Marathon Weekend 2016

1. Hanging in there. Less than 2 weeks and I'm anxious to just get started. Trained up, shoes working well, waking up at 4am so I am partially ready for those early morning roll outs.

Always love the Worlds visit, was just there 3 weeks ago. This visit will be just son2 & I, he's running the Mickey Mile on Thursday (much cheaper than the 5k). Dh & son1 will drive over Friday afternoon.

Coming over from Tampa so anywhere from 72 minutes to 5 hours via I-4.
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Blister & shoe question for those who are more experienced with marathoning...

Background: I normally wear New Balance stability running shoes (as suggested by my local running store after a fitting when I started running a year and a half ago). Bought a pair of Hoka One Ones about 2 months ago on clearance because I'd been wanting to try them. My right knee has been feeling funky ever since I slightly hyper-extended it on a long run about a month ago. So, I did a few short runs and one 20 miler in my Hokas. My knees felt better in the Hokas than the New Balance. But, I feel like my foot strike is more balanced in the NBs.

Problem: The Hokas are a half size larger than what I usually wear, and it seems the additional room for my toes has caused me to get two blisters between my toes. I've never had this problem before.


1. Should I go back to my trusty old New Balance shoes for marathon day? I know they won't cause blisters, but I'm worried my knees will not feel great doing the full in those shoes; or...

2. Should I get a pair of runners toe socks and try to stick with the Hokas I've been using for the last 30+ days? I've always hated toe socks in general (hate having fabric between my toes), but I feel like this might be a better option since my last 20 miler was in my Hokas. Will toe socks help prevent blisters between my toes?

Boards been a little slow lately... How is everyone doing?
1. Feeling ok borderline panic because slightly injured. I also as I like to put it "real life got in the way" of a lot of my training. It has bothered me so much that I'm going to get a running coach.
2. It's a runcation for me and a chearcation for my wife. We will also be eating it up California grill Friday Boma after the half Via Napoli after the full "Disney tradition to eat there" most excited about Morimoto's for dinner Saturday and Sunday.
3. It's about 6.5 hour drive for us to get there Friday morning as we come from the panhandle of Florida.
Even though I'm not prepared as much as I wanted still excited for the challenge goofy has set in front of me
Blister & shoe question for those who are more experienced with marathoning...

1. Should I go back to my trusty old New Balance shoes for marathon day? I know they won't cause blisters, but I'm worried my knees will not feel great doing the full in those shoes; or...

2. Should I get a pair of runners toe socks and try to stick with the Hokas I've been using for the last 30+ days? I've always hated toe socks in general (hate having fabric between my toes), but I feel like this might be a better option since my last 20 miler was in my Hokas. Will toe socks help prevent blisters between my toes?

I have to wear thicker socks with Hokas, I'm guessing it's the all over wide shoe. I love Injinji socks & wear them exclusively for running. If I wear regular socks I get toe blisters & I have tried repeatedly with different socks & shoes. I like the women ultra thin Run with compression around the arches.
Blister & shoe question for those who are more experienced with marathoning...

Background: I normally wear New Balance stability running shoes (as suggested by my local running store after a fitting when I started running a year and a half ago). Bought a pair of Hoka One Ones about 2 months ago on clearance because I'd been wanting to try them. My right knee has been feeling funky ever since I slightly hyper-extended it on a long run about a month ago. So, I did a few short runs and one 20 miler in my Hokas. My knees felt better in the Hokas than the New Balance. But, I feel like my foot strike is more balanced in the NBs.

Problem: The Hokas are a half size larger than what I usually wear, and it seems the additional room for my toes has caused me to get two blisters between my toes. I've never had this problem before.


1. Should I go back to my trusty old New Balance shoes for marathon day? I know they won't cause blisters, but I'm worried my knees will not feel great doing the full in those shoes; or...

2. Should I get a pair of runners toe socks and try to stick with the Hokas I've been using for the last 30+ days? I've always hated toe socks in general (hate having fabric between my toes), but I feel like this might be a better option since my last 20 miler was in my Hokas. Will toe socks help prevent blisters between my toes?

I feel like toe socks have helped prevent blisters between my toes. Once I start running I don't notice the material between my toes. Also, I kind of wonder if my toes are a little calloused now or have tougher skin since I have had several blisters when I first started to run, before I switched to Injinji socks.

