Loving the Journey - Feb 2020 W.I.S.H. Challenge

As I was getting dressed this morning I realized my clothes aren’t tight because I haven’t gained weight over the winter. I still want to lose some additional pounds before summer because it would be good for me-but it’s so nice that I am not annoyed with myself for gaining those extra pounds. So that’s a big woohoo for me. Getting out for a walk later-our mild winter hasn’t kept me home too many days.
Oh, and we had our egg white quiche last night-I made a salad to go with it. We really liked it and will have leftovers for lunch. I might look for recipes to make my own.
I didn't make the best food choices while home sick. I ate quite a bit of bread with my chicken soup and snacked more than usual.

Back at school today. Back on program. My cold is getting better, although I'm coughing quite a bit, and I sound like Batman.

Anyway, at lunch today, someone brought brownies. WHY?! It is always something. Cake, candy, cookies. Everyone else orders take-out fast food at least once a week. I very rarely join in. I just sit there drinking my Iconic protein shake and eating my carrots, apple, and banana. They've given up asking me if I want to order with them. It is stupid, but it definitely makes me feel somewhat left out. Everything looks and smells good. My inner child wants a bite, but my inner adult tells her not to give in. Tomorrow's Valentine's Day party will not include any cupcakes or candy for me. If I get any candy as a gift, I will leave it for my custodian.

Woo Hoo!
I didn't make the best food choices while home sick. I ate quite a bit of bread with my chicken soup and snacked more than usual.

Back at school today. Back on program. My cold is getting better, although I'm coughing quite a bit, and I sound like Batman.

Anyway, at lunch today, someone brought brownies. WHY?! It is always something. Cake, candy, cookies. Everyone else orders take-out fast food at least once a week. I very rarely join in. I just sit there drinking my Iconic protein shake and eating my carrots, apple, and banana. They've given up asking me if I want to order with them. It is stupid, but it definitely makes me feel somewhat left out. Everything looks and smells good. My inner child wants a bite, but my inner adult tells her not to give in. Tomorrow's Valentine's Day party will not include any cupcakes or candy for me. If I get any candy as a gift, I will leave it for my custodian.

Woo Hoo!
That’s hard when you’re surrounded by cookies and brownies and people that aren’t healthy eaters on a regular basis. I was lucky my circle of friends were very concerned health wise. We often shared recipes and ideas-several of us met a couple mornings a week and walked in the building before school started. I would also leave things for the custodian or take it right to the faculty room. Out of sight, out of mind! Hang in there! You are doing what’s right for you!
Grateful for dr yonis book for giving me sanity.

Some words from the last chapter. I love this book and it was great to give it another listen.

Weight loss is personal journey. There is so much more to it than simply eating less and exercising more

1. If you can’t happily eat any less, you are not going to eat any less

2. If you can’t happily exercise anymore, you are not going to exercise anymore

3. If you don’t like the life you are living, you are not going to keep living that way

4. If you accept your personal best for everything else in life, you probably should accept your personal best for your weight too

5. IF you can’t use food for both comfort and celebration, than you are on a diet and will ultimately going to quit

6. Simply tolerating your life isn’t good enough

7. There are some things in life affecting your weight that you will not be able to change

8. Your best weight is whatever weight you reach when you are living the healthiest life you can actually enjoy

9. The more weight you would like to permanently lose, the more of your life you will need to permanently change

10. Reality isn’t reality tv and it most certainly includes chocolate

You can transform your life and this time will truly be different. This time you are going to do your best, not the best there is. And your best changes day by day, hour by hour and minute by minute. And not only includes but embraces imperfection. It’s that recognistion that your best is dynamic that will help you get back on the horse when you inevitably get thrown off. And it is this recognition that will afford you the ability to not just live your life but to love it. You are here on this planet once. You owe it to yourself to ensure that you like your life while you are here. Improving your health may require changes. And while there is not a way to get a new deck, stacking the one you got doesn’t need to be a misery. Yes there will be an effort required. But if there is regular suffering you are doing something wrong. You are aiming for the healthiest life you can enjoy, not the healthiest life you can tolerate.

You can do this, without suffering, there is truly nothing stopping you

Write yourself a personal thank you note, for something you've done for yourself or something about yourself that you are grateful for.

Dear _______________,

I am so thankful for _________________________________________________________________________________________ because _______________________________________________________________________________.



Dear Lizanne,

I am so thankful for the work you are doing to figure out this thing called "life", because it would be so easy at our age to throw in the towel and say "I am who I am" and "this is how it is going to be". With your efforts, "how it is going to be" is better than ever, with a life full of people, love, laughter, learning... our dreams are coming true because of your efforts.


