losing weight on the way to Mickey!

tonya george

Nov 11, 2015
I'm creating this thread because the old thread was over a year old since the last post :) We are here to create a friendly environment to support and encourage each other while planning a vacation to Disney.
My name is Tonya George and I am working to lose 20 lbs. which will NOT take place before my trip in February, but I'm hoping to register for the wine and dine and so my goal is to be down the 20 by then (along with running the 1/2 :) ). I currently use home videos, jogging on the treadmill, and dancing for exercise. I follow a lower calorie diet (21 day fix) that uses clean eating.

I hope to see more people join me :) What are your goals? What are you planning on doing? How can the accountability help? For me, I'll check in with recipe ideas or comment to each other that we got our workout in? Let's do this !!!

Who is in?

UPDATE: we've also created a facebook group for those who want more immediate accountability posting recipes, photos of food, and keeping up with daily exercise.... it's
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1013289545385461/edit/ come on over and join. It's private, so no one will see your posts unless they are also in the group :)
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OK, I will go ahead and repost my information here and start. I actually have not weighed myself since I started, first because I have not given 100% effort in the first few days, second the past week I was house/pet sitting for a friend in Columbus and each time I got up and started to walk around the house or exercise her dogs would bark at me like I was an alien, so it was just easier on my ears to wait until I came home and that was yesterday evening. So the effort starts today. I have been getting on the bike several times a day and intend that I will have put in about an hour to an hour and half in total each day between bike and when the weather warms bike and walking for cardio. I use resistance bands for strength training. I am aiming to average between 8-10 lbs each month from now until our trip to WDW in Dec. As of now this trip is Me and my 27 year old daughter who also needs to lose weight and there is my biggest motivation, I am hoping that if I lose weight as an example, she will take a clue and get on board. I also purchased a fitbit earlier this month, actually have only had it about one week, it is the wrist model that monitors your heart rate. This is a proving to be a great motivator as each day I aim to increase my steps from the day before.

Name: Dot
Age: 60
Location: Dayton Ohio
Type of diet: Low-Carb/Gluten due to hives when I eat gluten
Excercise: Walking outside when possible, strength exercise and daily my recumbent stationary bike.
Start date of diet: 1/1/2016
Goal: 125
Weight loss to date: 0

I will try to post each week my steps for the week.

I hope others will find this thread and join in too! The more we have the better accountability. Now for me, time to get back on that bike!!!!!
I'll join in too. I started back with Weight Watchers in Oct and am currently down 19.1 lbs-the holidays were a struggle, but happy to still come out down a bit. Planning to lose about 60 more. I lost 75 with WW a few years ago and slowly gained it back as bad habits crept back in. I enjoy jogging, so I'm back to jogging and walking as well. We have talked about a trip to DW this July or August, but then DH asked about the possibility of doing a cruise June 2017 for our 20th anniversary. So I'm not 100% sure if we will do both trips or just one. Either way I want to lose the most that I can! I'm from Northern Ohio and have three kids at home.

Weight loss to date 19 of 82
Yay! we have a thread! Today I did my 21 day video and ran 3/4 of a mile, I got new sneakers and needed to try them out. I am eating clean (well mostly) so I had salad tonight with steak, mushrooms, and goat cheese. My plan for tomorrow is upper body and 2 miles, AND the only way I'll get my behind out of bed early to do it is by writing it in here. So, look for my post tomorrow that I got up and exercised before MOPS.

Hi Dot, I think it's great that you are working to motivate your daughter. I have always used a body bugg (the one on the biggest loser) but they are discontinuing the monitoring this month so I'm looking for something new. My friends have the fit bit charge HR, so I'm looking at that or the garmin, maybe polar. I love to know my calories burned especially during exercise.

Mandyjg... WAY TO GO! 20 lbs is noticeable. You can totally do it, just keep slow and steady!

Amy-what an awesome motivator for you. I used to work at weight watchers :) it's an awesome program. I am actually a beachbody coach now, but I have done weight watchers so many times in my life. I have 3 kids too! We are going to Disney in Feb for our first trip ever, but I'm planning on going back for wine and dine. I'm going to try to walk/jog my first 1/2 marathon.

Jessrose Hi, welcome. You're doing awesome, 50 in a year is a great goal.

Our 2 princesses.... welcome! I can't wait to celebrate with you!

One of the easiest ways to start this journey is to increase your water intake. Not only does it help fill you up, it cuts down on drinking other "worse" sugary drinks. Water helps you digest your food easier, helps detoxify your body naturally, helps to avoid constipation, helps your skin, and aids in your muscles repairing when they get sore. I usually try to aim for 1/2 of my body weight in oz of water per day. Tomorrow I'm going to try to make a check list for myself, because now that it's cold, I'm having a hard time getting it in :( I'm in Maine and we are frigid right now!

Have a great night sleep and see you all again soon!
Thanks I sure hope to get her to follow along, hard nut to crack. I am eating a gluten free chicken and wild rice soup for my lunches this week and next as that is what I have bought. Dinners will of course vary. Breakfast, well that is a bit harder, when I worked I pretty much ate a yogurt, but I am to my eyeballs with yogurt, and have been drinking a nice large mug of green tea, which I know I need to do better.

As far as steps on the fitbit, so far I am at 4,000 steps with a few more hours to go before the end of the day. Considering I did not get moving as much as I would have liked, well, that is not to bad, but will just have to do better tomorrow.

