pecos bill for first parade which was great
Immediately after parade went to HM for lantern shot then went in and listened to one of the Mansion ladies (I forgot her name) she was great and took a great pic with my daughter. She was a great performer and would recommend everyone who is around around the mansion to see her
Around 10:15 got to fantasy land and got pics with goofy, Minnie, and the dwarfs and tot at the big top by 10:30.
10:30-1050 cruella
10:50-11:00 rode teacups
11:05 Lotso
11:15 headl3ss horseman pic and then left

All in all a wonderful night. Had a few scary moments when we thought it might rain but on,y a few minutes of slight rain. Got tons of candy (too much actually ). I was surprised at how short the lines were for the characters. Actually felt more people were in lines for rides than anything else. We are pass holders so rides were not a priority for us.
Where do they meet? I have heard about them meeting, but not sure if it's a consistent M&G or where?

I saw Brer Rabbit wandering up Frontierland. I can't remember whether it was before or after the parade though. I didn't think he was really stopping so as I wasn't super close to him I carried on walking.
Awesome, thanks guys! We plan to watch the parade from Frontierland so fingers crossed we might see them. I would totally geek out if I met them!
Hi! Welcome to,

Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party 2017
Strategy in the making!
View attachment 236979
Halloween is my favorite time of year! I love the fall colors, cool breeze, decorations, culinary treats and most importantly the costumes!!! I find Walt Disney World not only embraces my favorite festival but adds to it with style and flare, where else can adults and children of every age dress up and go Trick or Treating, meet fun vivacious characters like Cruella De Vil and Captain Jack Sparrow! Have you ever seen Dancing Ghosts let alone catch a ride with one?

Here we'll explore all things relevant as we prepare to be

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AngleDisney Post# 583 / RigatoniFeline Post# 278


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Alicialee05 Oct 1 - Post #1057 / Bob & Betty Post# 90 / acin Post# 359 / DisneyWishGirl Post# 370 / kizmet Post#588 / Disneymom1126 Post# 592 / abnihon Post# 626 / Murr4168 Post# 747 / Tmom5 Post# 778 / iujen94 Post# 1016 / jwmob91 Post# 1093 / anglebaby 129 Post# 1094 / athunter Post# 1606 / LadyRayado Post# 1621 / anircat 10/19 Post #1052 / Templemom Post #667 / Cluelyss Post #1928 / otterpop Post #1917 / lvcourtneyy Post #1869 / warmstro91 Post #1872 / trammell Post #1942 / Hauseof Disney Post #1975 / [URL='https://www.disboards.com/threads/mnsshp-2017-my-party-plan-strategy-in-the-making.3604086/page-101#post-58319383']shaqfor3 Post #2007[/URL]​

[URL='http://[URL="https://www.disboards.com/threads/mnsshp-2017-my-party-plan-strategy-in-the-making.3604086/page-61#post-58127827"]wenpop Post# 1215{/URL]']​

Is Maleficent not available for photos?
What are the really short line characters for m&g? Trying to piece together what I really want to do as this is a solo visit and my last party was not so we did a looot of compromising. I know I want to hit the big 3 - parade, fireworks and hocus pocus. Sleeping in that morning so hoping I can keep going late - I'm not a night person.

I like character pics but not willing to wait hours for them - who stays around 10-15 minute wait on the party nights? Any neat things to do solo on the party night?
We are headed to the party tonight. This will be our first party experience. I'm hopeful that its not too crowded and that we have a blast!

Here's our rough and very ambitious plan:

3:30 - Arrive at Poly
4:00 - Check in-place stuff in room
4:20 - Head to MK
4:45 - Get in MK
5:00 - Ride Jungle Cruise with FP
5:20 - Ride POTC
6:00 - Ride BTMRR
6:30 - Ride HM
7:00 - Ride Pan
7:30 - Ride IASW
8:00 - Ride Pooh
8:30 - Ride Barnstormer/Maybe Dumbo as well depending on time
9:00 - Head to watch parade from Hub
9:45 - Stay for Fireworks from same location
10:45 - Watch Hocus Pocus Show
11:15 - Ride SM
11:30 - Ride Buzz
11:45 - People Mover?
12:00 - Head out

The party on 10/13 was amazing. It was our first party experience, and it reminded me of “old school” Disney. No fast passes, late night, and not too crowded. Below is how our night went:

530 Jc

6 Btmrr 2xs

645 hm

7 harbor house change into costumes plus dinner

740 Peter Pan


830 speedway

915 parade

1015 fireworks

1035 sm 2xs

Mickey pretzel

1120 7dmt 2xs

We then waited for the 12 hocus pocus show but it got rained out
This has probably been asked before but I was wondering crowd-wise which is the best Hocus Pocus to see? We are going Halloween night...sold out! Is there a good place to sit and wait(not on the ground) for the fireworks. Hubby walks with a cane and gets tired. How soon do you have to get a spot?

This is our first time and probably won't be able to do it again so thank you for your help.
This has probably been asked before but I was wondering crowd-wise which is the best Hocus Pocus to see? We are going Halloween night...sold out! Is there a good place to sit and wait(not on the ground) for the fireworks. Hubby walks with a cane and gets tired. How soon do you have to get a spot?

This is our first time and probably won't be able to do it again so thank you for your help.

I did a sold out night and I would say the 12am show was a good one not too busy although after doing the parade in Town Square I didn't get super close but I was happy to watch from a distance.

As for the fireworks I don't know I'm afraid - maybe if you give yourself enough time maybe you could get a seat outside the plaza restaurant area but no idea if you can/how well that would go.

When I watched HEA people were sitting around the partner statue and did that right up until it started so perhaps that could be an option might need to get there quite early though for HEA it was 1 hour early at least I would guess around the same for Hallowishes.

I can't think of anywhere else to try so hopefully someone else can come up with suggestions.

What are the really short line characters for m&g? Trying to piece together what I really want to do as this is a solo visit and my last party was not so we did a looot of compromising. I know I want to hit the big 3 - parade, fireworks and hocus pocus. Sleeping in that morning so hoping I can keep going late - I'm not a night person.

I like character pics but not willing to wait hours for them - who stays around 10-15 minute wait on the party nights? Any neat things to do solo on the party night?

From my experience (only 2 parties and both sold out) Goofy had a pretty good wait time and Mickey later in the party that was 10-20mins and he's talking in a Halloween costume so that would be a great party photo. Also Lotso was not a bad wait either.


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