Marathon Weekend 2021

In Jan 2003, my cousin and I were on a trip to Disney and while on the monorail I saw a bunch of runners, and characters along the route. I was so intrigued.
Unfortunately it took me until 2020 to get to do a race (2 races!), but now that I've experienced RunDisney, I'm hooked. I just realized today that my DVC points won't cover both Marathon weekend and Star Wars weekend for 2021, so I'm trying to decide what to do. But I know I will make it work for at least one weekend.
Anyway, welcome to another round of Sundays are for Disney! For this week, I want to know: why runDisney? Whether this is your first rD event or 50th, what drew you to it? What keeps you coming back?

I started running because I thought it would help me lose weight (hahahaha ... nope), but I had a hard time staying motivated. Then I discovered runDisney, and while it took me a while to actually pull the trigger, I'm glad I did. There's nothing quite like through the parks I love and meeting characters I love.

Although right now I'm struggling a lot with stress related to Princess Weekend, and I really might need an extended break from runDisney. We'll see how the weekend goes. But as of right now, I'm thinking I might be done with runDisney, at least for a few years (and who knows if I'll still be running when I'm ready to come back ... although I'd still do the 5K, even if I walk it).
I finally committed to couch to 5k on January of 2012. I did two 5ks and a 10k and was trying to figure out what was next. Then in June or July of that year, I read an article about the best marathons for first-timers. Disney was on that list. And it was the 20th anniversary. And there was a discount code of $20 going on. So I gathered up my parents and brother and sister-in-law, and off we went to the 2013 marathon.

It was ungodly hot. I got the flu. I infected my dad, who was stuck in the hotel for a week. But I finished! And I have been back for two more fulls and a half. But my dad has not risked going back. 🤣

I just love running and I love Disney, so I always like to come down for marathon weekend! But I usually stick to one race and don't attempt PRs because Disney trips are 95% vacation and 5% running for me.
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Good morning, RunDisney all-stars! Hard to believe it’s already been three weeks since the Goof Troop Roving Road Party (TM) caused a ruckus throughout Disney World.

Anyway, welcome to another round of Sundays are for Disney! For this week, I want to know: why runDisney? Whether this is your first rD event or 50th, what drew you to it? What keeps you coming back?

Like most have said, I wouldn’t be running if it weren’t for runDisney. I used to think runners were nuts, I would see someone running and actually ask my wife “Who would do that for fun?” and shake my head. Fast forward to me on the couch recovering from rotator cuff surgery and in need of some form of physical activity combined with an upcoming Disney cruise and I discovered the Castaway Cay 5K. Then I found out that I could run in the parks as well?! I could take a slow run or walk through Epcot long before park open? Sign me up, and I was quickly addicted to runDisney. That of course led to wanting to go further which led to training, and before I knew it I was running as a habit and I soon realized that it was great stress relief as well as exercise. Almost four years since that cruise I now find myself looking at local races for the first time, and don’t think I’ll stop anytime soon though I will also cntinue running Disney because they just make it fun. Disney is something that just can’t be described, it must be experienced.
SAFD: My first runDisney event happened in 2012 and it was a way to get a trip to Disney after the birth of our oldest. He wasn't even 1 yet but I didn't care. My first race wasn't the best experience. I had hurt my knee a week before and I ran with my husband who wasn't trained but that feeling running down Main Street for the first time is what got me. I've done a lot of races over the years but nothing compares to a disney race to me. Running through the parks, the characters, and the entertainment are what keep bringing me back. Plus now I've got an 8 year old that is itching to do a race at Disney so it looks like we are going to have to hook him up with that at some point!
For this week, I want to know: why runDisney? Whether this is your first rD event or 50th, what drew you to it? What keeps you coming back?
SAFD: This is all sorts of timely, as I underwent some sort of existential running crisis this weekend. Bear with me...

I've been running most of my life, but not competitively, and until 2012 I had no idea regular, amateur runners could race at all, let alone for fun. A friend of mine ran the 2012 WDW Half and I met her at DHS the following day for lunch. There, I saw the tail end of the WDW marathon passing through and was shocked to see "normal" people doing it! A month later, my son and I signed up for and ran the Princess 5K - and the rest is in my signature, lol!

I've always been attracted to activities that push me to my physical limits. I grew up in the ballet and was extraordinarily hard on myself in my quest for perfection. Running was never something at which I excelled, though: I've had chronic tendinitis in both knees since my 20s, I have exercise-induced asthma, scoliosis that causes chronic and constant back pain, and compromised lung function. I was a decent enough sprinter as a kid, but could never sustain any longer duration of running. For fitness, I started doing run-walk intervals (long before I ever heard of Galloway or that it was an official thing!), and found that I could go longer distances that way. I still never imagined I'd ever run a marathon, let alone Dopey, let alone my current desire to do an Ultra. Running has long been an escape from stress and anxiety, and a healthy way to channel what would otherwise likely be far more dangerous addictions. I've never been in it to seek faster times, better PRs, or to compete with other runners.

