Misserable Camping Mom needs ideas for camping with 4 & 2 year old


Jan 17, 2002
HELP! We just returned from camping with our two daughters 4 and 2 and I had an awful time and am rethinking our 11 night camping trip. We were only gone for 3 days and I was miserable. Four year old daughter was constantly asking "What can we do?" I'm hoping that the longer we are camping for the more settled they will become. My husband said that we will be so busy and they will be so tired that it should be fine. I just think that they will be more miserable and irritable. I'm thinking of shortening our camping to 6 nights and then booking 5 nights at ASMo. I think it might be nice to return to hotel room and have a tv as a distraction. I know my life revolves around tv.

1)Do you have any ideas of how to keep 4 & 2 year old occupied at camp site? We brought the basic hoop games,bubbles and balls any other suggestions. Is chalk a good idea (I think I read that there is a paved area at each camp site).

2)Do you have any "jobs" that the kids can do to set up campsite?Or should one of us just take the kids swimming while the other one sets up.

3)Any ideas or words of encouragement?

I don't know how much help this is but when we tent camped DS was 3 (now4) and he help carry the stakes, stood on the corner of the tent to hold it down, double checked his toys for outside, if we were any place with sand I brought beach toys. My 18 mo old just gets in the way we try to time arrival with nap time. Now that we have a camper it's no easier. I guess you just get used to it. By the way many tent sites now have water and eletric. Check into a small tv/vcr. I had one for the tent and it saved bedtime and rainy day disaters. Good luck if i can find any of my journals with anything else in it I'll let you know
I bet that with your long drive you'll have a tv/vcr for the trip, so you could use that at your campsite.

What are you camping with? If it's a tent or pop-up I guess your 4 year old could help, but you may just want to let the 2 year old run around for a few minutes and then get in the stroller and watch. We were lucky last month--the 2 year old fell asleep just as we drove onto Disney property, and slept the whole time we were setting up! Otherwise one adult would have to watch her mostly, and help a little.

I don't think the kids will ask what to do for fun--all of FW is fun! Lots of paved area to walk or ride a riding toy, playgrounds, birds and small furry animals to 'try to catch', and that's just right outside your campsite! Heck, you can even go ride the bus around the campground--that was our little camper's favorite ride!
I have twin (almost) three year olds and an eight month old, so I will be exactly in your position in fall 2003 when our trip is planned.

We camp alot in the summer time and during set-up, the kids usually stay in their car seats or sit in a stroller. When they were smaller, I would set up the pack n play and they would play in it while we set up.

Some of the things I bring camping are:

playdough (great at the picknick table)
a hose (hook it up to the water spicket and look out)
sand toys (I think FW has some nice shell type gravel on the sites)
travel size magna-doodle and/or dry erase board (crayola-washable)
paint with water

Also, your four year old might enjoy a disposable camera. The flash works even after the film has run out and my kids think they are still taking pictures. ;)

Your husband is right though. There is so much to do that when you are at your campsite, you will probably all be sleeping.

Susan :earsgirl:
I wouldn't worry about boredom - there is so much to do at FW.

One warning though . . . the gravel sand at the campsites stain clothes. Each time we go I bring an old shirt for my little one to wear while playing near the camper.

Make sure you go to Trails End to meet the characters on certain days (they'll tell you which days they're there when you check in). Also, there's a petting zoo and playgrounds scattered throughout the campground.

Have a wonderful time!@!!
Hello to the Moores:
We drove from London to FW last October and had so much fun we are going back in September. We tent camped with our two kids 3 and 5(at that time). We ALL had a blast. All the advice you have been given so far is right on. We actually spent very little time at our site, except to sleep and sometimes eat. When we weren't at one of the parks we were at the pool, or the beach, or the playground, and don't forget the campfire and movie, etc. You're right, all the roads and driveways are paved and all sites have atleast water and electricity. We also brought the kid's bikes. One bit of advice I would give is don't try to over do it at the parks. We camped for 5 nights and only went to MK and MGM once each and that was awesome but enough for our kids. They would have been too worn out and cranky if we tried to go everyday. Take days off to stay at FW. Have a great trip.

There are some great ideas here. I'm starting to feel better already. I think I will have to talk my hubby into buying the tv/vcr combo. I never thought about using it at the campsite that would be great.

Hi there! Don't worry, you will have lots of fun, and they are at a great age. I have 4 kids, ages 3,4,6, and 8. We only camp at a few campgrounds. Fort Wilderness being one of them.. And mainly because of the boredom issue. There is so much to do and see at FW, that my kids are always asking when can we take a nap... Good luck, and have fun!!!
I have seen the small portable Black and White TV's for 19.99-24.99. They run on D batteries if you don't have an outlet. My husband takes his out on the deck all the time to watch the game. But, I really think you will have alot to do and may not even need it.;)
If you can, bring bikes or riding toys and helmets for little ones. Especially if you are in a small loop (not as much traffic). When my kids were small we would bring rabbit food that we bought from the pet store. The rabbits will come very close to get the piles of food and this alone entertained my daughter for a long time. They also have pony rides at the petting zoo ($2). As far as set up, have them help for a short time, then send one parent to the pool with the kids. Its less stressful on everyone! Have fun!!:cool:
I don't know about the 4 year old, but our 22 mo like pushing our rolling cooler around the campsite!

Best of luck to you!
I have 4 y/o twin girls and a 23 month old ds. For our last road trip (to Disney, and family), I bought the girls cool (hard to describe) paper pads that you use a special pen with, and then the pictures have color on them when you use the pen over the pictures. That was horrendous, but I am tired and can't think of how to describe them!!;) Anyway, I think they are called "Magic Pads" - I got ours at our AAA office. They come with lots of different images - these were Disney characters. They loved them - they were great in the car. I also bought them plastic batons with shimmery streamers at the end (at Michael's) to get their wiggles out. I just found a cute paddle ball set with Minnie on it at the grocery store yesterday.

We have camped a few times this summer, and I always bring little baggies, where they can collect things from nature (that have already fallen to the ground, of course...leaves, cool rocks, etc..). They really like this.

Have fun - we didn't stay at fw (next year!), but we loved combing the grounds, riding ponies, petting animals, etc...!
I don't know when you're going to be at FW, but if you are there in late fall or winter, you could have them gather pine cones that are near you site and make designs out of them. There are usually a few around most any time, but not as many. Some things you could have them make would be: A tent to show you how one is supposed to be put together, the boat that will be taking them to the MK, Cindy's castle, etc... Then finally after you've run out of ideas, they could make Mickey's head. If they make Mickey first, they may not want to mess him up. :)
hi, i have been camping with my kids since they were little and always brought along freshly made play-doh with a bag of cookie cutters,etc. They always looked foward to this each trip.
It is really fun at night around the campfire. It got it on Amazon in the Toys R Us section and although it says 6 and up my little ones like it too.

Basically, you have divy up the cards into piles in front of everyone. Then the grownup puts down a graham crakcer card in the middle. Each person takes the upside down cards in front of them and puts them on the graham cracker card. Masrshmallows, chocolate, etc. When the pile gets another graham cracker on top, the first person to SLAP the pile gets the pile and a new one is started. Each card has a point value and the person with the most points at the end wins. Its funny and fun and with all the slapping the kids really enjoy it. I might be off a bit on some of the rules as written on the instructions but this is how we play it. I keep this game for "camping only" and the other night the boys put their tent up on the back porch and came in to request it since they were camping. ;-)

The same company makes another similar game with Flapjacks and another one with Ice Cream (that involves yelling "I SCREAM!") and we really enjoy them all.



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