MM Warriors - Three Steps to Good Health (As of 11/18)

Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I slept for 12 hours so I really messed up my carb dams. Not sure what to do about that? I'm feeling a little better today so I needed the sleep. Celestial Seasonings Echinacea Complete Care tea has been my hero.

Barb: Sorry about your computer. I'm about ready to switch to a Mac so these crashes and viruses won't happen any more. All the viruses are written for Microsoft. J-P got me a Time Capsule external harddrive for Christmas so it will back me up to any point in time I need to restore from. Very cool.

Dishes are pretty much put away, but I don't think I'll do much else today. Sorry to be a drag.:sick:
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I slept for 12 hours so I really messed up my carb dams. Not sure what to do about that? I'm feeling a little better today so I needed the sleep. Celestial Seasonings Echinacea Complete Care tea has been my hero.

Barb: Sorry about your computer. I'm about ready to switch to a Mac so these crashes and viruses won't happen any more. All the viruses are written for Microsoft. J-P got me a Time Capsule external harddrive for Christmas so it will back me up to any point in time I need to restore from. Very cool.

Dishes are pretty much put away, but I don't think I'll do much else today. Sorry to be a drag.:sick:

You're not a drag, you're sick :hug: I don't think the carb dams are any different than when we have to fast for bloodwork so I think you just need to watch them while you're able. Just get better.
My son was here the 18th and was urging me to get a Mac. He's used one forever because they're so much better for design and graphics. I may look into that soon. Your Time Capsule sounds really cool!
My oldest son has been encouraging us to get a Mac also. My husband has a tendency to open things he shouldn't or go on sites that are full of viruses and really mess up our computer. Then we have to ask our SIL to fix it and he is getting tired of that. It would take me awhile to get used to a Mac, but I think it would be worth more viruses.

Spent most of Saturday afternoon just relaxing and recuperating from the holidays. Even yesterday I only stayed at church for the first part and came home to rest and chill. Today, I think I'm almost ready to get on with life again and get back on the MM bus. We'll see.

Lisa, sorry you're sick. It sounds like the swine flu. That's what I had right after Thanksgiving and it just knocks you for a loop. Don't fight it...let it run it's course and try to see the positive side...Now you've had it and don't have to be concerned with getting it, and also you have an excuse to just hang out and do whatever you want and take naps. I do hope you're feeling better today and are able to enjoy J P's visit.:flower3:

Nell, Kathy, Pam, I think that we will all have an easier time getting back on MM once these holidays are over. I guess I, too, will follow Diane's plan of starting step1 over again on Jan 2. I know we will all be successful. Maybe not at the speed we would like, but we will reach our goals nevertheless. I am so grateful for this group of friends that will support me through the ups and downs and temptations and trials of changing my behavior and relationship with food. I do love you all.:grouphug:

Off to work and then I have a friends husband coming over to hopefully fix our very temperamental water heater. Maybe we'll be able to take a shower that lasts longer than 3 mins. That would be a luxury!

Have a wonderful day


Feast upon the Words of Christ
You're not a drag, you're sick :hug: I don't think the carb dams are any different than when we have to fast for bloodwork so I think you just need to watch them while you're able. Just get better.
My son was here the 18th and was urging me to get a Mac. He's used one forever because they're so much better for design and graphics. I may look into that soon. Your Time Capsule sounds really cool!

Barb: Our sons would have fun meeting each other. J-P's degree is in Graphic Design, but he went into Interactive Development. He's a Mac snob, for sure!
Carol: I think you're right; we should all go back on Step 1 for the detox. I took cough medicine and skipped carb dams, so I probably need the 'cleanse'. I was too sick to care to read the labels on the cough medicine. It probably has sweetener in it. I feel much better today so I think it's a bad cold virus, but probably not swine since I didn't have a fever and I got better, thank goodness. Should we all hold hands and jump into Step 1 on Jan. 2 together? I like the idea of unilateral support!:banana:
Should we all hold hands and jump into Step 1 on Jan. 2 together? I like the idea of unilateral support!:banana:

I think that's a great idea! I got my book out yesterday and plan on reading step1 again as if I hadn't before. I'm sure there are things I need a refresher on.
Good Morning,

Glad you are feeling better Lisa.

The saga of my computers continues. The new one was way too difficult to set up the way I like them, so think I will abandon that idea. Yes, Mac's are great, but I can't access a couple of programs I like on them so they are out for me.

I have the acceptable list of step one foods posted on the refrigerator and am going back to being super careful. I have 2 months before our next trip and would definitley like to be a few inches smaller by then.

Kathy - the green flash is just a tiny dot of green on the horizon as the sun sets or rises. You really have to know what you are looking for to see it. Once you see one, they are much easier to see again. The Northern Lights are quite different.

Robin - if you are checking in hope you are having a grand time - I'm sure you are.

