Marriage: The Trip Report - Update 2/28 - Final Thoughts & Link to Disneyland TR!

We left off with this crew exploring Pop Century, we had left the 70s and left our bell bottoms behind. It was time for some stone washed jeans!


Of course being the nerds that we are, we were excited to see the Computer Pool.


Henry on the H, me on the B.




Joe really liked that giant stack of floppies.


Henry wanted to play!


90's building

And of course, before we finished our tour we had to check out the playground, which is located between the 90s and the 70s, on the way to Classic Hall.



Into the 60s for a bit





We went back inside and Henry beelined for the arcade


We spent a bit of time in there and eventually pulled him out and decided that we'd spend our afternoon doing something that Joe has requested on every single trip...

We took the bus to Epcot, and then hopped on the monorail


We got off at the TTC


And walked to the Poly




By this time Henry had fallen asleep, and what we wanted to do required him to be awake, so we soaked up the resort a bit and I scoped out the gift shop for more Mickey Head Coconut Patties (which they didn't have)


Lots of Poly themed stuff here!



When Henry woke up we went back outside and found this.


A surrey bike.

With no fringe on top.

THIS is what Joe has been requesting we do every single trip.

Ride a surrey bike.

It's not that I have purposely not worked it into our plans, but to me it's just kinda 'whatever'. A bit of a waste of money. And I had read they weren't exactly easy to ride - I was expecting a serious work out.

However, this was a trip all about compromise, and we were finally going to ride that bike!

Continued in next post
Continued from previous post

Henry took his seat as the bell ringer


And didn't stop ringing it for the next 30 minutes. :laughing:


Joe was in the driver seat with the brake and the wheel that actually did something.

We started to pedal, and it was much easier than I had anticipated. We were clipping right along and I had a sudden wave of fear wash over me.

COMPLETELY irrational, I know, but it was real. I kept fearing we were going to flip that stinkin' bike right over. I had visions of scraped faces, bloody knees and a crying toddler with a cracked skull. Seriously. They don't even require a helmet, I'm sure it's near impossible...but my feelings won over my brain in the moment.

We'd take a corner and I'd gasp a bit, I stopped pedaling altogether in hopes we would slow down. I tried to keep my fears quiet, because if Henry knew I was scared, he would start to get that way too - and I knew my fears were ridiculous, even though I couldn't help it. Eventually Joe caught on that I was nervous and slowed down a bit.

While I couldn't quite relax and enjoy it, I do have to say seeing all of the beautiful Poly was nice.

I'd just prefer to do it on foot!









There is a map on the bike of where and where not to go, and I think a couple times we went on a path we weren't supposed to...and we did have to turn the bike around a couple of times, THAT was an interesting task! :laughing:

Eventually the 30 minutes of terror ended and I was more than happy to get off that bike. I didn't say much, and tried to keep my completely irrational fear quiet, because I knew Joe had really enjoyed it. Later I told Joe about how worked up I got - he knew I had been a bit nervous, but didn't realize how badly!

We went into the Poly lobby and there were CMs right in front doing crafts with the kids, Henry joined right in without missing a beat! Those Rec CMs were incredibly sweet!


His mask. Nemo is eating the Castle. Which he thought was hilarious.


Two magnets

After our craft time, we made our way to Captain Cook's for some dinner.




Mine - Hawaiian flatbread



And I was ELATED to see veggies as a QS side here!!!!! I had to have some, that salad at Pop was good, but lettuce is hardly a veggie - this was the real deal. I think this may be the only QS on property to offer real veggies as a side. I really think Disney should change this. Apples are a good choice, but....




While eating we discussed our plans for the night. I reallyyyyyy wanted to go back to the Magic Kingdom and just see Wishes one last time. Joe was game for that, so that is just what we did.


We walked back to the TTC.

And since we were on a very loose schedule, we opted for the Ferry Boat instead of the monorail! We had never taken the boat before.






We all loved riding the boat!

Continued in next post
Continued from previous post



Getting closer!


When we got off the boat I was COLD! Joe went back to BLT to grab some warm clothing for all of us while Henry and I went in to find a good seat for Wishes.


When we walked up to the hub, I saw a bench was still open, so I grabbed it!!! I was pretty excited to get a bench for Wishes.


As we sat here, waiting for Joe, Henry kept telling me, "That man made Mickey's House." (I had told him that earlier in the trip and remembered...and still does!)




Joe arrived and found us without a problem. I went off to get us drinks and popcorn.