If you have a chance to run with a pair before the marathon, you might give it a try, but you don't want to find some new issue with the socks on marathon day either.
Prepared for the race? Yes. I know that if my knee is acting up I may have to walk more than expected, but I'm okay with that.
Excited for the trip? Depends when you ask me.
Coming from NYC, flying into Orlando ... flight is about 3 hours.

Jinkies, I think I'll chime in. I'm excited for my 3rd Disney Marathon. Ran 75 last week, and feel pretty good after some speedwork today. While I love running Dis, I always have a hard time timing (?) well. Hoping this old man can get 'er done in 3:thirty something.

My teenagers are bouncing off the walls - combination of Disney excitement, Christmas vaca and buckets of sugar. We'll be driving from Richmond, VA (about 13 hours).

I've been reading you folks for a while and you've kept my mojo above the margin line. I thank you!

Hope the heat takes a holiday and my picture giving a fake kiss to Snow White doesn't mysteriously NOT show up on the photopass. GL
Boards been a little slow lately... How is everyone doing? Only a few more days to the big weekend! Do you feel prepared for the race you are signed up for and are you looking forward to making the trip to Disney? One last set of question. Where are you coming from? Are you driving or flying? How long will your trip take you?

My answers.
Still a little sick, but improving ever so slowly.
I trust my training has prepared me for the distance despite a few set backs. A little concerned about hitting my time goal. Very excited about the trip and spending time with my family!
Baton Rouge, LA. Driving, about 11 hours of car time.

Hope everyone is doing well!

1. I'm feeling pretty good right now. I have been trying to avoid getting sick. I do have a chronic cough/drainage that just won't seem to go away, but I've been dealing with it for most of the year. Maybe after this trip I will go back to the doctor to see if I can try something new.
2a. I think I am as prepared as I am going to be for Dopey. I feel like I'm a little marathon trained out right now. I started training for my first marathon back in June, and have just kept it up. I think I'm ready to back off the miles a little. Since I'm a little on the slower side, those 20 mile runs take a big chunk out of a day.
2b. I am ready to get to Disney! I started packing on Sunday, and making a list of what not to forget to throw in. Hopefully I remember to check the list before I leave.
3. I will be traveling from Oklahoma City on Saturday!!! Four more days, and only 2 work days!! It's not my home airport, but I have to drop my dog off at my parents for the week. I think it is a 2 hour flight to ATL and then another 1.5 hours to MCO. But I have a 4 HOUR layover in Atlanta. Boo.
How is everyone doing? Only a few more days to the big weekend! Do you feel prepared for the race you are signed up for and are you looking forward to making the trip to Disney? One last set of question. Where are you coming from? Are you driving or flying? How long will your trip take you?

Very late to the party here but figured I'd add my two cents: I am doing pretty well but I think I need to change up my plan next year to do my simulated Dopey a little later. Got a little (a lot) complacent after finishing my simulation and have done too much relaxing during my taper. Add to that the holiday eating and I am not too happy with myself. Still feeling good about finishing and having a great time, just tempering expectations a little on how quickly I'll finish. Of course I am looking forward to the trip. Flying from Indy and hopefully it will take about 6 hours from front door to WDW.
I'm hanging in. I'm excited, gotta get packing, but I am a little worried about the running. When I got the ok on my hip I was ready to get back to it. 18 this weekend was tough and now I have pains where I never had them. I pulled off 5.25 yesterday but it wasn't pretty, I did some walking and really hurt. My ongoing issues have been pretty good its this new stuff, I'm concerned about. I think at this point I should just stop the running altogether and hope for the best on marathon day.