I drink only water or tea, which is a far cry better than the diet soda I used to drink all day every day, and I agree the more water the better. I am eager for the slightest bit of warmer weather, then I can get outside to walk and get my steps in that way and better get ready for my WDW trip and hopefully get the daughter to walk with me. hehe
joining! thanks for starting this thread! it will be great to have some support. i started weight watchers online last week. down 2.5 pounds in the first week, and hoping to lose 25 total. My inspiration is our trip in April! Hoping to feel more confident in my bathing suit this year than I did last year!
Congratulations to everyone who has already lost some weight and is on their way to meeting their weight loss goal. I have to yet to step on the scale since I was out of town, weigh in day to come later.
My hubby and I are doing low carb. We had done it last year and fell off the wagon by Halloween. I gained back about 10 lbs, and he gained back quite a bit too. Low carb is the easiest to stick with for us (hello bacon!!). I can't wait for warmer walking weather, too. I have a jawbone fitness tracker. I definitely DO NOT plan on dieting when we get to Disney at the end of April!!
Hope everyone is having a successful day! If you haven't taken some measurements, you may want to grab a tape measure and track those as well. When the scale isn't moving as well as I like, or I cannot "see" a difference those measurements save my sanity. I usually measure once a month and just get my bust, was it and hips.

Got just over 4 miles on the treadmill this morning- I was tired and didn't want to, but it helped jumpstart my day. I'm shooting for 60 miles in January and 500 for the year! Anyone else have any non-scale goals?

19.6/82 lbs.
27/60 miles for Janiary
I love this! Im joining in! I restarted my goals 1/1. I have a lot to lose but Im working in increments. My ultimate goal is 145, which puts me at about 60lbs. We are heading to Disney the end of July so i know I have plenty of time with the nutritional cleansing program I am on. Ive already lost 10lbs and feeling great! Good Luck everyone!


10/70 lbs
I would love to join in. I just started last week exercising and eating 1200 calories which I track using my fitness pal app. I lost 6 pounds my first week. I have 105 pounds to lose total so I want to be at my goal weight by our June 2017 trip. I have mini goals to keep me motivated this year. Today I plan to cross train for 30 mins and lift arm weights.

1.) complete a 1/2, 15k, 10k, and 5k race this year. Currently training for 1/2 marathon in April. Get the big one out of the way first. : )
2.) track food
3.) Spend Sunday's with family doing quality activites
4.) be able to fit into rides at Dollywood for our July trip.
5.) Lose 30 pounds by birthday in March
6.) Lose 50 pounds by cruise in June
Hey, guys. I'm joining in because it's always nice to have a support system! I'm 24 years old and hoping to lose between 40-50 pounds by November, which is when my trip is. I'm already down around 10 pounds since 1/1 and I think it's a good start to keep me motivated. I'm doing a low sugar, no meat diet, which is also using smaller portions. My exercise is a nightly routine that includes sit ups, push ups, and much more. Here's to a great year and a new start for all of us!
I stopped writing on the other thread cause I thought it was dead. Ill reintroduce myself. I'm a mom to 3 and I work full time. I started with kicking my soda habit last summer and lost 10 pounds slowly...now with the new year I'm hoping to lose 50 more. How? Im logging in MFP, and doing interval training 3 days a week

Ht 5' 10"
SW 235
CW 225
GW #1....10%...23 pounds

I want to be able to ride my bike easier by spring

I havnt decided if we will go in May or Nov to the world....since 2/3 of my kids r n school now our options r more limited.

I'd love to hear from anyone that has gone from a bmi over 30 to running...I want to but not sure if I can do that...as a kid I was not athletic at all....I lost 80 pounds 10 years ago and then had 3 kids....so I'm doing this for my health so I don't go there again....last time I did WW...but I was 2 pounds short of lifetime so im logging in MFP cause I know tracking is a necessity for me...I can have anything I want to eat as long as I keep track of it.;)
Hi all,

I am also hoping to lose weight for our upcoming trip. I'd like to lose 20 pounds total (10 by the end of March when we go on a waterpark trip with some friends, and another 10 by July).

I have a hard time with motivation and resisting temptations. I am working on drinking more water and doing some form of exercise daily (some days a full workout, others just sit-up/plank reps). Just trying to get into a routine!
joining! thanks for starting this thread! it will be great to have some support. i started weight watchers online last week. down 2.5 pounds in the first week, and hoping to lose 25 total. My inspiration is our trip in April! Hoping to feel more confident in my bathing suit this year than I did last year!

My hubby and I are doing low carb. We had done it last year and fell off the wagon by Halloween. I gained back about 10 lbs, and he gained back quite a bit too. Low carb is the easiest to stick with for us (hello bacon!!). I can't wait for warmer walking weather, too. I have a jawbone fitness tracker. I definitely DO NOT plan on dieting when we get to Disney at the end of April!!

Hi, I'm thinking of a jawbone... looking at either the up or the garmin vivo... do you have the up? let me know if you think it's accurate. I've been used to the body bugg, but it's discontinuing. I do have a garmin with a chest strap HR, but I don't wear that all the time, obviously.

ugh, there are cookies and brownies at work today. :sad2: It's so hard to resist but I refuse to give in!
You've got this. Next time, take a photo and put it in here to show us what you're "not going to have" :) then we'll ask you later for accountability!

I did it ladies, I got up early and did my 21 day fix extreme, then ran a mile. I used to work out early mornings for a long time, then long story, but I got off track and planning my disney trip late late at night so I then would just get up in time to get my kids to school and workout later. Needless to say, for my body I do so much better first thing. It gives me energy for the whole day. I made the mental note this morning so I'm aiming again for tomorrow! I am sore though, haha, it's been awhile since I did that one and I'm going to feel it!

I hope everyone had a great day!


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