May or August?


May 15, 2010
Is there much of a difference in crowds in either early May or late August? I know August will be hot but was wondering about crowds?
I'm wondering the same thing. May is our favorite time to go because of low crowd and usually great weather, but our next trip will be our first time going in August. Part of the appeal for us (besides free dining) is that late August is supposed to be less busy. Not sure how true that really is.
I just got back from a trip the first week of May and I loved it! A couple of crowded days, but very slow at night. We pretty much did everything we wanted. The weather was hot, and we were told it was unusually hot, that this time of year was normally hot, but not THAT hot. I have a friend who goes the week of Labor Day every year in August. It is also a slow time. I once asked her how she managed to get so many pictures with no one in the background. Most of the southern schools go back the 2nd week of August.

Edit to add: we canceled all our fast passes for EPCOT, and really didn't need a couple of the ones we had for AK. The only one we used was for the Safari. We had 3 EMH nighttime days scheduled, and the parks were practically deserted.
May will likely be better weather-wise: temps a bit cooler, less humidity and less chance of daily storms
But my guess is the last 10 days of August or so, will be less crowds.
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Early May is way less crowded (I go almost every year)--and I am talking about the first 5-7 days of May.
August is hotternhell. I go every year (work takes me down there and I stay n play with The Mouse. It is also more crowded and can be downright miserable.
May is less crowded than August. Even the last week ofay going into June is less crowded than August. The weather is much better, too.

May is my absolute favorite time to go. I will never go in August again.
EARLY May is less crowded than late August but LATE May is just as, if not more, crowded than late August. Also, as others noted, early May will have better weather on average (although we were there a few years ago and the "real feel" temp was 103 degrees) !!
May is better. Better crowds, better weather. Aug is blisteringly hot, humid, rainy, hurricane season etc. If I could go in early May, I would in a heartbeat.
Wow, so surprised to read all the posts saying how busy the end of August is after reading so many saying the opposite. Even the crowd calendars show 5s and even 2s the last two weeks. I know it'll be crazy hot, but dang I was really hoping for lower crowds.
I think better weather in May. But May is a little more crowded than last week of August.
I assumed August was less crowded also. We have been there both times but its been 5 plus years since we have. I remember August being less crowded then May. Was wondering if it was the same.
I assumed August was less crowded also. We have been there both times but its been 5 plus years since we have. I remember August being less crowded then May. Was wondering if it was the same.
I've never been in May, but we've gone for the last two weeks of August for the past six years. Crowds taper off towards the end of the month. I don't find it crowded at all. Last year there were 3 or 4 days in a row where the parks seemed unusually empty due to the threat of a hurricane.
My typical time to go is the last weeks in August - after the kids go back to school in the southern states. It does get hot, but we like it hot. Went in March once it it was so cold! May is nice, early May is great.
My typical time to go is the last weeks in August - after the kids go back to school in the southern states. It does get hot, but we like it hot. Went in March once it it was so cold! May is nice, early May is great.

We like it hot too. We've gone in April, May, and June. The first two trips Apr/May were perfect weather meaning little to no rain, but not as hot as I would have preferred on some days. The third spring trip over Easter break was like a monsoon, with ave temps 80-90s. We have pictures of our kids walking thru almost foot high water in MK. It rained so much. Our most recent trip in June was by far the best. It was SO HOT with very sparse rain and we loved it. Being from Michigan and freezing 9 out of 12 months a year, I say bring on the heat!!!
We did both this year. We went the last 2 weeks of August, and are here currently on an 11 nights stay. I told my friend yesterday how much better May is. Temperatures have been amazing, crowds I think way better than when we were here in August. In August we got drenched every night on the way to dinner, Like so bad it looked like we went swimming in our clothes. No rain so far. There is nothing in August that I preferred over May. May wins hands down. I will likely start coming yearly in May we have been so pleased with our experience over the past week.
We go a lot in May and usually the week leading up to Memorial day weekend. We are heading down to AKV on next Tuesday and can't wait! My past experience has been increasing crowds as we reach the weekend of Memorial day, but not unbearable! We always manage to do and see everything we want with no problems. Last year the Wed before Memorial day weekend we practically had WS to our selves most of the day. It was so nice! The weather in my opinion is perfect in May:daisy: It is hot, but not so humid that you feel like you will melt! I love the warm sunshine and the warm nights! It has always been wonderful and hoping for the same next week. We never seem to get much rain either! I pray next week is like last year when we went.... We also went in late Sept last year for F&W and I literally felt like I was going to melt and the sun was not even out.:crazy: So we are gonna stick with May! Love the later hours for the parks too...I am beyond excited to go next week.

We will only be there for 5 days and heading home on Saturday and that is the day crowds will really start increasing.....

Good luck what ever you decide.

May - and I've been there both months. I've been the 1st week, the 2nd week and the 3rd week of May. Weather is beautiful, crowds aren't bad. I strongly recommend the first week in May as long as it's AFTER the week of Easter.

August - only been once. Beginning of the third week (Sunday -Thursday). Hot, humid, afternoon showers - and waaaay tooo many people!!!!!! Maybe the last week is better - when more of the country has kids back in school. But Disney is an international destination - so the US school calendar is only one part of the "Crowd Meter."
I just got back from a trip the first week of May and I loved it! A couple of crowded days, but very slow at night. We pretty much did everything we wanted. The weather was hot, and we were told it was unusually hot, that this time of year was normally hot, but not THAT hot. I have a friend who goes the week of Labor Day every year in August. It is also a slow time. I once asked her how she managed to get so many pictures with no one in the background. Most of the southern schools go back the 2nd week of August.
Labour day is in September. So im assuming you meant she goes the last week in August?

Wow, so surprised to read all the posts saying how busy the end of August is after reading so many saying the opposite. Even the crowd calendars show 5s and even 2s the last two weeks. I know it'll be crazy hot, but dang I was really hoping for lower crowds.
For years we'd go the last two weeks in August...and honestly, the crowds are pretty good! Cant complain. I love the fact that the EMH hours are extended in August. Sure its scorching HOT but we manage somehow. Honestly if its not as hot in May as it is in August, i'd probably go with May. August heat can really wipe you out.


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