Our view



The boys went off to ride Buzz and the Peoplemover while I just enjoyed some alone time, people watching and then the MSEP from my bench (terrible view). No fewer than 2.5 million people asked me if I was saving the bench. A mother next to me argued with a CM about standing her daughter on the tiny little railing/fence around the tree planters. I met a family that spoke very little English. It was a great time people watching!





The boys caught up with me just before the Magic, the Memories and You! started. This was our first time seeing the show, since YES, this was the first time we had seen Wishes on Main Street this trip!!! Two weeks and ONE time seeing Wishes from the Main Street....!


AMAZING SHOW!!!!!!!!!! We LOVED it and were in complete AWE. I'm so happy they have kept this for 2012 and are doing some seasonal additions.





Wishes started shortly after. People had packed in by this time and there would be no way we could sit. So I stood and held Henry while Joe took over the camera. It was very sweet holding by baby with his arms wrapped around me and kissing my cheek. :cutie:





And that is it for pictures for the night. Which is weird...I am wondering if the battery died...who knows at this point!

After the show we asked Henry if he wanted to go on more rides, or back to the hotel. Much to my amazement, considering he had been asking to go back to the hotel almost the whole trip, he chose RIDES!

We went over to Peter Pan and the line was 35 minutes...the Spring Break crowds had started to show up! :goodvibes So we opted for the Tea Cups and then Henry requested Pirates - it was a walk-on! We ran around in the gift shop for a bit and then we were all ready to go. Henry fell asleep just minutes after leaving Adventureland.

We strolled out of the park, MSEP was going again, so we took that in for a few minutes and just strolled onto BLT and were soon in bed ourselves. It had been a very good day. Joe was lovin' the relaxed pace and I was SO glad we had finally seen Wishes from Main Street and the Magic, the Memories and You. It was still a bit hard to believe we had been there for so long and just saw it for the first time. We had been, perhaps, a bit too relaxed. LOL

The next day was our last full day of our trip...and it was "my turn" after our very relaxing day. I'll just say it didn't exactly turn out the way I had expected...!
What a fun day exploring different resorts! I would love to have the luxury of a long trip to be able to do that. Maybe one day. It looked like such a fun time and I never knew that the Poly had those bikes. We even stayed there for a week back in 2009. I didnt see them once, but they look like so much fun :) How much were they for the 1/2 hour...if you remember. Im glad that you finally got to see Whises and MM&Y from Main Street. I just love those two shows and you had awsome seats:thumbsup2 A great ending to a fun day:goodvibes
Your relaxing day at the resorts is so fun to me!!! That bike would have made me nervous too! But...I'm really accident prone! :rotfl2:

Your spot for Wishes was perfect!!! What an amazing evening!
I love that you checked out the computer pool at POP...and that you stood on B and Henry on H! Too fun!
Pop is my home. I just love it there, and the food court is so much better than most places.

I'm loaving the relaxed day and your veiw of wishes. Joe too ksome great pictures for a guy who can't see well.
Well I would say that your day sounds like one of the best ever! I love how you traveled from one resort to another, how you did away with structured ADRs, and how you ended you night in the MK with the fireworks and the parade. You got some lovely pictures from you bench. I want that bench!

I'm glad you rode the surrey bike even though you were a nervous wreck. You got some beautiful pictures of the Poly grounds. I hope someday I get a chance to stay there.
What a great wife for letting Joe have his lazy days and a bike ride. I'm with you though on the bike, I think I would have had the same fear, especially with Henry sitting up front like that. Give me TOT any day. :)

Isn't holding your sweet baby and having him kiss your cheek, like the best feeling in the world. I love it. And great pictures of wishes. And I'm so excited that they are keeping Magic, Memories and Me. I loved it the one time we got to see it last trip.
What a nice day!!! A little bit of relaxing and a little park time. You had a great seat for wishes.

I did not realize the the Poly had surry bikes too. I guess they would but I guess I have never seen them so I never thought about it.

Sorry you were a nervous wreck. Hard to have fun when you are planning how to keep everyone from bleeding to death and how to get help. ;)
oh wow, what a couple of great updates! I've been trying to read them but the DIS has been soooooooo slooooooooow that I'd give up. I adore the food at Kona but have to agree on service and ambiance. I'd still go back though. That sushi though, looks divine. I want some on my next trip, YUM! Not sure how I can make that happen but boy does it look good!

Henry and Juliana huh, how adorable are they!

Joe and the puzzle. :rotfl: too cute! I feel so bad that the surrey was a ride of terror, what a trooper you are. It sounds like a really really wonderful, lazy, go with the moment and flow kind of day with a picture perfect ending.
You did a good thing by not getting to POP too early. The a.m. weather was horrible. We got soaked waiting for the bus to DHS.