Carol - hope you had a long hot shower!!! I forgot to mention, I think, glad you liked the casserole. It was always one of our favorites. Glad I can exchange recipe ideas with you. Having a variety of foods to eat makes this a much more interesting and doable journey.

Hugs to ALL
I decided to give the new computer another try - at least it is much lighter to hold even though it is not that small. The keyboard is great for typing.:goodvibes

I can't believe how much timer is spent setting up something new!! I guess I am learning something as I do this!

I am resigned into this board and have the recipe file set up to easily access so guess I am back in business now.

Now to get the e-mails to work the way I want:confused3

I think I could find a use for most of these icons today - and not the happy ones:confused::confused:

Moving on with my day...............:surfweb:
Jocelyn: I'm glad you are crusin' along with your new computer. If I get a Mac, I'm going to run Windows on top of it, too, for my real estate programs. May sound silly, but it would give me the best of both worlds. That's what my nephew does for his business. At least I found a Geek squad kid that works on the side for the time being. He comes to my house if I have trouble. I should say when I have trouble, lol!

I am really upset about the cough medicine. It has high fructose corn syrup. I seriously was too sick to see so I couldn't have read it anyway. My Step 2 is blown all to h*ll now. I don't think I'll wait all the way til Jan. 2 to start over because I feel fat and awful now, but I'll be there when you all join me.
(((Lisa))) I'm so sorry that you have been so ill. I hope your healing and feeling a lot better today. :hug:

Jocelyn, feel free to use as many of the smiley's as you need to! :hug:

Barb, I'm sorry your computer isn't well. :hug:

Here's to everyone who hasn't shared. :grouphug:

Pony, keeping you in mind today as your driving and saying a prayer for your safety.

I'm going to a meditation tonight. It's kind of neat. I'm going to be burning a letter of things I'd like God to take and I wrote a letter about the things I'd like to develop in my life. The minister that runs the meditation is going to mail the second letter back to everyone randomly through the year. I'll talk to everyone later!
I'm going to a meditation tonight. It's kind of neat. I'm going to be burning a letter of things I'd like God to take and I wrote a letter about the things I'd like to develop in my life. The minister that runs the meditation is going to mail the second letter back to everyone randomly through the year. I'll talk to everyone later!

Nell - this sounds like a great way to end the year! Let us know how it is.
Hi everyone!

I checked in a couple of times this morning and no one was around, yay, you're here now! :yay:

So glad you're feeling better Lisa, here, gimme your hand and I'll help you right back on the Step I wagon with me. I couldn't wait until the second either. I started today. I felt like a total cow all weekend, Diane doesn't warn us that the three pounds we gain back will feel like 30! :laughing: It's a feeling that comes from the inside, I could tell no difference in my clothes, just in the way I felt, so I understand. This is really easy this time, even though I did have a bit of a headache around noon, I ate and it left. Lisa I hate that you have to return to Step I at all, you're our rock star, so steady and spot on the plan. I think it's great that those of us that need to can and not feel bad about it. Barb, I spent a couple of hours yesterday pouring over my book, you're right, I missed a few things and came up with a few new ideas.

When my DH left for work this morning I noticed he was carrying a white bag of some kind and I asked what was in it. I could tell he didn't want to say, so I insisted that he tell me. The man had emptied both our Christmas stockings into the bag and said that we didn't need it in the house that he would drop it at one of the kids house's. lol Made me laugh, I can't decide if he was trying to keep temptation out of the house for me, or simply didn't trust me. lol Either way, it's caused me to chuckle every time I think about it.

Jocelyn, good call on trying the new pc again. I'm so bad about quiting new things that don't seem to agree with me early on. I never thought I'd see the day I'd even tolerate a laptop at all, and here I sit using one almost daily now. :woohoo:

Nell enjoy your meditation time, it sounds like it's really agreeing with you.

Dinner time here for me, baked chicken and broccoli, sf jello for dessert. I thought I'd be ill at the thought of this, but it's not bothering me at all. Amazing! :upsidedow

See you all soon.
Pam: You darling, you came back just in time! You made me feel so much better. Your husband sounds adorable. I got us those individually wrapped dark chocolate flavored Ghiradelli squares that are exactly 5 carbs for our stockings. At least we can work those into Step 1 if we want. I have all this gorgeous fruit in the house. Makes me sick to waste it, but I'll just get fatter if I wait. We'll give it away.
Hi Ladies - How is everyone doing? I'm another one who is getting back on the Step One train right after New Years. And also on the exercise train. I felt so good while I was exercising even though it was killing my knees. I'm going to have to come up with some kind of plan for my knees.

Lisa - I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well.

Nell- I love the letter idea. That sound great!