In that regard, rD races have been perfect! I love the camaraderie and time spent with friends. I get my fix of pushing myself a bit, but can also slack off and just enjoy the ride without feeling like a failure. I get to enjoy the beauty and wonder that is Disney race logistics and management, which are nothing less than stupendous, IMO. All in a place that I very much enjoy, and that doesn't break the bank to get to because I live 100 miles away.

The existential crisis came with preparing for a non-Disney, local 10K I was going to run to have PoT for future rD races. Iv'e been happily running in the Corrals of Last Resort for those of us without PoT, but got it in my head that I'd be happier a corral closer to the front. So I've been pushing HARD the last couple weeks, trying to get from Dopey pace to 10K race pace. And I've been... miserable. It hit hard 2 miles into my 6 this weekend, when I just couldn't hit race pace - couldn't even get near it. I wound up in tears as I realized I don't even want to do this. I no longer care about being faster - I care much more about going farther. At a pace the feels good. Maybe even a little tough. But not feeling like I'm pushing to an extreme. I truly love the feeling of, "this is hard. but not so hard I can't do it. and I want to keep doing it." Without the many rD races under my belt, IDK that I ever would have gotten to that point and had that realization. ♥
For this week, I want to know: why runDisney? Whether this is your first rD event or 50th, what drew you to it? What keeps you coming back?

Like many of you I too started running because of runDisney. I was the girl who couldn't run a mile in high school and college when I was much thinner and younger. But about a year after the birth of my youngest son some co-workers who had run some of the Princess races talked me in to signing up for the 2015 5K and 10K with them. And then a friend from when we were stationed in NC messaged me to see if she could join. Thank goodness, because everyone else bailed! My BFF is mostly my best friend because of training for those first races together. Even though we lived in different towns we talked almost daily about our training and our trip. When we finished these first races in 2015 we said, we think we could do a half. We signed up for W&D (which ended up being the half of a half) and the Glass Slipper Challenge in 2016. And the rest, as they say, is history. We've run Disney on both coasts together, running every weekend at WDW except for marathon weekend. We've met up for the Diva Half. And we've run countless races on our own as well. If it wasn't for my my love of Disney and those co-workers who bailed on me, I wouldn't have found something I love to do! (Oh, and let's not forget the whole "Galloway" method. I had no clue this was a thing until I learned about runDisney. I actually started with C25K before using the Galloway method.) I'm so thankful for discovering the joy of running and the many great friends and memories I've made along the way!
SAFD: I’ve known for years that Disney had races. I vaguely remember hearing about the first marathon when it happened. However, I was not a runner and never had any interest in running that didn’t involve a ball as well.

An aunt of mine runs the 10ks. After I finished my first half marathon (and found out I actually do like running) back in September’17 my aunt let me know she was planning to do the Star Wars weekend and asked if I wanted to come along. I thought it sounded interesting and said yes. And I loved it. I didn’t go back again though until this let MW where I did the Dopey Challenge. Again loved it. As much as I like it, realistically it will probably be an every other or so year thing. I also think the next one I do will be either Princess or Wine & Dine.
SAFD: I'm pretty close to being a lifelong runner (started age 13). Took a few breaks during pregnancies, but otherwise have always been a "runner". Went on my first adult Disney trip in 2014 over Marathon Weekend (because DD and I both have birthdays in early Jan). I had no idea that I could run at Disney and I had terrible FOMO. DH and I fell in love with WDW on that trip, and in the intervening 6 years, we've been to WDW 9 times. I was still saying to myself that someday I would run a Disney race. Last February, I realized that the marathon fell on my birthday in 2020, so I signed up. DH (not a runner) got jealous and signed up too. We both completed our first marathon 3 weeks ago, and had a great time doing it! DH loved it so much that he's already planning to come back for marathon weekend for the next few years. He wants to do Dopey!
SAFD: I started running after my second to help lose some of the 60lbs I had gained in pregnancy. After doing a few half marathons, I heard that Disney put on races, and knew I had to do one. Well, of course with runDisney it is pretty impossible to just do one! :rotfl:And when I felt the desire to tackle the marathon distance, I knew I would only do it at Disney. I love the characters, the routes that take you through the parks, the camaraderie, and the fact that as a 37 year old mother of three, I can use this opportunity to do something for me that I genuinely enjoy!
SAFD: I'd always said if I was going to travel 26.2 miles on foot, it would have to be through Disney. I've wanted to do the Disney marathon since I was a little kid. runDisney inspired me to start moving, as it's the only place I (had) thought I would be willing to do such a thing.