Great POP pics! I love the one with you & Henry with Mr. & Mrs. Potato head! :thumbsup2

I was laughing when you said you were scared on the bike. I thought you were foreshadowing something. :eek:

What a great night at MK! Your castle pics came out great!!!! WTG Joe!!!!! :thumbsup2
What a fun day exploring different resorts! I would love to have the luxury of a long trip to be able to do that. Maybe one day. It looked like such a fun time and I never knew that the Poly had those bikes. We even stayed there for a week back in 2009. I didnt see them once, but they look like so much fun :) How much were they for the 1/2 hour...if you remember. Im glad that you finally got to see Whises and MM&Y from Main Street. I just love those two shows and you had awsome seats:thumbsup2 A great ending to a fun day:goodvibes

Looking back now I can really see how we were able to just soak in quite a few things, especially later in the trip when we were just hitting what we had missed. During the trip I always felt like we were missing so much though, I just had it in my head that we should have gotten WAY more done. Next two week trip I'll have a better idea of what to expect and plan it differently too.

I believe the bike was around $20 for the 30 minutes, and that was with a tiny DVC discount.

Your relaxing day at the resorts is so fun to me!!! That bike would have made me nervous too! But...I'm really accident prone! :rotfl2:

Your spot for Wishes was perfect!!! What an amazing evening!

I was thrilled with that Wishes spot. I remember sitting there and looking at the Castle, loving that I didn't feel like I had to squeeze in rides, but could just sit there and keep my spot! :laughing: I was there for one thing, and that was to see Wishes!

I love that you checked out the computer pool at POP...and that you stood on B and Henry on H! Too fun!

We had to go see the Computer Pool! :rotfl: (and we requested to stay in that section in August :teeth:)

Pop is my home. I just love it there, and the food court is so much better than most places.

I'm loaving the relaxed day and your veiw of wishes. Joe too ksome great pictures for a guy who can't see well.

I agree, their food court is awesome. I think I am a little more partial to Movies (so long it's a busy season and they aren't sharing their buses), just because it's smaller and feels less insane, but I can DEFINITELY see why people love Pop!

Joe really has a great eye for photography, and steadier hands than me! I always have him take the pictures when I really care about them...he had the camera almost the whole time in Disneyland! :laughing:

Well I would say that your day sounds like one of the best ever! I love how you traveled from one resort to another, how you did away with structured ADRs, and how you ended you night in the MK with the fireworks and the parade. You got some lovely pictures from you bench. I want that bench!

I'm glad you rode the surrey bike even though you were a nervous wreck. You got some beautiful pictures of the Poly grounds. I hope someday I get a chance to stay there.

It really was a great day! Very relaxed, yet fun (except the whole surrey bike ordeal! :rolleyes1 :laughing:)

I hope we get to stay there someday's our favorite. Someday. :cloud9:

Luvin the update esp the castle pics :)

I love the shot of the Castle that Joe got during the MMY with the fireworks! I was so impressed to see that considering we didn't know it was coming at the time.

What a great wife for letting Joe have his lazy days and a bike ride. I'm with you though on the bike, I think I would have had the same fear, especially with Henry sitting up front like that. Give me TOT any day. :)

Isn't holding your sweet baby and having him kiss your cheek, like the best feeling in the world. I love it. And great pictures of wishes. And I'm so excited that they are keeping Magic, Memories and Me. I loved it the one time we got to see it last trip.

It worked well those last few days to trade off as a "park focused day" (mine) and a lazy day (Joe's). I think next time we do a long trip we might do that the entire time, OR we will push it hard at the beginning and then just relax the rest of the time.

What a nice day!!! A little bit of relaxing and a little park time. You had a great seat for wishes.

I did not realize the the Poly had surry bikes too. I guess they would but I guess I have never seen them so I never thought about it.

Sorry you were a nervous wreck. Hard to have fun when you are planning how to keep everyone from bleeding to death and how to get help. ;)

I think all the Deluxes have the bikes...and maybe even all the Mods now that I think about it. Usually if there is a marina, there are bikes. Next time (ha ha!) Joe wants to rent from the Boardwalk.

Exactly on the planning in my head! I was such a mess, it was crazy. :headache:

oh wow, what a couple of great updates! I've been trying to read them but the DIS has been soooooooo slooooooooow that I'd give up. I adore the food at Kona but have to agree on service and ambiance. I'd still go back though. That sushi though, looks divine. I want some on my next trip, YUM! Not sure how I can make that happen but boy does it look good!