We are driving down, about 22-24 hours from MA. We can't leave until Friday afternoon, after DS gets out of school at 2:00 so we are crossing our fingers for no delays so we can make it to the expo on time. I think this marathon drive is going to be as tough as the run. ;)
That is going to be a long drive to make the closing of the expo on Saturday. Hope you have good weather during this drive.
1. Feeling good. A little bit of a cold, but this is perfect timing; better now than next week.
2. I am running 'singly' (kudos to whover coined that word) the half, but I've been training for a full. I did Rocket City in December and then Museum of Aviation the week after the half. I plan to coast during the half to keep my powder dry for a PR attempt at MOA. I've done every day and mile of the Hanson plan except for a partial week off after Rocket City. 4 16 milers plus the 26.2 for long runs.
3. Looking forward to Disney. It is a 3 generation family event and since I'm not doing any multi day races, that leaves 2 park days. A little anxious because we're staying at Saratoga Springs rather than our usual home POFQ, but I suspect the full kitchen will make up for it.
4. Leaving Wednesday afternoon, driving from North Georgia, about 8 hours total with an overnight stop in South Georgia.
Boards been a little slow lately... How is everyone doing? Only a few more days to the big weekend! Do you feel prepared for the race you are signed up for and are you looking forward to making the trip to Disney? One last set of question. Where are you coming from? Are you driving or flying? How long will your trip take you?

My answers.
Still a little sick, but improving ever so slowly.
I trust my training has prepared me for the distance despite a few set backs. A little concerned about hitting my time goal. Very excited about the trip and spending time with my family!
Baton Rouge, LA. Driving, about 11 hours of car time.

Hope everyone is doing well!

1. In all honesty, I'm feeling a bit burned out (it's been a long year aside from starting Dopey training in April), but as ready as I'm going to be. Goal is to finish and be able to walk after! :)
2. Always excited to go to Disney, we were just there 2 weeks ago to say good-bye to the Osborne lights and check out Launch Bay, but I'm ready to go back. DH and I are attending the Star Wars dessert party Monday night as a reward for my first marathon and a late birthday celebration, very excited about Symphony in the Stars.
3. Coming from about 100 miles southeast of Disney.
4. Driving, will take about 2 hours door to door.
Boards been a little slow lately... How is everyone doing? Only a few more days to the big weekend! Do you feel prepared for the race you are signed up for and are you looking forward to making the trip to Disney? One last set of question. Where are you coming from? Are you driving or flying? How long will your trip take you?

My answers.
Still a little sick, but improving ever so slowly.
I trust my training has prepared me for the distance despite a few set backs. A little concerned about hitting my time goal. Very excited about the trip and spending time with my family!
Baton Rouge, LA. Driving, about 11 hours of car time.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Glad you are improving, being sick for marathon weekend isn't any fun!

To answer your questions
- signed up for the 5K (my 23rd) and half (my 10th), I'm more than ready!
- very excited to return to WDW. It will bittersweet as it will be my last trip for a few years.
- coming from NH, flying in on Tuesday!
Boards been a little slow lately... How is everyone doing? Only a few more days to the big weekend! Do you feel prepared for the race you are signed up for and are you looking forward to making the trip to Disney? One last set of question. Where are you coming from? Are you driving or flying? How long will your trip take you?

my turn...
1. I am feeling a combination of excitement and a little bit of fear of actually running 26.2 miles but at this point I am as ready as I can be
2. Super excited my family is a bit Disney obsessed (we have a separate Christmas tree just for mickey ornaments) so its always a fun trip and hoping our 4 year old will get a little more out of it this time
3.We are coming from Woodstock, GA (just north of Atlanta) and are driving down, we will leave around 3:30 am Wednesday morning (to avoid traffic and hope little man can sleep for a good chunk of the drive) and should take 7-9 hours depending on stops

Sure glad it's taper-time!

I'm hoping this is sarcasm as this may be the first time ive heard anyone be excited about taper

Question regarding spectator for marathon - how easy is it to get around to multiple locations to offer encouragement to your runner?

There are a few spots that are very easy to get to, my wife plans to leave the starting area and catch the monorail to the TTC to catch me there, then she will head over to the Poly to see me after the MK section then after that she will catch the monorail back to epcot and walk over the boardwalk area where the rest of my family will meet up to see me there before we all meet back up at the finish area. There are a number of other spots that you could go as well (any of the parks, ESPN are a couple popular spots too) but someone with more knowledge will have to shed light on how easy it is to navigate to them

Blister & shoe question for those who are more experienced with marathoning...

Background: I normally wear New Balance stability running shoes (as suggested by my local running store after a fitting when I started running a year and a half ago). Bought a pair of Hoka One Ones about 2 months ago on clearance because I'd been wanting to try them. My right knee has been feeling funky ever since I slightly hyper-extended it on a long run about a month ago. So, I did a few short runs and one 20 miler in my Hokas. My knees felt better in the Hokas than the New Balance. But, I feel like my foot strike is more balanced in the NBs.