Was in a really bad car wreck my senior year of high school (~9 years ago) which caused a spinal injury, and the injury flared up again about 2 years ago. Had doctors tell me I would never make it more than a half mile at a time walking, much less running. Thankful I had physical therapists and personal trainers who disagreed.

Decided last year that I would finally try it. There was no harm in signing up right, well besides to my wallet, and I wasn't getting any younger. (Side bar, yes, I know I'm young, but I've had some medical derailments throughout my life.) Was gungho at training at first, and then eventually procrastination kicked in. More doctors visits, more chance that my training (combined with my absolute hatred of the treadmill) went to the side. Fast forward to New Year's Eve, and I was standing in the Magic Kingdom, and said, I still need to try. Bought my flights for Dopey, having trained about all of 5 minutes. Told myself my only goal was to make it to Main Street, and run up to the castle.

The absolute coolest thing in the world was when we passed through the entrance to Main Street, I turned the corner, and was in a full-on sprint down Main Street USA, with everyone cheering us on. Thank you to all the strangers who supported me as I ran, to the monorail pilot who blasted the horn the entire way down World Dr to cheer us on in the early morning hours, and to the fellow runners who helped motivate us to finish.

Dopey gave me the confidence that I can run, that I can move on foot, and somehow, I'm not that crazy (or actually have lost my mind) for liking long-distance pedestrian events. My first race ever, my first 5K, my first 10K, my first half, and 21/26.2 miles of the full...stupid ankle.

runDisney helped change my life for the better, and accomplishing the dream of running up Main Street, has started a love for this crazy sport.

Looking forward to conquering Dopey next year.
SAFD: i ran my first 5K (sans training) in 2011. After that I started signing up for the occasional local 5K. In 2013, I ran across an article or blog post on runDisney at work one day. My family and I take a Disney World vacation every year (since 1999) and checked the runDisney schedule. If we pushed our departure date back to Sunday, I could hit the Jingle Jungle 5K event on Saturday. So after pleading with the rest of the family unit, they agreed, I registered, I ran and I was hooked! I then ran the Tower of Terror 10 miler in 2014 followed by my first half marathon at Princess 2015. runDisney pushed me to become "a runner". After a number of halfs that followed, I finally ran my first marathon during Marathon Weekend in 2019.

Disney events are fun. Just plain and simple. That's what keeps me coming back. Whether I am running alone or with a family member or friend I have drug with me. runDisney: Disney and running tied together with a bow. What's better than that?
SAFD: I love a good goal and running a half marathon seemed like a huge (& scary!) goal, something I once swore I could never do. I enjoyed running and reallllly wanted to go back to WDW, so runDisney seemed like the perfect fit! For my “one and done” half marathon (ha!!), I chose the Princess Half. It was such a great experience and really showed me how FUN and rewarding distance running can be. I knew Disney had to be my first marathon and I seriously loved every mile of it too! Can’t wait to do it again!
SAFD: Our first race was the Haunted Family 5K in 2013. The Star Wars Half Marathon got us to go to Disneyland for the first time in 2015 and it gave us more excuses to go to Disney. 19? race weekends later, I say the excuses work! We also like running to balance out the food/alcohol we love. I may run less now than in the beginning but if the Disneyland races come back, I'll pick up half marathons again. My husband does more though now!
SAFD: Hi All, I'm roxymama. Most people call me Roxy or Bridget. Roxy has been a nickname forever because I used to be a dancer and was from Chicago (like the musical) and it stuck. I just turned 39. My husband runs too, but mostly because he does triathlon and loves swimming and biking more. I have a daughter in grade school who is very active and would like to try more kids races this year.
I started reading trip reports on the dis and other sites way back in the early 00's. I started seeing rundisney reports pop up and couple that with my father-in-law started inviting us to his local races for support. I just wanted to not be on the sideline anymore and wanted to get my happy finish line moment. In 2015 a friend wanted to run the disney marathon and I used that as the perfect excuse to sign up my father-in-law and I for the 5k. I trained for a full year and ran close to a dozen local 5ks on the way to that disney trip in 2016. That feeling running around the world showcase and it being fun and not exhausting is still one of my favorite moments in life. Found a coach on these boards that helped me start adding distance. My first half was Tink 2017 (RIP DL races.) My first marathon was in Chicago 2018 and then I ran the half at disney in 2019 with the same friend from that very first rundisney weekend. I chickened out on running the full that year bc I didn't feel ready to train so soon after my first marathon. I'm running Chicago for a second time this year in October. Which makes me think if I'm ever gonna be ready to do the full at Disney it's Jan 2021.
Fun facts: I rowed crew in college. I won a rowing marathon my sophomore year with my boat-mates. Love dad jokes, chocolate and coffee. Have a Tiki Bird obsession. Own too many pairs of athletic leggings.
For this week, I want to know: why runDisney? Whether this is your first rD event or 50th, what drew you to it? What keeps you coming back?