Henry and Juliana huh, how adorable are they!

Joe and the puzzle. :rotfl: too cute! I feel so bad that the surrey was a ride of terror, what a trooper you are. It sounds like a really really wonderful, lazy, go with the moment and flow kind of day with a picture perfect ending.

The DIS has been ANNOYING LATELY!!! I totally agree. Updates have been painful. This morning it's working well, so I'm trying to take advantage!

You did a good thing by not getting to POP too early. The a.m. weather was horrible. We got soaked waiting for the bus to DHS.

Great POP pics! I love the one with you & Henry with Mr. & Mrs. Potato head! :thumbsup2

I was laughing when you said you were scared on the bike. I thought you were foreshadowing something. :eek:

What a great night at MK! Your castle pics came out great!!!! WTG Joe!!!!! :thumbsup2

Oooooh! I forgot that it was raining! We probably woke up to that and just took it slow. Then when it cleared up we adventured out. I vaguely remember that. I took good notes, but not on the weather! :laughing:

Oh thank God I wasn't foreshadowing something!!!!! No, it was just a ridiculous fear taking over. I generally can convince myself it will be fine, and the only thing I'm really scared of is heights (but only some heights...:rolleyes1). I think it was mainly that I was scared of Henry getting hurt. Mommy fear!
Brook, you sound just like me! I would have been the same way over the bike. I don't think it's irrational at all. I think they need helmets for the kids for sure. I'm a control freak too though so just the thought of my DH driving it would've made me nuts. :rolleyes1

I also TOTALLY agree about the veggies! I too wish there were more choices and options for them at WDW. I love veggies! I'd rather have veggies than anything else. I am so starved for them after our trips! I think that's why we always eat at Cracker Barrels when we travel. My DD loves veggies too and often asks for something like that when we are there. I just don't get why there is no love for veggies at Disney??? :confused3

Looked like a wonderful end to your day! :wizard: Can't wait to hear about your last day, even if it wasn't what you expected. Unfortunately, things don't always go as planned, even for us, the most obsessive of planners! :rolleyes:
Awww, I hate that you weren't able to really enjoy yourself on the surrey bike. We try to make time to rent them at the CBR and we've always had a great time. Having said that, we also didn't have precious cargo riding in the very front either. I laughed when you said that Henry was the bell ringer for the whole half hour. Lacey is many many years older than Henry and that's her favorite part of the ride. :lmao:
Friday, March 11, 2011

It's 6 AM.

Henry is crying.

He climbs into bed with us and feels hot.

We all fall back asleep until 7 AM. He wakes us up again, crying.

He definitely has a fever.

Joe runs down to the gift shop for meds.

My plans of going to Animal Kingdom go out the window and we have a very slow morning.

Around 8 AM the fever breaks and Henry becomes SUPER perky and saying he felt good. We weren't sure what to do, so we continued to take it slow and monitor him. He was eager to "go have fun!" So we figured we'd give it a shot.

We left the room at 10:15



and got on a bus for AK. Henry was going great.


That is why Rope Drop is best!



We headed straight for the 11:30 AM showing of Flights of Wonder. This had been on my list for several trips and I was determined this time!


The show started and Henry started to melt down and have a poor attitude during the show. We sat there for a bit while I attempted to enjoy the show and deal with him.

Eventually that turned into him telling me he was scared, and he wasn't being quiet about it all. So I picked him up and scooted to the back of the theater and he instantly started to cry and ask why we were leaving because he didn't want to.


I explained we were going to leave, or at least stand in the back because he said he was scared. He then insisted he wasn't scared. Ooooookay, so back to our seats! And then he sat and enjoyed the show!





Check out the wingspan!


It's a great show - entertaining and educational. The guy on the right is a "tour guide" who somehow ended up on the stage and has a fear of birds, by the end of the show he's conquers his fear. He provides a bit of a storyline and humor to the show.



During the show a few people were selected to feed the birds/do things with them. Henry was not chosen, and this made him VERY upset at the end of the show because he wanted to feed one. We went to the front of the stage so he could see them and this helped a bit.

After he calmed down he wanted some lunch, and so did Joe and I, so we went to Flame Tree - another thing on my "To Do" list. I was excited to try it here after all the awesome reviews, and it had always smelled sooooo good when walking past!


While in line Henry said he wanted a hot dog.

No, nothing.

No, he just wanted food.

No, he wants chicken.

Okay, chicken it is.


Joe and Henry went to grab a table while I stood in line for our food. By the time I got to the table he was in half meltdown mode.








