Marathon Weekend 2021

I know I made a comment about the future of runDisney that ruffled some feathers, but on a positive side, there are many many live races that are happening now across the country. There is even a website for marathons that have not been canceled and I was shocked to see how many are going live. I know we like to focus on the 'big' races, but some of these small races are a ton of fun, too and I recommend y'all taking a look to see what's out there. I had planned to do 4 big races this Fall/Winter - Dayton Air Force, Hartford, Wine and Dine and Dopey - all huge races. I ended up doing a live 50 person 5K in July and a live 200 person 10K in August and I have a 250 person half marathon next week I am very excited about. The races are coming back. And some of the changes to keep people healthier - which is a good thing even in normal times - will make racing even better!! Hang in there, everyone!!!!! :)
I’m waiting in two different browsers and on my phone and still The spinning circle.
I was waiting on 3 browsers....only CHROME went in and I was able to register 3 different races (2 diff people) via Chrome. All separately, one after the other.
FYI I finally got through on Chrome to register (for Princess, not marathon) after about 20 minutes of waiting.
Waited about 20 minutes total and, as others have said, Chrome was the only one that got through. Finished up and the Firefox tabs were still circling.
My chrome is still circling as well. I contacted chat on my MDE app and they suggested incognito mode. I tried that and it fixed my link issue with the kids race, but still spinning.
Got through on my phone (Safari) and am registered for the 5K. Had to have that Pluto medal and shirt. :rotfl: I also had Chrome and Internet Explorer open but neither of those went through for me.
Safari wouldn’t do anything but spin for me, so I switched to Chrome on my laptop and got through without any spinning.

Thought about just running the virtual marathon, but I’ve done two of those already this year. Obviously, it had to be Virtual Dopey. Medals only.

Something to keep me motivated between the NYC Virtual next month and when training for my 100k/100m needs to ramp up.

I like that they took the feedback on how ridiculously expensive the W&D virtuals were and offered the different pricing levels this time. $60/race is in line with what I paid for the NYC Virtual, so not too bad especially with the extra challenge medals thrown in.
I’m waiting in two different browsers and on my phone and still The spinning circle.
After about 15-20 minutes, I got in and was able to register for everything I wanted. Including 2 soon to be very excited nephews for the Kids Races.
Correction, I think im a virtually dopey castaway'd prince(ss) ...
I'm a virtual Castaway Marathon Prince plus Pluto 5K, Enchanted 10K, and Kids Races with my nephews to boot. Nephews each get a shirt, they get to share one medal and I get the other medal because Chip and Dale.

I'm excited for Princess because my professional life in February makes it impossible to ever run Princess live until I retire which is a very long ways away, so at least I get to do it virtually since I love both Beauty and the Beast and Tangled. Opted out of Fairy Tale Challenge because with a virtual event and a very busy February work wise, I did not want to be locked in to doing each distance on consecutive days.
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