Because I wanted to go to Disney World! :)

I signed up for the 2017 half marathon when I wasn’t even a runner. Probably wasn't the best idea. My friend had done a couple of Disney races before and he wanted to go back. I just had major surgery and recovery was taking longer than expected. I was feeling down and I wanted something to look forward to. To be honest, I think I just heard we were going to Disney World. I didn’t think I really had to run. LOL

Many of you know my story. The half marathon got cancelled that year and I ended up doing the full instead. It was horrible and if my friends weren’t with me, I would have given up for sure. I was barely trained for a half, let alone a full marathon. I finished the marathon but I was determined to go back better trained. I spent the next year signing up to as many races as I could to keep me on track. I completed Goofy in 2018 and I had such a great time! Where else but Disney can you ride a roller coaster and have a margarita during a marathon?

In hindsight, if the half wasn’t cancelled in 2017, I don’t think I would have been back for any more race weekends or have even continued with my running journey. There would have been no need to prove anything to myself.

What keeps me coming back? At first, it was to be my one and done redemption race. Then I wanted to try out new race weekends. But now, after making friends through the meet ups, I keep going back so I can hang out with them. I have done all my race weekends solo but I’m not really alone because there’s always someone to meet up with.
SAFD - I grew up going to WDW almost every year but never knew that rundisney was a thinG. My cousin began running around 2013 and always tried to get me to run with her. I consistently said no. In 2016 I decided to give running a try. The extent of my running career was high school soccer and I hated running just to run. Well, I tried C25K and quit almost immediately. Around the same time, I started my current job. A friend I went to law school with worked there as well. She also loved Disney and we began going on trips together. Turns out her family is a DVC family and they went on rundisney trips every year. She asked me to join her for the 2019 Star Wars races. I finally caved because I was really starting to feel my age and weight gain (approaching 30 and I was at my heaviest). So in April 2018 I began c2k5 again. I eventually transitioned to a Galloway plan (after hating c25k again). Then I found these boards. I loved my first rundisney experience and have no plans not to continue doing more.
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Because I wanted to go to Disney World! :)

I signed up for the 2017 half marathon when I wasn’t even a runner. Probably wasn't the best idea. My friend had done a couple of Disney races before and he wanted to go back. I just had major surgery and recovery was taking longer than expected. I was feeling down and I wanted something to look forward to. To be honest, I think I just heard we were going to Disney World. I didn’t think I really had to run. LOL

Many of you know my story. The half marathon got cancelled that year and I ended up doing the full instead. It was horrible and if my friends weren’t with me, I would have given up for sure. I was barely trained for a half, let alone a full marathon. I finished the marathon but I was determined to go back better trained. I spent the next year signing up to as many races as I could to keep me on track. I completed Goofy in 2018 and I had such a great time! Where else but Disney can you ride a roller coaster and have a margarita during a marathon?

In hindsight, if the half wasn’t cancelled in 2017, I don’t think I would have been back for any more race weekends or have even continued with my running journey. There would have been no need to prove anything to myself.

What keeps me coming back? At first, it was to be my one and done redemption race. Then I wanted to try out new race weekends. But now, after making friends through the meet ups, I keep going back so I can hang out with them. I have done all my race weekends solo but I’m not really alone because there’s always someone to meet up with.
You’re the best Karen 😉

Seriously though right there with ya. While I love runDisney races I love hanging out with everyone else even more.
Anyway, welcome to another round of Sundays are for Disney! For this week, I want to know: why runDisney? Whether this is your first rD event or 50th, what drew you to it? What keeps you coming back?

Started running in Spring of 2012 by doing couch25k on my phone. Within 18 month I had run my first half and was seemingly content to doing halves. Never even considered a full even though friends asked me when/if I'd ever do one. I just couldn't get my head around running that far.

Fast forward to January 2015. My DD had a long break between semesters in college and we decided to do a January trip to celebrate how well school was going. We were standing at HS entrance for rope drop and I could see some of the marathon leaders running through and out the park. 💡 I get the idea.... "If I was ever going to do A marathon, I guess this would be the place to do it". So I signed up and did my first marathon January 2016. I've now done 11 fulls, with 4 of them being WDW. They are always fun. I only missed this year because of another commitment. My wife is doing Princess (first time for this event), so we'll be down there in 2-3 weeks. We already have our room for Wine/Dine (never been), so planning to do that later this year too.


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