Hope everyone else is doing well and I miss you all!!!!!:lovestruc
The Eagle has Landed!! I am back in Virginia and have some catching up to do with your posts, but too darn tired to do it tonight!

Lisa - I hope you are feeling better!

I cheated several times myself...nothing huge though, had some REAL Baileys in coffee a couple mornings, had a TON of Lobster in butter...FAT FAT FAT, but OH SO GOOD! We really miss the New England seafood here in the we overindulged seriously! then had 2 bites of homemade manicotti, but successfully fended off the homemade cannolis and all the italian I think I did pretty darn well overall!

YAY!! You are ALL returning to step 1 with me!! YAY!!!

I have tomorrow off to recuperate, so I cannot WAIT to get to the gym!!

Love you all, missed you LOTS!! Talk to you tomorrow after I get some major sleep in my very own bed!! Cup of tea, fuzzy socks and SLEEP!! Nite!!
Welcome Home, Robin! We missed you! I'm on the train and Tom got on with no struggle so I think he had a couple of mess up's he didn't want to tell me about, lol! Either that or he is the most supportive husband in the world. Probably both, now that I think about it. Aitkens shakes are chillin' and the fruit is going to the office. 10 days or 2 weeks, that is the question??? I took that cough syrup about 6 times, ate soup and a piece of pie. That was planned within the same meal, but the high fructose corn syrup is a villian!!! I am going to suggest to Diane she put sugar free cough syrup on the grocery list for newbies because when you are down and out, you'd just about take street drugs to feel better.
Hello! The meditation was wonderful! I'm so glad to see everyone here and sharing again! :yay:

If I'm not mistaken, I get paid on the 31st. So the first will begin step one with me. I need to stock up on the goodies. I may have a dear friend that will be doing the program, and if so I'd like everyone's permission to offer this site to her if she feels she needs the support. Actually, that is who my book is at right now! :)

Since my resolution is for at least 50% of my intake to be veggies, that's what I'll be stocking up on for step one. I can go back to eating my smoothies with hidden spinach. :rotfl: I'm actually not quite sure why I stopped eating the smoothies. They are so good and good for me.

Wow, I can't believe how awesome it is to see you all sharing. Thanks everyone for being here! :grouphug:
I just wrote a post and lost it. I have been on the new computer all day and still do not have it set up the way I want. I don't seem to be able to go from screen to screen and write.

Oh well. I'll just say Good Night as it is late.

Glad you got home safe and sound Pony.

Pam and CIndy - nice to "see" you.
Hi everyone! Just a quick note. Running late somewhat. Been cleaning up a bit lately. Christmas tree and decorations are down, so now I can begin to focus on my new year's resolution of decluttering everything here. I am well on my way I think. I have been following Flylady. Thanks to whoever turned me to her!! I am the most disorganized person you'd ever meet LOL.

Robin, glad you're home safe and sound. Rest up a bit before all your madness starts again with work and what not.

Lisa, glad you're feeling better, but not happy about the HFCS. I vote to go for 2 weeks on step 1. Just to give your body a boost.

Nell, I have no problem with your friend coming here.

Have a great day everyone!!!!:grouphug:
Morning all! Sure wish it would get warmer again...still too cold for me here! We have NEVER had this much cold for so long in Virginia!

Lisa - Im with Kathy and vote for 2 weeks on step 1...its a nice round number and you wouldnt have to restart step 2 in the middle of the week. Your L and P probably arent THAT fired up from those few cheats, and how much sugar can there really be in the cough syrup? Now MY L and P get themselves wired up over ANYTHING!! Cant wait to have you all back here on step 1, even for a couple weeks!

Nell - Definitely tell your friend to come on board....I think there was someone else in the past posts who was hoping to bring a friend on board too...I say YAY!

Im thinking it would be a great goal for me too, to try to have 50% veggies...we are so darn limited here in veggie selection, but I will see if I can map out a feeding plan that would work!

Jocelyn - so glad you got a new computer and hopefully will have it figured out soon! I was going nuts at Ali's with only her laptop...I NEED a mouse!!

Pam - glad you are back on track and will be hanging here on step 1 with us for awhile. I am here semi-permanently due to a badly misbehaving liver and pancreas, so looking forward to having all you guys with your great ideas and support for step 1!!

Kathy - LOL, organize organize!! You cant believe how nice it is to know where everything is, and not have to have piles of stuff laying around...Ali is alot like me and was about having a stroke with so many people in the house, gifts everywhere, discarded boxes, ...I laughed and just kept on putting things away!! My motto is if you leave it laying around and then I put it away and you cant find it later, then maybe next time you will put it away yourself!! LOL

Hi Barb! Hi Bev! Hi Kate! Hi Melanie! Hi Laura! Hi Carol! Hi Cindy! Hi Natalie! Hi Sharon!! Everyone else too, time to come out and get back on plan!!


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