Shared. Those look amazing right now...!

Henry refuses to eat or do anything other than sit there and cry.

It's a fantastic meal.


He eventually ate some grapes and two bites of chicken.

He's DONE. And we can tell he's just not feeling well, so we pack up and he asks where we are going. When we tell him back to the hotel he meltssssssss. He doesn't want to go back.

The entire trip he had been asking to go back to the hotel, and now that we NEED to go back, he doesn't want to.

Deep breath.

We obviously go anyway. Sobbing toddler and all.

I'm exhausted.

On our way to the bus Henry, through his tears, asks if we can have fun again after a little bit of sleep. We tell him yes and he calms down.

On the way out I notice the Jalapeno Cream Cheese Pretzel truck and hop in line quickly - another item on my list! :woohoo:

The girl two people in front of me got the last one.

I just can't win today!!!!

Okay, let's just get OUT of the Animal Kingdom!!!!!

On the way out of the park Henry falls asleep, he woke up on our walk back to BLT,


but then went right back down in the room. This poor kid needs some more meds and some serious sleep. And that's just what we do.

We just hang out in the room. It was not my ideal day by any means. It was our last full day in Walt Disney World and I had planned on making the most of it. But well...sick kid trumps all that, so we just enjoyed what we could!

Henry slept until 4 and woke up crying. He still has a fever, but is begging, through his sobs to go and play in the sand. Eventually Joe takes him. I stayed in the room and started to clean up and pack. During this time I also realized that we had planned on going to the Chip & Dale Campfire over at Fort Wilderness tonight, but that was NOT gonna happen with Henry not feeling well. I was a bit disappointed, but again, what can you do? It's still on my To Do list and we WILL get there eventually!! :goodvibes

Continued in next post
Continued from previous post

Joe texts me after a short while saying Henry has requested my presence on the beach. I was about done with the whole packing thing anyway, time for some sun!




As the sun slowly set we moved our chairs along, chasing it down the beach. Eventually it was just getting too chilly to sit there, so we all went back up to the room.

I went back out onto the balcony and sat in the sun there, and gazed down at the people in the was in the low 60s, they are brave souls!

After a while of just being in the room I couldn't handle the "doing nothing" anymore and Henry has been feeling well for quite a while, so I suggested we go to Downtown Disney.


I am not sure where we took this...I think as we were waiting for the bus. It's so pretty!


Playing games as we waited for the bus. Yep, there is my kid, back to his normal self!!!

On the bus we had a super quirky driver. He played every single spiel the bus could do, even though there were only like 8 of us on it. "Ladies and Gentlemen we have a birthday, engagement, anniversary, princess, pirate, etc." Have you ever heard those? They are really cute.

Then he played them again.

I remember staring at the fellow passengers and exchanging looks...:rolleyes1 We all started to snicker when the spiels started for the second time!

Once we arrived at Downtown Disney we went straight for Earl of Sandwich! YUM!


Henry's PB&J


Joe's Ham & Swiss


My Chinese Chicken Salad Wrap


Dessert. I love you.

I don't have anything in my notes, but I do believe this meal was quite a bit more successful than Flame Tree. Henry was back to his normal self, so I'm sure he gobbled everything right up.

We explored DTD, stopping at the World of Disney and Basin.


Free chocolate at Ghirardelli!







Two Dale hats! LOL



We purchase a few things for friends back home and of course the little guy couldn't make it out empty handed.



My single purchase at Basin. I have super sensitive and dry hands, this stuff is awesome!

Continued in next post
Continued from previous post

At the Rainforest Cafe we stopped and visited our elephant friend



We got to the bus stop and noticed our bus was there!!! :yay:


And then he changed his sign for SSR.

My reaction:


The quirky driver was also there, standing around directing people where to go. He gave Henry a balloon.


Our bus came quickly after the SSR one left and Henry fell asleep on the ride home. We put him to bed right away and Joe went down to the lobby to apply the gift card we had to our balance, and see the damage...which was less than expected! :thumbsup2 We packed up our bags before turning in. Tomorrow we had to check out, our two week adventure was about to end. :sad1:

While our last day hadn't gone as planned, that's life. I was just happy Henry was feeling better, and praying he would be okay on the flight home tomorrow! Our plans got thrown out the window at 6 AM, but tomorrow was another would we say good-bye to the World?
Poor Henry, the little guy just wasn't feeling well but, like the rest of us, wanted to do everything he could while at Walt Disney World. That's what we get when we have little Disney lovers. At least you were able to make lemonade out of the lemons later that evening and got to explore DTD a bit.


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