Problem: The Hokas are a half size larger than what I usually wear, and it seems the additional room for my toes has caused me to get two blisters between my toes. I've never had this problem before.


1. Should I go back to my trusty old New Balance shoes for marathon day? I know they won't cause blisters, but I'm worried my knees will not feel great doing the full in those shoes; or...

2. Should I get a pair of runners toe socks and try to stick with the Hokas I've been using for the last 30+ days? I've always hated toe socks in general (hate having fabric between my toes), but I feel like this might be a better option since my last 20 miler was in my Hokas. Will toe socks help prevent blisters between my toes?

Not experienced with marathoning but I can tell you that I SWEAR by Injinji socks, I have weird toes that sort of push in on each other so when I first started running I would always come home with bloody socks due to the nails cutting the toe to the inside of them (no matter how short I kept them trimmed) then I discovered Injinji's and boom problem solved. they do take some getting used to at first but honestly now I cant even feel them I'm so used to them. They are also great for blister prevention. I would get a pair and try them in your Hoka's before race day and see how you like them otherwise stick with the New Balance since you know they work for you

4. Leaving Wednesday afternoon, driving from North Georgia, about 8 hours total with an overnight stop in South Georgia.

Whereabouts in North Georgia are you? just curious as we are coming from GA as well

DH was kind enough to share his latest findings for weather forecast so I had to share with those of us running the marathon -

this is the best thing ever lol
Blister & shoe question for those who are more experienced with marathoning...

Background: I normally wear New Balance stability running shoes (as suggested by my local running store after a fitting when I started running a year and a half ago). Bought a pair of Hoka One Ones about 2 months ago on clearance because I'd been wanting to try them. My right knee has been feeling funky ever since I slightly hyper-extended it on a long run about a month ago. So, I did a few short runs and one 20 miler in my Hokas. My knees felt better in the Hokas than the New Balance. But, I feel like my foot strike is more balanced in the NBs.

Problem: The Hokas are a half size larger than what I usually wear, and it seems the additional room for my toes has caused me to get two blisters between my toes. I've never had this problem before.


1. Should I go back to my trusty old New Balance shoes for marathon day? I know they won't cause blisters, but I'm worried my knees will not feel great doing the full in those shoes; or...

2. Should I get a pair of runners toe socks and try to stick with the Hokas I've been using for the last 30+ days? I've always hated toe socks in general (hate having fabric between my toes), but I feel like this might be a better option since my last 20 miler was in my Hokas. Will toe socks help prevent blisters between my toes?
My feet are VERY blister prone. I wear Injinji socks and have had no issues with blisters on the insides of toes since I started wearing them. One thing to keep in mind, they are lightweight socks (compared to Endura and Balega) so it might add to the extra room you have in the Hoka's.
Not at all. I'm just happy that I don't have to do long runs when it's single digits outside! I do love taper time because it means all the real tough work is over, a victory in my book. The actual race is icing on the cake.

guess I just never thought of it like that...good on ya!!
How is everyone doing?
Doing good! Managed to stay healthy up until this point (knock on wood) so I really can't complain.

Do you feel prepared for the race you are signed up for and are you looking forward to making the trip to Disney?
I missed a few more runs than I would have liked but I know I have a decent base in and I will still finish strong. I am using a 4:1 run/walk which I adapted on my second to last long run That recovery was fantastic, so I am confident I have found the right mix for me.
One last set of question. Where are you coming from? Are you driving or flying? How long will your trip take you? Driving over from just north of Tampa.. Just over an hour trip for me. I will make my way to the expo on Wed to pick up my bib for Sunday and hope to grab some merch since I do not check in until Saturday.
Not at all. I'm just happy that I don't have to do long runs when it's single digits outside! I do love taper time because it means all the real tough work is over, a victory in my book. The actual race is icing on the cake.
I'm hoping this is sarcasm as this may be the first time ive heard anyone be excited about taper
I guess I'm weird (like this is news). I enjoy the taper, more free time, more energy, the hay is in the barn... I do get 'fragile', but other than that I don't get antsy.
Whereabouts in North Georgia are you? just curious as we are coming from GA as well
Above Gainesville. East of you but about the same distance.


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