Memory Lane......


DIS Veteran
Sep 10, 2003
What is your earliest memory of anything Disney?


What is your earliest memory of anything to do with Walt Disney World?
Earliest Disney memory -- sitting in my grandparents' basement watching the Mickey Mouse Club (in B&W, thankyouverymuch!).

Earliest WDW memory -- my first vacation there, the year before Epcot opened. My little sister had just hit 2 years old or so, and we went on the first of many trips. I remember riding the monorail and having my mom talk about wanting to stay at the Poly (which we never did, because it was too pricey), and being upset that I had spent so much time taking pictures inside It's a Small World that I didn't really get to experience It's a Small World. And then we had to go and find a ticket booth so I could buy another E-ticket and see it again!

Probably looking thru my Viewfinder over and over again at the Jungle Cruise attraction in the "new" Disneyland. I specifically remember that there was one view of the skipper "shooting" the hippo as he rose from the water. I wonder if showing this violence was good?
Earliest Disney memory-waiting all day on Sunday for the "Wonderful World of Disney" to come on at 7:00.

Earliest WDW memory-Riding Space Mountain with my dad Feb. '76.
Just like jjsmom, my earliest Disney memory was sitting in our "rec" room with the whole family, waiting for Wonderful World of Disney (later Wonderful World of C O L O R, pardon me, am I dating myself???)
I would have to agree with jjsmom.......waiting all day on Sunday to watch the Wonderful World of Disney, I even bought some of those old movies....The 3 Lives of Tomasenia, The Flight of the White Stallions, Toby Tyler etc etc. And I also remember how I cried when Walt himself passed away :sad2: For some reason I thought the magic was all over wrong I was!
:cat: :cat: :cat: :fish:
keiki,binky&mouse my 3 beautiful white kitties! although a bit bad today!!!
Ditto here also, Wonderful World of Color too. Every Sunday night couldn't miss it!!!

WDW - my first trip in 1973. Got chicken pox while in MK!!!:earboy2:
Seeing Snow White in the theaters is the my first experience with Disney that I can remember. I was so scarred of the Witch in that movie that I wouldn't see it again until I was 10! :o

As for WDW, I vaguely remember the second time I went to Mk (I don't remember my first). I remember seeing the Country Bears, It's A Small World, and meeting Mickey and Minnie on Main Street.
Earliest Disney memory... staying with Nana while everyone else went to disney because they werent too young...

Earliest WDW memory... finally being tall and brave enough to ride the mountains!
Sitting on a chair at the end of Main Street in DL eating one of those really big round suckers. I was four and I had just bought my first pair of Mickey ears!
Going to my Dad's apartment on Sundays to watch the Wonderful World of Color and eat popcorn.

I usually had a cousin or friend along. Dad would play goofy songs on the organ while we waited for 7 PM to roll around. We would dance and march to the music.

First trip to WDW was in 1978 (Mickey and Me). I was absolutely thrilled to ride the monorail!
What is your earliest memory of anything to do with Walt Disney World?

This one is easy. As a 6 year old visiting Carousel of Progress (the GE pavilion) and It's A Small World (the Pepsi Pavilion) at the '64 World's Fair. You might as well throw in the Ford Pavilion, Mr. Lincoln (Illinois), the Swiss Skyride and the Monorail. (Ok...Walt didn't have anything to do with the Skyride or the Monorail but I didn't ride any others like 'em until I visited WDW some 12 years later.)

I recall that we got stuck for a long while in the dinosaur section of the Ford ride. Pretty funny watching all those dinos from the comfort of our Mustang convertible.

The World's Fair had Walt's fingerprints all over it. My memories of our 2 visits are burned into my circuitry. Everytime I visit WDW I relive Walt's Fair in some way.

barrel of :tongue:
Visiting WDW in 1972 and remembering that you had to have a ticket book for the rides. Driving the cars but that could blurring from a few years later.
I grew up in Southern California in the late 1960's, my parents would take us to Disneyland every year. I don't remember much of these trips but I do remember a souvenir we would get. It was a set of little rubber disney figures (goofy, mickey etc). I looked for them now that I am an adult at WDW but didnt see them there. Does anybody remember these?::MickeyMo ::MinnieMo
We always gathered around the TV for Wonderful World of Disney.

I also remember the day Walt died. My Mom and I were in the car, pulling into our driveway. Heard it on the radio. Funny how it stays with you.

First WDW trip, unfortunately, didn't come until 1988, when DW was pregnant with first son. Wish I appreciated it then the way I do now.
My first memory is when I was four years old and my mother took me to see Cinderella in the theatre. I loved Cinderella!!! Flash forward to when I was about six/seven years old and I went to Magic Kingdom for the first time. My parents bought me a Madame Alexander "Cinderella doll". She is still in great condition today and sits on my DD's dresser. That doll is 30 years old!!

I also remember playing Disney records on my record player. I loved to listen to "M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E" and the old Tiki Room song!!

First WDW memory: I remember I was 3-ish and we were at MK with my family. I was in front of Cinderella's castle and was suddenly alone. Then my cousin, Dania, came back and got me. I also remember on that same parents bought me a Mickey balloon...the ones that were shaped like Mickey with the ears. It was yellow and my mom tied the string around my wrist and I held on to it all day. As we were in the parking lot at the end of the day...I was getting into the back door of Dad's truck mom had untied the balloon to bring it inside and it slipped through my fingers. I just stood there and watched it float away. (I have a picture to remember it by though!)
I remember going to Epcot and Magic Kingdom, right after Epcot opened, and getting stuck on a ride in the dark. I'm not sure which one it was though. Too long ago to remember. :p
One of my first memories of Disney was a record album of Disney songs that we had that my grandparents got free from a gas station(believe it or not) We also had a set of four Disney books that had a collection of stories that my mom used to read to us (thats how I was introduced to the movies since we didn't have vcrs in the 70s)

Later we saw some of the movies when they reran them in the theatres.

Then Disneyworld in 1978 I remember my sisters and I loved Peter Pans flight! we were too wimpy to try any thrill rides or even the Haunted Mansion
My earliest memories was watching "Mousercise" and "You and Me Kid" on the Disney channel very early in the morning. It was in the early 1980's. I loved those shows!:D


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