PS. Stop being so hard on yourself for the things you aren't doing.
Woo Hoo Scale is back down again though not as low as it has been it is staying around a weight that I was for quite a while while I was watching what I ate in hopes that it would start to go down a little bit and I stayed there for close to 2 years in a 2-4 pound range think x72-x75 range (my scale back then only went to 3 digits and no . digit or digits like my last 2 scales have or had). No I can't check on that one because it has died trust me I have tried replacing the battery-my guess is a kid dropped it too many times trying to weight herself like mama does.
The next one got replaced when no matter what we did a couple of battery covers would not come loose I even got DH to try and he could not budge it so my latest model has .x in numbers 0-9 instead of just 0,2,4 ect which I like better. It also measures things like body fat percentage and water but either I haven't gotten it set right or I am too big for those things to register right and right now I don't care in fact I would use my even older rotary dial one which DH uses from time to time because his weight is in the range for those. He actually used that one to weigh our luggage when we flew to WDW over 10 years ago.
He got on with a suit case in hand got the weight and then stepped off set down the case and weighed himself and gave me the math. We didn't have to rearrange or leave out anything but we also were not pushing it. My plane is when we have the funds to travel more is purchase a luggage scale and use that especially since we could take it with and use it coming home to know if we have bought too much and need to either ship items home or purchase an inexpensive who cares if it matches case somewhere to put extra in and pay for an extra bag.
WooHoo we got the blood draw done for 12 year old's genetic labs. It took the lab tech, the nurse, DH and 15 year old to hold her down and keep her from pulling her arm away plus trying to distract her with games on the switch to get it done. Oh and me having to step in and take both Dh's and 15 year old's glasses so they didn't end up flying off and getting broke. For a kid with hypotonia (low muscle tone) she is extremely strong when she wants to be which is when she feels threatened. We were threatening to hurt her so she acted out even fighting some once they got the poke done and were getting all the various tubes filled they needed.
Now getting the urine sample for the mitrocondrial testing was not as easy since 12 year old is not potty trained due to her muscle tone and no matter how many times I said to drink some water refused. She had the left over fruit punch from lunch at McDonald's where she choose to go for her treat to get ice cream but if it is at a meal time we have a rule that you get the ice cream with your lunch. She choose to have a strawberry sundae and the front counter worker even let her come behind and reach up and point to what she wanted on the board. It does help that her older cousin is in management at the location we went to though her cousin wasn't coming on till later.
The worker said she could tell that they were related because they have the same eyes. 12 year old has her dad's eyes and considering if you put DH in contacts instead of his glasses and gave him a short military style hair cut so you couldn't see his naturally curly hair because it was too short to curl he and his younger brother could pass enough as twins to fool people if they had ever wanted to growing up.
Even being a little over 13 months apart and brother being one grade behind in school they never pulled that unlike more than one set of sisters close in age to be in sequential grades and looked enough alike that people who dO not know them would think they were twins did when I was growing up that I knew of at more than one school in the area because I knew some of them that were in my church youth program and they went to either the Catholic school which at the time was the only private school that had a high school in the area or they went to what for years was the other high school in the larger town (there was a 3rd one built but the first class to go all the way through that building for all 4 years was my graduation year and the class before went to what was the 9th grade building for one of the two middle schools for the larger district back in the late 50s early 60s when my dad was going to school.
Of course to tell me just what she thought of the entire situation once we finally got a sample (we got desperate and had 15 year old bring up the milk from downstairs OK she brought it up to make dinner with but we let 12 year old have some in one of my mugs and 12 year old even took the mug downstairs to her sister to get more) and of course one that was done just before going to bed 12 year old was more than willing to go get her water bottle and have something to drink.
We have tomorrow through next Tuesday off for a mini winter break. So today is our Valentine celebration.

My colleagues ordered pizza for lunch. I drank my protein shake and ate my veggies and fruit. I received several boxes of candy from students. I gave it all to my assistant. For the first time in 19 years of teaching, I didn't serve cupcakes or cookies to the class. They got a Valentine cookie as part of their lunches, so that was it. We instead focused on singing Valentine songs, reading Valentine stories, and making and signing Valentines.

My DH, DD, and I are exchanging Disney Gift cards for Valentine's Day instead of bringing candy into the house.

I'm feeling very pink today... and kind of tulip-y. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

For my Valentine's gift to myself I had a couple facial treatments yesterday to address the broken capillaries and pinkness in my cheeks. I could see a bit of an improvement this morning when I put on my foundation, so I'm excited for the ultimate outcome.

I totally forgot President's Day was next week until mid-day yesterday when I tried to assign somebody a task to take care of on Monday, and of course they complained! So excited for a nice long three day weekend, and need to think of something fun to do beside clean house and work in the yard. The weather is supposed to clear up Sunday afternoon and not be wet on Monday so maybe a nice walk/hike.


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