"Make a Wish" for people over 18

D L and K's Mom

<font color=blue>D, L and now baby Kennedy's mom!<
Mar 17, 2001
Is there a foundation that anyone has used for a person who is 20? One of my son's friends is 20 and his Mom was saying she wishes she had done a make a wish when he was younger. He has lots of health issues. My son is 19 and I have never researched these type of organizations because we are blessed and although he has many types of disablilties (Seizures, non verbal etc) none are life threatening.
The few organizations that do wishes for adults generally have a requirement that it's a terminal illness with 6 months or less to live. I think one of the big ones this past year quit doing them. It's kind of a shame. Adults have wishes too.
IT is a shame but with the economy I understand. My friends two sons have a genetic condition. They are both not expected to live past 25. It is so sad. Both boys are just dolls and are about at my sons 18 month level. She is a great person and really deserves a vac with her boys.
Try Special Wish Foundation. My son can't get this because you have to have a definite terminal illness.

i had a list of these a while back. don't know any details about any one, or how good or not so good any one is.
My son got a wish through "A Special Wish" a few years ago at age 19- they are a fantastic organization IMO and really helped our family. His wish granter still keeps in touch to see how he's doing. We found that there are very few organizations that grant wishes for someone over age 18- it's rather sad to me as while a child can have a "life threatening condition" with a broad definition of that and still qualify, an adult who truly is terminally ill is not considered. Many of them have lost not only their jobs due to the extent of their illness but also their health coverage as they battle to survive. Their children's lives are in a tailspin both financially and emotionally as they prepare to lose a parent- surely a time when that family also deserves respite and a chance to make last memories. For the OP's friend, perhaps a local church or civic group could have a fundraiser to help this family since they don't qualify otherwise for a wish or perhaps a group that helps DD young adults has fundraisers for trips.---Kathy
The problem with wish organizations for those over 18 is that all the organizations I've contacted require that you are terminal, usually within a year. My son is quite ill but he's not expected to die within a year so I've not been able to find a wish organization for him. He's 20.

Yes, it's a different qualification to get a wish granted over age 18 and not very many organizations who provide them to start with. My son didn't even want to apply, thinking that wishes should be for younger children.---Kathy
My grandma iis over fifty years old and has breast cancer in her esophogus stomach lining and liver she has 4 to 6 years left to live according to the doctors and she was wanting to take me and my brother to alaska to see the whales and icebergs before she goes
IT is a shame but with the economy I understand. My friends two sons have a genetic condition.
i had a list of these a while back. don't know any details about any one, or how good or not so good any one is.
To qualify for A Special Wish, which is the organization that sponsored my son, one has to be under 21 at the time the wish is taken and also have a terminal illness.
www.grantedwish.org- any age
happiness-unlimited.org- adults with cancer
deliverthedream.org- sends families with a parent or child with specific diseases on retreats
dreamfoundation.org- for elderly & terminally ill adults
twilightwish.org-Individual wish candidates are elders over the age of 68, with an income of less than 200% of poverty level, or who are residents of a nursing facility and cannot make their own dreams come true. Wish recipients should have a documented history of giving back to the community and must be cognitively, emotionally, and physically capable of communicating and experiencing the wish.
www.awarriorwish.org- for military families

hope that helps


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